1,338 research outputs found

    State of the Art in Biometric Key Binding and Key Generation Schemes

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    Direct storage of biometric templates in databases exposes the authentication system and legitimate users to numerous security and privacy challenges. Biometric cryptosystems or template protection schemes are used to overcome the security and privacy challenges associated with the use of biometrics as a means of authentication. This paper presents a review of previous works in biometric key binding and key generation schemes. The review focuses on key binding techniques such as biometric encryption, fuzzy commitment scheme, fuzzy vault and shielding function. Two categories of key generation schemes considered are private template and quantization schemes. The paper also discusses the modes of operations, strengths and weaknesses of various kinds of key-based template protection schemes. The goal is to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the current and emerging trends in key-based biometric cryptosystems

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    Searching for collective behavior in a network of real neurons

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    Maximum entropy models are the least structured probability distributions that exactly reproduce a chosen set of statistics measured in an interacting network. Here we use this principle to construct probabilistic models which describe the correlated spiking activity of populations of up to 120 neurons in the salamander retina as it responds to natural movies. Already in groups as small as 10 neurons, interactions between spikes can no longer be regarded as small perturbations in an otherwise independent system; for 40 or more neurons pairwise interactions need to be supplemented by a global interaction that controls the distribution of synchrony in the population. Here we show that such "K-pairwise" models--being systematic extensions of the previously used pairwise Ising models--provide an excellent account of the data. We explore the properties of the neural vocabulary by: 1) estimating its entropy, which constrains the population's capacity to represent visual information; 2) classifying activity patterns into a small set of metastable collective modes; 3) showing that the neural codeword ensembles are extremely inhomogenous; 4) demonstrating that the state of individual neurons is highly predictable from the rest of the population, allowing the capacity for error correction.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Handbook of Vascular Biometrics

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    This open access handbook provides the first comprehensive overview of biometrics exploiting the shape of human blood vessels for biometric recognition, i.e. vascular biometrics, including finger vein recognition, hand/palm vein recognition, retina recognition, and sclera recognition. After an introductory chapter summarizing the state of the art in and availability of commercial systems and open datasets/open source software, individual chapters focus on specific aspects of one of the biometric modalities, including questions of usability, security, and privacy. The book features contributions from both academia and major industrial manufacturers

    Evolution and Optimality of Similar Neural Mechanisms for Perception and Action during Search

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    A prevailing theory proposes that the brain's two visual pathways, the ventral and dorsal, lead to differing visual processing and world representations for conscious perception than those for action. Others have claimed that perception and action share much of their visual processing. But which of these two neural architectures is favored by evolution? Successful visual search is life-critical and here we investigate the evolution and optimality of neural mechanisms mediating perception and eye movement actions for visual search in natural images. We implement an approximation to the ideal Bayesian searcher with two separate processing streams, one controlling the eye movements and the other stream determining the perceptual search decisions. We virtually evolved the neural mechanisms of the searchers' two separate pathways built from linear combinations of primary visual cortex receptive fields (V1) by making the simulated individuals' probability of survival depend on the perceptual accuracy finding targets in cluttered backgrounds. We find that for a variety of targets, backgrounds, and dependence of target detectability on retinal eccentricity, the mechanisms of the searchers' two processing streams converge to similar representations showing that mismatches in the mechanisms for perception and eye movements lead to suboptimal search. Three exceptions which resulted in partial or no convergence were a case of an organism for which the targets are equally detectable across the retina, an organism with sufficient time to foveate all possible target locations, and a strict two-pathway model with no interconnections and differential pre-filtering based on parvocellular and magnocellular lateral geniculate cell properties. Thus, similar neural mechanisms for perception and eye movement actions during search are optimal and should be expected from the effects of natural selection on an organism with limited time to search for food that is not equi-detectable across its retina and interconnected perception and action neural pathways

    A Comparative Study of Different Blood Vessel Detection on Retinal Images

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    Detection of blood vessel plays an important stage in different medical areas, such as ophthalmology, oncology, neurosurgery, and laryngology. The significance of the vessel analysis was helped by the continuous overview in clinical studies of new medical technologies intended for improving the visualization of vessels. In this paper, several local segmentation techniques which include such as Vascular Tree Extraction, Tyler L. Coye and Line tracking, Kirsch’s Template and Fuzzy C Mean methods were studied. The main objective is to determine the best approaches in order to detect the blood vessel on the degraded retinal input image (DRIVE dataset). A few Image Quality Assessment (IQA) was obtained to prove the effectiveness of each detection methods. Overall, the result of sensitivity highest came from Kirsch Templates (96.928), while specificity from Fuzzy C means (77.573). However, in term of accuracy average, the Line Tracking method is more successful compared to the other methods

    Adaptation of the Retina to Stimulus Correlations

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    Visual scenes in the natural world are highly correlated. To efficiently encode such an environment with a limited dynamic range, the retina ought to reduce correlations to maximize information. On the other hand, some redundancy is needed to combat the effects of noise. Here we ask how the degree of redundancy in retinal output depends on the stimulus ensemble. We find that retinal output preserves correlations in a spatially correlated stimulus but adaptively reduces changes in spatio-temporal input correlations. The latter effect can be explained by stimulus-dependent changes in receptive fields. We also find evidence that horizontal cells in the outer retina enhance changes in output correlations. GABAergic amacrine cells in the inner retina also enhance differences in correlation, albeit to a lesser degree, while gylcinergic amacrine cells have little effect on output correlation. These results suggest that the early visual system is capable of adapting to stimulus correlations to balance the challenges of redundancy and noise
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