7 research outputs found

    Signaling local non-credibility in an automatic segmentation pipeline

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    The advancing technology for automatic segmentation of medical images should be accompanied by techniques to inform the user of the local credibility of results. To the extent that this technology produces clinically acceptable segmentations for a significant fraction of cases, there is a risk that the clinician will assume every result is acceptable. In the less frequent case where segmentation fails, we are concerned that unless the user is alerted by the computer, she would still put the result to clinical use. By alerting the user to the location of a likely segmentation failure, we allow her to apply limited validation and editing resources where they are most needed. We propose an automated method to signal suspected non-credible regions of the segmentation, triggered by statistical outliers of the local image match function. We apply this test to m-rep segmentations of the bladder and prostate in CT images using a local image match computed by PCA on regional intensity quantile functions. We validate these results by correlating the non-credible regions with regions that have surface distance greater than 5.5mm to a reference segmentation for the bladder. A 6mm surface distance was used to validate the prostate results. Varying the outlier threshold level produced a receiver operating characteristic with area under the curve of 0.89 for the bladder and 0.92 for the prostate. Based on this preliminary result, our method has been able to predict local segmentation failures and shows potential for validation in an automatic segmentation pipeline

    Towards a guideline for evaluation metrics in medical image segmentation

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    In the last decade, research on artificial intelligence has seen rapid growth with deep learning models, especially in the field of medical image segmentation. Various studies demonstrated that these models have powerful prediction capabilities and achieved similar results as clinicians. However, recent studies revealed that the evaluation in image segmentation studies lacks reliable model performance assessment and showed statistical bias by incorrect metric implementation or usage. Thus, this work provides an overview and interpretation guide on the following metrics for medical image segmentation evaluation in binary as well as multi-class problems: Dice similarity coefficient, Jaccard, Sensitivity, Specificity, Rand index, ROC curves, Cohen’s Kappa, and Hausdorff distance. Furthermore, common issues like class imbalance and statistical as well as interpretation biases in evaluation are discussed. As a summary, we propose a guideline for standardized medical image segmentation evaluation to improve evaluation quality, reproducibility, and comparability in the research field

    2D Fast Vessel Visualization Using a Vessel Wall Mask Guiding Fine Vessel Detection

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    The paper addresses the fine retinal-vessel's detection issue that is faced in diagnostic applications and aims at assisting in better recognizing fine vessel anomalies in 2D. Our innovation relies in separating key visual features vessels exhibit in order to make the diagnosis of eventual retinopathologies easier to detect. This allows focusing on vessel segments which present fine changes detectable at different sampling scales. We advocate that these changes can be addressed as subsequent stages of the same vessel detection procedure. We first carry out an initial estimate of the basic vessel-wall's network, define the main wall-body, and then try to approach the ridges and branches of the vasculature's using fine detection. Fine vessel screening looks into local structural inconsistencies in vessels properties, into noise, or into not expected intensity variations observed inside pre-known vessel-body areas. The vessels are first modelled sufficiently but not precisely by their walls with a tubular model-structure that is the result of an initial segmentation. This provides a chart of likely Vessel Wall Pixels (VWPs) yielding a form of a likelihood vessel map mainly based on gradient filter's intensity and spatial arrangement parameters (e.g., linear consistency). Specific vessel parameters (centerline, width, location, fall-away rate, main orientation) are post-computed by convolving the image with a set of pre-tuned spatial filters called Matched Filters (MFs). These are easily computed as Gaussian-like 2D forms that use a limited range sub-optimal parameters adjusted to the dominant vessel characteristics obtained by Spatial Grey Level Difference statistics limiting the range of search into vessel widths of 16, 32, and 64 pixels. Sparse pixels are effectively eliminated by applying a limited range Hough Transform (HT) or region growing. Major benefits are limiting the range of parameters, reducing the search-space for post-convolution to only masked regions, representing almost 2% of the 2D volume, good speed versus accuracy/time trade-off. Results show the potentials of our approach in terms of time for detection ROC analysis and accuracy of vessel pixel (VP) detection

    Clustering and Shifting of Regional Appearance for Deformable Model Segmentation

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    Automated medical image segmentation is a challenging task that benefits from the use of effective image appearance models. An appearance model describes the grey-level intensity information relative to the object being segmented. Previous models that compare the target against a single template image or that assume a very small-scale correspondence fail to capture the variability seen in the target cases. In this dissertation I present novel appearance models to address these deficiencies, and I show their efficacy in segmentation via deformable models. The models developed here use clustering and shifting of the object-relative appearance to capture the true variability in appearance. They all learn their parameters from training sets of previously-segmented images. The first model uses clustering on cross-boundary intensity profiles in the training set to determine profile types, and then it builds a template of optimal types that reflects the various edge characteristics seen around the boundary. The second model uses clustering on local regional image descriptors to determine large-scale regions relative to the boundary. The method then partitions the object boundary according to region type and captures the intensity variability per region type. The third and fourth models allow shifting of the image model on the boundary to reflect knowledge of the variable regional conformations seen in training. I evaluate the appearance models by considering their efficacy in segmentation of the kidney, bladder, and prostate in abdominal and male pelvis CT. I compare the automatically generated segmentations using these models against expert manual segmentations of the target cases and against automatically generated segmentations using previous models

    Frameworks in medical image analysis with deep neural networks

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    In recent years, deep neural network based medical image analysis has become quite powerful and achieved similar results performance-wise as experts. Consequently, the integration of these tools into the clinical routine as clinical decision support systems is highly desired. The benefits of automatic image analysis for clinicians are massive, ranging from improved diagnostic as well as treatment quality to increased time-efficiency through automated structured reporting. However, implementations in the literature revealed a significant lack of standardization in pipeline building resulting in low reproducibility, high complexity through extensive knowledge requirements for building state-of-the-art pipelines, and difficulties for application in clinical research. The main objective of this work is the standardization of pipeline building in deep neural network based medical image segmentation and classification. This is why the Python frameworks MIScnn for medical image segmentation and AUCMEDI for medical image classification are proposed which simplify the implementation process through intuitive building blocks eliminating the need for time-consuming and error-prone implementation of common components from scratch. The proposed frameworks include state-of-the-art methodology, follow outstanding open-source principles like extensive documentation as well as stability, offer rapid as well as simple application capabilities for deep learning experts as well as clinical researchers, and provide cutting-edge high-performance competitive with the strongest implementations in the literature. As secondary objectives, this work presents more than a dozen in-house studies as well as discusses various external studies utilizing the proposed frameworks in order to prove the capabilities of standardized medical image analysis. The presented studies demonstrate excellent predictive capabilities in applications ranging from COVID-19 detection in computed tomography scans to the integration into a clinical study workflow for Gleason grading of prostate cancer microscopy sections and advance the state-of-the-art in medical image analysis by simplifying experimentation setups for research. Furthermore, studies for increasing reproducibility in performance assessment of medical image segmentation are presented including an open-source metric library for standardized evaluation and a community guideline on proper metric usage. The proposed contributions in this work improve the knowledge representation of the field, enable rapid as well as high-performing applications, facilitate further research, and strengthen the reproducibility of future studies

    Refinement of object-based segmentation

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    Automated object-based segmentation methods calculate the shape and pose of anatomical structures of interest. These methods require modeling both the geometry and object-relative image intensity patterns of target structures. Many object-based segmentation methods minimize a non-convex function and risk failure due to convergence to a local minimum. This dissertation presents three refinements to existing object-based segmentation methods. The first refinement mitigates the risk of local minima by initializing the segmentation closely to the correct answer. The initialization searches pose- and shape-spaces for the object that best matches user specified points on three designated image slices. Thus-initialized m-rep based segmentations of the bladder from CT are frequently better than segmentations reported elsewhere. The second refinement is a statistical test on object-relative intensity patterns that allows estimation of the local credibility of a segmentation. This test effectively identifies regions with local segmentation errors in m-rep based segmentations of the bladder and prostate from CT. The third refinement is a method for shape interpolation that is based on changes in the position and orientation of samples and that tends to be more shape-preserving than a competing linear method. This interpolation can be used with dynamic structures and to understand changes between segmentations of an object in atlas and target images. Together, these refinements aid in the segmentation of a dense collection of targets via a hybrid of object-based and atlas-based methods. The first refinement increases the probability of successful object-based segmentations of the subset of targets for which such methods are appropriate, the second increases the user's confidence that those object-based segmentations are correct, and the third is used to transfer the object-based segmentations to an atlas-based method that will be used to segment the remainder of the targets