125 research outputs found

    A closed formula for the number of convex permutominoes

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    In this paper we determine a closed formula for the number of convex permutominoes of size n. We reach this goal by providing a recursive generation of all convex permutominoes of size n+1 from the objects of size n, according to the ECO method, and then translating this construction into a system of functional equations satisfied by the generating function of convex permutominoes. As a consequence we easily obtain also the enumeration of some classes of convex polyominoes, including stack and directed convex permutominoes

    The number of directed k-convex polyominoes

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    We present a new method to obtain the generating functions for directed convex polyominoes according to several different statistics including: width, height, size of last column/row and number of corners. This method can be used to study different families of directed convex polyominoes: symmetric polyominoes, parallelogram polyominoes. In this paper, we apply our method to determine the generating function for directed k-convex polyominoes. We show it is a rational function and we study its asymptotic behavior

    Enumeration of polyominoes defined in terms of pattern avoidance or convexity constraints

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    In this thesis, we consider the problem of characterizing and enumerating sets of polyominoes described in terms of some constraints, defined either by convexity or by pattern containment. We are interested in a well known subclass of convex polyominoes, the k-convex polyominoes for which the enumeration according to the semi-perimeter is known only for k=1,2. We obtain, from a recursive decomposition, the generating function of the class of k-convex parallelogram polyominoes, which turns out to be rational. Noting that this generating function can be expressed in terms of the Fibonacci polynomials, we describe a bijection between the class of k-parallelogram polyominoes and the class of planted planar trees having height less than k+3. In the second part of the thesis we examine the notion of pattern avoidance, which has been extensively studied for permutations. We introduce the concept of pattern avoidance in the context of matrices, more precisely permutation matrices and polyomino matrices. We present definitions analogous to those given for permutations and in particular we define polyomino classes, i.e. sets downward closed with respect to the containment relation. So, the study of the old and new properties of the redefined sets of objects has not only become interesting, but it has also suggested the study of the associated poset. In both approaches our results can be used to treat open problems related to polyominoes as well as other combinatorial objects.Comment: PhD thesi

    Maximal increasing sequences in fillings of almost-moon polyominoes

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    It was proved by Rubey that the number of fillings with zeros and ones of a given moon polyomino that do not contain a northeast chain of size kk depends only on the set of columns of the polyomino, but not the shape of the polyomino. Rubey's proof is an adaption of jeu de taquin and promotion for arbitrary fillings of moon polyominoes. In this paper we present a bijective proof for this result by considering fillings of almost-moon polyominoes, which are moon polyominoes after removing one of the rows. Explicitly, we construct a bijection which preserves the size of the largest northeast chains of the fillings when two adjacent rows of the polyomino are exchanged. This bijection also preserves the column sum of the fillings. We also present a bijection that preserves the size of the largest northeast chains, the row sum and the column sum if every row of the fillings has at most one 1.Comment: 18 page

    A polyominoes-permutations injection and tree-like convex polyominoes

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    AbstractPlane polyominoes are edge-connected sets of cells on the orthogonal lattice Z2, considered identical if their cell sets are equal up to an integral translation. We introduce a novel injection from the set of polyominoes with n cells to the set of permutations of [n], and classify the families of convex polyominoes and tree-like convex polyominoes as classes of permutations that avoid some sets of forbidden patterns. By analyzing the structure of the respective permutations of the family of tree-like convex polyominoes, we are able to find the generating function of the sequence that enumerates this family, conclude that this sequence satisfies the linear recurrence an=6an−1−14an−2+16an−3−9an−4+2an−5, and compute the closed-form formula an=2n+2−(n3−n2+10n+4)/2

    Chains of Length 2 in Fillings of Layer Polyominoes

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    A family of classes in nested chain abacus and related generating functions

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    Abacus model has been employed widely to represent partitions for any positive integer. However, no study has been carried out to develop connected beads of abacus in graphical representation for discrete objects. To resolve this connectedness problem this study is oriented in characterising n - connected objects knows as n connected ominoes, which then generate nested chain abacus. Furthermore, the theoretical conceptual properties for the nested chain abacus are being formulated. Along the construction, three different types of transformation are being created that are essential in building a family of classes. To enhance further, based on theses classes, generating functions are also being formulated by employing enumeration of combinatorial objects (ECO). In ECO method, each object is obtained from smaller object by making some local expansions. These local expansions are described in a simple way by a succession rule which can be translated into a function equation for the generating function. In summary, this stud has succeeded in producing novel graphical representation of nested chain abacus, which can be applied in tiling finite grid
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