597 research outputs found

    Techniques for online analysis of large distributed data

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    With the advancement of technology, there has been an exponential growth in the volume of data that is continuously being generated by several applications in domains such as finance, networking, security. Examples of such continuously streaming data include internet traffic data, sensor readings, tweets, stock market data, telecommunication records. As a result, processing and analyzing data to derive useful insights from them in real time is becoming increasingly important. The goal of my research is to propose techniques to effectively find aggregates and patterns from massive distributed data stream in real time. In many real world applications, there may be specific user requirements for analyzing data. We consider three different user requirements for our work - Sliding window, Distributed data stream, and a Union of historical and streaming data. We aim to address the following problems in our research : First, we present a detailed experimental evaluation of streaming algorithms over sliding window for distinct counting, which is a fundamental aggregation problem widely applied in database query optimization and network monitoring. Next, we present the first communication-efficient distributed algorithm for tracking persistent items in a distributed data stream over both infinite and sliding window. We present theoretical analysis on communication cost and accuracy, and provide experimental results to validate the guarantees. Finally, we present the design and evaluation of a low cost algorithm that identifies quantiles from a union of historical and streaming data with improved accuracy

    Adaptive estimation and change detection of correlation and quantiles for evolving data streams

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    Streaming data processing is increasingly playing a central role in enterprise data architectures due to an abundance of available measurement data from a wide variety of sources and advances in data capture and infrastructure technology. Data streams arrive, with high frequency, as never-ending sequences of events, where the underlying data generating process always has the potential to evolve. Business operations often demand real-time processing of data streams for keeping models up-to-date and timely decision-making. For example in cybersecurity contexts, analysing streams of network data can aid the detection of potentially malicious behaviour. Many tools for statistical inference cannot meet the challenging demands of streaming data, where the computational cost of updates to models must be constant to ensure continuous processing as data scales. Moreover, these tools are often not capable of adapting to changes, or drift, in the data. Thus, new tools for modelling data streams with efficient data processing and model updating capabilities, referred to as streaming analytics, are required. Regular intervention for control parameter configuration is prohibitive to the truly continuous processing constraints of streaming data. There is a notable absence of such tools designed with both temporal-adaptivity to accommodate drift and the autonomy to not rely on control parameter tuning. Streaming analytics with these properties can be developed using an Adaptive Forgetting (AF) framework, with roots in adaptive filtering. The fundamental contributions of this thesis are to extend the streaming toolkit by using the AF framework to develop autonomous and temporally-adaptive streaming analytics. The first contribution uses the AF framework to demonstrate the development of a model, and validation procedure, for estimating time-varying parameters of bivariate data streams from cyber-physical systems. This is accompanied by a novel continuous monitoring change detection system that compares adaptive and non-adaptive estimates. The second contribution is the development of a streaming analytic for the correlation coefficient and an associated change detector to monitor changes to correlation structures across streams. This is demonstrated on cybersecurity network data. The third contribution is a procedure for estimating time-varying binomial data with thorough exploration of the nuanced behaviour of this estimator. The final contribution is a framework to enhance extant streaming quantile estimators with autonomous, temporally-adaptive properties. In addition, a novel streaming quantile procedure is developed and demonstrated, in an extensive simulation study, to show appealing performance.Open Acces

    Uncertainty Intervals for Prediction Errors in Time Series Forecasting

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    Inference for prediction errors is critical in time series forecasting pipelines. However, providing statistically meaningful uncertainty intervals for prediction errors remains relatively under-explored. Practitioners often resort to forward cross-validation (FCV) for obtaining point estimators and constructing confidence intervals based on the Central Limit Theorem (CLT). The naive version assumes independence, a condition that is usually invalid due to time correlation. These approaches lack statistical interpretations and theoretical justifications even under stationarity. This paper systematically investigates uncertainty intervals for prediction errors in time series forecasting. We first distinguish two key inferential targets: the stochastic test error over near future data points, and the expected test error as the expectation of the former. The stochastic test error is often more relevant in applications needing to quantify uncertainty over individual time series instances. To construct prediction intervals for the stochastic test error, we propose the quantile-based forward cross-validation (QFCV) method. Under an ergodicity assumption, QFCV intervals have asymptotically valid coverage and are shorter than marginal empirical quantiles. In addition, we also illustrate why naive CLT-based FCV intervals fail to provide valid uncertainty intervals, even with certain corrections. For non-stationary time series, we further provide rolling intervals by combining QFCV with adaptive conformal prediction to give time-average coverage guarantees. Overall, we advocate the use of QFCV procedures and demonstrate their coverage and efficiency through simulations and real data examples.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figure

    Frequency Estimation Under Multiparty Differential Privacy: One-shot and Streaming

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    We study the fundamental problem of frequency estimation under both privacy and communication constraints, where the data is distributed among kk parties. We consider two application scenarios: (1) one-shot, where the data is static and the aggregator conducts a one-time computation; and (2) streaming, where each party receives a stream of items over time and the aggregator continuously monitors the frequencies. We adopt the model of multiparty differential privacy (MDP), which is more general than local differential privacy (LDP) and (centralized) differential privacy. Our protocols achieve optimality (up to logarithmic factors) permissible by the more stringent of the two constraints. In particular, when specialized to the ε\varepsilon-LDP model, our protocol achieves an error of k/(eΘ(ε)1)\sqrt{k}/(e^{\Theta(\varepsilon)}-1) using O(kmax{ε,1ε})O(k\max\{ \varepsilon, \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \}) bits of communication and O(klogu)O(k \log u) bits of public randomness, where uu is the size of the domain

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationKernel smoothing provides a simple way of finding structures in data sets without the imposition of a parametric model, for example, nonparametric regression and density estimates. However, in many data-intensive applications, the data set could be large. Thus, evaluating a kernel density estimate or kernel regression over the data set directly can be prohibitively expensive in big data. This dissertation is working on how to efficiently find a smaller data set that can approximate the original data set with a theoretical guarantee in the kernel smoothing setting and how to extend it to more general smooth range spaces. For kernel density estimates, we propose randomized and deterministic algorithms with quality guarantees that are orders of magnitude more efficient than previous algorithms, which do not require knowledge of the kernel or its bandwidth parameter and are easily parallelizable. Our algorithms are applicable to any large-scale data processing framework. We then further investigate how to measure the error between two kernel density estimates, which is usually measured either in L1 or L2 error. In this dissertation, we investigate the challenges in using a stronger error, L ∞ (or worst case) error. We present efficient solutions for how to estimate the L∞ error and how to choose the bandwidth parameter for a kernel density estimate built on a subsample of a large data set. We next extend smoothed versions of geometric range spaces from kernel range spaces to more general types of ranges, so that an element of the ground set can be contained in a range with a non-binary value in [0,1]. We investigate the approximation of these range spaces through ϵ-nets and ϵ-samples. Finally, we study coresets algorithms for kernel regression. The size of the coresets are independent of the size of the data set, rather they only depend on the error guarantee, and in some cases the size of domain and amount of smoothing. We evaluate our methods on very large time series and spatial data, demonstrate that they can be constructed extremely efficiently, and allow for great computational gains