1,108 research outputs found

    Impact of different Agricultural Systems and Patterns of Consumption on Greenhouse-Gas Emissions in Austria

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    Agricultural systems as well as consumer patterns influence the green house gas emissions. Therefore, we analysed different farming systems, consumption patterns and seasonal oriented food consumption. Whereas conventional production and the current meat oriented nutrition patterns lead to high green house gas emissions, there is a tremendous reduction potential, if products are organically produced and if there is a shift to vegetarian-based diets.. Nevertheless, there is a need for research in terms of data quality, and a differentiation of farming systems as well as nutrition patterns

    Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft : „to drink a little or not to drink a little, that’s the new question“

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    Verschiedene Erhebungen zeigen, dass Frauen in der Schweiz Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft konsumieren. Bislang ist nicht eindeutig, ab wann ein kleiner bis moderater Alkoholkonsum während der Schwangerschaft einen schädlichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des Kindes haben könnte. Evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen von Gesundheitsfachpersonen sowie qualitätsgesicherte Information im Netz tragen können dazu beitragen, Frauen zu informieren und zu unterstützen

    Fructose malabsorption

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    Antioxidanzien in der Prävention von Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten und Krebs: Epidemiologische Beweislage

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    Basierend auf den Ausführungen des vorangehenden Artikels wurde die Hypothese formuliert, dass Antioxidanzien in der Prävention von Krebs und kardiovaskulären Krankheiten (KHK) eine Rolle spielen könnten. Diese Hypothese wurde dann in Fallkontroll-, Kohorten- und Interventionsstudien (Kasten 1) am Menschen überprüft. In der Folge wird die epidemiologische Beweislage zu den Vitaminen C und E und den Karotinoiden beziehungsweise Betakarotin hinsichtlich der primären Prävention von kardiovaskulären Krankheiten und Krebs erörtert. Diese Ausführungen stützen sich im Wesentlichen auf die DRI Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids (2000, [2]), den WCRF/AICR Expert Report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective (2007, [3]) sowie auf neuere Resultate von Kohortenstudien. In diesem Beitrag werden nur die Resultate von Fallkontroll- und Kohortenstudien präsentiert. Ergebnisse von Interventionsstudien folgen im nächsten Beitrag (s. Seite 21ff). Es sprengt allerdings den Rahmen dieser Arbeit, eine vollständige Übersicht zu den vorhandenen Studien zu geben

    Central Venous Catheter Complications during Home Parenteral Nutrition: A Prospective Pilot Study of 481 Patients with More than 30,000 Catheter Days

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    Background: Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) has been shown to delay deterioration in cancer patients with malnutrition. Its risk-benefit ratio, however, is determined by the threat of central venous catheter (CVC) complications. Only few prospective studies on this subject exist, most of them based on small samples. The objective of this study was to provide reliable estimates of incidence rates of CVC complications in everyday HPN patient care in Germany. Patients and Methods: Aiming for a large prospective cohort study, we cooperated with a service provider caring for HPN patients nationwide. Between July 1 and November 30, 2006, all consecutive adult patients with more than 10 infusion days and no previous history of HPN were recruited. Follow-up ended on January 31, 2007. Data were collected in a standardised way by the provider's staff. To prevent underreporting, we used computer-assisted telephone interviews with medical caregivers as a provider-independent data source. Results: 481 patients met the inclusion criteria, contributing a total of 31,337 catheter days. 52 patients experienced a total of 63 CVC complications, resulting in an incidence rate of 2.01 CVC complications per 1,000 catheter days including 1.02 CVC infections per 1,000 catheter days. Conclusion: HPN administration can be safely performed with a relatively low rate of CVC complications

    Introduction and methodology – Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 1

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    Guidelines for Parenteral Nutrition were prepared by the German Society for Nutritional Medicine (http://www.dgem.de/), in collaboration with other medical associations to provide guidance for quality assurance for parenteral nutrition (PN) practice, and to promoting health and quality of life of patients concerned. A coordination team proposed topics, working group leaders who along with working group members performed systematic literatur searches and drafted recommendations in a nominal group process. Recommendations were discussed and agreed upon in a structured consensus conference process, followed by a Delphi consensus. The current English version of the guidelines was written and updated during the period between the last quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2009. The recommendations of the guidelines should be reviewed, and if necessary updated five years after publication

    Preferences for School Milk - How Juveniles Differ

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    Snacks and lunches offered at school can decisively influence children’s dietary habits. In the light of discussions to establish prevention and intervention programs to abate current trends of rising childhood obesity, children’s preferences for food items with lower calorie content gain on importance. But youths preferences concerning different school milk products are not well-known. Therefore, the objective is to investigate if the milk products offered at school still meet older children’s preferences or if modifications could prove to be useful. Based on outcomes of an online survey covering a choice experiment and conducted among juveniles in Germany the probability that youths benefit from different products as well as varying prices, sugar and fat contents is estimated. Socio-demographics, psycho-metrics and perceived weight status are employed to explain youths choices preferring novel school milk products yet unavailable in German schools. Results of the choice experiment show that youths aged 15-18 are a heterogeneous group. They prefer a wider range of different products including drinking yoghurt as an option as well. Results indicate that nutritional aspects (low sugar/fat content, artificial sweetener) and body image are important for some of them
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