8 research outputs found

    Epistemic quantum computational structures in a Hilbert-space environment

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    Some critical open problems of epistemic logics can be investigated in the framework of a quantum computational approach. The basic idea is to interpret sentences like “Alice knows that Bob does not understand that π is irrational” as pieces of quantum information (generally represented by density operators of convenient Hilbert spaces). Logical epistemic operators (to understand, to know ...) are dealt with as (generally irreversible) quantum operations, which are, in a sense, similar to measurement-procedures. This approach permits us to model some characteristic epistemic processes, that concern both human and artiïŹcial intelligence. For instance, the operation of “memorizing and retrieving information” can be formally represented, in this framework, by using a quantum teleportation phenomenon

    Counting Steps: A Finitist Approach to Objective Probability in Physics

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    We propose a new interpretation of objective probability in statistical physics based on physical computational complexity. This notion applies to a single physical system (be it an experimental set-up in the lab, or a subsystem of the universe), and quantifies (1) the difficulty to realize a physical state given another, (2) the 'distance' (in terms of physical resources) between a physical state and another, and (3) the size of the set of time-complexity functions that are compatible with the physical resources required to reach a physical state from another. This view (a) exorcises 'ignorance' from statistical physics, and (b) underlies a new interpretation to non-relativistic quantum mechanics

    A first-order epistemic quantum computational semantics with relativistic-like epistemic effects

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    Quantum computation has suggested new forms of quantum logic, called quantum computational logics. In these logics well-formed formulas are supposed to denote pieces of quantum information: possible pure states of quantum systems that can store the information in question. At the same time, the logical connectives are interpreted as quantum logical gates: unitary operators that process quantum information in a reversible way, giving rise to quantum circuits. Quantum computational logics have been mainly studied as sentential logics (whose alphabet consists of atomic sentences and of logical connectives). In this article we propose a semantic characterization for a first-order epistemic quantum computational logic, whose language can express sentences like "Alice knows that everybody knows that she is pretty". One can prove that (unlike the case of logical connectives) both quantifiers and epistemic operators cannot be generally represented as (reversible) quantum logical gates. The "act of knowing" and the use of universal (or existential) assertions seem to involve some irreversible "theoretic jumps", which are similar to quantum measurements. Since all epistemic agents are characterized by specific epistemic domains (which contain all pieces of information accessible to them), the unrealistic phenomenon of logical omniscience is here avoided: knowing a given sentence does not imply knowing all its logical consequences

    Epistemic Quantum Computational Structures in a Hilbert-space Environment

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    Epistemic quantum computational structures in a Hilbert-space environment

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    Quantum computation and quantum computational logics are intrinsically connected with some puzzling epistemic problems. In the framework of a quantum computational approach to epistemic logic we investigate the following question: is it possible to interpret the basic epistemic operations (having information, knowing) as special kinds of Hilbert-space operations? We show that non-trivial knowledge operations cannot be represented by unitary operators. We introduce the notions of strong epistemic quantum computational structure and of epistemic quantum computational structure, where knowledge operations are identified with special examples of quantum operations. This represents the basic tool for developing an epistemic quantum computational semantics, where epistemic sentences (like “Alice knows that the spin-value in the x-direction is up”) are interpreted as quantum pieces of information that may be stored by quantum objects