531 research outputs found

    Dynamic Signature File Partitioning Based on Term Characteristics

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    Signature files act as a filter on retrieval to discard a large number of non-qualifying data items. Linear hashing with superimposed signatures (LHSS) provides an effective retrieval filter to process queries in dynamic databases. This study is an analysis of the effects of reflecting the term query and occurrence characteristics to signatures in LHSS. This approach relaxes the unrealistic uniform frequency assumption and lets the terms with high discriminatory power set more bits in signatures. The simulation experiments based on the derived formulas show that incorporating the term characteristics in LHSS improves retrieval efficiency. The paper also discusses the further benefits of this approach to alleviate the potential imbalance between the levels of efficiency and relevancy

    Analysis of Signature Generation Schemes for Multiterm Queries In Partitioned Signature File Environments

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    Our analysis explores the performance of three superimposed signature generation schemes as they are applied to a dynamic sigrtature file organization based on linear hashing: Linear Hashing with Superinzposed Signatures (LHSS). First scheme (SM) allows all terms set the same number of bits whereas the second and third methods (MMS and MMM) emphasize the terms with hlgh discriminatory power. In addition, M Mco nsiders the probaOiZity distribution of the number of query terms. The main contribution of the study is the combination of signature generation and signature file organization concepts together with the relaxation of the single term query and uniform frequency assumptions. The derivation of the performance evaluation formulas are provided as well as the analysis of various experimental settings. Results indicate that MMM outperforms the others as terms become more distinctive in their discriminatory power. MMM accomplishes the highest savings in retrieval eficiency for the high query weight case. We also discuss the applicability of the derivations to other partitioned signature organizations providing a detailed analysis of Fixed Prefix Partitioning (FPP) as an example. Finally, an appro.ximate perfortnance evaluation formula that works for both FPP and LHSS is modijied to account for the multiterm case

    Analysis of Multiterm Queries in Partitioned Signature File Environments

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    The concern of this study is the signature files which are used for information storage and retrieval in both formatted and unformatted databases. The analysis combines the concerns of signature extraction and signature file organization which have usually been treated as separate issues. Both the uniform frequency and single term query assumptions are relaxed and a comprehensive analysis is presented for multiterm query environments where terms can be classified based on their query and database occurrence frequencies. The performance of three superimposed signature generation schemes is explored as they are applied to a dynamic signature file organization based on linear hashing: Linear Hashing with Superimposed Signatures (LHSS). First scheme (SM) allows all terms set the same number of bits regardless of their discriminatory power whereas the second and third methods (MMS and MMM) emphasize the terms with high query and low database ooccurrence frequencies. Of these three schemes, only MMM takes the probability distribution of the number of query terms into account in finding the optimal mapping strategy. The main contribution of the study is the derivation of the performance evaluation formulas which is provided together with the analysis of various experimental settings. Results indicate that MMM outperforms the other methods as the gap between the discriminatory power of the terms gets larger. The absolute value of the savings provided by MMM reaches a maximum for the high query weight case. However, the extra savings decline sharply for high weight and moderately for the low weight queries with the increase in database size. The applicability of the derivations to other partitioned signature organizations is discussed and a detailed analysis of Fixed Prefix Partitioning (FPP) is provided as an example. An approximate formula that is shown to estimate the performance of both FPP and LHSS within an acceptable margin of error is also modified to account for the multiterm case

    Analysis of Signature Generation Schemes for Multiterm Queries In Linear Hashing with Superimposed Signatures

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    Signature files provide efficient retrieval of data by reflecting the essence of the data objects into bit patterns. Our analysis explores the performance of three superimposed signature generation schemes as they are applied to a dynamic signature file organization based on linear hashing: Linear Hashing with Superimposed Signatures (LHSS). The first scheme (SM) allows all terms set the same number of bits whereas the second and third schemes (MMS aid MMM) emphasize the terms with high discriminatory power. In addition, MMM considers the probability distribution of the number of query terms. The main contribution of the study is a detailed analysis of LHSS in multiterm query environments by incorporating the term discrimination values based on document and query frequencies. The approach of the study can also be extended to other signature file access methods based on partitioning. The derivation of the performance evaluation formulas, the simulation results based on these formulas for various experimental settings, and the implementation results based on INSPEC and NPL text databases are provided. Results indicate that MMM and MMS outperform SM in all cases in terms of access savings, especially when terms become more distinctive. MMM slightly outperforms MMS in high weight and low weight query cases. The performance gap among all three schemes decreases as the database size increases, and as the signature size increases the performances of MMM and MMS decrease and converge to that of the SM scheme when the hashing level is fixed

    Signature File Hashing Using Term Occurrence and Query Frequencies

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    Signature files act as a filter on retrieval to discard a large number of non-qualifying data items. Linear hashing with superimposed signatures (LHSS) provides an effective retrieval filter to process queries in dynamic databases. This study is an analysis of the effects of reflecting the term occurrence and query frequencies to signatures in LHSS. This approach relaxes the unrealistic uniform frequency assumption and lets the terms with high discriminatory power set more bits in signatures. The simulation experiments based on the derived formulas explore the amount of page savings with different occurrence and query frequency combinations at different hashing levels. The results show that the performance of LHSS improves with the hashing level and the larger is the difference between the term discriminatory power values of the terms, the higher is the retrieval efficiency. The paper also discusses the benefits of this approach to alleviate the imbalance between the levels of efficiency and relevancy in unrealistic uniform frequency assumption case

    Signature Files: An Integrated Access Method for Formatted and Unformatted Databases

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    The signature file approach is one of the most powerful information storage and retrieval techniques which is used for finding the data objects that are relevant to the user queries. The main idea of all signature based schemes is to reflect the essence of the data items into bit pattern (descriptors or signatures) and store them in a separate file which acts as a filter to eliminate the non aualifvine data items for an information reauest. It provides an integrated access method for both formattid and formatted databases. A complative overview and discussion of the proposed signatnre generation methods and the major signature file organization schemes are presented. Applications of the signature techniques to formatted and unformatted databases, single and multiterm query cases, serial and paratlei architecture. static and dynamic environments are provided with a special emphasis on the multimedia databases where the pioneering prototype systems using signatnres yield highly encouraging results

    Partial query evaluation for vertically partitioned signature files in very large unformatted databases

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and Information Science and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 1996.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 1996.Includes bibliographical references leaves 115-121.Koçberber, SeyitPh.D

    Towards adaptive balanced computing (ABC) using reconfigurable functional caches (RFCs)

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    The general-purpose computing processor performs a wide range of functions. Although the performance of general-purpose processors has been steadily increasing, certain software technologies like multimedia and digital signal processing applications demand ever more computing power. Reconfigurable computing has emerged to combine the versatility of general-purpose processors with the customization ability of ASICs. The basic premise of reconfigurability is to provide better performance and higher computing density than fixed configuration processors. Most of the research in reconfigurable computing is dedicated to on-chip functional logic. If computing resources are adaptable to the computing requirement, the maximum performance can be achieved. To overcome the gap between processor and memory technology, the size of on-chip cache memory has been consistently increasing. The larger cache memory capacity, though beneficial in general, does not guarantee a higher performance for all the applications as they may not utilize all of the cache efficiently. To utilize on-chip resources effectively and to accelerate the performance of multimedia applications specifically, we propose a new architecture---Adaptive Balanced Computing (ABC). ABC uses dynamic resource configuration of on-chip cache memory by integrating Reconfigurable Functional Caches (RFC). RFC can work as a conventional cache or as a specialized computing unit when necessary. In order to convert a cache memory to a computing unit, we include additional logic to embed multi-bit output LUTs into the cache structure. We add the reconfigurability of cache memory to a conventional processor with minimal modification to the load/store microarchitecture and with minimal compiler assistance. ABC architecture utilizes resources more efficiently by reconfiguring the cache memory to computing units dynamically. The area penalty for this reconfiguration is about 50--60% of the memory cell cache array-only area with faster cache access time. In a base array cache (parallel decoding caches), the area penalty is 10--20% of the data array with 1--2% increase in the cache access time. However, we save 27% for FIR and 44% for DCT/IDCT in area with respect to memory cell array cache and about 80% for both applications with respect to base array cache if we were to implement all these units separately (such as ASICs). The simulations with multimedia and DSP applications (DCT/IDCT and FIR/IIR) show that the resource configuration with the RFC speedups ranging from 1.04X to 3.94X in overall applications and from 2.61X to 27.4X in the core computations. The simulations with various parameters indicate that the impact of reconfiguration can be minimized if an appropriate cache organization is selected

    Long-term Information Preservation and Access

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    An unprecedented amount of information encompassing almost every facet of human activities across the world is generated daily in the form of zeros and ones, and that is often the only form in which such information is recorded. A good fraction of this information needs to be preserved for periods of time ranging from a few years to centuries. Consequently, the problem of preserving digital information over a long-term has attracted the attention of many organizations, including libraries, government agencies, scientific communities, and individual researchers. In this dissertation, we address three issues that are critical to ensure long-term information preservation and access. The first concerns the core requirement of how to guarantee the integrity of preserved contents. Digital information is in general very fragile because of the many ways errors can be introduced, such as errors introduced because of hardware and media degradation, hardware and software malfunction, operational errors, security breaches, and malicious alterations. To address this problem, we develop a new approach based on efficient and rigorous cryptographic techniques, which will guarantee the integrity of preserved contents with extremely high probability even in the presence of malicious attacks. Our prototype implementation of this approach has been deployed and actively used in the past years in several organizations, including the San Diego Super Computer Center, the Chronopolis Consortium, North Carolina State University, and more recently the Government Printing Office. Second, we consider another crucial component in any preservation system - searching and locating information. The ever-growing size of a long-term archive and the temporality of each preserved item introduce a new set of challenges to providing a fast retrieval of content based on a temporal query. The widely-used cataloguing scheme has serious scalability problems. The standard full-text search approach has serious limitations since it does not deal appropriately with the temporal dimension, and, in particular, is incapable of performing relevancy scoring according to the temporal context. To address these problems, we introduce two types of indexing schemes - a location indexing scheme, and a full-text search indexing scheme. Our location indexing scheme provides optimal operations for inserting and locating a specific version of a preserved item given an item ID and a time point, and our full-text search indexing scheme efficiently handles the scalability problem, supporting relevancy scoring within the temporal context at the same time. Finally, we address the problem of organizing inter-related data, so that future accesses and data exploration can be quickly performed. We, in particular, consider web contents, where we combine a link-analysis scheme with a graph partitioning scheme to put together more closely related contents in the same standard web archive container. We conduct experiments that simulate random browsing of preserved contents, and show that our data organization scheme greatly minimizes the number of containers needed to be accessed for a random browsing session. Our schemes have been tested against real-world data of significant scale, and validated through extensive empirical evaluations

    Software-assisted cache mechanisms for embedded systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 120-135).Embedded systems are increasingly using on-chip caches as part of their on-chip memory system. This thesis presents cache mechanisms to improve cache performance and provide opportunities to improve data availability that can lead to more predictable cache performance. The first cache mechanism presented is an intelligent cache replacement policy that utilizes information about dead data and data that is very frequently used. This mechanism is analyzed theoretically to show that the number of misses using intelligent cache replacement is guaranteed to be no more than the number of misses using traditional LRU replacement. Hardware and software-assisted mechanisms to implement intelligent cache replacement are presented and evaluated. The second cache mechanism presented is that of cache partitioning which exploits disjoint access sequences that do not overlap in the memory space. A theoretical result is proven that shows that modifying an access sequence into a concatenation of disjoint access sequences is guaranteed to improve the cache hit rate. Partitioning mechanisms inspired by the concept of disjoint sequences are designed and evaluated. A profit-based analysis, annotation, and simulation framework has been implemented to evaluate the cache mechanisms. This framework takes a compiled benchmark program and a set of program inputs and evaluates various cache mechanisms to provide a range of possible performance improvement scenarios. The proposed cache mechanisms have been evaluated using this framework by measuring cache miss rates and Instructions Per Clock (IPC) information. The results show that the proposed cache mechanisms show promise in improving cache performance and predictability with a modest increase in silicon area.by Prabhat Jain.Ph.D