233 research outputs found

    Opportunistic linked data querying through approximate membership metadata

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    Between URI dereferencing and the SPARQL protocol lies a largely unexplored axis of possible interfaces to Linked Data, each with its own combination of trade-offs. One of these interfaces is Triple Pattern Fragments, which allows clients to execute SPARQL queries against low-cost servers, at the cost of higher bandwidth. Increasing a client's efficiency means lowering the number of requests, which can among others be achieved through additional metadata in responses. We noted that typical SPARQL query evaluations against Triple Pattern Fragments require a significant portion of membership subqueries, which check the presence of a specific triple, rather than a variable pattern. This paper studies the impact of providing approximate membership functions, i.e., Bloom filters and Golomb-coded sets, as extra metadata. In addition to reducing HTTP requests, such functions allow to achieve full result recall earlier when temporarily allowing lower precision. Half of the tested queries from a WatDiv benchmark test set could be executed with up to a third fewer HTTP requests with only marginally higher server cost. Query times, however, did not improve, likely due to slower metadata generation and transfer. This indicates that approximate membership functions can partly improve the client-side query process with minimal impact on the server and its interface

    Towards Efficient Path Query on Social Network with Hybrid RDF Management

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    The scalability and exibility of Resource Description Framework(RDF) model make it ideally suited for representing online social networks(OSN). One basic operation in OSN is to find chains of relations,such as k-Hop friends. Property path query in SPARQL can express this type of operation, but its implementation suffers from performance problem considering the ever growing data size and complexity of OSN.In this paper, we present a main memory/disk based hybrid RDF data management framework for efficient property path query. In this hybrid framework, we realize an efficient in-memory algebra operator for property path query using graph traversal, and estimate the cost of this operator to cooperate with existing cost-based optimization. Experiments on benchmark and real dataset demonstrated that our approach can achieve a good tradeoff between data load expense and online query performance

    The Odyssey Approach for Optimizing Federated SPARQL Queries

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    Answering queries over a federation of SPARQL endpoints requires combining data from more than one data source. Optimizing queries in such scenarios is particularly challenging not only because of (i) the large variety of possible query execution plans that correctly answer the query but also because (ii) there is only limited access to statistics about schema and instance data of remote sources. To overcome these challenges, most federated query engines rely on heuristics to reduce the space of possible query execution plans or on dynamic programming strategies to produce optimal plans. Nevertheless, these plans may still exhibit a high number of intermediate results or high execution times because of heuristics and inaccurate cost estimations. In this paper, we present Odyssey, an approach that uses statistics that allow for a more accurate cost estimation for federated queries and therefore enables Odyssey to produce better query execution plans. Our experimental results show that Odyssey produces query execution plans that are better in terms of data transfer and execution time than state-of-the-art optimizers. Our experiments using the FedBench benchmark show execution time gains of at least 25 times on average.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Querying the web of data with low latency: high performance distributed SPARQL processing and benchmarking

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    The Web of Data extends the World Wide Web (WWW) in a way that applications can understand information and cooperate with humans on complex tasks. The basis of performing complex tasks is low latency queries over the Web of Data. The large scale and distributed nature of the Web of Data have negative impacts on several critical factors for efficient query processing, including fast data transmission between datasets, predictable data distribution and statistics that summarise and describe certain patterns in the data. Moreover, it is common on the Web of Data that the same resource is identified by multiple URIs. This phenomenon, named co-reference, potentially increases the complexity of query processing, and makes it even harder to obtain accurate statistics. With the aforementioned challenges, it is not clear whether it is possible to achieve efficient queries on the Web of Data on a large scale.In this thesis, we explore techniques to improve the efficiency of querying the Web of Data on a large scale. More specifically, we investigate two typical scenarios on the Web of Data, which are: 1) the scenario in which all datasets provide detailed statistics that are possibly available on a large scale, and 2) the scenario in which co-reference is taken into account, and datasetsā€™ statistics are not reliable. For each scenario we explore existing and novel optimisation techniques that are tailored for querying the Web of Data, as well as well developed techniques with careful adjustments.For the scenario with detailed statistics we provide a scheme that implements a statistics query optimisation approach that requires detailed statistics, and intensively exploits parallelism. We propose an efficient algorithm called Parallel Sub-query Identification () to increase the degree of parallelism. () breaks a SPARQL query into sub-queries that can be processed in parallel while not increasing network traffic. We combine with dynamic programming to produce query plans with both minimum costs and a fair degree of parallelism. Furthermore, we develop a mechanism that maximally exploits bandwidth and computing power of datasets. For the scenario having co-reference and without reliable statistics we provide a scheme that implements a dynamic query optimisation approach that takes co-reference into account, and utilises runtime statistics to elevate query efficiency even further. We propose a model called Virtual Graph to transform a query and all its co-referent siblings into a single query with pre-defined bindings. Virtual Graph reduces the large number of outgoing and incoming requests that is required to process co-referent queries individually. Moreover, Virtual Graph enables query optimisers to find the optimal plan with respect to all co-referent queries as a whole. () is used in this scheme as well but provides a higher degree of parallelism with the help of runtime statistics. A Minimum-Spanning-Tree-based algorithm is used in this scheme as a result of using runtime statistics. The same parallel execution mechanism used in the previous scenario is adopted here as well.In order to examine the effectiveness of our schemes in practice, we deploy the above approaches in two distributed SPARQL engines, LHD-s and LHD-d respectively. Both engines are implemented using a popular Java-based platform for building Semantic Web applications. They can be used as either standalone applications or integrated into existing systems that require quick response of Linked Data queries.We also propose a scalable and flexible benchmark, called Distributed SPARQL Evaluation Framework (DSEF), for evaluating optimisation approaches in the Web of Data. DSEF adopts a expandable virtual-machine-based structure and provides a set of efficient tools to help easily set up RDF networks of arbitrary sizes. We further investigate the proportion and distribution of co-reference in the real world, based on which DESF is able to simulate co-reference for given RDF datasets. DSEF bases its soundness in the usage of widely accepted assessment data and queries.By comparing both LHD-s and LHD-d with existing approaches using DSEF, we provide evidence that neither existing statistics provided by datasets nor cost estimation methods, are sufficiently accurate. On the other hand, dynamic optimisation using runtime statistics together with carefully tuned parallelism are promising for significantly reducing the latency of large scale queries on the Web of Data. We also demonstrate that () and Virtual Graph algorithms significantly increase query efficiency for queries with or without co-reference.In summary, the contributions of this these include: 1) proposing two schemes for improving query efficiency in two typical scenarios in the Web of Data; 2) providing implementations, named LHD-s and LHD-d, for the two schemes respectively; 3) proposing a scalable and flexible evaluation framework for distributed SPARQL engines called DSEF; and 4) showing evidence that runtime-statistics-based dynamic optimisation with parallelism are promising to reduce latency of Linked Data queries on a large scale

    Optimizing SPARQL queries using shape statistics

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    With the growing popularity of storing data in native RDF, we witness more and more diverse use cases with complex SPARQL queries. As a consequence, query optimization - and in particular cardinality estimation and join ordering - becomes even more crucial. Classical methods exploit global statistics covering the entire RDF graph as a whole, which naturally fails to correctly capture correlations that are very common in RDF datasets, which then leads to erroneous cardinality estimations and suboptimal query execution plans. The alternative of trying to capture correlations in a fine-granular manner, on the other hand, results in very costly preprocessing steps to create these statistics. Hence, in this paper we propose shapes statistics, which extend the recent SHACL standard with statistic information to capture the correlation between classes and properties. Our extensive experiments on synthetic and real data show that shapes statistics can be generated and managed with only little overhead without disadvantages in query runtime while leading to noticeable improvements in cardinality estimation
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