3,597 research outputs found

    Asymptotic enumeration and limit laws for graphs of fixed genus

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    It is shown that the number of labelled graphs with n vertices that can be embedded in the orientable surface S_g of genus g grows asymptotically like c(g)n5(g1)/21γnn!c^{(g)}n^{5(g-1)/2-1}\gamma^n n! where c(g)>0c^{(g)}>0, and γ27.23\gamma \approx 27.23 is the exponential growth rate of planar graphs. This generalizes the result for the planar case g=0, obtained by Gimenez and Noy. An analogous result for non-orientable surfaces is obtained. In addition, it is proved that several parameters of interest behave asymptotically as in the planar case. It follows, in particular, that a random graph embeddable in S_g has a unique 2-connected component of linear size with high probability

    Feynman Diagrams and Rooted Maps

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    The Rooted Maps Theory, a branch of the Theory of Homology, is shown to be a powerful tool for investigating the topological properties of Feynman diagrams, related to the single particle propagator in the quantum many-body systems. The numerical correspondence between the number of this class of Feynman diagrams as a function of perturbative order and the number of rooted maps as a function of the number of edges is studied. A graphical procedure to associate Feynman diagrams and rooted maps is then stated. Finally, starting from rooted maps principles, an original definition of the genus of a Feynman diagram, which totally differs from the usual one, is given.Comment: 20 pages, 30 figures, 3 table

    Large NN Limits in Tensor Models: Towards More Universality Classes of Colored Triangulations in Dimension d2d\geq 2

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    We review an approach which aims at studying discrete (pseudo-)manifolds in dimension d2d\geq 2 and called random tensor models. More specifically, we insist on generalizing the two-dimensional notion of pp-angulations to higher dimensions. To do so, we consider families of triangulations built out of simplices with colored faces. Those simplices can be glued to form new building blocks, called bubbles which are pseudo-manifolds with boundaries. Bubbles can in turn be glued together to form triangulations. The main challenge is to classify the triangulations built from a given set of bubbles with respect to their numbers of bubbles and simplices of codimension two. While the colored triangulations which maximize the number of simplices of codimension two at fixed number of simplices are series-parallel objects called melonic triangulations, this is not always true anymore when restricting attention to colored triangulations built from specific bubbles. This opens up the possibility of new universality classes of colored triangulations. We present three existing strategies to find those universality classes. The first two strategies consist in building new bubbles from old ones for which the problem can be solved. The third strategy is a bijection between those colored triangulations and stuffed, edge-colored maps, which are some sort of hypermaps whose hyperedges are replaced with edge-colored maps. We then show that the present approach can lead to enumeration results and identification of universality classes, by working out the example of quartic tensor models. They feature a tree-like phase, a planar phase similar to two-dimensional quantum gravity and a phase transition between them which is interpreted as a proliferation of baby universes

    Enumeration of N-rooted maps using quantum field theory

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    A one-to-one correspondence is proved between the N-rooted ribbon graphs, or maps, with e edges and the (e-N+1)-loop Feynman diagrams of a certain quantum field theory. This result is used to obtain explicit expressions and relations for the generating functions of N-rooted maps and for the numbers of N-rooted maps with a given number of edges using the path integral approach applied to the corresponding quantum field theory.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure