120 research outputs found

    Epileptic neuronal networks: methods of identification and clinical relevance

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    The main objective of this paper is to examine evidence for the concept that epileptic activity should be envisaged in terms of functional connectivity and dynamics of neuronal networks. Basic concepts regarding structure and dynamics of neuronal networks are briefly described. Particular attention is given to approaches that are derived, or related, to the concept of causality, as formulated by Granger. Linear and non-linear methodologies aiming at characterizing the dynamics of neuronal networks applied to EEG/MEG and combined EEG/fMRI signals in epilepsy are critically reviewed. The relevance of functional dynamical analysis of neuronal networks with respect to clinical queries in focal cortical dysplasias, temporal lobe epilepsies, and “generalized” epilepsies is emphasized. In the light of the concepts of epileptic neuronal networks, and recent experimental findings, the dichotomic classification in focal and generalized epilepsy is re-evaluated. It is proposed that so-called “generalized epilepsies,” such as absence seizures, are actually fast spreading epilepsies, the onset of which can be tracked down to particular neuronal networks using appropriate network analysis. Finally new approaches to delineate epileptogenic networks are discussed

    Stability and dynamics of a spectral graph model of brain oscillations

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    AbstractWe explore the stability and dynamic properties of a hierarchical, linearized, and analytic spectral graph model for neural oscillations that integrates the structural wiring of the brain. Previously, we have shown that this model can accurately capture the frequency spectra and the spatial patterns of the alpha and beta frequency bands obtained from magnetoencephalography recordings without regionally varying parameters. Here, we show that this macroscopic model based on long-range excitatory connections exhibits dynamic oscillations with a frequency in the alpha band even without any oscillations implemented at the mesoscopic level. We show that depending on the parameters, the model can exhibit combinations of damped oscillations, limit cycles, or unstable oscillations. We determined bounds on model parameters that ensure stability of the oscillations simulated by the model. Finally, we estimated time-varying model parameters to capture the temporal fluctuations in magnetoencephalography activity. We show that a dynamic spectral graph modeling framework with a parsimonious set of biophysically interpretable model parameters can thereby be employed to capture oscillatory fluctuations observed in electrophysiological data in various brain states and diseases

    Epileptic focus localization using functional brain connectivity

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    Interictal Network Dynamics in Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery

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    Epilepsy is an archetypal brain network disorder. Despite two decades of research elucidating network mechanisms of disease and correlating these with outcomes, the clinical management of children with epilepsy does not readily integrate network concepts. For example, network measures are not used in presurgical evaluation to guide decision making or surgical management plans. The aim of this thesis was to investigate novel network frameworks from the perspective of a clinician, with the explicit aim of finding measures that may be clinically useful and translatable to directly benefit patient care. We examined networks at three different scales, namely macro (whole brain diffusion MRI), meso (subnetworks from SEEG recordings) and micro (single unit networks) scales, consistently finding network abnormalities in children being evaluated for or undergoing epilepsy surgery. This work also provides a path to clinical translation, using frameworks such as IDEAL to robustly assess the impact of these new technologies on management and outcomes. The thesis sets up a platform from which promising computational technology, that utilises brain network analyses, can be readily translated to benefit patient care

    Influence of deep structures on the EEG and their invasive and non-invasive assessment

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Fisiología, leída el 22-11-2019El EEG es la prueba diagnóstica de mayor utilidad en el diagnóstico de la epilepsia. Consiste esencialmente en la representación gráfica de los potenciales postsinápticos generados en las neuronas piramidales de la corteza. Los campos eléctricos registrados en la superficie tienen principalmente dos mecanismos de origen: conducción de volumen desde regiones adyacentes y propagación interneuronal sináptica. Las neuronal piramidales se agrupan formando microcircuitos locales siendo estos circuitos los responsables de la generación delos ritmos registrados en el EEG. Uno de los principales retos de la electroencefalografía consiste en descifrar la relación entre la actividad registrada y la actividad subyacente en las redes neuronales. Para encontrar la fuente de dichas actividades, es necesario tener en cuenta complejos mecanismos tanto no lineales como lineales, así como el efecto de la conducción de volumen y la influencia de la morfología y las propiedades eléctricas del cerebro y el cráneo. Además, las regiones cerebrales se encuentran profusamente interconectadas a menudo produciendo una modulación recíproca que añade un mayor grado complejidad...The EEG is the most valuable diagnostic test in epilepsy. In essence, it mainly consists in agraphical representation of the summated postsynaptic potentials generated in the pyramidal neurons from the cortex. The electrical fields can be generated on the scalp by two mechanisms: volume conduction from nearby regions and synaptic inter‐neuronal propagation. Pyramidal cells align conforming local microcircuit configurations which activation lead to the generation of EEG rhythms. One of the main challenges of EEG is to decipher the relation between the recorded EEG activity and the activity in the neuronal networks. To find the source of EEG activity, complex non‐linear and linear mechanisms as well as volume conduction effect and influence of the shape and electrical properties of the brain and skull need to be taken in consideration. In addition, brain regions are profusely interconnected and functionally connected regions often produce mutual modulation that adds additional complexity...Depto. de FisiologíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEunpu

    Biochemical investigations into problems relating to epilepsy

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    Investigations have been carried out in three separate areas of research related to epilepsy.I. In the first of these investigations an attempt was made to clarify a possible role of folic acid derivatives in epilepsy. This investigation took the form of two self- contained studies involving dogs.A. The first study concerned the effects of anticonvulsant treatment on (a) folate activity in cerebrospinal fluid (c.s.f.). (b) the concentrations of 5- hydroxyindol- 3- ylacetic acid (5 -HIAA) and hornovanillic acid (HVA) in c.s.f.Routine sampling of ventricular and cisternal c.s.f. in the dog was achieved by the implantation of permanent guide tubes to the lateral ventricle and the cisterna magna. 5 -HIAA and HVA in c.s.f. samples were estimated by fluorescence assay techniques. Folate activity in c.s.f. and plasma samples was estimated microbiologically with a folatedependent strain of 1. casei.In control studies the c.s.f. folate activity was found to be between 2 and 7 times higher than the plasma folate activity. A positive correlation was found between c.s.f. and plasma folate activities. HVA and 5 -HIAA studies confirmed the concentration gradient which exists for these two acids between the lateral ventricular c.s.f. and the cisternal c.s.f.Selected anticonvulsant drugs (diphenylhydantoin, 7.5 mg/kg; phenobarbitone, 15 mg/kg; sulthiame 15 mg/kg; carbamazepine 15 mg /kg) were administered daily to the dogs for a period of five weeks. During this Period no change was seen in the folate activity of either c.s.f. or plasma. The anticonvulsants were also without effect on the concentrations of HVA and 5 -HIAA in c.s.f.These findings are discussed in relation to the folate deficiency states produced in man by chronic anticonvulsant therapy.B. The second study in the folate investigations was concerned with the effect of oral folic acid administration (a) folate activity in plasma, plasma ultrafiltrate and c.s.f. (b) the concentrations of HVA and 5 -HIAA in the c.s.f.During the control period of this study no correlation was found between c.s.f. and plasma folate activity, such as was found in the first study. Possible reasons to account for this discrepancy are discussed. Estimation of folate activity in plasma and plasma ultrafiltrate confirmed that much of the folate activity in dog plasma is protein- bound.Folic acid (31 mg/kg) was administered daily to dogs over a 5 -week period. During this treatment period the mean plasma folate activity was 10 times higher than normal; plasma ultrafiltrate folate activity was 5 times higher the normal; but c.s.f. folate activity was unchanged. These findings were interpreted as evidence for an increased plasma level of a folate derivative, probably folic acid itself, which was more strongly bound to protein than normal plasma folate derivatives, and was unable to enter the c.s.f. In two experiments in the rabbit no evidence was found for the active transport of methyl -tetrahydrofolate (normally the predominant form of folate in the plasma) into the c.s.f. HVA and 5 -HIAA concentrations in the c.s.f. were unaltered during the period of folic acid treatment. It was concluded that oral folic acid administration is unlikely to have any significant effect on normal cerebral function.The implications of this study are discussed in relation to (a) the role of folic acid derivatives in epilepsy and mental illness. (b) the mechanisms responsible for the normal distribution of folate activity between c.s.f. and plasma.II. The second investigation concerned the effects of barbiturate anaesthetics and anticonvulsant drugs on the c.s.f. potassium fluxes of the conscious dog.A new technique was developed for "open" perfusion of the cerebroventricular system of the conscious dog. The dog was perfused from lateral ventricle to cisterna magna with artificial r c.s.f. containing inulin, and tracer amounts of 42K. K, total potassium and inulin assays were performed on the inflow and out - flow fluids. From this data it was possible to calculate, for each sample of outflow fluid collected, values for both the potassium efflux from, and the potassium influx into, the c.s.f. After a period of between 65 -100 minutes of perfusion a "steady - state" was reached in which the potassium fluxes, as measured by this technique, were relatively constant. Drugs actions were studied by administering the drug during the "steady- state" period and ascertaining the effect upon the "steady- state" potassium fluxes.It was shown that - (1) The barbiturate anaesthetics, sodium pentobarbitone and o sodium thipentone, in doses sufficient to induce light anaesthesia, may depress both potassium influx into, and potassium efflux from c.s.f. Both fluxes were affected equally on any one occasion. Flux alterations of up to 50% were observed. (2) Diazepam has a consistent depressant effect on the potassium fluxes of the c.s.f. This effect was less marked, but more consistently observed, than in the case of the barbiturate anaesthetics. - v - (3) Diphenylhydantoin has no significant effect on potassium efflux from the c.s.f. but may have a slight depressant effect on potassium influx into the c.s.f. (4) Paraldehyde in a dose sufficient to induce light anaesthesia slightly increases the c.s.f. potassium fluxes. These results are discussed in relation to (a) previously published studies on c.s.f. potassium fluxes in anaesthetised animals (b) possible mechanisms of action of these drugs.The effects of the barbiturate anaesthetics and diazepam were interpreted as being secondary to a decrease in potassium exchange between brain intracellular and entracellular compartments.It was concluded that the anaesthetic or anticonvulsant action of a drug is not related to the drug's effect on c.s.f. potassium fluxes.III. The third investigation concerned the development and preliminary application of a method for the analysis of GABA and associated amino acids in small areas of tissue from the primary and secondary epileptic foci of rats with a cobalt- induced epileptogenic lesion.The existing specific enzymic methods for GABA analysis were examined and found to be either too insensitive or too complex to act as suitable micro- methods. The standard techniques for amino acid analysis, involving column separation and colorimetric estimation were also considered to be too insensitive.Reaction of the amino group of amino acids with 1- dimethyl- amnonapthalene-5- sulphonyl chloride (dansyl chloride) produces stable, highly- fluorescent derivatives which can be readily separated by thin -layer chromatography.A highly sensitive isotope dilution assay, based on the preparation of dansyl derivatives, was evolved for the estimation of free amino acids in brain tissue.The tissue was homogenised in perchloric acid and known amounts of ¹⁴C -amino acid standards were added to an aliquot of the perchlorate extract to act as internal standards for recovery of amino acid through the method. The extract was then taken to pH 9.3 - 9.8 with potassium carbonate solution, precipitating perchlorate as its insoluble potassium salt. An aliquot of the alkaline extract was dansylated with an equal volume of H³-dansyl chloride in acetone. After a 30 minute reaction period the dansylation mixture was taken to dryness and extracted with acetone: glacial acetic acid solution (3:2). An aliquot of this extract was applied to a polyamide micro- chromatography plate which was then developed in two dimensions. Under u.v. light specific dansyl -amino acid spots were identified by their characteristic position on the developed plate. These spots were cut from the plate and counted for ³H and ¹⁴C activity in a liquid scintillation counter.The total amount of dansyl-amino acid in a spot was calculated from its ³H activity. Combining this figure with the ¹⁴C activity of the spot allowed calculation of the specific activity (w.r.t. ¹⁴C) of the dansyl-amino acid in the spot. Comparison of this specific activity with the specific activity of the ¹⁴C -amino acid standard which had been added as a recovery standard gave a measure of the dilution of exogenous radioactive amino acid by endogenous non-radioactive amino acid. From this dilution factor it was possible to calculate the concentration of endogenous amino acid in the original perchlorate extract of brain tissue. Determination of the weight of protein precipitated from the tissue sample by the perchloric acid extraction allowed calculation of the amino acid content of tissue in terms of }moles amino acid per 100 mg protein.The two dimensional chromatography did not achieve a separation of dansyl glutamine and dansyl -threonine; as a result glutamine and threonine were estimated as the sum total of their two concentrations.The method was applied to the estimation of control values for GABA, glutamate, glutamine/threonine, glycine, aspartate and hydroxyproline levels in rat cortex. The values obtained for GABA, glutamate, glutamine /threonine and glycine were highly reproducible and in good agreement with previously published values. Aspartate was not satisfactorily estimated. Hyroxyproline was not detected in rat cortex.The dansylation method was applied to the analysis of brain tissue from three rats with 11 day-old cobalt-induced epileptogenic lesions in the frontal cortex. There was evidence that GABA and glutamate levels were lowered, and glutamine/threonine and glycine levels raised, in the region of the secondary epileptogenic ( "mirror ") focus. This was the site from which epileptiform spike discharges were most frequent.The significance of these findings have been discussed along with general comments on the problems of amino acid studies in brain. It was concluded that disorders in amino acid metabolism may be involved in epileptic processes