1,057 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Methods for Image Analysis in Medical Applications, from Alzheimer\u27s Disease, Brain Tumors, to Assisted Living

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    Healthcare has progressed greatly nowadays owing to technological advances, where machine learning plays an important role in processing and analyzing a large amount of medical data. This thesis investigates four healthcare-related issues (Alzheimer\u27s disease detection, glioma classification, human fall detection, and obstacle avoidance in prosthetic vision), where the underlying methodologies are associated with machine learning and computer vision. For Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis, apart from symptoms of patients, Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) also play an important role. Inspired by the success of deep learning, a new multi-stream multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is proposed for AD detection from MRIs, where AD features are characterized in both the tissue level and the scale level for improved feature learning. Good classification performance is obtained for AD/NC (normal control) classification with test accuracy 94.74%. In glioma subtype classification, biopsies are usually needed for determining different molecular-based glioma subtypes. We investigate non-invasive glioma subtype prediction from MRIs by using deep learning. A 2D multi-stream CNN architecture is used to learn the features of gliomas from multi-modal MRIs, where the training dataset is enlarged with synthetic brain MRIs generated by pairwise Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Test accuracy 88.82% has been achieved for IDH mutation (a molecular-based subtype) prediction. A new deep semi-supervised learning method is also proposed to tackle the problem of missing molecular-related labels in training datasets for improving the performance of glioma classification. In other two applications, we also address video-based human fall detection by using co-saliency-enhanced Recurrent Convolutional Networks (RCNs), as well as obstacle avoidance in prosthetic vision by characterizing obstacle-related video features using a Spiking Neural Network (SNN). These investigations can benefit future research, where artificial intelligence/deep learning may open a new way for real medical applications

    Explainable and Robust Deep Forests for EMG-Force Modeling

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    Deep learning-based artificial vision for grasp classification in myoelectric hands

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    Objective. Computer vision-based assistive technology solutions can revolutionise the quality of care for people with sensorimotor disorders. The goal of this work was to enable trans-radial amputees to use a simple, yet efficient, computer vision system to grasp and move common household objects with a two-channel myoelectric prosthetic hand. Approach. We developed a deep learning-based artificial vision system to augment the grasp functionality of a commercial prosthesis. Our main conceptual novelty is that we classify objects with regards to the grasp pattern without explicitly identifying them or measuring their dimensions. A convolutional neural network (CNN) structure was trained with images of over 500 graspable objects. For each object, 72 images, at 5∘{{5}^{\circ}} intervals, were available. Objects were categorised into four grasp classes, namely: pinch, tripod, palmar wrist neutral and palmar wrist pronated. The CNN setting was first tuned and tested offline and then in realtime with objects or object views that were not included in the training set. Main results. The classification accuracy in the offline tests reached 85%85 \% for the seen and 75%75 \% for the novel objects; reflecting the generalisability of grasp classification. We then implemented the proposed framework in realtime on a standard laptop computer and achieved an overall score of 84%84 \% in classifying a set of novel as well as seen but randomly-rotated objects. Finally, the system was tested with two trans-radial amputee volunteers controlling an i-limb UltraTM prosthetic hand and a motion controlTM prosthetic wrist; augmented with a webcam. After training, subjects successfully picked up and moved the target objects with an overall success of up to 88%88 \% . In addition, we show that with training, subjects' performance improved in terms of time required to accomplish a block of 24 trials despite a decreasing level of visual feedback. Significance. The proposed design constitutes a substantial conceptual improvement for the control of multi-functional prosthetic hands. We show for the first time that deep-learning based computer vision systems can enhance the grip functionality of myoelectric hands considerably

    Fused mechanomyography and inertial measurement for human-robot interface

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    Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) are the technology through which we interact with the ever-increasing quantity of smart devices surrounding us. The fundamental goal of an HMI is to facilitate robot control through uniting a human operator as the supervisor with a machine as the task executor. Sensors, actuators, and onboard intelligence have not reached the point where robotic manipulators may function with complete autonomy and therefore some form of HMI is still necessary in unstructured environments. These may include environments where direct human action is undesirable or infeasible, and situations where a robot must assist and/or interface with people. Contemporary literature has introduced concepts such as body-worn mechanical devices, instrumented gloves, inertial or electromagnetic motion tracking sensors on the arms, head, or legs, electroencephalographic (EEG) brain activity sensors, electromyographic (EMG) muscular activity sensors and camera-based (vision) interfaces to recognize hand gestures and/or track arm motions for assessment of operator intent and generation of robotic control signals. While these developments offer a wealth of future potential their utility has been largely restricted to laboratory demonstrations in controlled environments due to issues such as lack of portability and robustness and an inability to extract operator intent for both arm and hand motion. Wearable physiological sensors hold particular promise for capture of human intent/command. EMG-based gesture recognition systems in particular have received significant attention in recent literature. As wearable pervasive devices, they offer benefits over camera or physical input systems in that they neither inhibit the user physically nor constrain the user to a location where the sensors are deployed. Despite these benefits, EMG alone has yet to demonstrate the capacity to recognize both gross movement (e.g. arm motion) and finer grasping (e.g. hand movement). As such, many researchers have proposed fusing muscle activity (EMG) and motion tracking e.g. (inertial measurement) to combine arm motion and grasp intent as HMI input for manipulator control. However, such work has arguably reached a plateau since EMG suffers from interference from environmental factors which cause signal degradation over time, demands an electrical connection with the skin, and has not demonstrated the capacity to function out of controlled environments for long periods of time. This thesis proposes a new form of gesture-based interface utilising a novel combination of inertial measurement units (IMUs) and mechanomyography sensors (MMGs). The modular system permits numerous configurations of IMU to derive body kinematics in real-time and uses this to convert arm movements into control signals. Additionally, bands containing six mechanomyography sensors were used to observe muscular contractions in the forearm which are generated using specific hand motions. This combination of continuous and discrete control signals allows a large variety of smart devices to be controlled. Several methods of pattern recognition were implemented to provide accurate decoding of the mechanomyographic information, including Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machines. Based on these techniques, accuracies of 94.5% and 94.6% respectively were achieved for 12 gesture classification. In real-time tests, accuracies of 95.6% were achieved in 5 gesture classification. It has previously been noted that MMG sensors are susceptible to motion induced interference. The thesis also established that arm pose also changes the measured signal. This thesis introduces a new method of fusing of IMU and MMG to provide a classification that is robust to both of these sources of interference. Additionally, an improvement in orientation estimation, and a new orientation estimation algorithm are proposed. These improvements to the robustness of the system provide the first solution that is able to reliably track both motion and muscle activity for extended periods of time for HMI outside a clinical environment. Application in robot teleoperation in both real-world and virtual environments were explored. With multiple degrees of freedom, robot teleoperation provides an ideal test platform for HMI devices, since it requires a combination of continuous and discrete control signals. The field of prosthetics also represents a unique challenge for HMI applications. In an ideal situation, the sensor suite should be capable of detecting the muscular activity in the residual limb which is naturally indicative of intent to perform a specific hand pose and trigger this post in the prosthetic device. Dynamic environmental conditions within a socket such as skin impedance have delayed the translation of gesture control systems into prosthetic devices, however mechanomyography sensors are unaffected by such issues. There is huge potential for a system like this to be utilised as a controller as ubiquitous computing systems become more prevalent, and as the desire for a simple, universal interface increases. Such systems have the potential to impact significantly on the quality of life of prosthetic users and others.Open Acces

    Modelling the visual response to an OUReP retinal prosthesis with photoelectric dye coupled to polyethylene film

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    Objective. Retinal prostheses have been developed to restore vision in blind patients suffering from diseases like retinitis pigmentosa. Approach. A new type of retinal prosthesis called the Okayama University-type retinal prosthesis (OUReP) was developed by chemically coupling photoelectric dyes to a polyethylene film surface. The prosthesis works by passively generating an electric potential when stimulated by light. However, the neurophysiological mechanism of how OUReP stimulates the degenerated retina is unknown. Main results. Here, we explore how the OUReP affects retinal tissues using a finite element model to solve for the potential inside the tissue and an active Hodgkin-Huxley model based on rat vision to predict the corresponding retinal bipolar response. Significance. We show that the OUReP is likely capable of eliciting responses in retinal bipolar cells necessary to generate vision under most ambient conditions

    Algorithms for Neural Prosthetic Applications

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    abstract: In the last 15 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of motor neural prostheses used for restoring limb function lost due to neurological disorders or accidents. The aim of this technology is to enable patients to control a motor prosthesis using their residual neural pathways (central or peripheral). Recent studies in non-human primates and humans have shown the possibility of controlling a prosthesis for accomplishing varied tasks such as self-feeding, typing, reaching, grasping, and performing fine dexterous movements. A neural decoding system comprises mainly of three components: (i) sensors to record neural signals, (ii) an algorithm to map neural recordings to upper limb kinematics and (iii) a prosthetic arm actuated by control signals generated by the algorithm. Machine learning algorithms that map input neural activity to the output kinematics (like finger trajectory) form the core of the neural decoding system. The choice of the algorithm is thus, mainly imposed by the neural signal of interest and the output parameter being decoded. The various parts of a neural decoding system are neural data, feature extraction, feature selection, and machine learning algorithm. There have been significant advances in the field of neural prosthetic applications. But there are challenges for translating a neural prosthesis from a laboratory setting to a clinical environment. To achieve a fully functional prosthetic device with maximum user compliance and acceptance, these factors need to be addressed and taken into consideration. Three challenges in developing robust neural decoding systems were addressed by exploring neural variability in the peripheral nervous system for dexterous finger movements, feature selection methods based on clinically relevant metrics and a novel method for decoding dexterous finger movements based on ensemble methods.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Bioengineering 201

    Spectral analysis of phonocardiographic signals using advanced parametric methods

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    Resource efficient on-node spike sorting

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    Current implantable brain-machine interfaces are recording multi-neuron activity by utilising multi-channel, multi-electrode micro-electrodes. With the rapid increase in recording capability has come more stringent constraints on implantable system power consumption and size. This is even more so with the increasing demand for wireless systems to increase the number of channels being monitored whilst overcoming the communication bottleneck (in transmitting raw data) via transcutaneous bio-telemetries. For systems observing unit activity, real-time spike sorting within an implantable device offers a unique solution to this problem. However, achieving such data compression prior to transmission via an on-node spike sorting system has several challenges. The inherent complexity of the spike sorting problem arising from various factors (such as signal variability, local field potentials, background and multi-unit activity) have required computationally intensive algorithms (e.g. PCA, wavelet transform, superparamagnetic clustering). Hence spike sorting systems have traditionally been implemented off-line, usually run on work-stations. Owing to their complexity and not-so-well scalability, these algorithms cannot be simply transformed into a resource efficient hardware. On the contrary, although there have been several attempts in implantable hardware, an implementation to match comparable accuracy to off-line within the required power and area requirements for future BMIs have yet to be proposed. Within this context, this research aims to fill in the gaps in the design towards a resource efficient implantable real-time spike sorter which achieves performance comparable to off-line methods. The research covered in this thesis target: 1) Identifying and quantifying the trade-offs on subsequent signal processing performance and hardware resource utilisation of the parameters associated with analogue-front-end. Following the development of a behavioural model of the analogue-front-end and an optimisation tool, the sensitivity of the spike sorting accuracy to different front-end parameters are quantified. 2) Identifying and quantifying the trade-offs associated with a two-stage hybrid solution to realising real-time on-node spike sorting. Initial part of the work focuses from the perspective of template matching only, while the second part of the work considers these parameters from the point of whole system including detection, sorting, and off-line training (template building). A set of minimum requirements are established which ensure robust, accurate and resource efficient operation. 3) Developing new feature extraction and spike sorting algorithms towards highly scalable systems. Based on waveform dynamics of the observed action potentials, a derivative based feature extraction and a spike sorting algorithm are proposed. These are compared with most commonly used methods of spike sorting under varying noise levels using realistic datasets to confirm their merits. The latter is implemented and demonstrated in real-time through an MCU based platform.Open Acces

    Assessment of Normal Knee Kinematics Using High-Speed Stereo-Radiography System

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    The measurement of dynamic joint kinematics in vivo is important in order to understand the effects of joint injuries and diseases as well as for evaluating the treatment effectiveness. Quantification of knee motion is essential for assessment of joint function for diagnosis of pathology, such as tracking and progression of osteoarthritis and evaluation of outcome following conservative or surgical treatment. Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is an invasive treatment for arthritic pain and functional disability and it is used for deformed joint replacement with implants in order to restore joint alignment. It is important to describe knee kinematics in healthy individuals for comparison in diagnosis of pathology and understanding treatment to restore normal function. However measuring the in vivo dynamic biomechanics in 6 degrees of freedom with an accuracy that is acceptable has been shown to be technically challenging. Skin marker based methods, commonly used in human movement analysis, are still prone to large errors produced by soft tissue artifacts. Thus, great deal of research has been done to obtain more accurate data of the knee joint by using other measuring techniques like dual plane fluoroscopy. The goal of this thesis is to use high-speed stereo radiography (HSSR) system for measuring joint kinematics in healthy older adults performing common movements of daily living such as straight walking and during higher demand activities of pivoting and step descending in order to establish a useful baseline for the envelope of healthy knee motion for subsequent comparison with patients with TKA. Prior to data collection, validation and calibration techniques as well as dose estimations were mandatory for the successful accomplishment of this study
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