1,071 research outputs found

    Effective descent morphisms of regular epimorphisms

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    Let AA be a regular category with pushouts of regular epimorphisms by regular epimorphism and Reg(A)Reg(A) the category of regular epimorphisms in AA. We prove that every regular epimorphism in Reg(A)Reg(A) is an effective descent morphism if, and only if, Reg(A)Reg(A) is a regular category. Then, moreover, every regular epimorphism in AA is an effective descent morphism. This is the case, for instance, when AA is either exact Goursat, or ideal determined, or is a category of topological Mal'tsev algebras, or is the category of nn-fold regular epimorphisms in any of the three previous cases, for any n≥1n\geq 1

    Approximate Hagemann-Mitschke co-operations

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    We show that varietal techniques based on the existence of operations of a certain arity can be extended to n-permutable categories with binary coproducts. This is achieved via what we call approximate Hagemann-Mitschke co-operations, a generalisation of the notion of approximate Mal'tsev co-operation. In particular, we extend characterisation theorems for n-permutable varieties due to J. Hagemann and A. Mitschke to regular categories with binary coproducts.Comment: 11 pages. Dedicated to George Janelidze on the occasion of his sixtieth birthda

    Higher commutator conditions for extensions in Mal'tsev categories

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    We define a Galois structure on the category of pairs of equivalence relations in an exact Mal'tsev category, and characterize central and double central extensions in terms of higher commutator conditions. These results generalize both the ones related to the abelianization functor in exact Mal'tsev categories, and the ones corresponding to the reflection from the category of internal reflexive graphs to the subcategory of internal groupoids. Some examples and applications are given in the categories of groups, precrossed modules, precrossed modules of Lie algebras, and compact groups.Comment: 32 page

    Behavior of Quillen (co)homology with respect to adjunctions

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    This paper aims to answer the following question: Given an adjunction between two categories, how is Quillen (co)homology in one category related to that in the other? We identify the induced comparison diagram, giving necessary and sufficient conditions for it to arise, and describe the various comparison maps. Examples are given. Along the way, we clarify some categorical assumptions underlying Quillen (co)homology: cocomplete categories with a set of small projective generators provide a convenient setup.Comment: Minor corrections. To appear in Homology, Homotopy and Application

    The Auslander bijections and universal extensions

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    Universal extensions arise naturally in the Auslander bijections. For an abelian category having Auslander-Reiten duality, we exploit a bijection triangle, which involves the Auslander bijections, universal extensions and the Auslander-Reiten duality. Some consequences are given, in particular, a conjecture by Ringel is verified

    Semi-localizations of semi-abelian categories

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    A semi-localization of a category is a full reflective subcategory with the property that the reflector is semi-left-exact. In this article we first determine an abstract characterization of the categories which are semi-localizations of an exact Mal'tsev category, by specializing a result due to S. Mantovani. We then turn our attention to semi-abelian categories, where a special type of semi-localizations are known to coincide with torsion-free subcategories. A new characterisation of protomodular categories in terms of binary relations is obtained, inspired by the one discovered in the pointed context by Z. Janelidze. This result is useful to obtain an abstract characterization of the torsion-free and of the hereditarily-torsion-free subcategories of semi-abelian categories. Some examples are considered in detail in the categories of groups, crossed modules, commutative rings and topological groups. We finally explain how these results extend similar ones obtained by W. Rump in the abelian context.Comment: 30 pages. v2: introduction and references update
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