3,454 research outputs found

    Modelling the influence of machined surface roughness on the fatigue life of aluminium alloy

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    The influence of machined surface roughness on the fatigue life of 7010 aluminium alloy has been investigated. Four-point bending specimen have been machined according to various machining conditions and tested in fatigue. In order to explain the high dependence of SN curves on the surface roughness of the specimen, an approach based on the finite element analysis of measured surface topography is proposed. Surface grooves due to machining are supposed to generate stress concentrations that are so calculated. A model of fatigue life prediction is developed, using this definition of local Kt

    Fundamentals of interface phenomena in advanced bulk nanoscale materials

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    The review is devoted to a study of interface phenomena influencing advanced properties of nanoscale materials processed by means of severe plastic deformation, high-energy ball milling and their combinations. Interface phenomena include processes of interface defect structure relaxation from a highly nonequilibrium state to an equilibrium condition, grain boundary phase transformations and enhanced grain boundary and triple junction diffusivity. On the basis of an experimental investigation, a theoretical description of the key interfacial phenomena controlling the functional properties of advanced bulk nanoscale materials has been conducted. An interface defect structure investigation has been performed by TEM, high-resolution x-ray diffraction, atomic simulation and modeling. The problem of a transition from highly non-equilibrium state to an equilibrium one, which seems to be responsible for low thermostability of nanoscale materials, was studied. Also enhanced grain boundary diffusivity is addressed. Structure recovery and dislocation emission from grain boundaries in nanocrystalline materials have been investigated by analytical methods and modeling

    Visible and near infrared spectroscopy in soil science

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    This chapter provides a review on the state of soil visible–near infrared (vis–NIR) spectroscopy. Our intention is for the review to serve as a source of up-to date information on the past and current role of vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil science. It should also provide critical discussion on issues surrounding the use of vis–NIR for soil analysis and on future directions. To this end, we describe the fundamentals of visible and infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and spectroscopic multivariate calibrations. A review of the past and current role of vis–NIR spectroscopy in soil analysis is provided, focusing on important soil attributes such as soil organic matter (SOM), minerals, texture, nutrients, water, pH, and heavy metals. We then discuss the performance and generalization capacity of vis–NIR calibrations, with particular attention on sample pre-tratments, co-variations in data sets, and mathematical data preprocessing. Field analyses and strategies for the practical use of vis–NIR are considered. We conclude that the technique is useful to measure soil water and mineral composition and to derive robust calibrations for SOM and clay content. Many studies show that we also can predict properties such as pH and nutrients, although their robustness may be questioned. For future work we recommend that research should focus on: (i) moving forward with more theoretical calibrations, (ii) better understanding of the complexity of soil and the physical basis for soil reflection, and (iii) applications and the use of spectra for soil mapping and monitoring, and for making inferences about soils quality, fertility and function. To do this, research in soil spectroscopy needs to be more collaborative and strategic. The development of the Global Soil Spectral Library might be a step in the right direction

    Automated Evaluation of Surface Roughness using Machine Vision based Intelligent Systems

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    Machine vision systems play a vital role in entirely automating the evaluation of surface roughness due to the hitches in the conformist system. Machine vision systems significantly abridged the ideal time and human errors for evaluation of the surface roughness in a nondestructive way. In this work, face milling operations are performed on aluminum and a total of 60 diverse cutting experiments are conducted. Surface images of machined components are captured for the development of machine vision systems. Images captured are processed for texture features namely RGB (Red Green Blue), GLCM (Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix) and an advanced wavelet known as curvelet transforms. Curvelet transforms are developed to study the curved textured lines present in the captured images and this module is capable to unite the discontinuous curved lines present in images. The CNC machined components consists of visible lay patterns in the curved form, so this novel machine vision technique is developed to identify the texture well over the other two extensively researched methods. Artificial Neural Network-Particle Swarm Optimization (ANN-PSO) intelligent models are developed to evaluate the surface roughness from texture features. The model average error attained using RGB, GLCM, Curvelet transform-based machine vision systems are 12.68, 7.8 and 3.57 respectively. In comparison, the results proved that computer vision system based on curvelet transforms outperformed the other two existing systems. This curvelet based machine vision system can be used for the evaluation of surface roughness. Here, image processing might be crucial in identifying certain information. One crucial issue is that, even as performance improves, cameras continue to get smaller and more affordable. The possibility for new applications in Industry 4.0 is made possible by this technological advancement and the promise of ever-expanding networking

    Study and characterisation of surface integrity modification after ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat PolitĂšcnica de Catalunya i UniversitĂ© Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins a gener de 2020Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2017-2018. Àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialThis dissertation is an experimental research project into the mechanical effects of the ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing process on the surface integrity of surfaces machined through ball-end milling. Due to the lack of commercial tools able to perform this process, the study includes firstly the design and characterization of a prototype to that effect. An experimental analysis is then undertaken, applying the process to AISI 1038 and Ti-6Al-4V surfaces of high industrial and aeronautical value. The experimental campaign is designed based on a Taguchi orthogonal array that includes five factors, namely: preload, number of passes, feed velocity, strategy and initial surface texture. Results are analyzed in terms of topological characteristics, residual stress and hardness, in order to identify and understand the impact of process parameters on surface integrity, to define the best parameters for performing the process and to assess the positive effects caused by the introduction of vibrations as a means of assistance. Results reveal that the initial texture is the most influential parameter on all outcomes. Texture results show that the vibrations can enhance the roughness and texture results, as long as they have sufficient low initial amplitude. Furthermore, only the preload and number of passes influence the results, with a pair of values being found in all cases that serve a threshold from which further plastic strain is detrimental for the final surface topology. In terms of residual stress, all parameters are influential in the results, especially the burnishing strategy, through which a certain component of the residual stress tensor can be adequately reinforced. Finally, the burnishing operation proves to modify the hardness of deep layers down to 0.5 mm, applying the vibration-assisted process. .e main conclusion is that the optimal parameters for performing the process are different with regards to the optimization objective. Some useful combinations are proposed for performing the process depending on the desired targetEsta tesis es un estudio experimental que versa sobre los efectos del proceso de bruñido con bola asistido por vibraciones ultrasĂłnicas sobre la integridad superficial de superficies mecanizadas mediante fresa hemisfĂ©rica. Dada la indisponibilidad de herramientas comerciales capaces de efectuar este proceso, el estudio incluye en primer lugar el diseño y caracterizaciĂłn de un prototipo a tal efecto. Posteriormente, se realiza un anĂĄlisis experimental aplicando el proceso sobre superficies de dos aleaciones de interĂ©s industrial y aeronĂĄutico, AISI 1038 y Ti-6Al-4V, siguiendo un diseño de experimentos fraccionario basado en una matriz ortogonal de Taguchi. Para ello, cinco factores son incluidos en el modelo, a saber: la precarga, el nĂșmero de pasadas, la velocidad de avance, la estrategia de bruñido, y la textura de la superficie de partida. Los resultados se evalĂșan en tĂ©rminos de textura, tensiones residuales y dureza, para identificar y comprender el impacto de este proceso y de sus parĂĄmetros de operaciĂłn sobre la integridad superficial, para definir los mejores parĂĄmetros a aplicar para cada material, y con el fin de evaluar los efectos positivos provocados por la introducciĂłn de las vibraciones como medio de asistencia. Los resultados revelan que la textura inicial es el parĂĄmetro que define en mayor medida el estado de las superficies finales. Los resultados de textura evidencian que las vibraciones pueden mejorar en mayor medida la topologĂ­a de las superficies objetivo, siempre que Ă©stas sean suficientemente finas. AdemĂĄs, sĂłlo la precarga y el nĂșmero de pasadas influyen en el resultado, encontrando en todo caso un par de valores limĂ­trofe a partir del cual las superficies se ven dañadas. Los resultados de tensiones residuales muestran que todos los parĂĄmetros son influyentes en el resultado final, especialmente la estrategia de bruñido, con la que puede modificarse la direcciĂłn preferencial del tensor de tensiones superficial. Finalmente, el bruñido demuestra modificar la dureza positivamente hasta capas de aproximadamente 0,5 mm, aplicando el proceso asistido con vibraciones. Se concluye que los parĂĄmetros Ăłptimos de proceso son diferentes en funciĂłn del objetivo de optimizaciĂłn, y deben definirse en base a dos variables de partida: el material objetivo y la textura que Ă©ste presenta antes del proceso.Cette thĂšse Ă©tudie les effets du processus de brunissage Ă  bille assistĂ© par vibrations ultrasoniques sur l’intĂ©gritĂ© surface des surfaces usinĂ©es par fraisage hĂ©misphĂ©rique. Compte tenu de l’inexistence d’outils commerciaux capables de rĂ©aliser ce processus, l’étude dĂ©bute par la conception et la caractĂ©risation d’un prototype capable de l’exĂ©cuter. Par la suite, une analyse expĂ©rimentale est menĂ©e, en utilisant le procĂ©dĂ© sur les surfaces de deux alliages d’intĂ©rĂȘt industriel et aĂ©ronautique, AISI 1038 et Ti- 6Al-4V. Pour cela, un plan d’expĂ©riences est elaborĂ© Ă  base d’une matrice orthogonale Taguchi. Cinq facteurs sont inclus dans le modĂšle : la prĂ©charge, le nombre de passes, la vitesse d’avance, la stratĂ©gie de brunissage et la texture initiale de la surface prĂ©alablement usinĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats sont Ă©valuĂ©s en termes de texture finale, de contrainte rĂ©siduelle et de duretĂ©, pour identifier et comprendre l’impact de ce procĂ©dĂ© et des paramĂštres opĂ©ratoires sur l’intĂ©gritĂ© de surface, pour dĂ©finir les meilleurs paramĂštres Ă  appliquer pour chaque matĂ©riau, et pour Ă©valuer les effets positifs provoquĂ©s par l’introduction de vibrations comme moyen d’assistance. Pour cela, la notion d’intĂ©gritĂ© de surface est rappelĂ©e, voire redĂ©finie dans le cas de la texture de surface. En effet, les critĂšres classiquement utilisĂ©s se rĂ©vĂšlent inaptes Ă  caractĂ©riser les surfaces obtenues, et une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie d’analyse des topologies de surface est proposĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suite Ă  la rĂ©alisation du plan d’expĂ©riences rĂ©vĂšlent que la texture initiale est le paramĂštre prĂ©pondĂ©rant. Les rĂ©sultats de la topologie de surface montrent que les vibrations peuvent amĂ©liorer la rugositĂ© et la texture des surfaces dans la mesure oĂč l’état de surface initial est sufisamment fin. Ensuite, seule la prĂ©charge et le nombre de passes influencent le rĂ©sultat, avec, dans tous les cas, un couple de valeurs limites Ă  partir desquelles les surfaces sont endommagĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats des contraintes rĂ©siduelles montrent que tous les paramĂštres influent sur le rĂ©sultat final, en particulier la stratĂ©gie de brunissage, avec laquelle la direction prĂ©fĂ©rentielle du tenseur de la contrainte superficielle peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e. Enfin, le brunissage montre une modification positive de la duretĂ© Ă  des couches d’environ 0,5 mm en appliquant le processus assistĂ© avec vibrations. Nous concluons que les paramĂštres de processus optimaux sont difĂ©rents en fonction de l’objectif d’optimisation, et que certaines combinaisons peuvent ĂȘtre utiles en fonction de ces objectifs.Aquesta tesi Ă©s un estudi experimental que tracta sobre els efectes del procĂ©s de brunyit amb bola assistit per vibracions ultrasĂČniques sobre la integritat superficial de superfĂ­cies mecanitzades amb fresa hemisfĂšrica. Degut a la indisponiblitat d’eines comercials capaces d’aplicar aquest procĂ©s, l’estudi inclou en primer lloc el disseny i la caracteritzaciĂł d’un prototip capa d’executar-lo. Posteriorment, es realitza una anĂ lisi experimental aplicant el procĂ©s sobre superfĂ­cies de dues aliatges d’internes industrial i aeronĂ utic, AISI 1038 i Ti-6Al-4V, seguint un disseny d’experiments basat en una matriu ortogonal Taguchi. Per aixĂČ, cinc factors sĂłn inclous en el model: la precĂ rrega, el nombre de passades, la velocitat d’avenç, l’estratĂšgia de brunyit i la textura de la superfĂ­cie inicial. Els resultats s’avaluen en termes de textura final, tensions residuals i duresa, per identificar i comprendre l’impacte d’aquest procĂ©s i dels seus parĂ metres d’operaciĂł sobre la integritat superficial, definir els millors parĂ metres a aplicar per a cada material, i amb l’objectiu d’avaluar els efectes positius provocats per la introducciĂł de les vibracions com a mitjĂ  d’assistĂšncia. Els resultats evidencien que la textura inicial Ă©s el parĂ metre que defineix en major mesura l’estat de les superfĂ­cies finals. Els resultats de textura indiquen que les vibracions poden millorar en major mesura la rugositat i textura de les superfĂ­cies, sempre que aquestes siguin suficientment fines. A mĂ©s, nomĂ©s la precĂ rrega i el nombre de passades influeixen sobre el resultat, trobant en tot cas un parell de valors lĂ­mits a partir del qual les superfĂ­cies sĂłn empitjorades. Els resultats de tensions residuals mostren que tots els parĂ metres sĂłn influents sobre el resultat final, especialment l’estratĂšgia, amb la quĂš es pot millorar la direcciĂł preferencial del tensor de tensions superficial. Finalment, el brunyit demostra modificar la duresa positivament fins a capes d’aproximadament 0.5 mm de profunditat, aplicant el procĂ©s assistit amb vibracions. Es conclou que els parĂ metres ĂČptims de procĂ©s sĂłn diferents en funciĂł de l’objectiu d’optimitzaciĂł, i es proposen algunes combinacions que poden ser Ăștils en funciĂł del mateix.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Mapping Co-Cr-Cu and Fe Occurrence in a Legacy Mining Waste Using Geochemistry and Satellite Imagery Analyses

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    Abandoned mining wastes are both an environmental challenge and a possible secondary raw material source. The characterization and monitoring of these sites are often expensive and cumbersome because of the need of repeated field surveys. Remote sensing data are a cost-effective alternative that helps in producing multiscale maps of mining wastes. These maps can be used to investigate and monitor the spatial patterns of different elements within the mining wastes. In this work, Sentinel-2 images are combined with the geochemical samples in order to map the distribution of iron, copper, chromium, and cobalt. The target area was the Vigonzano mining wastes in Northern Apennines (Italy) where there are a small number of geochemical analyses but a large amount of satellite image data. We used the multivariate geostatistical estimation method (Co-Kriging) that exploit the meaningful spatial correlation between the elements of interest and band ratios (obtained from Sentinel-2 images). The concentration maps highlighted subareas for Cu and Cr with an estimated grade of about 0.3% and 0.2%, respectively. In addition, the critical element Co showed an enrichment in the south-east part of the mining wastes, in a similar pattern as Cr. Instead, the obtained maps show Ce, La, Rb, and Nb depletion compared to the surrounding agricultural areas. The concentration maps were intended as a prefeasibility study to determine enriched areas for further detailed investigation

    Study and characterisation of surface integrity modification after ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat PolitĂšcnica de Catalunya i UniversitĂ© Toulouse III Paul Sabatier. Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins a gener de 2020Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2017-2018. Àmbit d’Enginyeria IndustrialThis dissertation is an experimental research project into the mechanical effects of the ultrasonic vibration-assisted ball burnishing process on the surface integrity of surfaces machined through ball-end milling. Due to the lack of commercial tools able to perform this process, the study includes firstly the design and characterization of a prototype to that effect. An experimental analysis is then undertaken, applying the process to AISI 1038 and Ti-6Al-4V surfaces of high industrial and aeronautical value. The experimental campaign is designed based on a Taguchi orthogonal array that includes five factors, namely: preload, number of passes, feed velocity, strategy and initial surface texture. Results are analyzed in terms of topological characteristics, residual stress and hardness, in order to identify and understand the impact of process parameters on surface integrity, to define the best parameters for performing the process and to assess the positive effects caused by the introduction of vibrations as a means of assistance. Results reveal that the initial texture is the most influential parameter on all outcomes. Texture results show that the vibrations can enhance the roughness and texture results, as long as they have sufficient low initial amplitude. Furthermore, only the preload and number of passes influence the results, with a pair of values being found in all cases that serve a threshold from which further plastic strain is detrimental for the final surface topology. In terms of residual stress, all parameters are influential in the results, especially the burnishing strategy, through which a certain component of the residual stress tensor can be adequately reinforced. Finally, the burnishing operation proves to modify the hardness of deep layers down to 0.5 mm, applying the vibration-assisted process. .e main conclusion is that the optimal parameters for performing the process are different with regards to the optimization objective. Some useful combinations are proposed for performing the process depending on the desired targetEsta tesis es un estudio experimental que versa sobre los efectos del proceso de bruñido con bola asistido por vibraciones ultrasĂłnicas sobre la integridad superficial de superficies mecanizadas mediante fresa hemisfĂ©rica. Dada la indisponibilidad de herramientas comerciales capaces de efectuar este proceso, el estudio incluye en primer lugar el diseño y caracterizaciĂłn de un prototipo a tal efecto. Posteriormente, se realiza un anĂĄlisis experimental aplicando el proceso sobre superficies de dos aleaciones de interĂ©s industrial y aeronĂĄutico, AISI 1038 y Ti-6Al-4V, siguiendo un diseño de experimentos fraccionario basado en una matriz ortogonal de Taguchi. Para ello, cinco factores son incluidos en el modelo, a saber: la precarga, el nĂșmero de pasadas, la velocidad de avance, la estrategia de bruñido, y la textura de la superficie de partida. Los resultados se evalĂșan en tĂ©rminos de textura, tensiones residuales y dureza, para identificar y comprender el impacto de este proceso y de sus parĂĄmetros de operaciĂłn sobre la integridad superficial, para definir los mejores parĂĄmetros a aplicar para cada material, y con el fin de evaluar los efectos positivos provocados por la introducciĂłn de las vibraciones como medio de asistencia. Los resultados revelan que la textura inicial es el parĂĄmetro que define en mayor medida el estado de las superficies finales. Los resultados de textura evidencian que las vibraciones pueden mejorar en mayor medida la topologĂ­a de las superficies objetivo, siempre que Ă©stas sean suficientemente finas. AdemĂĄs, sĂłlo la precarga y el nĂșmero de pasadas influyen en el resultado, encontrando en todo caso un par de valores limĂ­trofe a partir del cual las superficies se ven dañadas. Los resultados de tensiones residuales muestran que todos los parĂĄmetros son influyentes en el resultado final, especialmente la estrategia de bruñido, con la que puede modificarse la direcciĂłn preferencial del tensor de tensiones superficial. Finalmente, el bruñido demuestra modificar la dureza positivamente hasta capas de aproximadamente 0,5 mm, aplicando el proceso asistido con vibraciones. Se concluye que los parĂĄmetros Ăłptimos de proceso son diferentes en funciĂłn del objetivo de optimizaciĂłn, y deben definirse en base a dos variables de partida: el material objetivo y la textura que Ă©ste presenta antes del proceso.Cette thĂšse Ă©tudie les effets du processus de brunissage Ă  bille assistĂ© par vibrations ultrasoniques sur l’intĂ©gritĂ© surface des surfaces usinĂ©es par fraisage hĂ©misphĂ©rique. Compte tenu de l’inexistence d’outils commerciaux capables de rĂ©aliser ce processus, l’étude dĂ©bute par la conception et la caractĂ©risation d’un prototype capable de l’exĂ©cuter. Par la suite, une analyse expĂ©rimentale est menĂ©e, en utilisant le procĂ©dĂ© sur les surfaces de deux alliages d’intĂ©rĂȘt industriel et aĂ©ronautique, AISI 1038 et Ti- 6Al-4V. Pour cela, un plan d’expĂ©riences est elaborĂ© Ă  base d’une matrice orthogonale Taguchi. Cinq facteurs sont inclus dans le modĂšle : la prĂ©charge, le nombre de passes, la vitesse d’avance, la stratĂ©gie de brunissage et la texture initiale de la surface prĂ©alablement usinĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats sont Ă©valuĂ©s en termes de texture finale, de contrainte rĂ©siduelle et de duretĂ©, pour identifier et comprendre l’impact de ce procĂ©dĂ© et des paramĂštres opĂ©ratoires sur l’intĂ©gritĂ© de surface, pour dĂ©finir les meilleurs paramĂštres Ă  appliquer pour chaque matĂ©riau, et pour Ă©valuer les effets positifs provoquĂ©s par l’introduction de vibrations comme moyen d’assistance. Pour cela, la notion d’intĂ©gritĂ© de surface est rappelĂ©e, voire redĂ©finie dans le cas de la texture de surface. En effet, les critĂšres classiquement utilisĂ©s se rĂ©vĂšlent inaptes Ă  caractĂ©riser les surfaces obtenues, et une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie d’analyse des topologies de surface est proposĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus suite Ă  la rĂ©alisation du plan d’expĂ©riences rĂ©vĂšlent que la texture initiale est le paramĂštre prĂ©pondĂ©rant. Les rĂ©sultats de la topologie de surface montrent que les vibrations peuvent amĂ©liorer la rugositĂ© et la texture des surfaces dans la mesure oĂč l’état de surface initial est sufisamment fin. Ensuite, seule la prĂ©charge et le nombre de passes influencent le rĂ©sultat, avec, dans tous les cas, un couple de valeurs limites Ă  partir desquelles les surfaces sont endommagĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats des contraintes rĂ©siduelles montrent que tous les paramĂštres influent sur le rĂ©sultat final, en particulier la stratĂ©gie de brunissage, avec laquelle la direction prĂ©fĂ©rentielle du tenseur de la contrainte superficielle peut ĂȘtre modifiĂ©e. Enfin, le brunissage montre une modification positive de la duretĂ© Ă  des couches d’environ 0,5 mm en appliquant le processus assistĂ© avec vibrations. Nous concluons que les paramĂštres de processus optimaux sont difĂ©rents en fonction de l’objectif d’optimisation, et que certaines combinaisons peuvent ĂȘtre utiles en fonction de ces objectifs.Aquesta tesi Ă©s un estudi experimental que tracta sobre els efectes del procĂ©s de brunyit amb bola assistit per vibracions ultrasĂČniques sobre la integritat superficial de superfĂ­cies mecanitzades amb fresa hemisfĂšrica. Degut a la indisponiblitat d’eines comercials capaces d’aplicar aquest procĂ©s, l’estudi inclou en primer lloc el disseny i la caracteritzaciĂł d’un prototip capa d’executar-lo. Posteriorment, es realitza una anĂ lisi experimental aplicant el procĂ©s sobre superfĂ­cies de dues aliatges d’internes industrial i aeronĂ utic, AISI 1038 i Ti-6Al-4V, seguint un disseny d’experiments basat en una matriu ortogonal Taguchi. Per aixĂČ, cinc factors sĂłn inclous en el model: la precĂ rrega, el nombre de passades, la velocitat d’avenç, l’estratĂšgia de brunyit i la textura de la superfĂ­cie inicial. Els resultats s’avaluen en termes de textura final, tensions residuals i duresa, per identificar i comprendre l’impacte d’aquest procĂ©s i dels seus parĂ metres d’operaciĂł sobre la integritat superficial, definir els millors parĂ metres a aplicar per a cada material, i amb l’objectiu d’avaluar els efectes positius provocats per la introducciĂł de les vibracions com a mitjĂ  d’assistĂšncia. Els resultats evidencien que la textura inicial Ă©s el parĂ metre que defineix en major mesura l’estat de les superfĂ­cies finals. Els resultats de textura indiquen que les vibracions poden millorar en major mesura la rugositat i textura de les superfĂ­cies, sempre que aquestes siguin suficientment fines. A mĂ©s, nomĂ©s la precĂ rrega i el nombre de passades influeixen sobre el resultat, trobant en tot cas un parell de valors lĂ­mits a partir del qual les superfĂ­cies sĂłn empitjorades. Els resultats de tensions residuals mostren que tots els parĂ metres sĂłn influents sobre el resultat final, especialment l’estratĂšgia, amb la quĂš es pot millorar la direcciĂł preferencial del tensor de tensions superficial. Finalment, el brunyit demostra modificar la duresa positivament fins a capes d’aproximadament 0.5 mm de profunditat, aplicant el procĂ©s assistit amb vibracions. Es conclou que els parĂ metres ĂČptims de procĂ©s sĂłn diferents en funciĂł de l’objectiu d’optimitzaciĂł, i es proposen algunes combinacions que poden ser Ăștils en funciĂł del mateix.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Tribological and Mechanical Properties of the Nanostructured Superlattice Coatings with Respect to Surface Texture

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    This research is funded by the Latvian Council of Science, project “Carbon-rich self-healing multifunctional nanostructured smart coatings (NSC) for high-tech applications using high-power confined plasma technology for their deposition”, project No. 2019/1-0385.Ceramic Nanostructured Superlattice Coatings (NSC) have broad applicability to improve the parts’ and assemblies’ tribological and mechanical properties for the needs of the automotive and aerospace industries. Improving the material properties using nanocoatings for such a widely used material as, for example, bearing steel 100Cr6 makes it possible to improve the service life of machine parts. In this paper, the correlation dependence between tribological and mechanical properties of the NSC and its surface texture are considered to determine how much surface texture will affect the tribological performance of the coated workpieces, as well as the measuring and evaluation procedure of the nanocoatings, are presented. Three different NSC described by a general empirical formula {TiMe1Me2-CN/TiAlSi-N}n and based on the modified carbonitride/nitride non-stoichiometric chemical composition were created, and their tribological and mechanical properties measured and analyzed in the context with surface texture. NSC deposited by the advanced PVD (Physical vapor deposition) technique demonstrated significantly higher wear resistance (up to 28 times), reasonably lower friction coefficient (CoF) (up to 4 times), and significantly higher hardness of the coated workpieces (up to 7 times) versus substrate material. A strong correlation between the steady-state dry sliding friction, CoF, and the amplitude and functional surface texture parameters of tribo-track were observed. The first results of the initiated research regarding the correlation analysis of the tribological and mechanical properties, on the one hand, and surface texture, on the other hand, of the NSC are reported here. © 2022 by the authors.Latvian Council of Science project No. 2019/1-0385; Institute of Solid-State Physics, University of Latvia has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming Phase 2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART2
