10 research outputs found

    Multispectral remote sensing of vegetation responses to groundwater variability in the greater floristic region of the Western Cape, South Africa

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScGroundwater dependent vegetation (GDV) communities are increasingly threatened by the transformation of the natural environment to different land use/land cover, over-exploitation of groundwater resources and the proliferation of invasive species within the Cape Floristic Region (CFR). These changes affect the groundwater regime, level, and quality, which supports GDV. Natural resource managers often lack an understanding at appropriate scales of the nature of dependency of GDV to make informed sustainable decisions. This work thus assesses the spatial distribution of GDV and their responses to groundwater variability within the Cape floristic region from June 2017 to July 2018. To achieve this aim, firstly a literature review on the background of GDV, threats and the impact of climate change was assessed

    Advances in Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics Volume 2

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    This Special Issue reports on recent research trends in hydraulics, hydrodynamics, and hydroinformatics, and their novel applications in practical engineering. The Issue covers a wide range of topics, including open channel flows, sediment transport dynamics, two-phase flows, flow-induced vibration and water quality. The collected papers provide insight into new developments in physical, mathematical, and numerical modelling of important problems in hydraulics and hydroinformatics, and include demonstrations of the application of such models in water resources engineering

    Entropy Base Estimation of Moisture Content of the Top 10-m Unsaturated Soil for the Badain Jaran Desert in Northwestern China

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    Estimation of soil moisture distribution in desert regions is challenged by the deep unsaturated zone and the extreme natural environment. In this study, an entropy-based method, consisting of information entropy, principle of maximum entropy (PME), solutions to PME with constraints, and the determination of parameters, is used to estimate the soil moisture distribution in the 10 m deep vadose zone of a desert region. Firstly, the soil moisture distribution is described as a scaled probability density function (PDF), which is solved by PME with the constraints of normalization, known arithmetic mean and geometric mean, and the solution is the general form of gamma distribution. A constant arithmetic mean is determined by considering the stable average recharge rate at thousand year scale, and an approximate constant geometric mean is determined by the low flow rate (about 1 cm a year). Followed, the parameters of the scaled PDF of gamma distribution are determined by local environmental factors like terrain and vegetation: the multivariate linear equations are established to qualify the relationship between the parameters and the environmental factors on the basis of nineteen random soil moisture profiles about depth through the application of fuzzy mathematics. Finally, the accuracy is tested using correlation coefficient (CC) and relative error. This method performs with CC larger than 0.9 in more than a half profiles and most larger than 0.8, the relative errors are less than 30% in most of soil moisture profiles and can be as low as less than 15% when parameters fitted appropriately. Therefore, this study provides an alternative method to estimate soil moisture distribution in top 0–10 m layers of the Badain Jaran Desert based on local terrain and vegetation factors instead of drilling sand samples, this method would be useful in desert regions with extreme natural conditions since these environmental factors can be obtained by remote sensing data. Meanwhile, we should bear in mind that this method is challenged in humid regions since more intensive and frequent precipitation, and more vegetation cover make the system much more complex

    Geo-Environmental Approaches for the Analysis and Assessment of Groundwater Resources at Catchment-Scale

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    This book focuses on the tools and methods used for tackling the complexity of the different hydrological and hydrogeological set-ups, the hydrodynamic patterns, the site specifications, and the wide variability of internal and external factors and/or processes on the catchment-scale level that impose the need for combined integrated approaches of robust methods. This Special Issue aims to provide successful applications or new insights on the stand-alone or joint considerations of groundwater resources assessment and characterization methods and explore new state-of-the-art methodological concepts in light of a rapidly changing environment

    Discount options as a financial instrument supporting REDD +

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    Global forest management certification: future development potential

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    REDD options as a risk management instrument under policy uncertainty and market volatility

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