110 research outputs found

    Time-aware online reputation analysis

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    Social media has become an integral part of society. Omnipresent mobile devices allow for immediate sharing of experiences. Experiences can be about brands and other entities. For social media analysts a collection of posts mentioning a brand can serve as a magnifying glass on the prevalent opinion towards a brand: The overall estimation of a its reputation is increasingly based on the aggregation of a brand's reputation polarity in social media posts. This polarity of reputation is currently annotated manually. However, with the dramatic increase of social media, this is no longer feasible. This thesis aims to facilitate and automate parts of the process to estimate the reputation of a brand. We motivate this by performing user studies with expert social media analysts. We analyse three resulting datasets: a questionnaire, log data of a manual annotation interface, and videos of annotating experts following the think-aloud protocol. Based on the indicators used for manual annotation, we proceed with the development of algorithms for the automatic estimation of reputation polarity. Unlike earlier, static evaluation scenarios, we follow a dynamic scenario, which mimics the daily workflow of social media analysts. Our algorithms are successful because we distinguish between reputation and sentiment. The second part of this thesis is motivated by the analysts' desire for automation of retrieval and filtering of new media. For information retrieval, we present two improvements to existing algorithms. We conclude that many aspects of the annotation of reputation can be automated - using in particular time series analysis, memory models, and low-impact help from expert social media analysts

    Temporal Emotion Dynamics in Social Networks

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    [ES] El análisis de sentimientos en redes sociales se ha estudiado ampliamente durante la última década. A pesar de ello, las distintas categorías de sentimientos no se consideran adecuadamente en muchos casos, y el estudio de patrones de difusión de las emociones es limitado. Por lo tanto, comprender la importancia de emociones específicas será más beneficioso para diversas actividades de marketing, toma de decisiones empresariales y campañas políticas. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el diseño de un marco teórico para analizar el amplio espectro de sentimientos y explicar cómo se propagan las emociones utilizando conceptos de redes temporales y multicapa. Particularmente, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar información sobre el modelado de la influencia de las emociones y como esta afecta a los problemas de estimación de las emociones y a la naturaleza dinámica temporal en la conversación social. Para mostrar la eficacia del modelo propuesto, se han recopilado publicaciones relacionadas con diferentes eventos de Twitter y hemos construido una estructura de red temporal sobre la conversación. En primer lugar, realizamos un análisis de sentimientos adoptando un enfoque basado en el léxico y en el modelo circunflejo de emociones de Russell que mejora la efectividad de la caracterización del sentimiento. A partir de este análisis investigamos la dinámica social de las emociones presente en las opiniones de los usuarios analizando diferentes características de influencia social. A continuación, diseñamos un modelo estocástico temporal basado en emociones para investigar el patrón de participación de los usuarios y predecir las emociones significativas. Nuestra contribución final es el desarrollo de un modelo de influencia secuencial basado en emociones mediante la utilización de redes neuronales recurrentes que permiten predecir emociones de una manera más completa. Finalmente, el documento presenta algunas conclusiones y también describe las direcciones de investigación futuras.[CA] L'anàlisi de sentiments en xarxes socials s'ha estudiat àmpliament durant l'última dècada. Malgrat això, les diferents categories de sentiments no es consideren adequadament en molts casos, i l'estudi de patrons de difusió de les emocions és limitat. Per tant, comprendre la importància d'emocions específiques serà més beneficiós per a diverses activitats de màrqueting, presa de decisions empresarials i campanyes polítiques. Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en el disseny d'un marc teòric per a analitzar l'ampli espectre de sentiments i explicar com es propaguen les emocions utilitzant conceptes de xarxes temporals i multicapa. Particularment, el nostre objectiu és proporcionar informació sobre el modelatge de la influència de les emocions i com aquesta afecta als problemes d'estimació de les emocions i a la naturalesa dinàmica temporal en la conversa social. Per a mostrar l'eficàcia del model proposat, s'han recopilat publicacions relacionades amb diferents esdeveniments de Twitter i hem construït una estructura de xarxa temporal sobre la conversa. En primer lloc, realitzem una anàlisi de sentiments adoptant un enfocament basat en el lèxic i en el model circumflex d'emocions de Russell que millora l'efectivitat de la caracterització del sentiment. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi investiguem la dinàmica social de les emocions present en les opinions dels usuaris analitzant diferents característiques d'influència social. A continuació, dissenyem un model estocàstic temporal basat en emocions per a investigar el patró de participació dels usuaris i predir les emocions significatives. La nostra contribució final és el desenvolupament d'un model d'influència seqüencial basat en emocions mitjançant la utilització de xarxes neuronals recurrents que permeten predir emocions d'una manera més completa. Finalment, el document presenta algunes conclusions i també descriu les direccions d'investigació futures.[EN] Sentiment analysis in social networks has been widely analysed over the last decade. Despite the amount of research done in sentiment analysis in social networks, the distinct categories are not appropriately considered in many cases, and the study of dissemination patterns of emotions is limited. Therefore, understanding the significance of specific emotions will be more beneficial for various marketing activities, policy-making decisions and political campaigns. The current PhD thesis focuses on designing a theoretical framework for analyzing the broad spectrum of sentiments and explain how emotions are propagated using concepts from temporal and multilayer networks. More precisely, our goal is to provide insights into emotion influence modelling that solves emotion estimation problems and its temporal dynamics nature on social conversation. To exhibit the efficacy of the proposed model, we have collected posts related to different events from Twitter and build a temporal network structure over the conversation. Firstly, we perform sentiment analysis with the adaptation of a lexicon-based approach and the circumplex model of affect that enhances the effectiveness of the sentiment characterization. Subsequently, we investigate the social dynamics of emotion present in users' opinions by analyzing different social influential characteristics. Next, we design a temporal emotion-based stochastic model in order to investigate the engagement pattern and predict the significant emotions. Our ultimate contribution is the development of a sequential emotion-based influence model with the advancement of recurrent neural networks. It offers to predict emotions in a more comprehensive manner. Finally, the document presents some conclusions and also outlines future research directions.Naskar, D. (2022). Temporal Emotion Dynamics in Social Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180997TESI

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationDue to the popularity of Web 2.0 and Social Media in the last decade, the percolation of user generated content (UGC) has rapidly increased. In the financial realm, this results in the emergence of virtual investing communities (VIC) to the investing public. There is an on-going debate among scholars and practitioners on whether such UGC contain valuable investing information or mainly noise. I investigate two major studies in my dissertation. First I examine the relationship between peer influence and information quality in the context of individual characteristics in stock microblogging. Surprisingly, I discover that the set of individual characteristics that relate to peer influence is not synonymous with those that relate to high information quality. In relating to information quality, influentials who are frequently mentioned by peers due to their name value are likely to possess higher information quality while those who are better at diffusing information via retweets are likely to associate with lower information quality. Second I propose a study to explore predictability of stock microblog dimensions and features over stock price directional movements using data mining classification techniques. I find that author-ticker-day dimension produces the highest predictive accuracy inferring that this dimension is able to capture both relevant author and ticker information as compared to author-day and ticker-day. In addition to these two studies, I also explore two topics: network structure of co-tweeted tickers and sentiment annotation via crowdsourcing. I do this in order to understand and uncover new features as well as new outcome indicators with the objective of improving predictive accuracy of the classification or saliency of the explanatory models. My dissertation work extends the frontier in understanding the relationship between financial UGC, specifically stock microblogging with relevant phenomena as well as predictive outcomes


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    Aspect-based Opinion Mining (ABOM) systems take as input a corpus about a product and aim to mine the aspects (the features or parts) of the product and obtain the opinions of each aspect (how positive or negative the appraisal or emotions towards the aspect is). A few systems like Twitter Aspect Classifier and Twitter Summarization Framework have been proposed to perform ABOM on microblogs. However, the accuracy of these techniques are easily affected by spam posts and buzzwords. In this thesis we address this problem of removing noisy aspects in ABOM by proposing an algorithm called Microblog Aspect Miner (MAM). MAM classifies the microblog posts into subjective and objective posts, represents the frequent nouns in the subjective posts as vectors, and then clusters them to obtain relevant aspects of the product. MAM achieves a 50% improvement in accuracy in obtaining relevant aspects of products compared to previous systems

    Tracking public opinion on social media

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    The increasing popularity of social media has changed the web from a static repository of information into a dynamic forum with continuously changing information. Social media platforms has given the capability to people expressing and sharing their thoughts and opinions on the web in a very simple way. The so-called User Generated Content is a good source of users opinion and mining it can be very useful for a wide variety of applications that require understanding the public opinion about a concept. For example, enterprises can capture the negative or positive opinions of customers about their services or products and improve their quality accordingly. The dynamic nature of social media with the constantly changing vocabulary, makes developing tools that can automatically track public opinion a challenge. To help users better understand public opinion towards an entity or a topic, it is important to: a) find the related documents and the sentiment polarity expressed in them; b) identify the important time intervals where there is a change in the opinion; c) identify the causes of the opinion change; d) estimate the number of people that have a certain opinion about the entity; and e) measure the impact of public opinion towards the entity. In this thesis we focus on the problem of tracking public opinion on social media and we propose and develop methods to address the different subproblems. First, we analyse the topical distribution of tweets to determine the number of topics that are discussed in a single tweet. Next, we propose a topic specific stylistic method to retrieve tweets that are relevant to a topic and also express opinion about it. Then, we explore the effectiveness of time series methodologies to track and forecast the evolution of sentiment towards a specific topic over time. In addition, we propose the LDA & KL-divergence approach to extract and rank the likely causes of sentiment spikes. We create a test collection that can be used to evaluate methodologies in ranking the likely reasons of sentiment spikes. To estimate the number of people that have a certain opinion about an entity, we propose an approach that uses pre-publication and post- publication features extracted from news posts and users' comments respectively. Finally, we propose an approach that propagates sentiment signals to measure the impact of public opinion towards the entity's reputation. We evaluate our proposed methods on standard evaluation collections and provide evidence that the proposed methods improve the performance of the state-of-the-art approaches on tracking public opinion on social media

    Harnessing the power of the general public for crowdsourced business intelligence: a survey

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    International audienceCrowdsourced business intelligence (CrowdBI), which leverages the crowdsourced user-generated data to extract useful knowledge about business and create marketing intelligence to excel in the business environment, has become a surging research topic in recent years. Compared with the traditional business intelligence that is based on the firm-owned data and survey data, CrowdBI faces numerous unique issues, such as customer behavior analysis, brand tracking, and product improvement, demand forecasting and trend analysis, competitive intelligence, business popularity analysis and site recommendation, and urban commercial analysis. This paper first characterizes the concept model and unique features and presents a generic framework for CrowdBI. It also investigates novel application areas as well as the key challenges and techniques of CrowdBI. Furthermore, we make discussions about the future research directions of CrowdBI