9 research outputs found

    Non Data Aided Parameter Estimation for Multi-User ARGOS Receivers

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    In this paper, parameter estimators are analyzed in the context of Successive Interference Cancelation (SIC) receivers for the ARGOS system. A Non Data Aided (NDA) feed forward estimator is proposed for the amplitude and the carrier phase parameters. Time delays are assumed to be known. A Window Accumulator (WA) is used to reduce the influence of the additive noise. In the presence of frequency offset, the window length L cannot be chosen arbitrarily large but an optimal length Lopt can be determined. However, because the estimator induces a different optimal length for each parameter, a trade-off must be made. We show that a window length of around 35 samples induces mean square errors (MSEs) lower than 0.012 for both parameters. The MSE of the proposed estimator is also compared to the Modified Cram´er Rao Bound (MCRB)

    Asymptotic Performance of the Pth Power-Law Phase Estimator

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    An expression for the true variance of the Pth powerlaw phase estimator, as the number of samples approaches infinity, is given. This expression is an extension to the linear approximation of Moeneclaey and de Jonghe [1] which is known to be inadequate in some practical systems. Our new expression covers general 2π/P-rotationally symmetric constellations that include those of PAM, QAM, PSK, Star M-QAM, MR-DPSK, and others. This expression also generalizes the known expressions for QAM and PSK. Additionally, our expression reduces to the Cramer-Rao bound given by Steendam and Moeneclaey [9], as SNR goes to zero. Monte Carlo simulations provide experimental verification of the theoretical expression for various constellations

    Carrier Recovery in burst-mode 16-QAM

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    Wireless communication systems such as multipoint communication systems (MCS) are becoming attractive as cost-effective means for providing network access in sparsely populated, rugged, or developing areas of the world. Since the radio spectrum is limited, it is desirable to use spectrally efficient modulation methods such as quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) for high data rate channels. Many MCS employ time division multiple access (TDMA) and/or time division duplexing (TDD) techniques, in which transmissions operate in bursts. In many cases, a preamble of known symbols is appended to the beginning of each burst for carrier and symbol timing recovery (symbol timing is assumed known in this thesis). Preamble symbols consume bandwidth and power and are not used to convey information. In order for burst-mode communications to provide efficient data throughput, the synchronization time must be short compared to the user data portion of the burst. Traditional methods of communication system synchronization such as phase-locked loops (PLLs) have demonstrated reduced performance when operated in burst-mode systems. In this thesis, a feedforward (FF) digital carrier recovery technique to achieve rapid carrier synchronization is proposed. The estimation algorithms for determining carrier offsets in carrier acquisition and tracking in a linear channel environment corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) are described. The estimation algorithms are derived based on the theory of maximum likelihood (ML) parameter estimation. The estimations include data-aided (DA) carrier frequency and phase estimations in acquisition and non-data-aided (NDA) carrier phase estimation in tracking. The DA carrier frequency and phase estimation algorithms are based on oversampling of a known preamble. The NDA carrier phase estimation makes use of symbol timing knowledge and estimates are extracted from the random data portion of the burst. The algorithms have been simulated and tested using Matlab® to verify their functionalities. The performance of these estimators is also evaluated in the burst-mode operations for 16-QAM and compared in the presence of non-ideal conditions (frequency offset, phase offset, and AWGN). The simulation results show that the carrier recovery techniques presented in this thesis proved to be applicable to the modulation schemes of 16-QAM. The simulations demonstrate that the techniques provide a fast carrier acquisition using a short preamble (about 111 symbols) and are suitable for burst-mode communication systems

    The study of sequential decoding techniques for spacecraft telemetry systems Final report, 12 Jan. - 12 Jun. 1968

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    Convolutional encoding-sequential decoding technique for coherent deep space telemetry link and near earth space mission

    Noncoherent sequence detection

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    Digital Signal Processing Techniques For Coherent Optical Communication

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    Coherent detection with subsequent digital signal processing (DSP) is developed, analyzed theoretically and numerically and experimentally demonstrated in various fiber-optic transmission scenarios. The use of DSP in conjunction with coherent detection unleashes the benefits of coherent detection which rely on the preservation of full information of the incoming field. These benefits include high receiver sensitivity, the ability to achieve high spectral-efficiency and the use of advanced modulation formats. With the immense advancements in DSP speeds, many of the problems hindering the use of coherent detection in optical transmission systems have been eliminated. Most notably, DSP alleviates the need for hardware phase-locking and polarization tracking, which can now be achieved in the digital domain. The complexity previously associated with coherent detection is hence significantly diminished and coherent detection is once again considered a feasible detection alternative. In this thesis, several aspects of coherent detection (with or without subsequent DSP) are addressed. Coherent detection is presented as a means to extend the dispersion limit of a duobinary signal using an analog decision-directed phase-lock loop. Analytical bit-error ratio estimation for quadrature phase-shift keying signals is derived. To validate the promise for high spectral efficiency, the orthogonal-wavelength-division multiplexing scheme is suggested. In this scheme the WDM channels are spaced at the symbol rate, thus achieving the spectral efficiency limit. Theory, simulation and experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. Infinite impulse response filtering is shown to be an efficient alternative to finite impulse response filtering for chromatic dispersion compensation. Theory, design considerations, simulation and experimental results relating to this topic are presented. Interaction between fiber dispersion and nonlinearity remains the last major challenge deterministic effects pose for long-haul optical data transmission. Experimental results which demonstrate the possibility to digitally mitigate both dispersion and nonlinearity are presented. Impairment compensation is achieved using backward propagation by implementing the split-step method. Efficient realizations of the dispersion compensation operator used in this implementation are considered. Infinite-impulse response and wavelet-based filtering are both investigated as a means to reduce the required computational load associated with signal backward-propagation. Possible future research directions conclude this dissertation

    High-performance signal acquisition algorithms for wireless communications receivers

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    Due to the uncertainties introduced by the propagation channel, and RF and mixed signal circuits imperfections, digital communication receivers require efficient and robust signal acquisition algorithms for timing and carrier recovery, and interfer- ence rejection. The main theme of this work is the development of efficient and robust signal synchronization and interference rejection schemes for narrowband, wideband and ultra wideband communications systems. A series of novel signal acquisition schemes together with their performance analysis and comparisons with existing state-of-the- art results are introduced. The design effort is first focused on narrowband systems, and then on wideband and ultra wideband systems. For single carrier modulated narrowband systems, it is found that conventional timing recovery schemes present low efficiency, e.g., certain feedback timing recov- ery schemes exhibit the so-called hang-up phenomenon, while another class of blind feedforward timing recovery schemes presents large self-noise. Based on a general re- search framework, we propose new anti-hangup algorithms and prefiltering techniques to speed up the feedback timing recovery and reduce the self-noise of feedforward tim- ing estimators, respectively. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique is well suited for wideband wireless systems. However, OFDM receivers require high performance car-rier and timing synchronization. A new coarse synchronization scheme is proposed for efficient carrier frequency offset and timing acquisition. Also, a novel highly accurate decision-directed algorithm is proposed to track and compensate the residual phase and timing errors after the coarse synchronization step. Both theoretical analysis and computer simulations indicate that the proposed algorithms greatly improve the performance of OFDM receivers. The results of an in-depth study show that a narrowband interference (NBI) could cause serious performance loss in multiband OFDMbased ultra-wideband (UWB) sys- tems. A novel NBI mitigation scheme, based on a digital NBI detector and adaptive analog notch filter bank, is proposed to reduce the effects of NBI in UWB systems. Simulation results show that the proposed NBI mitigation scheme improves signifi- cantly the performance of a standard UWB receiver (this improvement manifests as a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain of 9 dB)

    Carrier Synchronization in High Bit-Rate Optical Transmission Systems

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    In this dissertation, design of optical transmission systems with differential detection and coherent detection is briefly described. More over, algorithms for carrier synchronization and phase estimation with their implementation in high bit-rate optical transmission systems are proposed