4 research outputs found

    Correspondence Estimation from Non-Rigid Motion Information

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    The DIET (Digital Image Elasto Tomography) system is a novel approach to screen for breast cancer using only optical imaging information of the surface of a vibrating breast. 3D tracking of skin surface motion without the requirement of external markers is desirable. A novel approach to establish point correspondences using pure skin images is presented here. Instead of the intensity, motion is used as the primary feature, which can be extracted using optical flow algorithms. Taking sequences of multiple frames into account, this motion information alone is accurate and unambiguous enough to allow for a 3D reconstruction of the breast surface. Two approaches, direct and probabilistic, for this correspondence estimation are presented here, suitable for different levels of calibration information accuracy. Reconstructions show that the results obtained using these methods are comparable in accuracy to marker-based methods while considerably increasing resolution. The presented method has high potential in optical tissue deformation and motion sensing


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    As electronics become smaller and more capable, it has become possible to conduct meaningful and sophisticated satellite missions in a small form factor. However, the capability of small satellites and the range of possible applications are limited by the capabilities of several technologies, including attitude determination and control systems. This dissertation evaluates the use of image-based visual attitude propagation as a compliment or alternative to other attitude determination technologies that are suitable for miniature satellites. The concept lies in using miniature cameras to track image features across frames and extracting the underlying rotation. The problem of visual attitude propagation as a small satellite attitude determination system is addressed from several aspects: related work, algorithm design, hardware and performance evaluation, possible applications, and on-orbit experimentation. These areas of consideration reflect the organization of this dissertation. A “stellar gyroscope” is developed, which is a visual star-based attitude propagator that uses relative motion of stars in an imager’s field of view to infer the attitude changes. The device generates spacecraft relative attitude estimates in three degrees of freedom. Algorithms to perform the star detection, correspondence, and attitude propagation are presented. The Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) approach is applied to the correspondence problem to successfully pair stars across frames while mitigating false-positive and false-negative star detections. This approach provides tolerance to the noise levels expected in using miniature optics and no baffling, and the noise caused by radiation dose on orbit. The hardware design and algorithms are validated using test images of the night sky. The application of the stellar gyroscope as part of a CubeSat attitude determination and control system is described. The stellar gyroscope is used to augment a MEMS gyroscope attitude propagation algorithm to minimize drift in the absence of an absolute attitude sensor. The stellar gyroscope is a technology demonstration experiment on KySat-2, a 1-Unit CubeSat being developed in Kentucky that is in line to launch with the NASA ELaNa CubeSat Launch Initiative. It has also been adopted by industry as a sensor for CubeSat Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS)

    Information visuelle multirésolution pour l'estimation de la vitesse du trafic routier

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    La hausse du taux d'occupation des routes rend nécessaire l'utilisation de dispositifs visant à surveiller et analyser la circulation des utilisateurs du réseau routier. Bien souvent, des réseaux de surveillance par caméras sont déjà en place sur les routes. L'information visuelle est donc déjà disponible, mais est peu utilisée pour l'analyse automatisée du trafic. L'objectif de ce travail est de mettre au point une méthode automatisée basée sur l'information visuelle multirésolution permettant d'évaluer la fluidité de la circulation à plusieurs niveaux de précision. En effet, si une analyse manuelle de l'information visuelle peut permettre de dégager certaines tendances sur l'état du trafic routier, une approche automatisée permettra d'évaluer plus précisément plusieurs données sur le mouvement des véhicules. En tout temps, le déplacement moyen dans la scène sera évalué, afin d'obtenir un indice de fluidité global. Tant que la circulation demeure fluide, il n'est pas nécessaire d'estimer la vitesse du trafic avec plus de précision. Toutefois, si cet indice descend sous un certain seuil, l'analyse sera raffinée pour fournir le déplacement moyen par direction, en utilisant une résolution deux fois supérieure à la précédente. Finalement, à partir des images à pleine résolution, il sera possible d'obtenir une mesure du déplacement de chaque véhicule

    Komputerowa analiza obrazów z endoskopu bezprzewodowego dla diagnostyki medycznej.

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    Jednym z badań medycznych stosowanych w diagnostyce chorób przewodu pokarmowego jest bezprzewodowa endoskopia kapsułkowa. Wynikiem badania jest film, którego interpretacja przeprowadzana przez lekarza wymaga dużego skupienia uwagi, jest długotrwała i męcząca. Wyniki interpretacji nie są powtarzalne – zależą od wiedzy i doświadczenia konkretnego lekarza. Przedmiotem niniejszej monografii są opracowane przez autora metody numeryczne, których celem jest analiza obrazów cyfrowych z endoskopu bezprzewodowego zwiększające powtarzalność, wiarygodność oraz obiektywizm diagnozy medycznej.Wireless capsule endoscopy is one of the medical tests used in diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders. A result is a video of internal lumen of gastrointestinal tract which interpretation carried out by an expert gastroenterologist requires a lot of attention and is time consuming. The final diagnosis is rarely reproducible – it depends on the knowledge and experience of the diagnostic experience of the expert. The subject of this monograph is presentation and validation of novel algorithms for wireless endoscope video analysis whose purpose is to improve the reproducibility, reliability and objectivity of medical diagnosis