195 research outputs found

    Single-shot layered reflectance separation using a polarized light field camera

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    We present a novel computational photography technique for single shot separation of diffuse/specular reflectance as well as novel angular domain separation of layered reflectance. Our solution consists of a two-way polarized light field (TPLF) camera which simultaneously captures two orthogonal states of polarization. A single photograph of a subject acquired with the TPLF camera under polarized illumination then enables standard separation of diffuse (depolarizing) and polarization preserving specular reflectance using light field sampling. We further demonstrate that the acquired data also enables novel angular separation of layered reflectance including separation of specular reflectance and single scattering in the polarization preserving component, and separation of shallow scattering from deep scattering in the depolarizing component. We apply our approach for efficient acquisition of facial reflectance including diffuse and specular normal maps, and novel separation of photometric normals into layered reflectance normals for layered facial renderings. We demonstrate our proposed single shot layered reflectance separation to be comparable to an existing multi-shot technique that relies on structured lighting while achieving separation results under a variety of illumination conditions

    Circularly polarized spherical illumination reflectometry

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    Polarization imaging reflectometry in the wild

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    We present a novel approach for on-site acquisition of surface reflectance for planar, spatially varying, isotropic materials in uncontrolled outdoor environments. Our method exploits the naturally occuring linear polarization of incident illumination: by rotating a linear polarizing filter in front of a camera at 3 different orientations, we measure the linear polarization reflected off the sample and combine this information with multiview analysis and inverse rendering in order to recover per-pixel, high resolution reflectance maps. We exploit polarization both for diffuse/specular separation and surface normals estimation by combining polarization measurements from at least two near orthogonal views close to Brewster angle of incidence. We then use our estimates of surface normals and albedos in an inverse rendering framework to recover specular roughness. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first to successfully extract a complete set of reflectance parameters with passive capture in completely uncontrolled outdoor environments

    On-site surface reflectometry

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    The rapid development of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) applications over the past years has created the need to quickly and accurately scan the real world to populate immersive, realistic virtual environments for the end user to enjoy. While geometry processing has already gone a long way towards that goal, with self-contained solutions commercially available for on-site acquisition of large scale 3D models, capturing the appearance of the materials that compose those models remains an open problem in general uncontrolled environments. The appearance of a material is indeed a complex function of its geometry, intrinsic physical properties and furthermore depends on the illumination conditions in which it is observed, thus traditionally limiting the scope of reflectometry to highly controlled lighting conditions in a laboratory setup. With the rapid development of digital photography, especially on mobile devices, a new trend in the appearance modelling community has emerged, that investigates novel acquisition methods and algorithms to relax the hard constraints imposed by laboratory-like setups, for easy use by digital artists. While arguably not as accurate, we demonstrate the ability of such self-contained methods to enable quick and easy solutions for on-site reflectometry, able to produce compelling, photo-realistic imagery. In particular, this dissertation investigates novel methods for on-site acquisition of surface reflectance based on off-the-shelf, commodity hardware. We successfully demonstrate how a mobile device can be utilised to capture high quality reflectance maps of spatially-varying planar surfaces in general indoor lighting conditions. We further present a novel methodology for the acquisition of highly detailed reflectance maps of permanent on-site, outdoor surfaces by exploiting polarisation from reflection under natural illumination. We demonstrate the versatility of the presented approaches by scanning various surfaces from the real world and show good qualitative and quantitative agreement with existing methods for appearance acquisition employing controlled or semi-controlled illumination setups.Open Acces

    Sparse ellipsometry: portable acquisition of polarimetric SVBRDF and shape with unstructured flash photography

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    Ellipsometry techniques allow to measure polarization information of materials, requiring precise rotations of optical components with different configurations of lights and sensors. This results in cumbersome capture devices, carefully calibrated in lab conditions, and in very long acquisition times, usually in the order of a few days per object. Recent techniques allow to capture polarimetric spatially-varying reflectance information, but limited to a single view, or to cover all view directions, but limited to spherical objects made of a single homogeneous material. We present sparse ellipsometry, a portable polarimetric acquisition method that captures both polarimetric SVBRDF and 3D shape simultaneously. Our handheld device consists of off-the-shelf, fixed optical components. Instead of days, the total acquisition time varies between twenty and thirty minutes per object. We develop a complete polarimetric SVBRDF model that includes diffuse and specular components, as well as single scattering, and devise a novel polarimetric inverse rendering algorithm with data augmentation of specular reflection samples via generative modeling. Our results show a strong agreement with a recent ground-truth dataset of captured polarimetric BRDFs of real-world objects

    Circularly polarized spherical illumination reflectometry

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    Polarized 3D: High-Quality Depth Sensing with Polarization Cues

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    Coarse depth maps can be enhanced by using the shape information from polarization cues. We propose a framework to combine surface normals from polarization (hereafter polarization normals) with an aligned depth map. Polarization normals have not been used for depth enhancement before. This is because polarization normals suffer from physics-based artifacts, such as azimuthal ambiguity, refractive distortion and fronto-parallel signal degradation. We propose a framework to overcome these key challenges, allowing the benefits of polarization to be used to enhance depth maps. Our results demonstrate improvement with respect to state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction techniques.Charles Stark Draper Laboratory (Doctoral Fellowship)Singapore. Ministry of Education (Academic Research Foundation MOE2013-T2-1-159)Singapore. National Research Foundation (Singapore University of Technology and Design

    Efficient Modeling of Depolarizing Mueller BRDFs

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    Light-matter interactions within indoor environments are significantly depolarizing. Nonetheless, the relatively small polarization attributes are informative. To make use of this information, polarized-BRDF (pBRDF) models for common indoor materials are sought. Fresnel reflection and diffuse partial polarization are popular terms in pBRDF models, but the relative contribution of each is highly material-dependent and changes based on scattering geometry and albedo. An efficient pBRDF would describe these dependencies with as few parameters as possible while retaining physical significance and task-relevant information. This work compares a triply-degenerate (TD)-Mueller matrix (MM) model to measurements of 3D printed objects. In this TD-MM model, the radiometric, polarimetric, and depolarization attributes are decoupled to reduce the number of parameters. The depolarization is quantified by a single geometry-dependent parameter, four geometry-independent material constants describe the polarization properties, and our TD-MM model is normalized to unit radiance so that the BRDF is decoupled. To test an application of the TD-MM model the material constants are assumed and the geometry-dependent depolarization parameter for a red 3D printed sphere is estimated from linear Stokes images. The geometry-averaged error of the depolarization parameter is 4.2% at 662 nm (high albedo) and 11.7% at 451 nm (low albedo). Since the error is inversely proportional to albedo and depolarization, the TD-MM model is referred to as appropriate for depolarization-dominant materials. The robustness of the TD-MM model is also tested by comparing ground-truth Mueller images to extrapolations of a red 3D printed Stanford bunny under arbitrary polarized illumination.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    BxDF material acquisition, representation, and rendering for VR and design

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    Photorealistic and physically-based rendering of real-world environments with high fidelity materials is important to a range of applications, including special effects, architectural modelling, cultural heritage, computer games, automotive design, and virtual reality (VR). Our perception of the world depends on lighting and surface material characteristics, which determine how the light is reflected, scattered, and absorbed. In order to reproduce appearance, we must therefore understand all the ways objects interact with light, and the acquisition and representation of materials has thus been an important part of computer graphics from early days. Nevertheless, no material model nor acquisition setup is without limitations in terms of the variety of materials represented, and different approaches vary widely in terms of compatibility and ease of use. In this course, we describe the state of the art in material appearance acquisition and modelling, ranging from mathematical BSDFs to data-driven capture and representation of anisotropic materials, and volumetric/thread models for patterned fabrics. We further address the problem of material appearance constancy across different rendering platforms. We present two case studies in architectural and interior design. The first study demonstrates Yulio, a new platform for the creation, delivery, and visualization of acquired material models and reverse engineered cloth models in immersive VR experiences. The second study shows an end-to-end process of capture and data-driven BSDF representation using the physically-based Radiance system for lighting simulation and rendering

    Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images

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    We present an efficient method for joint optimization of topology, materials and lighting from multi-view image observations. Unlike recent multi-view reconstruction approaches, which typically produce entangled 3D representations encoded in neural networks, we output triangle meshes with spatially-varying materials and environment lighting that can be deployed in any traditional graphics engine unmodified. We leverage recent work in differentiable rendering, coordinate-based networks to compactly represent volumetric texturing, alongside differentiable marching tetrahedrons to enable gradient-based optimization directly on the surface mesh. Finally, we introduce a differentiable formulation of the split sum approximation of environment lighting to efficiently recover all-frequency lighting. Experiments show our extracted models used in advanced scene editing, material decomposition, and high quality view interpolation, all running at interactive rates in triangle-based renderers (rasterizers and path tracers). Project website: https://nvlabs.github.io/nvdiffrec/ .Comment: Project website: https://nvlabs.github.io/nvdiffrec
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