1,605 research outputs found

    Enumerating simple paths from connected induced subgraphs

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    We present an exact formula for the ordinary generating series of the simple paths, also called self-avoiding walks, between any two vertices of a graph. Our formula involves a sum over the connected induced subgraphs and remains valid on weighted and directed graphs. An intermediary result of our approach provides a unifying vision that conciliates several concepts used in the literature for counting simple paths. We obtain a relation linking the Hamiltonian paths and cycles of a graph to its connected dominating sets

    Combinatorial algorithm for counting small induced graphs and orbits

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    Graphlet analysis is an approach to network analysis that is particularly popular in bioinformatics. We show how to set up a system of linear equations that relate the orbit counts and can be used in an algorithm that is significantly faster than the existing approaches based on direct enumeration of graphlets. The algorithm requires existence of a vertex with certain properties; we show that such vertex exists for graphlets of arbitrary size, except for complete graphs and C4C_4, which are treated separately. Empirical analysis of running time agrees with the theoretical results

    Efficient Enumeration of Induced Subtrees in a K-Degenerate Graph

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    In this paper, we address the problem of enumerating all induced subtrees in an input k-degenerate graph, where an induced subtree is an acyclic and connected induced subgraph. A graph G = (V, E) is a k-degenerate graph if for any its induced subgraph has a vertex whose degree is less than or equal to k, and many real-world graphs have small degeneracies, or very close to small degeneracies. Although, the studies are on subgraphs enumeration, such as trees, paths, and matchings, but the problem addresses the subgraph enumeration, such as enumeration of subgraphs that are trees. Their induced subgraph versions have not been studied well. One of few example is for chordless paths and cycles. Our motivation is to reduce the time complexity close to O(1) for each solution. This type of optimal algorithms are proposed many subgraph classes such as trees, and spanning trees. Induced subtrees are fundamental object thus it should be studied deeply and there possibly exist some efficient algorithms. Our algorithm utilizes nice properties of k-degeneracy to state an effective amortized analysis. As a result, the time complexity is reduced to O(k) time per induced subtree. The problem is solved in constant time for each in planar graphs, as a corollary

    Connecting Terminals and 2-Disjoint Connected Subgraphs

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and a set of terminal vertices TT we say that a superset SS of TT is TT-connecting if SS induces a connected graph, and SS is minimal if no strict subset of SS is TT-connecting. In this paper we prove that there are at most (VTT2)3VT3{|V \setminus T| \choose |T|-2} \cdot 3^{\frac{|V \setminus T|}{3}} minimal TT-connecting sets when Tn/3|T| \leq n/3 and that these can be enumerated within a polynomial factor of this bound. This generalizes the algorithm for enumerating all induced paths between a pair of vertices, corresponding to the case T=2|T|=2. We apply our enumeration algorithm to solve the {\sc 2-Disjoint Connected Subgraphs} problem in time O(1.7804n)O^*(1.7804^n), improving on the recent O(1.933n)O^*(1.933^n) algorithm of Cygan et al. 2012 LATIN paper.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Linear Time Subgraph Counting, Graph Degeneracy, and the Chasm at Size Six

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    We consider the problem of counting all k-vertex subgraphs in an input graph, for any constant k. This problem (denoted SUB-CNT_k) has been studied extensively in both theory and practice. In a classic result, Chiba and Nishizeki (SICOMP 85) gave linear time algorithms for clique and 4-cycle counting for bounded degeneracy graphs. This is a rich class of sparse graphs that contains, for example, all minor-free families and preferential attachment graphs. The techniques from this result have inspired a number of recent practical algorithms for SUB-CNT_k. Towards a better understanding of the limits of these techniques, we ask: for what values of k can SUB_CNT_k be solved in linear time? We discover a chasm at k=6. Specifically, we prove that for k < 6, SUB_CNT_k can be solved in linear time. Assuming a standard conjecture in fine-grained complexity, we prove that for all k ? 6, SUB-CNT_k cannot be solved even in near-linear time

    Embeddings of 3-connected 3-regular planar graphs on surfaces of non-negative Euler characteristic

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    Whitney's theorem states that every 3-connected planar graph is uniquely embeddable on the sphere. On the other hand, it has many inequivalent embeddings on another surface. We shall characterize structures of a 33-connected 33-regular planar graph GG embedded on the projective-plane, the torus and the Klein bottle, and give a one-to-one correspondence between inequivalent embeddings of GG on each surface and some subgraphs of the dual of GG embedded on the sphere. These results enable us to give explicit bounds for the number of inequivalent embeddings of GG on each surface, and propose effective algorithms for enumerating and counting these embeddings.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure