1,203 research outputs found

    Fiber amplifiers, directly modulated transmitters and a ring network structure for optical communications

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    The three technologies that are considered the key elements in building a metropolitan area optical network are studied in this thesis. They are optical amplification, high-speed low cost transmitters and ring network structures. These studies concentrate on cost reduction of these three technologies thus enabling the use of optical networks in small customer base metropolitan areas. The research on optical amplification concentrated first on the solution doping process, at present the most used method for producing erbium doped fiber. It was found that separationing the soot growth and the sintering improved the uniformity of the porous layer. This made the homogeneity of the doping concentration in the fiber core better. The effects of index profile variations that arise from the non-ideal solution doping process were also simulated. In the search for a better doping method a new nanoparticle glass-forming process, the direct nanoparticle deposition, was developed. In this process the doping is done simultaneously with glass formation. Utilizing this new process it was possible to improve the uniformity of the doping resulting in higher usable doping levels and shorter erbium doped fiber lengths in the amplifiers. There were fewer limitations in the amplifier caused by optical non-linearities and polarization mode dispersion since shorter fiber lengths were needed. The double cladding fiber, which avoids the costly coupling of the pump laser into a single mode waveguide, was also studied. This pumping scheme was found to improve the inversion uniformity in the erbium doped fiber core thereby enhancing the power conversion efficiency for the long wavelength band amplifier. In characterizing the erbium doped fiber amplifier the gain and noise figure was measured with a temporal filter setup. It was made of simple, low cost components but yielded accurate measurements since the noise originating from the amplified spontaneous emission was measured at the signal wavelength. In the study of fiber amplifier controlling schemes the input power of the fiber amplifier was successfully used to regulate the pump laser. This feed-forward control scheme provides a simple, low cost control and managment system for the erbium doped fiber amplifier in metropolitan area network applications that require flexible adding and dropping of wavelength channels. The transmitter research focused on the DFB laser due to its simplicity and low cost structure. A solid state Fabry-Perot etalon made from double polished silicon chip was used as a frequency discriminator in the chirp analyser developed for the DFB lasers. This wavelength discriminator did not require repeated calibration or active stabilisation and was controled electrically enabling automatic measurements. The silicon Fabry-Perot etalon was also used for simultaneous spectral filtering and wavelength control of the laser. The usable dispersion limited transmission length was increased when the filter was used in conjunction with the directly modulated distributed feedback laser transmitter. The combination of spatial multiplexing and dense wavelength division multiplexing in ring topology was investigated in the course of the research on the ring network as the feeder part of the metropolitan network. A new way to organize different wavelengths and fibers was developed. This ring network structure was simulated and an experimental ring network built. The results of the studies demonstrated that the same limitations effecting uni-directional ring structures also are the main limitations on the scalability of the spatial and wavelength division multiplexed ring networks based on bi-directional transmission when the node spacing is short. The developed ring network structure demonstrated major cost reductions when compared with the heavy use of wavelength division multiplexing. The node structure was also greatly simplified resulting in less need for different wavelength transmitters in each node. Furthermore the node generated only minor losses for the passing signals thus reducing the need for optical amplification.reviewe

    Demonstration of an erbium-doped fiber with annular doping for low gain compression in cladding-pumped amplifiers

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    We present the design and characterization of a cladding-pumped amplifier with erbium doping located in an annular region near the core. This erbium-doped fiber is proposed to reduce gain saturation, leading to smaller gain compression when compared to uniform core doping. Through numerical simulations, we first compare the performance of three fibers with different erbium doping profiles in the core or the cladding. When the doped fibers are operated at the optimum length, results show that the smaller overlap of the signal mode field with the annular erbium doping region leads to higher gain and lower saturation of the amplifier. A single-core erbium-doped fiber with an annular doping and a D-shaped cladding was fabricated. Measurements demonstrate less than 4 dB of gain compression over the C-band for input power ranging from −40 dBm to 3 dBm. Small gain compression EDFAs are of interest for applications that require input channel reconfiguration. Higher gain and saturation output power are also key issues in cladding-pumped multi-core amplifiers

    Output power and SNR swings in cascades of EDFAs for circuit- and packet-switched optical networks

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    Investigation of EDFA power transients in circuit-switched and packet-switched optical networks

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    Erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (EDFA’s) are a key technology for the design of all optical communication systems and networks. The superiority of EDFAs lies in their negligible intermodulation distortion across high speed multichannel signals, low intrinsic losses, slow gain dynamics, and gain in a wide range of optical wavelengths. Due to long lifetime in excited states, EDFAs do not oppose the effect of cross-gain saturation. The time characteristics of the gain saturation and recovery effects are between a few hundred microseconds and 10 milliseconds. However, in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks with EDFAs, the number of channels traversing an EDFA can change due to the faulty link of the network or the system reconfiguration. It has been found that, due to the variation in channel number in the EDFAs chain, the output system powers of surviving channels can change in a very short time. Thus, the power transient is one of the problems deteriorating system performance. In this thesis, the transient phenomenon in wavelength routed WDM optical networks with EDFA chains was investigated. The task was performed using different input signal powers for circuit switched networks. A simulator for the EDFA gain dynamicmodel was developed to compute the magnitude and speed of the power transients in the non-self-saturated EDFA both single and chained. The dynamic model of the self-saturated EDFAs chain and its simulator were also developed to compute the magnitude and speed of the power transients and the Optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). We found that the OSNR transient magnitude and speed are a function of both the output power transient and the number of EDFAs in the chain. The OSNR value predicts the level of the quality of service in the related network. It was found that the power transients for both self-saturated and non-self-saturated EDFAs are close in magnitude in the case of gain saturated EDFAs networks. Moreover, the cross-gain saturation also degrades the performance of the packet switching networks due to varying traffic characteristics. The magnitude and the speed of output power transients increase along the EDFAs chain. An investigation was done on the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) or the WDM Internet protocol (WDM-IP) traffic networks using different traffic patterns based on the Pareto and Poisson distribution. The simulator is used to examine the amount and speed of the power transients in Pareto and Poisson distributed traffic at different bit rates, with specific focus on 2.5 Gb/s. It was found from numerical and statistical analysis that the power swing increases if the time interval of theburst-ON/burst-OFF is long in the packet bursts. This is because the gain dynamics is fast during strong signal pulse or with long duration pulses, which is due to the stimulatedemission avalanche depletion of the excited ions. Thus, an increase in output power levelcould lead to error burst which affects the system performance

    Stealth transmission in free space optical communication systems using amplified spontaneous emission noise

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    One of the challenging real-world problems in the communication network is to secure the communication system that deals with a large data. Perhaps even a more challenging version of this scenario is when the channel that transmits the information is a wireless media. This thesis introduces a steganography technique to secure the physical layer of the communication system. It enhances the benefits by using optical communication rather than radio frequency (RF) communication, especially in terms of transmitting a large scale of data. This thesis demonstrates that we can transmit secure large information in free space (air) using steganography mechanism and free space optical (FSO) channel. In this work, we built a secure optical wireless communication prototype. We analyzed the performance of this system using eye diagram and bit-error rate (BER) measurements. The application of this work can be used in many applications such as monitoring enterprise and campus connectivity, smart sensors and internet of things networks

    Application Specific Optical Fibers

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    Spatially integrated erbium-doped fiber amplifiers enabling space-division multiplexing

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    L'augmentation exponentielle de la demande de bande passante pour les communications laisse présager une saturation prochaine de la capacité des réseaux de télécommunications qui devrait se matérialiser au cours de la prochaine décennie. En effet, la théorie de l’information prédit que les effets non linéaires dans les fibres monomodes limite la capacité de transmission de celles-ci et peu de gain à ce niveau peut être espéré des techniques traditionnelles de multiplexage développées et utilisées jusqu’à présent dans les systèmes à haut débit. La dimension spatiale du canal optique est proposée comme un nouveau degré de liberté qui peut être utilisé pour augmenter le nombre de canaux de transmission et, par conséquent, résoudre cette menace de «crise de capacité». Ainsi, inspirée par les techniques micro-ondes, la technique émergente appelée multiplexage spatial (SDM) est une technologie prometteuse pour la création de réseaux optiques de prochaine génération. Pour réaliser le SDM dans les liens de fibres optiques, il faut réexaminer tous les dispositifs intégrés, les équipements et les sous-systèmes. Parmi ces éléments, l'amplificateur optique SDM est critique, en particulier pour les systèmes de transmission pour les longues distances. En raison des excellentes caractéristiques de l'amplificateur à fibre dopée à l'erbium (EDFA) utilisé dans les systèmes actuels de pointe, l'EDFA est à nouveau un candidat de choix pour la mise en œuvre des amplificateurs SDM pratiques. Toutefois, étant donné que le SDM introduit une variation spatiale du champ dans le plan transversal de la fibre, les amplificateurs à fibre dopée à l'erbium spatialement intégrés (SIEDFA) nécessitent une conception soignée. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons tout d'abord les progrès récents du SDM, en particulier les amplificateurs optiques SDM. Ensuite, nous identifions et discutons les principaux enjeux des SIEDFA qui exigent un examen scientifique. Suite à cela, la théorie des EDFA est brièvement présentée et une modélisation numérique pouvant être utilisée pour simuler les SIEDFA est proposée. Sur la base d'un outil de simulation fait maison, nous proposons une nouvelle conception des profils de dopage annulaire des fibres à quelques-modes dopées à l'erbium (ED-FMF) et nous évaluons numériquement la performance d’un amplificateur à un étage, avec fibre à dopage annulaire, à ainsi qu’un amplificateur à double étage pour les communications sur des fibres ne comportant que quelques modes. Par la suite, nous concevons des fibres dopées à l'erbium avec une gaine annulaire et multi-cœurs (ED-MCF). Nous avons évalué numériquement le recouvrement de la pompe avec les multiples cœurs de ces amplificateurs. En plus de la conception, nous fabriquons et caractérisons une fibre multi-cœurs à quelques modes dopées à l'erbium. Nous réalisons la première démonstration des amplificateurs à fibre optique spatialement intégrés incorporant de telles fibres dopées. Enfin, nous présentons les conclusions ainsi que les perspectives de cette recherche. La recherche et le développement des SIEDFA offriront d'énormes avantages non seulement pour les systèmes de transmission future SDM, mais aussi pour les systèmes de transmission monomode sur des fibres standards à un cœur car ils permettent de remplacer plusieurs amplificateurs par un amplificateur intégré.The exponential increase of communication bandwidth demand is giving rise to the so-called ‘capacity crunch’ expected to materialize within the next decade. Due to the nonlinear limit of the single mode fiber predicted by the information theory, all the state-of-the-art techniques which have so far been developed and utilized in order to extend the optical fiber communication capacity are exhausted. The spatial domain of the lightwave links is proposed as a new degree of freedom that can be employed to increase the number of transmission paths and, subsequently, overcome the looming ‘capacity crunch’. Therefore, the emerging technique named space-division multiplexing (SDM) is a promising candidate for creating next-generation optical networks. To realize SDM in optical fiber links, one needs to investigate novel spatially integrated devices, equipment, and subsystems. Among these elements, the SDM amplifier is a critical subsystem, in particular for the long-haul transmission system. Due to the excellent features of the erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) used in current state-of-the-art systems, the EDFA is again a prime candidate for implementing practical SDM amplifiers. However, since the SDM introduces a spatial variation of the field in the transverse plane of the optical fibers, spatially integrated erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (SIEDFA) require a careful design. In this thesis, we firstly review the recent progress in SDM, in particular, the SDM optical amplifiers. Next, we identify and discuss the key issues of SIEDFA that require scientific investigation. After that, the EDFA theory is briefly introduced and a corresponding numerical modeling that can be used for simulating the SIEDFA is proposed. Based on a home-made simulation tool, we propose a novel design of an annular based doping profile of few-mode erbium-doped fibers (FM-EDF) and numerically evaluate the performance of single stage as well as double-stage few-mode erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (FM-EDFA) based on such fibers. Afterward, we design annular-cladding erbium-doped multicore fibers (MC-EDF) and numerically evaluate the cladding pumped multicore erbium-doped fiber amplifier (MC-EDFA) based on these fibers as well. In addition to fiber design, we fabricate and characterize a multicore few-mode erbium-doped fiber (MC-FM-EDF), and perform the first demonstration of the spatially integrated optical fiber amplifiers incorporating such specialty doped fibers. Finally, we present the conclusions as well as the perspectives of this research. In general, the investigation and development of the SIEDFA will bring tremendous benefits not only for future SDM transmission systems but also for current state-of-the-art single-mode single-core transmission systems by replacing plural amplifiers by one integrated amplifier

    Building a digital twin of EDFA: a grey-box modeling approach

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    To enable intelligent and self-driving optical networks, high-accuracy physical layer models are required. The dynamic wavelength-dependent gain effects of non-constant-pump erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) remain a crucial problem in terms of modeling, as it determines optical-to-signal noise ratio as well as the magnitude of fiber nonlinearities. Black-box data-driven models have been widely studied, but it requires a large size of data for training and suffers from poor generalizability. In this paper, we derive the gain spectra of EDFAs as a simple univariable linear function, and then based on it we propose a grey-box EDFA gain modeling scheme. Experimental results show that for both automatic gain control (AGC) and automatic power control (APC) EDFAs, our model built with 8 data samples can achieve better performance than the neural network (NN) based model built with 900 data samples, which means the required data size for modeling can be reduced by at least two orders of magnitude. Moreover, in the experiment the proposed model demonstrates superior generalizability to unseen scenarios since it is based on the underlying physics of EDFAs. The results indicate that building a customized digital twin of each EDFA in optical networks become feasible, which is essential especially for next generation multi-band network operations
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