18,624 research outputs found

    Behavioural hybrid process calculus

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    Process algebra is a theoretical framework for the modelling and analysis of the behaviour of concurrent discrete event systems that has been developed within computer science in past quarter century. It has generated a deeper nderstanding of the nature of concepts such as observable behaviour in the presence of nondeterminism, system composition by interconnection of concurrent component systems, and notions of behavioural equivalence of such systems. It has contributed fundamental concepts such as bisimulation, and has been successfully used in a wide range of problems and practical applications in concurrent systems. We believe that the basic tenets of process algebra are highly compatible with the behavioural approach to dynamical systems. In our contribution we present an extension of classical process algebra that is suitable for the modelling and analysis of continuous and hybrid dynamical systems. It provides a natural framework for the concurrent composition of such systems, and can deal with nondeterministic behaviour that may arise from the occurrence of internal switching events. Standard process algebraic techniques lead to the characterisation of the observable behaviour of such systems as equivalence classes under some suitably adapted notion of bisimulation

    Tau-Equivalences and Refinement for Petri Nets Based Design

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    The paper is devoted to the investigation of behavioral equivalences of concurrent systems modeled by Petri nets with silent transitions. Basic τ-equivalences and back-forth τ-bisimulation equivalences known from the literature are supplemented by new ones, giving rise to complete set of equivalence notions in interleaving / true concurrency and linear / branching time semantcis. Their interrelations are examined for the general class of nets as well as for their subclasses of nets without siltent transitions and sequential nets (nets without concurrent transitions). In addition, the preservation of all the equivalence notions by refinements (allowing one to consider the systems to be modeled on a lower abstraction levels) is investigated

    Graded Monads and Graded Logics for the Linear Time - Branching Time Spectrum

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    State-based models of concurrent systems are traditionally considered under a variety of notions of process equivalence. In the case of labelled transition systems, these equivalences range from trace equivalence to (strong) bisimilarity, and are organized in what is known as the linear time - branching time spectrum. A combination of universal coalgebra and graded monads provides a generic framework in which the semantics of concurrency can be parametrized both over the branching type of the underlying transition systems and over the granularity of process equivalence. We show in the present paper that this framework of graded semantics does subsume the most important equivalences from the linear time - branching time spectrum. An important feature of graded semantics is that it allows for the principled extraction of characteristic modal logics. We have established invariance of these graded logics under the given graded semantics in earlier work; in the present paper, we extend the logical framework with an explicit propositional layer and provide a generic expressiveness criterion that generalizes the classical Hennessy-Milner theorem to coarser notions of process equivalence. We extract graded logics for a range of graded semantics on labelled transition systems and probabilistic systems, and give exemplary proofs of their expressiveness based on our generic criterion

    Simplified Coalgebraic Trace Equivalence

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    The analysis of concurrent and reactive systems is based to a large degree on various notions of process equivalence, ranging, on the so-called linear-time/branching-time spectrum, from fine-grained equivalences such as strong bisimilarity to coarse-grained ones such as trace equivalence. The theory of concurrent systems at large has benefited from developments in coalgebra, which has enabled uniform definitions and results that provide a common umbrella for seemingly disparate system types including non-deterministic, weighted, probabilistic, and game-based systems. In particular, there has been some success in identifying a generic coalgebraic theory of bisimulation that matches known definitions in many concrete cases. The situation is currently somewhat less settled regarding trace equivalence. A number of coalgebraic approaches to trace equivalence have been proposed, none of which however cover all cases of interest; notably, all these approaches depend on explicit termination, which is not always imposed in standard systems, e.g. LTS. Here, we discuss a joint generalization of these approaches based on embedding functors modelling various aspects of the system, such as transition and braching, into a global monad; this approach appears to cover all cases considered previously and some additional ones, notably standard LTS and probabilistic labelled transition systems

    Generic Trace Semantics and Graded Monads

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    Models of concurrent systems employ a wide variety of semantics inducing various notions of process equivalence, ranging from linear-time semantics such as trace equivalence to branching-time semantics such as strong bisimilarity. Many of these generalize to system types beyond standard transition systems, featuring, for example, weighted, probabilistic, or game-based transitions; this motivates the search for suitable coalgebraic abstractions of process equivalence that cover these orthogonal dimensions of generality, i.e. are generic both in the system type and in the notion of system equivalence. In recent joint work with Kurz, we have proposed a parametrization of system equivalence over an embedding of the coalgebraic type functor into a monad. In the present paper, we refine this abstraction to use graded monads, which come with a notion of depth that corresponds, e.g., to trace length or bisimulation depth. We introduce a notion of graded algebras and show how they play the role of formulas in trace logics

    A Class of Stochastic Petri Nets with Step Semantics and Related Equivalence Notions

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    This paper presents a class of Stochastic Petri Nets with concurrent transition firings. It is assumed that transitions occur in steps and that for every step each enabled transition decides probabilistically whether it wants to participate in the step or not. Among the transitions which what to participate in a step, a maximal number is chosen to perform the firing step. The observable behavior is defined and equivalence relations are introduced. The equivalence relations extend the well-known trace and bisimulation equivalences for systems with step semantics to Stochastik Petri Nets with concurrent transition firing. It is shown that the equivalence notions form a lattice of interrelations

    Equivalence of switching linear systems by bisimulation

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    A general notion of hybrid bisimulation is proposed for the class of switching linear systems. Connections between the notions of bisimulation-based equivalence, state-space equivalence, algebraic and input–output equivalence are investigated. An algebraic characterization of hybrid bisimulation and an algorithmic procedure converging in a finite number of steps to the maximal hybrid bisimulation are derived. Hybrid state space reduction is performed by hybrid bisimulation between the hybrid system and itself. By specializing the results obtained on bisimulation, also characterizations of simulation and abstraction are derived. Connections between observability, bisimulation-based reduction and simulation-based abstraction are studied.\ud \u
