6 research outputs found

    Empirical assessment of the effort needed to attack programs protected with client/server code splitting

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    Context. Code hardening is meant to fight malicious tampering with sensitive code executed on client hosts. Code splitting is a hardening technique that moves selected chunks of code from client to server. Although widely adopted, the effective benefits of code splitting are not fully understood and thoroughly assessed. Objective. The objective of this work is to compare non protected code vs. code splitting protected code, considering two levels of the chunk size parameter, in order to assess the effectiveness of the protection - in terms of both attack time and success rate - and to understand the attack strategy and process used to overcome the protection. Method. We conducted an experiment with master students performing attack tasks on a small application hardened with different levels of protection. Students carried out their task working at the source code level. Results. We observed a statistically significant effect of code splitting on the attack success rate that, on the average, was reduced from 89% with unprotected clear code to 52% with the most effective protection. The protection variant that moved some small-sized code chunks turned out to be more effective than the alternative moving fewer but larger chunks. Different strategies were identified yielding different success rates. Moreover, we discovered that successful attacks exhibited different process w.r.t. failed ones.Conclusions We found empirical evidence of the effect of code splitting, assessed the relative magnitude, and evaluated the influence of the chunk size parameter. Moreover, we extracted the process used to overcome such obfuscation technique

    Adversarial Machine Learning for the Protection of Legitimate Software

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    Obfuscation is the transforming a given program into one that is syntactically different but semantically equivalent. This new obfuscated program now has its code and/or data changed so that they are hidden and difficult for attackers to understand. Obfuscation is an important security tool and used to defend against reverse engineering. When applied to a program, different transformations can be observed to exhibit differing degrees of complexity and changes to the program. Recent work has shown, by studying these side effects, one can associate patterns with different transformations. By taking this into account and attempting to profile these unique side effects, it is possible to create a classifier using machine learning which can analyze transformed software and identifies what transformation was used to put it in its current state. This has the effect of weakening the security of obfuscating transformations used to protect legitimate software. In this research, we explore options to increase the robustness of obfuscation against attackers who utilize machine learning, particular those who use it to identify the type of obfuscation being employed. To accomplish this, we segment our research into three stages. For the first stage, we implement a suite of classifiers that are used to xiv identify the obfuscation used in samples. These establish a baseline for determining the effectiveness of our proposed defenses and make use of three varied feature sets. For the second stage, we explore methods to evade detection by the classifiers. To accomplish this, attacks setup using the principles of adversarial machine learning are carried out as evasion attacks. These attacks take an obfuscated program and make subtle changes to various aspects that will cause it to be mislabeled by the classifiers. The changes made to the programs affect features looked at by our classifiers, focusing mainly on the number and distribution of opcodes within the program. A constraint of these changes is that the program remains semantically unchanged. In addition, we explore a means of algorithmic dead code insertion in to achieve comparable results against a broader range of classifiers. In the third stage, we combine our attack strategies and evaluate the effect of our changes on the strength of obfuscating transformations. We also propose a framework to implement and automate these and other measures. We the following contributions: 1. An evaluation of the effectiveness of supervised learning models at labeling obfuscated transformations. We create these models using three unique feature sets: Code Images, Opcode N-grams, and Gadgets. 2. Demonstration of two approaches to algorithmic dummy code insertion designed to improve the stealth of obfuscating transformations against machine learning: Adversarial Obfuscation and Opcode Expansion 3. A unified version of our two defenses capable of achieving effectiveness against a broad range of classifiers, while also demonstrating its impact on obfuscation metrics

    An Expert System for Automatic Software Protection

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    Estimating Software Obfuscation Potency with Artificial Neural Networks

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    This paper presents an approach to estimate the potency of obfuscation techniques. Our approach uses neural networks to accurately predict the value of complexity metrics - which are used to compute the potency - after an obfuscation transformation is applied to a code region. This work is the first step towards a decision support to optimally protect software applications

    Program Similarity Analysis for Malware Classification and its Pitfalls

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    Malware classification, specifically the task of grouping malware samples into families according to their behaviour, is vital in order to understand the threat they pose and how to protect against them. Recognizing whether one program shares behaviors with another is a task that requires semantic reasoning, meaning that it needs to consider what a program actually does. This is a famously uncomputable problem, due to Rice\u2019s theorem. As there is no one-size-fits-all solution, determining program similarity in the context of malware classification requires different tools and methods depending on what is available to the malware defender. When the malware source code is readily available (or at least, easy to retrieve), most approaches employ semantic \u201cabstractions\u201d, which are computable approximations of the semantics of the program. We consider this the first scenario for this thesis: malware classification using semantic abstractions extracted from the source code in an open system. Structural features, such as the control flow graphs of programs, can be used to classify malware reasonably well. To demonstrate this, we build a tool for malware analysis, R.E.H.A. which targets the Android system and leverages its openness to extract a structural feature from the source code of malware samples. This tool is first successfully evaluated against a state of the art malware dataset and then on a newly collected dataset. We show that R.E.H.A. is able to classify the new samples into their respective families, often outperforming commercial antivirus software. However, abstractions have limitations by virtue of being approximations. We show that by increasing the granularity of the abstractions used to produce more fine-grained features, we can improve the accuracy of the results as in our second tool, StranDroid, which generates fewer false positives on the same datasets. The source code of malware samples is not often available or easily retrievable. For this reason, we introduce a second scenario in which the classification must be carried out with only the compiled binaries of malware samples on hand. Program similarity in this context cannot be done using semantic abstractions as before, since it is difficult to create meaningful abstractions from zeros and ones. Instead, by treating the compiled programs as raw data, we transform them into images and build upon common image classification algorithms using machine learning. This led us to develop novel deep learning models, a convolutional neural network and a long short-term memory, to classify the samples into their respective families. To overcome the usual obstacle of deep learning of lacking sufficiently large and balanced datasets, we utilize obfuscations as a data augmentation tool to generate semantically equivalent variants of existing samples and expand the dataset as needed. Finally, to lower the computational cost of the training process, we use transfer learning and show that a model trained on one dataset can be used to successfully classify samples in different malware datasets. The third scenario explored in this thesis assumes that even the binary itself cannot be accessed for analysis, but it can be executed, and the execution traces can then be used to extract semantic properties. However, dynamic analysis lacks the formal tools and frameworks that exist in static analysis to allow proving the effectiveness of obfuscations. For this reason, the focus shifts to building a novel formal framework that is able to assess the potency of obfuscations against dynamic analysis. We validate the new framework by using it to encode known analyses and obfuscations, and show how these obfuscations actually hinder the dynamic analysis process