391,969 research outputs found

    Statistical framework for estimating GNSS bias

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    We present a statistical framework for estimating global navigation satellite system (GNSS) non-ionospheric differential time delay bias. The biases are estimated by examining differences of measured line integrated electron densities (TEC) that are scaled to equivalent vertical integrated densities. The spatio-temporal variability, instrumentation dependent errors, and errors due to inaccurate ionospheric altitude profile assumptions are modeled as structure functions. These structure functions determine how the TEC differences are weighted in the linear least-squares minimization procedure, which is used to produce the bias estimates. A method for automatic detection and removal of outlier measurements that do not fit into a model of receiver bias is also described. The same statistical framework can be used for a single receiver station, but it also scales to a large global network of receivers. In addition to the Global Positioning System (GPS), the method is also applicable to other dual frequency GNSS systems, such as GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema). The use of the framework is demonstrated in practice through several examples. A specific implementation of the methods presented here are used to compute GPS receiver biases for measurements in the MIT Haystack Madrigal distributed database system. Results of the new algorithm are compared with the current MIT Haystack Observatory MAPGPS bias determination algorithm. The new method is found to produce estimates of receiver bias that have reduced day-to-day variability and more consistent coincident vertical TEC values.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to AM

    Contribution of isotopic research techniques to characterize highmountain-Mediterranean karst aquifers: The Port del Comte (Eastern Pyrenees) aquifer.

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    Water resources in high mountain karst aquifers are usually characterized by high rainfall, recharge and discharge that leads to the sustainability of the downstream ecosystems. Nevertheless, these hydrological systems are vulnerable to the global change impact. The mean transit time (MTT) is a key parameter to describe the behavior of these hydrologic systems and also to assess their vulnerability. This work is focused on estimating MTT by using water stable isotopes in the framework of high-mountain karst systems with a very thick unsaturated zone (USZ). To this end, it is adapted to alpine zones an existing methodology that combines in a row a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model used to estimate recharge time series, and a lumped-parameter model to obtain through a convolution integral. The methodology has been applied to the Port del Comte Massif (PCM) hydrological system (Southeastern Pyrenees, NE Spain), a karst aquifer system with an overlying1000 m thick USZ. Six catchment areas corresponding to most important springs of the system are considered. The obtained results show that hydrologically the behavior of the system can be described by an exponential flow model (EM), with MTT ranging between 1.9 and 2.9 years. These values are shorter than those obtained by considering a constant recharge rate along time, which is the easiest and most applied aquifer recharge hypothesis when estimating through lumped-parameter models. This methodology can be useful to improve the characterization and understanding of other high mountain karst aquifers with an overlying thick USZ that are common in many alpine zones elsewhere the globe

    [Multi-Scale Convergence of Cold-Land Process Representation in Land-Surface Models, Microwave Remote Sensing, and Field Observations]

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    The cryosphere is a major component of the hydrosphere and interacts significantly with the global climate system, the geosphere, and the biosphere. Measurement of the amount of water stored in the snow pack and forecasting the rate of melt are thus essential for managing water supply and flood control systems. Snow hydrologists are confronted with the dual problems of estimating both the quantity of water held by seasonal snow packs and time of snow melt. Monitoring these snow parameters is essential for one of the objectives of the Earth Science Enterprise-understanding of the global hydrologic cycle. Measuring spatially distributed snow properties, such as snow water equivalence (SWE) and wetness, from space is a key component for improvement of our understanding of coupled atmosphere-surface processes. Through the GWEC project, we have significantly advanced our understandings and improved modeling capabilities of the microwave signatures in response to snow and underground properties

    From scene flow to visual odometry through local and global regularisation in markov random fields

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    We revisit pairwise Markov Random Field (MRF) formulations for RGB-D scene flow and leverage novel advances in processor design for real-time implementations. We consider scene flow approaches which consist of data terms enforcing intensity consistency between consecutive images, together with regularisation terms which impose smoothness over the flow field. To achieve real-time operation, previous systems leveraged GPUs and implemented regularisation only between variables corresponding to neighbouring pixels. Such systems could estimate continuously deforming flow fields but the lack of global regularisation over the whole field made them ineffective for visual odometry. We leverage the GraphCore Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) graph processor chip, which consists of 1216 independent cores called tiles, each with 256 kB local memory. The tiles are connected to an ultrafast all-to-all communication fabric which enables efficient data transmission between the tiles in an arbitrary communication pattern. We propose a distributed formulation for dense RGB-D scene flow based on Gaussian Belief Propagation which leverages the architecture of this processor to implement both local and global regularisation. Local regularisation is enforced for pairs of flow estimates whose corresponding pixels are neighbours, while global regularisation is defined for flow estimate pairs whose corresponding pixels are far from each other on the image plane. Using both types of regularisation allows our algorithm to handle a variety of in-scene motion and makes it suitable for estimating deforming scene flow, piece-wise rigid scene flow and visual odometry within the same system

    Applications of TRMM-based Multi-Satellite Precipitation Estimation for Global Runoff Simulation: Prototyping a Global Flood Monitoring System

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    Advances in flood monitoring/forecasting have been constrained by the difficulty in estimating rainfall continuously over space (catchment-, national-, continental-, or even global-scale areas) and flood-relevant time scale. With the recent availability of satellite rainfall estimates at fine time and space resolution, this paper describes a prototype research framework for global flood monitoring by combining real-time satellite observations with a database of global terrestrial characteristics through a hydrologically relevant modeling scheme. Four major components included in the framework are (1) real-time precipitation input from NASA TRMM-based Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA); (2) a central geospatial database to preprocess the land surface characteristics: water divides, slopes, soils, land use, flow directions, flow accumulation, drainage network etc.; (3) a modified distributed hydrological model to convert rainfall to runoff and route the flow through the stream network in order to predict the timing and severity of the flood wave, and (4) an open-access web interface to quickly disseminate flood alerts for potential decision-making. Retrospective simulations for 1998-2006 demonstrate that the Global Flood Monitor (GFM) system performs consistently at both station and catchment levels. The GFM website (experimental version) has been running at near real-time in an effort to offer a cost-effective solution to the ultimate challenge of building natural disaster early warning systems for the data-sparse regions of the world. The interactive GFM website shows close-up maps of the flood risks overlaid on topography/population or integrated with the Google-Earth visualization tool. One additional capability, which extends forecast lead-time by assimilating QPF into the GFM, also will be implemented in the future

    Beyond Triangles: A Distributed Framework for Estimating 3-profiles of Large Graphs

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    We study the problem of approximating the 33-profile of a large graph. 33-profiles are generalizations of triangle counts that specify the number of times a small graph appears as an induced subgraph of a large graph. Our algorithm uses the novel concept of 33-profile sparsifiers: sparse graphs that can be used to approximate the full 33-profile counts for a given large graph. Further, we study the problem of estimating local and ego 33-profiles, two graph quantities that characterize the local neighborhood of each vertex of a graph. Our algorithm is distributed and operates as a vertex program over the GraphLab PowerGraph framework. We introduce the concept of edge pivoting which allows us to collect 22-hop information without maintaining an explicit 22-hop neighborhood list at each vertex. This enables the computation of all the local 33-profiles in parallel with minimal communication. We test out implementation in several experiments scaling up to 640640 cores on Amazon EC2. We find that our algorithm can estimate the 33-profile of a graph in approximately the same time as triangle counting. For the harder problem of ego 33-profiles, we introduce an algorithm that can estimate profiles of hundreds of thousands of vertices in parallel, in the timescale of minutes.Comment: To appear in part at KDD'1

    Distributed Estimation of Graph 4-Profiles

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    We present a novel distributed algorithm for counting all four-node induced subgraphs in a big graph. These counts, called the 44-profile, describe a graph's connectivity properties and have found several uses ranging from bioinformatics to spam detection. We also study the more complicated problem of estimating the local 44-profiles centered at each vertex of the graph. The local 44-profile embeds every vertex in an 1111-dimensional space that characterizes the local geometry of its neighborhood: vertices that connect different clusters will have different local 44-profiles compared to those that are only part of one dense cluster. Our algorithm is a local, distributed message-passing scheme on the graph and computes all the local 44-profiles in parallel. We rely on two novel theoretical contributions: we show that local 44-profiles can be calculated using compressed two-hop information and also establish novel concentration results that show that graphs can be substantially sparsified and still retain good approximation quality for the global 44-profile. We empirically evaluate our algorithm using a distributed GraphLab implementation that we scaled up to 640640 cores. We show that our algorithm can compute global and local 44-profiles of graphs with millions of edges in a few minutes, significantly improving upon the previous state of the art.Comment: To appear in part at WWW'1