269 research outputs found

    A new process improvement approach for management consultancy organisations

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    Organisations of the 21st century realise that they need to move away from balance sheet accounting systems as the primary tool of management. Intangible assets, such as knowledge, skills and process assets, may be worth much more than their physical assets and require effective management to gain a competitive advantage. Due to the nature of their assignments, management consultancy organisations could benefit even more from leveraging their knowledge, skills and process assets. These firms depend on the expertise of their people, focusing on customer relations, employing multidisciplinary teams of professionals in creatively solving problems in a project management environment. Continuous improvement of their processes and effective reuse of knowledge obtained in previous projects or processes could fast-track solution delivery, reduce costs and consequently increase profits. Many models for process-improvement and knowledge management currently exist, which could be used in leveraging organisational intangible assets. Though the intricate interaction between the domains of process improvement management and knowledge management is clear in current models, a fully-integrated model does not exist. The close-knit relationship between these domains poses the opportunity for integrating improvement models from both domains in synergistically leveraging their improvement results. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the integration possibilities of process improvement and knowledge management in an attempt to improve the practices of both during the same exercise. A content analysis was performed to analyse current improvement models (including performance improvement, knowledge management, process management, maturity and audit models). Maturity models were then selected as a vehicle for integrating the various domains. The selected maturity models were evaluated for comprehensiveness in terms of management consultancy organisations and deficiencies were identified. A blended model was designed (combining and extending current models) and partially validated at a management consultancy organisation. Model validation was enabled by using an appraisal tool (BMAT – Blended Model Appraisal Tool), which was designed and built to incorporate appraisal components from the various maturity models and their required extensions. The results that were obtained from the model validation exercise highlighted organisational problem areas (at the appraised organisation) that would require immediate improvement efforts. The study is concluded by confirming the integration possibilities of process improvement management and knowledge management domains. Further empirical research is proposed for validating the complete blended model.Dissertation (MEng (Industrial))--University of Pretoria, 2005.Industrial and Systems Engineeringunrestricte

    IT quality and organization development: using action research to promote employee engagement, leadership development, learning, and organizational improvement

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    Within IT areas, Quality is often reduced to visions strongly influenced by operational and tactical instruments, relegating to minor dimensions crucial Organization Development (OD) aspects which sustain Learning, and Innovation. The current Program, grounded on the relevance of these aspects, has targeted, within a Bank’s IT Division, an approach to induce organizational change, and to produce strategic actions and behavioural changes which have led to an effective improvement on Customers, and Employees’ Satisfaction. It has followed an Action Research paradigm – addressing a complex, transformational, planed change, and using a multidimensional, integrative approach, based on a holistic, open systemic view – not targeting for the development of new theories, but, mainly, the fulfilment of existing empirical, and methodological gaps. It has integrated a two-cycle OD approach, where a first cycle focused on Service Culture, Leadership, and Employee Engagement has developed the conditions for a second cycle based on the acquired knowledge (double loop) and devoted to strategy implementation. Although the intervention’s achievements cannot be generalized outside the context, they can be transposed to other settings. They’ve revealed important Management Implications which form the relevance basis for this doctoral dissertation, namely a holistic, values-based, and participative framework to address organizational transformation, and the associated critical success factors. An opportunity exists to further research in the field, linking together an OD approach with a TQM approach to organizational excellence. Also, a metamodel of the Action Research process which has been followed – evidencing, at a conceptual level, the main sub-processes, data groups, and linking points between the action and the research dimensions – has been produced. An opportunity exists for further research on the development of this metamodel, including a conceptual data model and a system behavioural perspective (responding to events).Nas áreas de TI, a Qualidade é frequentemente reduzida a visões fortemente influenciadas por instrumentos táticos e operacionais, menorizando aspetos de Desenvolvimento Organizacional (DO) que são essenciais para sustentar a Aprendizagem e a Inovação. O presente programa, alicerçado na relevância destes aspetos, visou, no contexto da Divisão de TI de um Banco, desenvolver uma aproximação indutora de mudança organizacional; produzindo ações de índole estratégica e mudanças comportamentais; tendo conduzindo a um incremento significativo na Satisfação de Clientes Internos e de Colaboradores. Um primeiro ciclo – focado na Cultura de Serviço, na Liderança e no Envolvimento dos Colaboradores – criou as condições para num segundo ciclo, baseado no conhecimento organizacional adquirido, e nas decisões estratégicas emergentes (“double loop” learning), proceder à respetiva implementação. Foi seguido um paradigma de Investigação-Ação – endereçando uma mudança complexa, transformacional, planeada; usando uma abordagem multidimensional e integrativa; baseada numa perspetiva holística e de sistemas abertos – não visando diretamente o desenvolvimento de novas teorias, mas, fundamentalmente o colmatar de lacunas de índole empírica e metodológica. Embora os resultados obtidos não possam ser generalizados fora do contexto, eles podem, contudo, ser transpostos para outras intervenções; evidenciando-se como importantes Implicações para a Gestão que integram a base de relevância desta tese: um Quadro de Referência para a Transformação Organizacional Holística, Participativa e Baseada em Valores e respetivos Fatores Críticos de Sucesso. Numa perspetiva de Desenvolvimento Organizacional abrem-se ainda oportunidades de investigação-ação futura, no mesmo contexto, progredindo para uma abordagem à Qualidade Total e à Excelência Organizacional. Para além disso, outro dos resultados relevantes da investigação corresponde à produção do Metamodelo do Processo de Investigação-Ação que foi seguido – evidenciando, ao nível conceptual, os seus principais subprocessos, grupos de dados e pontos de articulação entre a vertente de ação e a vertente de investigação. Nesta vertente, abrem-se ainda oportunidades de investigação futura em termos de desenvolvimento do metamodelo, por forma a incluir uma visão conceptual de dados e uma perspetiva comportamental de sistema (resposta a eventos)

    Investigating the relationship between software process improvement, situational change, and business success in software SMEs

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    While we have learned a great deal from Software Process Improvement (SPI) research to date, no earlier study has been designed from the outset to examine the relationship between SPI and business success in software development small- to- medium- sized companies (software SMEs). Since business processes are generally acknowledged as having an important role to play in supporting business success, it follows that the software development process (a large and complex component of the overall business process) has an important contribution to make in supporting business success in software development companies. However, to date we have very little evidence regarding the role of SPI in supporting business success, especially for software SMEs. The need for SPI is dependent on the extent of situational change in a software development setting, and therefore any examination of the relationship between SPI and business success would be deficient if it did not also examine the extent of situational change. Therefore, this thesis describes a novel approach to examining SPI, situational change and business success in software development companies. Furthermore, having discharged this new approach to 15 software SMEs, this thesis makes the important new discovery that the amount of SPI implemented in a software SME is positively associated with the extent of business success – especially when the degree of situational change is taken into account. This thesis describes the first published study to examine the relationship between SPI, situational change and business success in software SMEs. The findings suggest that there are business benefits to implementing SPI in software SMEs, with the degree of situational change being an important factor informing SPI initiatives. Furthermore, this research has yielded valuable new insights into the nature of SPI, situational change and business success in software SMEs

    Applying an adaptation of the Prado Project Management Maturity Model in an academic context

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoThe organization’s strategy of a company is determinant in its performance. Failing strategies compromise the achievement of its goals. Thus, the interest in the field of project management has been increasing and has generated several tools used by companies. The need to develop methodologies to evaluate the performance of projects in organizations has a strong contribution to the development of maturity models. Maturity models help organizations to define their organizational strategy. The lack of knowledge of these maturity models causes organizations to experience problems in the development and improvement of their project management processes. In this dissertation, it was developed an analysis of the most relevant models of project management maturity by comparing them. The main objective of this dissertation is to adapt and apply a maturity model to assess the evolution of the maturity of project management practices in development teams in the academic environment. Afterward the theoretical study of the different maturity models, it was applied the Prado Project Management Maturity Model. This simplified model assesses the performance and maturity to development teams in the IT area. The model is applied to the project teams of curricular subjects of Development of Computer Applications of the second academic year and Information Systems and Technologies Project of the fourth academic year of the Integrated Masters in Engineering and Management of Information Systems course at the University of Minho. To achieve this goal, the methodology used was the Case Study because its purpose is to gather information about the real context that allows a greater and more detailed knowledge about the topic. The Case Study was developed through questionnaires answered by the project managers of the different teams. Through the application of the model, it was possible to compare the maturity between the two curricular units and to verify the effectiveness of the learning methods and strategies, and results in project management competencies throughout the course. Observing that there is a significant evolution in maturity from the Information Systems and Technologies Project teams compared to Development of Computer Application teams.A estratégia organizacional de uma empresa é determinante no seu desempenho. Estratégias que falham põem em causa o alcance dos seus objetivos. Desta forma, o interesse na área de gestão de projetos tem vindo a aumentar e tem gerado várias ferramentas que podem ser utilizadas pelas empresas. A necessidade de metodologias de avaliação do desemprenho de projetos nas organizações contribui para o desenvolvimento de modelos de maturidade. Os modelos de maturidade auxiliam as empresas a definir a sua estratégia organizacional. A falta de conhecimento destes modelos de maturidade faz com que as organizações tenham problemas no desenvolvimento e melhoria dos seus processos de gestão de projetos. No presente trabalho foram analisados os mais relevantes modelos de maturidade de gestão de projetos, através da comparação dos mesmos. O principal objetivo desta dissertação consiste na adaptação e aplicação de um modelo de maturidade para avaliar a evolução da maturidade das práticas de gestão de projetos em equipas de desenvolvimento em ambiente académico. Após a análise teórica dos diferentes modelos de maturidade, aplicou-se o Modelo de Maturidade em Gestão de Projetos de Prado. Este modelo simplificado restringe a avaliação do desempenho e maturidade a equipas de desenvolvimento na área das TI. Este modelo foi aplicado nas equipas de projeto das unidades curriculares de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Informáticas do segundo ano letivo e Projeto de Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação do quarto ano letivo do curso Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação da Universidade do Minho. Para concretizar o objetivo proposto, a metodologia utilizada foi o Estudo de Caso pois o seu propósito é a junção de informação sobre um contexto real que permite um maior e mais detalhado conhecimento sobre o mesmo. O Estudo de Caso foi desenvolvido através de questionários respondidos pelos gestores de projetos das diversas equipas. Através da aplicação do modelo, foi possível comparar a maturidade entre as equipas das duas unidades curriculares e verificar a eficácia dos métodos e estratégias de ensino em competências de gestão de projetos ao longo do curso. Observando-se, assim, que existe uma evolução significativa da maturidade de gestão de projetos das equipas de Projeto de Tecnologias de Sistemas de Informação em relação às equipas de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Informáticas

    Maturity model to position and orient organizations through the process automation implementation

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsNowadays, companies are seeking for processes done with a zero error rate enhancing their service quality, while the demand for costs reduction and speed is also increasing. For these reasons, the value of Artificial Intelligence is raising, namely in the area of optimization and processes automation. These concepts lead to a hot topic: Hyperautomation, which aims to achieve an environment where machines are working together with each other or alongside human employees. However, it is not clear what does the introduction of intelligence means in processes. Previous studies have defined maturity models regarding Business Process Management or Industry 4.0, but there is a gap in this topic for the automation area. The Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) was applied to build a Maturity Model that can help position and orient organizations through the process automation implementation. The model aims to be a framework where the companies can rely to be successful in the journey of automating and optimizing business processes not only by understanding their position but also finding the actions needed to improve. Thus, the Maturity Model incorporates a taxonomy to classify each level as well as a description of what each level represents. Additionally, the proposed Maturity Model provides an evaluation framework