10 research outputs found

    Eq A Sketch 360, a Serious Toy for Drawing Equirectangular Spherical Perspectives

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    Eq a Sketch 360 is a simple program for raster sketching VR panoramas in equirectangular spherical perspective. It is built as a serious toy, to develop sketching intuition regarding equirectangular drawing as proper perspective drawing, with its specific constructions of vanishing points, geodesics, line projections, antipodes, and grids. It is useful as a teaching aid and as a production tool for preliminary perspective sketches to be further rendered with other digital or traditional tools. It is naturally adapted for the input variables adequate for observational sketches. In this paper we survey the operation and purposes of the program. We also show how it calculates the equirectangular geodesic through two given points, which enables one of its main drawing features.I was sitting for quite a while on the result of section 2.3 and its application. My thanks to Michael Scherotter of Microsoft, the author of Journalist and Sketch 360, and a fellow urban sketcher, whose questions pushed me to get on with it and write it down. I hope Michael and other developers will find the result useful for their own software and art. I was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through FCT project UID/Multi/04019/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Workshop - Drawing equirectangular perspectives for VR panoramas with Eq A Sketch 360

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    In this workshop we will explore the construction of immersive environments in equirectangular perspective using the Eq A Sketch 360 software. Eq A Sketch 360 is a serious toy for spherical perspective drawing. It has two innovative features: a sliding geodesic grid and an equirectangular snap-to ruler. These tools turn equirectangular drawing into a proper perspective, where all lines and vanishing points may be drawn by hand, to create immersive environments from either observation or imagination. This contrasts with previous methods of equirectangular drawing, that either avoided perspective altogether by drawing directly in VR view, or were limited to fixed grid methods with ad-hoc estimation of measurements. Eq A Sketch both forces and helps the user to learn spherical perspective. We will show how to draw by hand with perfect control of proportions and bearings, to make standalone designs or constructions that can be mixed with 360-degree photography.Author funded by FCT national funds project UIDB/Multi/04019/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A GeoGebra tool for drawing immersive perspectives

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    Spherical perspective provides a connection between traditional handmade drawings and virtual reality environments, which can be exploited to create new forms of hybrid immersive artworks. We discuss the use of GeoGebra tools as auxiliary software for the creation of immersive designs in azimuthal equidistant (360-degree fisheye) spherical perspective.Author A. B. Araújo was funded by FCT national funds through project UIDB/Multi/04019/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Explorations in rational drawing

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    We discuss the position of the author’s spherical perspective work within a tradition of Rational Drawing, a discipline at the interface of mathematics and the arts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spherical perspective

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    We survey the present state of spherical perspective, regarding both mathematical structure and drawing practice, with a view to applications in the visual arts. We define a spherical perspective as the entailment of a conical anamorphosis with a compact flattening of the visual sphere. We examine a general framework for solving spherical perspectives, exemplified with the azimuthal equidistant (“fisheye”) and equirectangular cases. We consider the relation between spherical and curvilinear perspectives. We briefly discuss computer renderings but focus on methods adapted to freehand sketching or technical drawing with simple instruments such as ruler and compass. We discuss how handmade spherical perspective drawings can generate immersive anamorphoses, which can be rendered as virtual reality panoramas, leading to hybrid visual creations that bridge the gap between traditional drawing and digital environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Applications of anamorphosis and mixed reality in a classroom setting

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    We report on a novel use of handmade anamorphoses in connection with Mixed Reality in a classroom setting involving Portuguese 9th grade visual education students. This is based on a conceptual reformulation of anamorphosis that makes it intrinsically immersive and connects it naturally with digital visualizations. We propose that this is a useful device for motivating the study of perspective and descriptive geometry for young students.The authors were funded by FCT national funds through project UIDB/Multi/04019/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anamorphosis reformed: from optical illusions to immersive perspectives

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    We discuss a definition of conical anamorphosis that sets it at the foundation of both classical and curvilinear perspectives. In this view, anamorphosis is an equivalence relation between three-dimensional objects, which includes two-dimensional representatives, not necessarily flat. Vanishing points are defined in a canonical way that is maximally symmetric, with exactly two vanishing points for every line. The definition of the vanishing set works at the level of anamorphosis, before perspective is defined, with no need for a projection surface. Finally, perspective is defined as a flat representation of the visual data in the anamorphosis. This schema applies to both linear and curvilinear perspectives and is naturally adapted to immersive perspectives, such as the spherical perspectives. Mathematically, the view here presented is that the sphere and not the projective plane is the natural manifold of visual data up to anamorphic equivalence. We consider how this notion of anamorphosis may help to dispel some long-standing philosophical misconceptions regarding the nature of perspective.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anamorfose e realidade aumentada: uma proposta de itinerário para o estudo da geometria na disciplina de educação visual

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    A tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada tem vindo a conhecer notoriedade em diversas áreas, assumindo particular relevância no contexto educativo, tanto mais que está relativamente acessível através do uso de smartphones ou tablets que os alunos transportam diariamente para a sala de aula. Esta tecnologia oferece aos estudantes a possibilidade de combinar elementos virtuais com ambientes físicos, tornando as experiências de aprendizagem mais interativas e, por isso, mais interessantes, enriquecedoras e criativas. Nesta investigação apresentamos os resultados da implementação de um itinerário formativo, concebido para o estudo da geometria na disciplina de Educação Visual, do 9º ano de escolaridade, sobretudo na abordagem aos conceitos de perspetiva. Este itinerário combina a utilização de modelos 3D digitais e de Realidade Aumentada com a noção de Anamorfose, procurando estabelecer uma analogia entre os contributos de Albrecht Dürer e de Filippo Brunelleschi com as atuais possibilidades da realidade mista. Descrevemos o impacto das atividades realizadas com alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade no estudo da perspetiva, no âmbito da disciplina de Educação Visual. Com base num percurso educativo, os alunos realizaram experiências de aprendizagem combinando tecnologias imersivas com desenho analógico. Esta proposta revelou potencialidades dignas de relevo no que diz respeito à abordagem ao conceito de imersão para a perceção e representação espacial. Utilizámos perspetivas imersivas obtidas através do desenho à mão sobre uma grelha equirectangular (perspetiva curvilínea) que permite explorar uma nova reconfiguração da realidade com aplicações de Realidade Virtual. Os resultados obtidos são promissores, tendo os alunos demonstrado facilidade na utilização desta tecnologia, revelando motivação, iniciativa e bastante autonomia no desenvolvimento dos trabalhos. Concluímos, ainda, que esta metodologia permitiu enriquecer a experiência imersiva dos alunos com a tecnologia de Realidade Virtual, melhorou a sua visualização espacial e a capacidade de representação tridimensional, tendo potenciado a autorregulação das aprendizagens.Augmented reality has gained prominence in various fields, particularly in the educational context. In this setting, it has been accessible through the use of smartphones or tablets that students bring with them to the classroom. Such technology offers students the possibility of combining virtual elements with physical environments making learning experiences more interactive and, therefore, more interesting, rich and creative. Within this research project, findings arising from the implementation of a formative itinerary are presented. This itinerary was devised for the study of geometry within the context of the subject called Visual Education, year 9, and in particular to the study of the perspective concepts. The formative itinerary combines the use of digital 3D models and augmented reality with the notion of anamorphosis. It aims to establish an analogy between Albrecht Dürer and Filippo Brunelleschi’s contributions with the current potential of mixed reality. In this thesis, the impact of the activities developed under the formative itinerary are described with 9 year students for the study of perspective within the scope of Visual Education. Based on an educational pathway, students engaged with a set of learning experiences combining immersive technologies with analogical drawing. Such a proposal revealed a lot of potential in regard to approaches to the study of the concept of immersion for perception and spatial representation. Immersive perspectives were used and they were obtained through hand drawing on a equirectangular grid (curvilinear perspective) that enables to explore a new reconfiguration of reality with virtual reality applications. Findings are promising as students showed easiness in the utilization of such technology and they revealed motivation, initiative and a great deal of autonomy in the development of the tasks. This kind of methodology has allowed to expand the immersive experience of the students with the virtual reality. It also enabled spatial visualization and the capacity for tridimensional representation, and it also enhanced self-regulation of their learning

    3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology

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    This open access peer-reviewed volume was inspired by the UNESCO UNITWIN Network for Underwater Archaeology International Workshop held at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia in November 2016. Content is based on, but not limited to, the work presented at the workshop which was dedicated to 3D recording and interpretation for maritime archaeology. The volume consists of contributions from leading international experts as well as up-and-coming early career researchers from around the globe. The content of the book includes recording and analysis of maritime archaeology through emerging technologies, including both practical and theoretical contributions. Topics include photogrammetric recording, laser scanning, marine geophysical 3D survey techniques, virtual reality, 3D modelling and reconstruction, data integration and Geographic Information Systems. The principal incentive for this publication is the ongoing rapid shift in the methodologies of maritime archaeology within recent years and a marked increase in the use of 3D and digital approaches. This convergence of digital technologies such as underwater photography and photogrammetry, 3D sonar, 3D virtual reality, and 3D printing has highlighted a pressing need for these new methodologies to be considered together, both in terms of defining the state-of-the-art and for consideration of future directions. As a scholarly publication, the audience for the book includes students and researchers, as well as professionals working in various aspects of archaeology, heritage management, education, museums, and public policy. It will be of special interest to those working in the field of coastal cultural resource management and underwater archaeology but will also be of broader interest to anyone interested in archaeology and to those in other disciplines who are now engaging with 3D recording and visualization