23 research outputs found

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of Data Transmission in Cable Networks

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    The cable television (CATV) networks, since their introduction in the late 1940s, have now become a crucial part of the broadcasting industry. To keep up with growing demands from the subscribers, cable networks nowadays not only provide television programs but also deliver two-way interactive services such as telephone, high-speed Internet and social TV features. A new standard for CATV networks is released every five to six years to satisfy the growing demands from the mass market. From this perspective, this thesis is concerned with three main aspects for the continuing development of cable networks: (i) efficient implementations of backward-compatibility functions from the old standard, (ii) addressing and providing solutions for technically-challenging issues in the current standard and, (iii) looking for prospective features that can be implemented in the future standard. Since 1997, five different versions of the digital CATV standard had been released in North America. A new standard often contains major improvements over the previous one. The latest version of the standard, namely DOCSIS 3.1 (released in late 2013), is packed with state-of-the-art technologies and allows approximately ten times the amount of traffic as compared to the previous standard, DOCSIS 3.0 (released in 2008). Backward-compatibility is a must-have function for cable networks. In particular, to facilitate the system migration from older standards to a newer one, the backward compatible functions in the old standards must remain in the newer-standard products. More importantly, to keep the implementation cost low, the inherited backward compatible functions must be redesigned by taking advantage of the latest technology and algorithms. To improve the backward-compatibility functions, the first contribution of the thesis focuses on redesigning the pulse shaping filter by exploiting infinite impulse response (IIR) filter structures as an alternative to the conventional finite impulse response (FIR) structures. Comprehensive comparisons show that more economical filters with better performance can be obtained by the proposed design algorithm, which considers a hybrid parameterization of the filter's transfer function in combination with a constraint on the pole radius to be less than 1. The second contribution of the thesis is a new fractional timing estimation algorithm based on peak detection by log-domain interpolation. When compared with the commonly-used timing detection method, which is based on parabolic interpolation, the proposed algorithm yields more accurate estimation with a comparable implementation cost. The third contribution of the thesis is a technique to estimate the multipath channel for DOCSIS 3.1 cable networks. DOCSIS 3.1 is markedly different from prior generations of CATV networks in that OFDM/OFDMA is employed to create a spectrally-efficient signal. In order to effectively demodulate such a signal, it is necessary to employ a demodulation circuit which involves estimation and tracking of the multipath channel. The estimation and tracking must be highly accurate because extremely dense constellations such as 4096-QAM and possibly 16384-QAM can be used in DOCSIS 3.1. The conventional OFDM channel estimators available in the literature either do not perform satisfactorily or are not suitable for the DOCSIS 3.1 channel. The novel channel estimation technique proposed in this thesis iteratively searches for parameters of the channel paths. The proposed technique not only substantially enhances the channel estimation accuracy, but also can, at no cost, accurately identify the delay of each echo in the system. The echo delay information is valuable for proactive maintenance of the network. The fourth contribution of this thesis is a novel scheme that allows OFDM transmission without the use of a cyclic prefix (CP). The structure of OFDM in the current DOCSIS 3.1 does not achieve the maximum throughput if the channel has multipath components. The multipath channel causes inter-symbol-interference (ISI), which is commonly mitigated by employing CP. The CP acts as a guard interval that, while successfully protecting the signal from ISI, reduces the transmission throughput. The problem becomes more severe for downstream direction, where the throughput of the entire system is determined by the user with the worst channel. To solve the problem, this thesis proposes major alterations to the current DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM/OFDMA structure. The alterations involve using a pair of Nyquist filters at the transceivers and an efficient time-domain equalizer (TEQ) at the receiver to reduce ISI down to a negligible level without the need of CP. Simulation results demonstrate that, by incorporating the proposed alterations to the DOCSIS 3.1 down-link channel, the system can achieve the maximum throughput over a wide range of multipath channel conditions

    Adaptive signal processing for multichannel sound using high performance computing

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    [EN] The field of audio signal processing has undergone a major development in recent years. Both the consumer and professional marketplaces continue to show growth in audio applications such as immersive audio schemes that offer optimal listening experience, intelligent noise reduction in cars or improvements in audio teleconferencing or hearing aids. The development of these applications has a common interest in increasing or improving the number of discrete audio channels, the quality of the audio or the sophistication of the algorithms. This often gives rise to problems of high computational cost, even when using common signal processing algorithms, mainly due to the application of these algorithms to multiple signals with real-time requirements. The field of High Performance Computing (HPC) based on low cost hardware elements is the bridge needed between the computing problems and the real multimedia signals and systems that lead to user's applications. In this sense, the present thesis goes a step further in the development of these systems by using the computational power of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) to exploit the inherent parallelism of signal processing for multichannel audio applications. The increase of the computational capacity of the processing devices has been historically linked to the number of transistors in a chip. However, nowadays the improvements in the computational capacity are mainly given by increasing the number of processing units and using parallel processing. The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), which have now thousands of computing cores, are a representative example. The GPUs were traditionally used to graphic or image processing, but new releases in the GPU programming environments such as CUDA have allowed the use of GPUS for general processing applications. Hence, the use of GPUs is being extended to a wide variety of intensive-computation applications among which audio processing is included. However, the data transactions between the CPU and the GPU and viceversa have questioned the viability of the use of GPUs for audio applications in which real-time interaction between microphones and loudspeakers is required. This is the case of the adaptive filtering applications, where an efficient use of parallel computation in not straightforward. For these reasons, up to the beginning of this thesis, very few publications had dealt with the GPU implementation of real-time acoustic applications based on adaptive filtering. Therefore, this thesis aims to demonstrate that GPUs are totally valid tools to carry out audio applications based on adaptive filtering that require high computational resources. To this end, different adaptive applications in the field of audio processing are studied and performed using GPUs. This manuscript also analyzes and solves possible limitations in each GPU-based implementation both from the acoustic point of view as from the computational point of view.[ES] El campo de procesado de señales de audio ha experimentado un desarrollo importante en los últimos años. Tanto el mercado de consumo como el profesional siguen mostrando un crecimiento en aplicaciones de audio, tales como: los sistemas de audio inmersivo que ofrecen una experiencia de sonido óptima, los sistemas inteligentes de reducción de ruido en coches o las mejoras en sistemas de teleconferencia o en audífonos. El desarrollo de estas aplicaciones tiene un propósito común de aumentar o mejorar el número de canales de audio, la propia calidad del audio o la sofisticación de los algoritmos. Estas mejoras suelen dar lugar a sistemas de alto coste computacional, incluso usando algoritmos comunes de procesado de señal. Esto se debe principalmente a que los algoritmos se suelen aplicar a sistemas multicanales con requerimientos de procesamiento en tiempo real. El campo de la Computación de Alto Rendimiento basado en elementos hardware de bajo coste es el puente necesario entre los problemas de computación y los sistemas multimedia que dan lugar a aplicaciones de usuario. En este sentido, la presente tesis va un paso más allá en el desarrollo de estos sistemas mediante el uso de la potencia de cálculo de las Unidades de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPU) en aplicaciones de propósito general. Con ello, aprovechamos la inherente capacidad de paralelización que poseen las GPU para procesar señales de audio y obtener aplicaciones de audio multicanal. El aumento de la capacidad computacional de los dispositivos de procesado ha estado vinculado históricamente al número de transistores que había en un chip. Sin embargo, hoy en día, las mejoras en la capacidad computacional se dan principalmente por el aumento del número de unidades de procesado y su uso para el procesado en paralelo. Las GPUs son un ejemplo muy representativo. Hoy en día, las GPUs poseen hasta miles de núcleos de computación. Tradicionalmente, las GPUs se han utilizado para el procesado de gráficos o imágenes. Sin embargo, la aparición de entornos sencillos de programación GPU, como por ejemplo CUDA, han permitido el uso de las GPU para aplicaciones de procesado general. De ese modo, el uso de las GPU se ha extendido a una amplia variedad de aplicaciones que requieren cálculo intensivo. Entre esta gama de aplicaciones, se incluye el procesado de señales de audio. No obstante, las transferencias de datos entre la CPU y la GPU y viceversa pusieron en duda la viabilidad de las GPUs para aplicaciones de audio en las que se requiere una interacción en tiempo real entre micrófonos y altavoces. Este es el caso de las aplicaciones basadas en filtrado adaptativo, donde el uso eficiente de la computación en paralelo no es sencillo. Por estas razones, hasta el comienzo de esta tesis, había muy pocas publicaciones que utilizaran la GPU para implementaciones en tiempo real de aplicaciones acústicas basadas en filtrado adaptativo. A pesar de todo, esta tesis pretende demostrar que las GPU son herramientas totalmente válidas para llevar a cabo aplicaciones de audio basadas en filtrado adaptativo que requieran elevados recursos computacionales. Con este fin, la presente tesis ha estudiado y desarrollado varias aplicaciones adaptativas de procesado de audio utilizando una GPU como procesador. Además, también analiza y resuelve las posibles limitaciones de cada aplicación tanto desde el punto de vista acústico como desde el punto de vista computacional.[CA] El camp del processament de senyals d'àudio ha experimentat un desenvolupament important als últims anys. Tant el mercat de consum com el professional segueixen mostrant un creixement en aplicacions d'àudio, com ara: els sistemes d'àudio immersiu que ofereixen una experiència de so òptima, els sistemes intel·ligents de reducció de soroll en els cotxes o les millores en sistemes de teleconferència o en audiòfons. El desenvolupament d'aquestes aplicacions té un propòsit comú d'augmentar o millorar el nombre de canals d'àudio, la pròpia qualitat de l'àudio o la sofisticació dels algorismes que s'utilitzen. Això, sovint dóna lloc a sistemes d'alt cost computacional, fins i tot quan es fan servir algorismes comuns de processat de senyal. Això es deu principalment al fet que els algorismes se solen aplicar a sistemes multicanals amb requeriments de processat en temps real. El camp de la Computació d'Alt Rendiment basat en elements hardware de baix cost és el pont necessari entre els problemes de computació i els sistemes multimèdia que donen lloc a aplicacions d'usuari. En aquest sentit, aquesta tesi va un pas més enllà en el desenvolupament d'aquests sistemes mitjançant l'ús de la potència de càlcul de les Unitats de Processament Gràfic (GPU) en aplicacions de propòsit general. Amb això, s'aprofita la inherent capacitat de paral·lelització que posseeixen les GPUs per processar senyals d'àudio i obtenir aplicacions d'àudio multicanal. L'augment de la capacitat computacional dels dispositius de processat ha estat històricament vinculada al nombre de transistors que hi havia en un xip. No obstant, avui en dia, les millores en la capacitat computacional es donen principalment per l'augment del nombre d'unitats de processat i el seu ús per al processament en paral·lel. Un exemple molt representatiu són les GPU, que avui en dia posseeixen milers de nuclis de computació. Tradicionalment, les GPUs s'han utilitzat per al processat de gràfics o imatges. No obstant, l'aparició d'entorns senzills de programació de la GPU com és CUDA, han permès l'ús de les GPUs per a aplicacions de processat general. D'aquesta manera, l'ús de les GPUs s'ha estès a una àmplia varietat d'aplicacions que requereixen càlcul intensiu. Entre aquesta gamma d'aplicacions, s'inclou el processat de senyals d'àudio. No obstant, les transferències de dades entre la CPU i la GPU i viceversa van posar en dubte la viabilitat de les GPUs per a aplicacions d'àudio en què es requereix la interacció en temps real de micròfons i altaveus. Aquest és el cas de les aplicacions basades en filtrat adaptatiu, on l'ús eficient de la computació en paral·lel no és senzilla. Per aquestes raons, fins al començament d'aquesta tesi, hi havia molt poques publicacions que utilitzessin la GPU per implementar en temps real aplicacions acústiques basades en filtrat adaptatiu. Malgrat tot, aquesta tesi pretén demostrar que les GPU són eines totalment vàlides per dur a terme aplicacions d'àudio basades en filtrat adaptatiu que requereixen alts recursos computacionals. Amb aquesta finalitat, en la present tesi s'han estudiat i desenvolupat diverses aplicacions adaptatives de processament d'àudio utilitzant una GPU com a processador. A més, aquest manuscrit també analitza i resol les possibles limitacions de cada aplicació, tant des del punt de vista acústic, com des del punt de vista computacional.Lorente Giner, J. (2015). Adaptive signal processing for multichannel sound using high performance computing [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58427TESI

    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Enhanced multi-user DMT spectrum management using polynomial matrix decomposition techniques

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    This thesis researches the increasingly critical roles played by intelligent resource management and interference mitigation algorithms in present-day input multiple output (MIMO) communication systems. This thesis considers the application of polynomial matrix decomposition (PMD) algorithms, an emerging broadband factorisation technology for broadband MIMO access networks. Present DSL systems’ performance is constrained by the presence of interference (crosstalk) between multiple users sharing a common physical cable bundle. Compared to the traditional static spectrum management methods that define their survival to the worst-case scenarios, DSM methods provides some degree of flexibility to both direct channel and noise parameters to improve evolvability and robustness significantly. A novel crosstalk-aware DSM algorithm is proposed for the efficient management of multi-user DSL systems. Joint power allocation procedures are considered for the proposed single-channel equalisation method in DSL access networks. This thesis then shows that DSM can also benefit overdetermined precoding-equalisation systems, when the channel state information (CSI) parameters call for a specific decision feedback criterion to achieve a perfect reconstruction. A reasonable redundancy is introduced to reformulate the original multi-user MIMO problem into the simplest case of power management problem. DSM algorithms are primarily applied to solve the power allocation problem in DSM networks with the aim of maximising the system attribute rather than meeting specific requirements. Also, a powerful PMD algorithm known as sequential matrix diagonalisation (SMD) is used for analysing the eigenvalue decomposition problem by quantifying the available system resource including the effects of the crosstalk and its parameters. This analysis is carried out through joint precoding and equalisation structures. The thesis also investigates dynamic interference mitigation strategies for improving the performance of DSL networks. Two different mitigation strategies through a decision feedback equalisation (DFE) criterion are considered, including zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalisers. The difference between ZF and MMSE equalisations is analysed. Some experimental simulation results demonstrate the performance of both ZF and MMSE equalisation under the DFE equalisation constraint settings. Model reduction on the MMSE equalisation is thus applied to balance the crosstalk interference and enhance the data-rate throughput. Finally, the thesis studies a multi-user MIMO problem under the utility maximisation framework. Simulation results illustrate that the power allocation of multi-user DSL transmission can be jointly controlled and the interference can often be mitigated optimally on a single user basis. Driven by imperfect CSI information in current DSL networks, the research presents a novel DSM method that allows not only crosstalk mitigation, but also the exploitation of crosstalk environments through the fielding of versatile, flexible and evolvable systems. The proposed DSM tool is presented to achieve a robust mitigating system in any arbitrary overdetermined multi-user MIMO environment. Numerical optimisation results show that the mitigation of crosstalk impairment using the proposed DSM strategy. The design and implementation of the proposed DSM are carried out in the environment of MATLAB


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    The explosion in demand for wireless data traffic in recent years has triggered rapid development and pervasive deployment of wireless communication networks. To meet the exponentially increasing demand, a promising solution is the concept of wideband small cells, which is based on the idea of using broader frequency bandwidth and employing more efficient radio frequency resource reuse by dense deployment of wideband, short-range, low cost and low power base-stations. Broader bandwidth provides substantial degrees of freedom as well as challenges for system design due to the abundant multipaths and thus interference in high speed systems under large delay spread channels. Reducing the transmission range and increasing the number of cells permit better spatial reuse of spectrum. With the proliferation of wideband small cells, the strategy of selection among multiple networks has significant impacts to the performance of users and to the load balance of the system. In this dissertation, we address these problems with a focus on waveform design and network selection. In time-reversal communication systems, the time-reversal transmit waveform can boost the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver with simple single-tap detection by utilizing channel reciprocity with very low transmitter complexity. However, the large delay spread gives rise to severe inter-symbol interference when the data rate is high, and the achievable transmission rate is further degraded in the multiuser downlink due to the inter-user interference. We study the weighted sum rate optimization problem by means of waveform design in the time-reversal multiuser downlink. We propose a new power allocation algorithm, which is able to achieve comparable sum rate performance to that of globally optimal power allocation. Further, we study the joint waveform design and interference pre-cancellation by exploiting the symbol information to further improve the performance by utilizing the information of previous symbols. In the proposed joint design, the causal interference is subtracted using interference pre-cancellation and the anti-causal interference can be further suppressed by waveform design with more degrees of freedom. The second part of this dissertation is concerned with the wireless access network selection problem considering the negative network externality, i.e, the influence of subsequent users' decisions on an individual's throughput due to the limited available resources. We formulate the wireless network selection problem as a stochastic game with negative network externality and show that finding the optimal decision rule can be modelled as a multi-dimensional Markov decision process. A modified value iteration algorithm is proposed to efficiently obtain the optimal decision rule with a simple threshold structure, which enables us to reduce the storage space of the strategy profile. We further investigate the mechanism design problem with incentive compatibility constraints, which enforce the networks to reveal the truthful state information. We analyze a data set of wireless LAN traces collected from campus networks, from which we observe that the number of user arrivals is approximately Poisson distributed; the session time and the waiting time to switch network can be approximated by exponential distributions. Based on the analysis, we formulate a wireless access network association game with both arriving strategy and switching strategy and validate the effectiveness of the proposed best response strategy

    Space-division Multiplexed Optical Transmission enabled by Advanced Digital Signal Processing

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    Compensation of fibre impairments in coherent optical systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201