9 research outputs found

    Entropy Production of Main-Sequence Stars

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    The entropy production (inside the volume bounded by a photosphere) of main-sequence stars is calculated based on B–V photometry data. The entropy-production distribution function and the dependences of entropy production on temperature and luminosity are obtained for these stars for the first time. A very small range of variation of specific (per volume) entropy production discovered for main-sequence stars (only 0.5 to 1.8 solar magnitudes) is an interesting result that can be crucial for understanding thermodynamic processes of stars


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    The entropy production of main-sequence stars in open star clusters is calculated based on B-V photometry data. A very small range of variation of specific (per volume) entropy production discovered for main-sequence stars (only 0.5 to 1.8 solar magnitudes) is an interesting result that can be crucial for understanding thermodynamic processes of stars

    Entropy Production of Stars

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    The entropy production (inside the volume bounded by a photosphere) of main-sequence stars, subgiants, giants, and supergiants is calculated based on B–V photometry data. A non-linear inverse relationship of thermodynamic fluxes and forces as well as an almost constant specific (per volume) entropy production of main-sequence stars (for 95% of stars, this quantity lies within 0.5 to 2.2 of the corresponding solar magnitude) is found. The obtained results are discussed from the perspective of known extreme principles related to entropy production

    Entropy Production and Luminosity-Effective Temperature Relation for Main-Sequence Stars

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    Based on the maximum entropy production principle, a relation between luminosity and effective temperature for main-sequence stars is obtained. Simplicity of the derivation and absence of any empirical parameters in the result is a fundamental difference of the present method from the classic ones where equations of stellar structure are analyzed. Using available photometric data (Webda, GCG) for more than 7.5 thousand stars, it is shown that the obtained luminosity-temperature relation is better than previously used ones.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure


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    The results of measurements of XANES spectra of Ge+ implanted Si02/Si are presented. These heterostructures have a 30 nm Ge+-implanted oxide layer of amorphous Si02 on ptype Si. The chemical-state transformation of the host-matrix composition and Ge+- implanted ions are discussed after “as is” implantation and rapid thermal annealing. The XPS-analysis performed allows to conclude about the formation of Ge° and GeOx clusters within the near surface depth-range of the sample under study. It was established and demonstrated, that the annealing time-duration strongly affects the degree of formal oxidation states of Ge-atoms.Работа выполнена поддержке РФФИ (грант № 13-08-00568 и 13-02-91333) и Уральского Федерального Университета в рамках конкурса молодых ученых

    On Interrelation of Time and Entropy

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    A measure of time is related to the number of ways by which the human correlates the past and the future for some process. On this basis, a connection between time and entropy (information, Boltzmann–Gibbs, and thermodynamic one) is established. This measure gives time such properties as universality, relativity, directionality, and non-uniformity. A number of issues of the modern science related to the finding of laws describing changes in nature are discussed. A special emphasis is made on the role of evolutionary adaptation of an observer to the surrounding world

    Physics. Technologies. Innovations. PTI-2015

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    Entropy Production of Main-Sequence Stars

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    The entropy production (inside the volume bounded by a photosphere) of main-sequence stars is calculated based on B–V photometry data. The entropy-production distribution function and the dependences of entropy production on temperature and luminosity are obtained for these stars for the first time. A very small range of variation of specific (per volume) entropy production discovered for main-sequence stars (only 0.5 to 1.8 solar magnitudes) is an interesting result that can be crucial for understanding thermodynamic processes of stars