12 research outputs found

    Equalization of Third-Order Intermodulation Products in Wideband Direct Conversion Receivers

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    This paper reports a SAW-less direct-conversion receiver which utilizes a mixed-signal feedforward path to regenerate and adaptively cancel IM3 products, thus accomplishing system-level linearization. The receiver system performance is dominated by a custom integrated RF front end implemented in 130-nm CMOS and achieves an uncorrected out-of-band IIP3 of -7.1 dBm under the worst-case UMTS FDD Region 1 blocking specifications. Under IM3 equalization, the receiver achieves an effective IIP3 of +5.3 dBm and meets the UMTS BER sensitivity requirement with 3.7 dB of margin

    Equalization of Third-Order Intermodulation Products in Wideband Direct Conversion Receivers

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    A rail-to-rail input receiver employing successive regeneration and adaptive cancellation of intermodulation products

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    A direct conversion receiver is demonstrated which operates in the presence of a rail-to-rail (+12.4dBm) out-of-band blocker and a -16.3dBm blocker, where the ICP1 is +12.5dBm and the uncorrected extrapolated IIP3 is +33.5dBm. IM distortion is adaptively cancelled via feedforward loops which are digitally expanded to reproduce higher order nonlinear reference terms. Cancellation improves input-referred total IM distortion by over 24dB, resulting in an extrapolated IIP3 of +45.3dBm

    Auxiliary-Path-Assisted Digital Linearization of Wideband Wireless Receivers

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    Wireless communication systems in recent years have aimed at increasing data rates by ensuring flexible and efficient use of the radio spectrum. The dernier cri in this field has been in the area of carrier aggregation and cognitive radio. Carrier aggregation is a major component of LTE-Advanced. With carrier aggregation, a number of separate LTE carriers can be combined, by mobile network operators, to increase peak data rates and overall network capacity. Cognitive radios, on the other hand, allow efficient spectrum usage by locating and using spatially vacant spectral bands. High monolithic integration in these application fields can be achieved by employing receiver architectures such as the wideband direct conversion receiver topology. This is advantageous from the view point of cost, power consumption and size. However, many challenges exist, of particular importance is nonlinear distortion arising from analog front-end components such as low noise amplifiers (LNA). Nonlinear distortions especially become severe when several signals of varying amplitudes are received simultaneously. In such cases, nonlinear distortions stemming from strong signals may deteriorate the reception of the weaker signals, and also impair the receiver’s spectrum sensing capabilities. Nonlinearity, usually a consequence of dynamic range limitation, degrades performance in wideband multi-operator communications systems, and it will have a notable role in future wireless communication system design. This thesis presents a digital domain linearization technique that employs a very nonlinear auxiliary receiver path for nonlinear distortion cancellation. The proposed linearization technique relies on one-time adaptively-determined linearization coefficients for cancelling nonlinear distortions. Specifically, we take a look at canceling the troublesome in-band third order intermodulation products using the proposed technique. The proposed technique can be extended to cancel out both even and higher order odd intermodulation products. Dynamic behavioral models are used to account for RF nonlinearities, including memory effects which cannot be ignored in the wideband scenario. Since the proposed linearization technique involves the use of two receiver paths, techniques for correcting phase delays between the two paths are also introduced. Simplicity is the hallmark of the proposed linearization technique. It can achieve up to +30 dBm in IIP3 performance with ADC resolution being a major performance bottleneck. It also shows strong tolerance to strong blocker nonlinearities

    Auxiliary-Path-Assisted Digital Linearization of Wideband Wireless Receivers

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    Wireless communication systems in recent years have aimed at increasing data rates by ensuring flexible and efficient use of the radio spectrum. The dernier cri in this field has been in the area of carrier aggregation and cognitive radio. Carrier aggregation is a major component of LTE-Advanced. With carrier aggregation, a number of separate LTE carriers can be combined, by mobile network operators, to increase peak data rates and overall network capacity. Cognitive radios, on the other hand, allow efficient spectrum usage by locating and using spatially vacant spectral bands. High monolithic integration in these application fields can be achieved by employing receiver architectures such as the wideband direct conversion receiver topology. This is advantageous from the view point of cost, power consumption and size. However, many challenges exist, of particular importance is nonlinear distortion arising from analog front-end components such as low noise amplifiers (LNA). Nonlinear distortions especially become severe when several signals of varying amplitudes are received simultaneously. In such cases, nonlinear distortions stemming from strong signals may deteriorate the reception of the weaker signals, and also impair the receiver’s spectrum sensing capabilities. Nonlinearity, usually a consequence of dynamic range limitation, degrades performance in wideband multi-operator communications systems, and it will have a notable role in future wireless communication system design. This thesis presents a digital domain linearization technique that employs a very nonlinear auxiliary receiver path for nonlinear distortion cancellation. The proposed linearization technique relies on one-time adaptively-determined linearization coefficients for cancelling nonlinear distortions. Specifically, we take a look at canceling the troublesome in-band third order intermodulation products using the proposed technique. The proposed technique can be extended to cancel out both even and higher order odd intermodulation products. Dynamic behavioral models are used to account for RF nonlinearities, including memory effects which cannot be ignored in the wideband scenario. Since the proposed linearization technique involves the use of two receiver paths, techniques for correcting phase delays between the two paths are also introduced. Simplicity is the hallmark of the proposed linearization technique. It can achieve up to +30 dBm in IIP3 performance with ADC resolution being a major performance bottleneck. It also shows strong tolerance to strong blocker nonlinearities

    Nonlinear Distortion in Wideband Radio Receivers and Analog-to-Digital Converters: Modeling and Digital Suppression

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    Emerging wireless communications systems aim to flexible and efficient usage of radio spectrum in order to increase data rates. The ultimate goal in this field is a cognitive radio. It employs spectrum sensing in order to locate spatially and temporally vacant spectrum chunks that can be used for communications. In order to achieve that, flexible and reconfigurable transceivers are needed. A software-defined radio can provide these features by having a highly-integrated wideband transceiver with minimum analog components and mostly relying on digital signal processing. This is also desired from size, cost, and power consumption point of view. However, several challenges arise, from which dynamic range is one of the most important. This is especially true on receiver side where several signals can be received simultaneously through a single receiver chain. In extreme cases the weakest signal can be almost 100 dB weaker than the strongest one. Due to the limited dynamic range of the receiver, the strongest signals may cause nonlinear distortion which deteriorates spectrum sensing capabilities and also reception of the weakest signals. The nonlinearities are stemming from the analog receiver components and also from analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). This is a performance bottleneck in many wideband communications and also radar receivers. The dynamic range challenges are already encountered in current devices, such as in wideband multi-operator receiver scenarios in mobile networks, and the challenges will have even more essential role in the future.This thesis focuses on aforementioned receiver scenarios and contributes to modeling and digital suppression of nonlinear distortion. A behavioral model for direct-conversion receiver nonlinearities is derived and it jointly takes into account RF, mixer, and baseband nonlinearities together with I/Q imbalance. The model is then exploited in suppression of receiver nonlinearities. The considered method is based on adaptive digital post-processing and does not require any analog hardware modification. It is able to extract all the necessary information directly from the received waveform in order to suppress the nonlinear distortion caused by the strongest blocker signals inside the reception band.In addition, the nonlinearities of ADCs are considered. Even if the dynamic range of the analog receiver components is not limiting the performance, ADCs may cause considerable amount of nonlinear distortion. It can originate, e.g., from undeliberate variations of quantization levels. Furthermore, the received waveform may exceed the nominal voltage range of the ADC due to signal power variations. This causes unintentional signal clipping which creates severe nonlinear distortion. In this thesis, a Fourier series based model is derived for the signal clipping caused by ADCs. Furthermore, four different methods are considered for suppressing ADC nonlinearities, especially unintentional signal clipping. The methods exploit polynomial modeling, interpolation, or symbol decisions for suppressing the distortion. The common factor is that all the methods are based on digital post-processing and are able to continuously adapt to variations in the received waveform and in the receiver itself. This is a very important aspect in wideband receivers, especially in cognitive radios, when the flexibility and state-of-the-art performance is required

    Digitally Assisted Multi-Channel Receivers

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    This work presents a data estimation scheme for wide band multi-channel charge sampling receivers with sinc filter banks together with a complete system calibration and synchronization algorithm for the receiver. A unified model has been defined for the receiver containing all first order mismatches, offsets and imperfections and a technique based on least mean squares algorithm is employed to track these errors. The performance of this technique under noisy channel conditions has been verified. The sinc filter bank is compared with the conventional analog filter banks and it is shown that the sinc filter banks have very low computational complexity in data estimation Nextly, analytical tools for the design of clock-jitter tolerant multi-channel filterbank receivers have been developed. Clock-jitter is one of the most fundamental obstacles for the future generation of wideband receivers. Additionally all the trade-offs and specifications of a design example for a multi-channel receiver that can process a 5 GHz baseband signal with 40 dB of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) using sampling clocks that can tolerate up to 5 ps of clock-jitter standard deviation are presented. A novel bandwidth optimization technique has been presented. As a part of it the bandwidth of the filters present in each path is optimized thereby improving the performance of the receiver further in the presence of sampling clock jitter. The amount of bandwidth reduction possible depends on the order of the filter and the noise amplification provided by the reconstruction matrix. It has been shown that 3rd order filters of bandwidth 1 GHz can be replaced with 1st order filters of bandwidth 100 MHz without any depreciation in the output resolution, implying huge power savings

    Dirty RF Signal Processing for Mitigation of Receiver Front-end Non-linearity

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    Moderne drahtlose Kommunikationssysteme stellen hohe und teilweise gegensätzliche Anforderungen an die Hardware der Funkmodule, wie z.B. niedriger Energieverbrauch, große Bandbreite und hohe Linearität. Die Gewährleistung einer ausreichenden Linearität ist, neben anderen analogen Parametern, eine Herausforderung im praktischen Design der Funkmodule. Der Fokus der Dissertation liegt auf breitbandigen HF-Frontends für Software-konfigurierbare Funkmodule, die seit einigen Jahren kommerziell verfügbar sind. Die praktischen Herausforderungen und Grenzen solcher flexiblen Funkmodule offenbaren sich vor allem im realen Experiment. Eines der Hauptprobleme ist die Sicherstellung einer ausreichenden analogen Performanz über einen weiten Frequenzbereich. Aus einer Vielzahl an analogen Störeffekten behandelt die Arbeit die Analyse und Minderung von Nichtlinearitäten in Empfängern mit direkt-umsetzender Architektur. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei Signalverarbeitungsstrategien zur Minderung nichtlinear verursachter Interferenz - ein Algorithmus, der besser unter "Dirty RF"-Techniken bekannt ist. Ein digitales Verfahren nach der Vorwärtskopplung wird durch intensive Simulationen, Messungen und Implementierung in realer Hardware verifiziert. Um die Lücken zwischen Theorie und praktischer Anwendbarkeit zu schließen und das Verfahren in reale Funkmodule zu integrieren, werden verschiedene Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Hierzu wird ein erweitertes Verhaltensmodell entwickelt, das die Struktur direkt-umsetzender Empfänger am besten nachbildet und damit alle Verzerrungen im HF- und Basisband erfasst. Darüber hinaus wird die Leistungsfähigkeit des Algorithmus unter realen Funkkanal-Bedingungen untersucht. Zusätzlich folgt die Vorstellung einer ressourceneffizienten Echtzeit-Implementierung des Verfahrens auf einem FPGA. Abschließend diskutiert die Arbeit verschiedene Anwendungsfelder, darunter spektrales Sensing, robuster GSM-Empfang und GSM-basiertes Passivradar. Es wird gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Verzerrungen erfolgreich in der digitalen Domäne gemindert werden können, wodurch die Bitfehlerrate gestörter modulierter Signale sinkt und der Anteil nichtlinear verursachter Interferenz minimiert wird. Schließlich kann durch das Verfahren die effektive Linearität des HF-Frontends stark erhöht werden. Damit wird der zuverlässige Betrieb eines einfachen Funkmoduls unter dem Einfluss der Empfängernichtlinearität möglich. Aufgrund des flexiblen Designs ist der Algorithmus für breitbandige Empfänger universal einsetzbar und ist nicht auf Software-konfigurierbare Funkmodule beschränkt.Today's wireless communication systems place high requirements on the radio's hardware that are largely mutually exclusive, such as low power consumption, wide bandwidth, and high linearity. Achieving a sufficient linearity, among other analogue characteristics, is a challenging issue in practical transceiver design. The focus of this thesis is on wideband receiver RF front-ends for software defined radio technology, which became commercially available in the recent years. Practical challenges and limitations are being revealed in real-world experiments with these radios. One of the main problems is to ensure a sufficient RF performance of the front-end over a wide bandwidth. The thesis covers the analysis and mitigation of receiver non-linearity of typical direct-conversion receiver architectures, among other RF impairments. The main focus is on DSP-based algorithms for mitigating non-linearly induced interference, an approach also known as "Dirty RF" signal processing techniques. The conceived digital feedforward mitigation algorithm is verified through extensive simulations, RF measurements, and implementation in real hardware. Various studies are carried out that bridge the gap between theory and practical applicability of this approach, especially with the aim of integrating that technique into real devices. To this end, an advanced baseband behavioural model is developed that matches to direct-conversion receiver architectures as close as possible, and thus considers all generated distortions at RF and baseband. In addition, the algorithm's performance is verified under challenging fading conditions. Moreover, the thesis presents a resource-efficient real-time implementation of the proposed solution on an FPGA. Finally, different use cases are covered in the thesis that includes spectrum monitoring or sensing, GSM downlink reception, and GSM-based passive radar. It is shown that non-linear distortions can be successfully mitigated at system level in the digital domain, thereby decreasing the bit error rate of distorted modulated signals and reducing the amount of non-linearly induced interference. Finally, the effective linearity of the front-end is increased substantially. Thus, the proper operation of a low-cost radio under presence of receiver non-linearity is possible. Due to the flexible design, the algorithm is generally applicable for wideband receivers and is not restricted to software defined radios