7 research outputs found

    Automation-driven transformation of road infrastructure: a multi-perspective case study

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    Automated driving is widely assumed to play a major role in future mobility. In this paper, we focus on “high driving automation” (SAE level 4) and analyze potentials in terms of more efficient traffic flows, travel times, and user benefits as well as potential impacts on urban neighborhoods and potentials for sustainable urban development. Along selected use cases of automated vehicles in the region of Karlsruhe, Germany, we show that at least moderate user benefits can be expected from travel time savings, with the extent depending on the defined operational design domain of the vehicles and the routes taken. With regard to residential development of urban neighborhoods, there are opportunities for repurposing public space. However, these are limited and require parallel regulatory measures to become effective

    openACC. An open database of car-following experiments to study the properties of commercial ACC systems

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    Commercial Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems are increasingly available as standard options in modern vehicles. At the same time, still little information is openly available on how these systems actually operate and how different is their behavior, depending on the vehicle manufacturer or model.T o reduce this gap, the present paper summarizes the main features of the openACC, an open-access database of different car-following experiments involving a total of 16 vehicles, 11 of which equipped with state-of-the-art commercial ACC systems. As more test campaigns will be carried out by the authors, OpenACC will evolve accordingly. The activity is performed within the framework of the openData policy of the European Commission Joint Research Centre with the objective to engage the whole scientific community towards a better understanding of the properties of ACC vehicles in view of anticipating their possible impacts on traffic flow and prevent possible problems connected to their widespread. A first preliminary analysis on the properties of the 11 ACC systems is conducted in order to showcase the different research topics that can be studied within this open science initiative

    Behavioural parameters for CAVs

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    This document was created as part of the Levitate project. The purpose of this document is to define the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) parameter sets for driving logics that are used in the Levitate project. The behaviour parameter sets are based on the microscopic traffic simulation software Aimsun Next (Aimsun, 2021). The assumptions on CAV parameters and their values were based on a comprehensive literature review, including both empirical and simulation-based studies (e.g., Cao et al., 2017; Eilbert et al., 2019; Goodall yet al., 2020; de Souza et al., 2021; Shladover et al., 2012), as well as discussions in meetings with experts, conducted as part of Levitate project

    Städtebauliche und sozioökonomische Implikationen neuer Mobilitätsformen. Beiträge aus: Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe

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    Viele Experten gehen davon aus, dass sich urbane Mobilität, und damit auch das städtische Umfeld, in Zukunft stark wandeln werden, unter anderem aufgrund neuer, digital-gestützter Mobilitätsangebote. Es ist deshalb wichtig zu verstehen, wie dieser Wandel aussehen und gestaltet werden kann. Dazu möchten die im vorliegenden Band enthaltenen Papiere aus verschiedenen Perspektiven einen Beitrag leisten. Alle Beiträge sind im Vorhaben „Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe“ entstanden

    Städtebauliche und sozioökonomische Implikationen neuer Mobilitätsformen

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    Many experts assume that urban mobility, and with it the urban environment, will change significantly in the future, partly due to new, digitally-supported mobility services. It is therefore important to understand how this change may look like and how it can be shaped. The papers in this volume aim to contribute to these questions from different perspectives. All of the papers were written in the project "Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe"