255 research outputs found

    Comparison of advanced troposphere models for aiding reduction of PPP convergence time in Australia

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    This paper first analyses the precision of tropospheric zenith total delay (ZTD) values obtained from the empirical models GPT2 and GPT2w, and the numerical weather models (NWM) from Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Comparison of these ZTD values with IGS ZTD product at four sites showed that the ZTDs from NWM datasets were more precise than the empirical models. The ZTD from BoM data gave the best results, with mean errors between -0.034 m to 0.029 m and standard deviations better than 0.045 m. Next, the PPP convergence time and achievable accuracy using the BoM NWM constrained ZTD by including them as pseudo-observations with a pre-set precision was compared to the case of estimating the troposphere. This resulted in a slight enhancement in convergence time, and improvements in vertical positioning accuracy was found at all the four tested sites at 0.036–0.058 m after 2 min, 0.023–0.038 m after 3 min and 0.013–0.020 m after 5 min of PPP initialisation

    Precise Point Positioning Augmentation for Various Grades of Global Navigation Satellite System Hardware

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    The next generation of low-cost, dual-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS receivers, boards, chips and antennas are now quickly entering the market, offering to disrupt portions of the precise GNSS positioning industry with much lower cost hardware and promising to provide precise positioning to a wide range of consumers. The presented work provides a timely, novel and thorough investigation into the positioning performance promise. A systematic and rigorous set of experiments has been carried-out, collecting measurements from a wide array of low-cost, dual-frequency, multi-constellation GNSS boards, chips and antennas introduced in late 2018 and early 2019. These sensors range from dual-frequency, multi-constellation chips in smartphones to stand-alone chips and boards. In order to be comprehensive and realistic, these experiments were conducted in a number of static and kinematic benign, typical, suburban and urban environments. In terms of processing raw measurements from these sensors, the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) GNSS measurement processing mode was used. PPP has become the defacto GNSS positioning and navigation technique for scientific and engineering applications that require dm- to cm-level positioning in remote areas with few obstructions and provides for very efficient worldwide, wide-array augmentation corrections. To enhance solution accuracy, novel contributions were made through atmospheric constraints and the use of dual- and triple-frequency measurements to significantly reduce PPP convergence period. Applying PPP correction augmentations to smartphones and recently released low-cost equipment, novel analyses were made with significantly improved solution accuracy. Significant customization to the York-PPP GNSS measurement processing engine was necessary, especially in the quality control and residual analysis functions, in order to successfully process these datasets. Results for new smartphone sensors show positioning performance is typically at the few dm-level with a convergence period of approximately 40 minutes, which is 1 to 2 orders of magnitude better than standard point positioning. The GNSS chips and boards combined with higher-quality antennas produce positioning performance approaching geodetic quality. Under ideal conditions, carrier-phase ambiguities are resolvable. The results presented show a novel perspective and are very promising for the use of PPP (as well as RTK) in next-generation GNSS sensors for various application in smartphones, autonomous vehicles, Internet of things (IoT), etc

    Multi-GNSS integer ambiguity resolution enabled precise positioning

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    In this PhD thesis multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning results when combining the American Global Positioning System (GPS), Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), European Galileo and Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) will be presented. The combined systems will be evaluated in comparison to the single-systems, for short (atmosphere-fixed) to long (atmosphere-present) baselines. It will be shown that the combined systems can provide for improved integer ambiguity resolution and positioning performance over the single-systems

    Ionospheric Regional modeling Algorithm based on GNSS Precise Point Positioning

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    Precise point positioning (PPP) is an absolute spatial positioning technology different from carrier phase relative positioning. With the continuous development of Global navigation satellite system (GNSS), multi-constellation GNSS further provides PPP with more abundant observation information and useful spatial geometric observations, which improves positioning performance and robustness. In recent years, the un-difference and un-combined precise point positioning (UPPP) has been continuously developing. Firstly, we introduce the basic theory of GNSS positioning and compare the position performance between UPPP and ionospheric-free PPP (IF PPP). The positioning performance of the four mainstream GNSS systems, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and Beidou, the PPP floating-point solutions of the four satellite systems all converge within 60 minutes and their error are less than 10cm. Secondly, a two-dimensional (2-d) model is proposed to fit the vertical total electronic content (VTEC) in the ionosphere with the ionospheric delays extracted by UPPP. With the model constraining the ionospheric delay in UPPP, the convergence is 2 minutes shorter than using the global ionospheric map (GIM) from IGS. Thirdly, to solve the limitation of the traditional methods in 2d representation, a method is proposed represent the ionosphere in 3D, called Compressed Sensing Tomography (CST). Comparing the simulated single-difference slant total electron content (STEC) and the input single- difference STEC between satellites, the root mean square (RMS) of the reference station’s error is less than 1 TEC uni

    Position, velocity and time measurement with multiple constellation data from GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS and BEIDOU

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di illustrare la teoria, il metodo e le modalità del calcolo della PVT, ovvero della posizione, della velocità e del sincronismo temporale, di un utente sulla Terra o di un satellite in orbita bassa (dotato di ricevitore multiGNSS), utilizzando un software integrato che sfrutti tutti i segnali provenienti da tutte le costellazioni a copertura globale in quel momento visibili. Nel caso presente si sono utilizzati i segnali da GPS, Galileo, GLONASS e BeiDou, rilevati grazie ad un ricevitore fornito dall'Università di Padova (STONEX S580), sia per la determinazione della posizione, sia per implementare il calcolo della velocità attraverso l'effetto Doppler. Questo lavoro, in futuro, potrebbe portare a contributi nello sviluppo di tecnologie innovative in molti settori, quali: navigazione autonoma e trasporti, difesa e aerospazio, agricoltura e molti altri.This work intends to outline the theory and the methods for the computation of position, velocity and time (PVT) of a user on the surface of the Earth or of a LEO satellite (Low Earth Orbit). An integrated software written in MATLAB and PERL has been used; it processes all the signals transmitted by all the constellations visible in that precise moment and in that precise place. The software's core uses the Weighted Least Squares algorithm, which permits the efficient computation of position, speed, timing and tropospheric delay in a few iterations. In this thesis, signals from GPS, Galileo, BeiDou and GLONASS have been used, specifically for the computation of the speed, which is calculated from the Doppler Effect. These signals were detected through a receiver STONEX Cube-a S580 provided by the University of Padua. A good precision in determination of both positioning and speed has been achieved and also the PNT of a LEO satellite (Sentinel 3A) has been determined successfully, using data also to study J2 perturbations on the orbit. The principal aim of this thesis is to provide an efficient and precise software able to process pseudorange and Doppler shift multi-constellation data, to enhance, in its future evolutions, the precise positioning of a receiver on Earth's surface and in orbit, with interesting applications in many different fields such as defence, transportations and automotive, attitude determination in space and many others

    Enhancing Precise Point Positioning with global and regional ionospheric models

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    In the last two decades Precise Point Positioning (PPP) has become a well-established stand-alone positioning method by means of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) for a wide range of applications. By using code and phase measurements from a single GNSS receiver and precise orbit and clock information derived from global or regional GNSS networks, highly precise positions can be obtained. One critical problem of the PPP technique is that a typical period of about 30 minutes is required to reach decimeter-level under normal conditions. In order to shorten the convergence time and improve the positioning accuracy, several PPP integer ambiguity resolution methods have been developed in the last decades. The common approach is to provide additional corrections on the existing PPP (clock) products. Although improvement in positioning accuracy is achieved by fixing ambiguities, the initialization time of PPP is not significantly reduced. Rapid convergence and ambiguity resolution in PPP is still a challenge. The key to instantaneous ambiguity resolution in relative positioning for short baselines lies in the a priori knowledge of the ionosphere. Therefore, the primary objective of this thesis is to investigate the introduction of global and regional ionospheric models as external constraints for enhancing PPP ambiguity resolution. The main work and contributions of this thesis are specified as follows: a. Mathematical modeling aspects for PPP are investigated. The procedures of estimating FCBs for integer ambiguity resolution in PPP based on standard ionosphere-free model and uncombined model are derived. The compatibility of FCBs estimated from both models are validated by comparing their wide-lane and narrow-lane float ambiguities as well as estimated FCBs using real data sets. b. The equivalence of three extended PPP integer ambiguity resolution models with capabilities of constraining external ionosphere information is derived. The method equivalence is demonstrated in three aspects: the ionospheric parameter, integer property recovery and the system redundancies. It is shown that all three models permit strengthening solutions by constraining ionospheric parameter from global and regional ionospheric models. The positioning results indicate that PPP can be further improved if external ionospheric information is available. c. Accuracies of regional atmospheric corrections for PPP ambiguity resolution are assessed. The focus is on the achievable accuracies of interpolated tropospheric and ionospheric delays derived from a typical regional network from ambiguity-fixed PPP solutions. The results indicate that centimeter level accuracies can be obtained for both tropospheric and ionospheric corrections and fast ambiguity resolution can be achieved after applying the regional atmospheric corrections. d. Ambiguity-fixing approaches based on uncombined PPP model are investigated, the one-step approach, in which L1 and L2 ambiguities are simultaneously fixed, and the two-step approach which involves sequentially fixing wide-lane and N1 ambiguities such that the fixed wide-lane ambiguities are applied as constraints to update remaining unknown parameters. Experiment results demonstrate that ambiguity-fixing time can be reduced using the two-step approach as compared to the one-step approach. e. Software system is developed to estimate satellite FCBs from global and regional GNSS network using both ionosphere-free and uncombined model. A PPP software package is developed to validate the contribution of global and regional ionospheric information on PPP ambiguity resolution

    Integer Ambiguity Resolution for Multi-GNSS and Multi-Signal Raw Phase Observations

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    The continuous modernisation of existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and the development of new systems with a multitude of different carrier frequencies and a variety of signal modulations creates a true multi-GNSS and multi-signal environment available today. Still most precise GNSS processing strategies rely on dual-frequency measurements only by applying the Ionosphere-Free (IF) Linear Combination (LC) of GNSS observables and therefore do not benefit from the available multi-signal environment. While in this processing approach the first order effect of the ionospheric delay can be eliminated almost completely, the formation of linear combinations of GNSS observables leads to a noise increase for the resulting observations and a loss of some of the physical characteristics of the original signals, like the integer nature of the carrier phase ambiguity. In order to benefit from the multi-GNSS and multi-signal environment available today, the scientific analyses and precise applications presented in this work are based on the raw observation processing approach, which makes use of the original (raw) observations without forming any linear combinations or differences of GNSS observables. This processing strategy provides the flexibility to make use of all or a selection of available multi-GNSS and multi-signal raw observations, which are jointly processed in a single adjustment as there is no inherent limitation on the number of usable signals. The renunciation of linear combinations and observation differences preserves the physical characteristics of individual signals and implies that multi-signal biases and ionospheric delays need to be properly determined or corrected in the parameter estimation process. The raw observation processing approach is used in this work to jointly process measurements from up to three different GNSS, including eleven signals tracked on up to eight different carrier frequencies in one single adjustment. The bias handling for multi-GNSS and multi-signal applications is analysed with a focus on physically meaningful parameter estimates to demonstrate the benefits of handling clock offset parameters, multi-signal code biases and ionospheric delay estimates in a physically meaningful and consistent way. In this context, receiver-specific multi-GNSS and multisignal biases are analysed and calibrated by the use of a GNSS signal simulator. The disadvantages of eliminating physical characteristics due to the formation of linear combinations of observations or commonly used parameter estimation strategies are demonstrated and discussed. The carrier phase Integer Ambiguity Resolution (IAR) approach developed and implemented in the course of this work is based on the joint processing of multi-GNSS and multi-signal raw observations without forming any linear combinations or observation differences. Details of the implemented IAR approach are described and the performance is analysed for available carrier signal frequencies of different GNSS. Achieved results are compared to the conventional IAR approach based on IF linear combinations and the so called Widelane (WL) and Narrowlane (NL) ambiguities. In addition, the resolution of inter-system integer ambiguities is analysed for common GNSS signal frequencies. The performance of the implemented IAR approach is demonstrated and analysed by the joint Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of multi-GNSS satellites based on fixed multi-frequency carrier phase ambiguities. The improvement of the satellite orbit and clock quality by fixing raw observation ambiguities confirms the successful implementation of the IAR approach based on raw observation processing. Multi-GNSS satellite orbits and clock offsets determined with this approach are compared to results generated with the conventional IF linear combination processing approach and independent external products. This comparison demonstrates an at least equivalent performance of the implemented IAR approach based on raw observation processing. In addition, the fixed raw observation ambiguities are used to investigate and discuss characteristics of multi-GNSS and multi-frequency phase biases

    Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Software Architecture and Analysis of GLONASS Pseudorange Biases

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    With expanding satellite-based navigation systems, multi-Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Precise Point Positioning (PPP) presents an advantage over a single navigation system, which improves position accuracy and enhances availability of satellites and signals. The York GNSS PPP software was developed using C++ in the Microsoft.Net platform to utilize the existing multi-GNSS satellite constellations based on the software processor used by the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) PPP online service. The software was built as a robust, scalable, modular tool that meets the highest of scientific standards compared to existing online PPP engines.There exists a correlation between receiver stations from heterogeneous networks, such as the IGS, in GNSS PPP processing and the increase in magnitude of the pseudorange and carrier-phase biases in both GPS + GLONASS and GLONASS-only PPP solutions. The correlation is due to mixed receiver and antenna hardware as well as firmware versions. Unlike GPS, GLONASS observations are affected by the Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) satellite signal structure, which introduces inter-frequency channel biases and other system biases. The GLONASS pseudorange inter-channel frequency biases show a strong correlation with different receiver types, firmware versions and antenna types. This research estimated the GLONASS pseudorange inter-frequency channel biases using 350 IGS stations, based on 32 receiver types and 4 antenna types over a period of one week. An improvement of 19% was observed after calibrating for the pseudorange ICBs, in the horizontal components respectively, considering 20 minutes convergence period

    Desarrollo de algoritmos para el tratamiento de datos GNSS : su aplicación a los escenarios GPS modernizado y Galileo

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, Sección Departamental de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica I (Geofísica y Meteorología) (Astronomía y Geodesia), leída el 24-07-2012Nowadays, the major GNSS systems are the american GPS and the russian GLONASS, however, in a near future the european project Galileo and the chinesse system COMPASS will become part of the current GNSS scenario. These systems will transmit for the first time three different frequencies, giving place to a multi-system and multi-frequency scenario which will dramatically push the boundaries of the positioning techniques. Currently, one of the most studied positioning techniques is known as Precise Point Positioning (PPP), which is aimed at estimating precise receiver position from undifferenced GNSS code and carrier phase observations and precise satellite products. In this thesis, some new and original algorithms for static PPP have been developed, which are able to deal with the future multi-system and multifrequency GNSS observations. The new algorithms have been named MAP3. In the new approach, the least squares theory is applied twice to estimate the ionospheric delay, initial ambiguities and smoothed pseudodistances from undifferenced observations, which in turn are used to recover the receiver position and its clock offset. MAP3 provides position estimations with an accuracy of 2.5 cm after 2 hours observation and 7 mm in 1 day, being at the same level as other PPP programs and even better results are obtained with MAP3 in short observation periods. Moreover, MAP3 have provided some of the first results in positioning from GIOVE observations and GPC products. In addition, these algorithms have been applied in the analysis of the influence of ionospheric disturbances on the point positioning, concluding that the presence of a high ROT (Rate of TEC), observed at equatorial latitudes, reflects a significant degradation of the point positioning from dual-frequency observations.Actualmente, los únicos sistemas globales de navegación por satélites operativos son GPS y GLONASS, sin embargo, en un futuro cercano el proyecto europeo Galileo y el sistema chino COMPASS entrarán a formar parte del actual escenario GNSS. Estos sistemas emplearán por primera vez, tres frecuencias distintas, dando lugar a un escenario multi-frecuencia que revolucionará las técnicas de posicionamiento. Entre las técnicas actuales de posicionamiento con GNSS destaca el Posicionamiento Preciso Puntual (PPP), que consiste en determinar la posición de un receptor a partir de observaciones de código y fase no differenciadas y productos precisos. En este trabajo de tesis se han desarrollado unos nuevos y originales algoritmos para PPP estático, llamados MAP3, capaces de procesar observaciones GNSS multifrecuencia y multi-sistema del futuro escenario GNSS y determinar la posición de un receptor de forma precisa y exacta. Los algoritmos MAP3 se dividen en dos partes en las cuales se ha aplicado la teoría mínimos cuadrados y se han obtenido expresiones explícitas para estimar el retraso ionosférico, ambigüedades de fase inicial y pseudodistancias suavizadas, que se emplean para determinar la posición del receptor y el offset de su reloj. MAP3 proporciona una estimación de la posición con una exactitud de 2.5 cm tras 2 horas de observación y de 7 mm tras 24 h, resultados que mejoran los obtenidos hasta el momento con otros programas para PPP en periodos cortos de tiempo. Además, MAP3 han proporcionado los primeros resultados en el posicionamiento con observaciones GIOVE y productos del GPC. Por otro lado, estos algoritmos se han aplicado al análisis de los efectos de ciertas perturbaciones ionosféricas en el posicionamiento concluyendo que la presencia de un ROT (Rate of TEC) elevado, observado en latitudes ecuatoriales, refleja una degradación significativa del posicionamiento puntual con observaciones doble frecuencia.Unidad Deptal. de Astronomía y GeodesiaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    Kinematic GNSS tropospheric estimation and mitigation over a range of altitudes

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis investigates the potential for estimating tropospheric delay from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) stations on moving platforms experiencing a change in altitude. The ability to accurately estimate tropospheric delay in kinematic GNSS positioning has implications for improved height accuracy due to the mitigation of a major GNSS error source, and for the collection of atmospheric water vapour data for meteorology and climate studies. The potential for extending current kinematic GNSS positioning estimates of tropospheric delay from sea level based studies to airborne experiments, and the achievable height accuracy from a range of tropospheric mitigation strategies used in airborne GNSS positioning, are explored. An experiment was established at the Snowdon Mountain Railway (SMR), utilising the railway to collect a repeatable kinematic dataset, profiling 950 m of the lower atmosphere over a 50 day period. GNSS stations on stable platforms and meteorological sensors were installed at the extremities of the trajectory, allowing reference tropospheric delays and coordinates to be established. The retrieval of zenith wet delay (ZWD) from kinematic GNSS solutions using tropospheric estimation strategies is validated against an interpolated reference ZWD between GNSS stations on stable platforms, together with profiles from 100 m resolution runs of the UK Met Office Unified Model. Agreement between reference ZWD values and a combined GPS+GLONASS precise point positioning (PPP) solution is demonstrated with an accuracy of 11.6 mm (RMS), similar to a relative positioning solution and previous shipborne studies. The impact on the height accuracy from estimating tropospheric delay in kinematic GNSS positioning is examined by comparing absolute and relative GNSS positioning solutions to a reference trajectory generated from a relative GNSS positioning solution ii processed with reference to the GNSS stations on stable platforms situated at the extremities of the SMR. A height accuracy with a standard deviation of 72 mm was demonstrated for the GPS+GLONASS PPP solution, similar to a GPS-only relative solution, and providing an improvement over the GPS-only PPP solution.UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) studentship, and part of the work was funded by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Education Trust