39 research outputs found

    Uniform locales and their constructive aspects

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    Much work has been done on generalising results about uniform spaces to the pointfree context. However, this has almost exclusively been done using classical logic, whereas much of the utility of the pointfree approach lies in its constructive theory, which can be interpreted in many different toposes. Johnstone has advocated for the development of a constructive theory of uniform locales and wrote a short paper on the basic constructive theory via covering uniformities, but he never followed this up with a discussion of entourage uniformities or completions. We present a more extensive constructive development of uniform locales, including both entourage and covering approaches, their equivalence, completions and some applications to metric locales and localic algebra. Some aspects of our presentation might also be of interest even to classically minded pointfree topologists. These include the definition and manipulation of entourage uniformities using the internal logic of the geometric hyperdoctrine of open sublocales and the emphasis on pre-uniform locales. The latter leads to a description of the completion as the uniform reflection of the pre-uniform locale of Cauchy filters and a new result concerning the completion of pre-uniform localic rings, which can be used to easily lift addition and multiplication on Q\mathbb{Q} to R\mathbb{R} (or Qp\mathbb{Q}_p) in the pointfree setting.Comment: 27 pages, minor edit

    Characterizations of model sets by dynamical systems

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    It is shown how regular model sets can be characterized in terms of regularity properties of their associated dynamical systems. The proof proceeds in two steps. First, we characterize regular model sets in terms of a certain map β\beta and then relate the properties of β\beta to ones of the underlying dynamical system. As a by-product, we can show that regular model sets are, in a suitable sense, as close to periodic sets as possible among repetitive aperiodic sets.Comment: 41 pages, revised versio

    The bicompletion of the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity

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    We study conditions under which the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity UH{\mathcal U}_H of a quasi-uniform space (X,U)(X,{\mathcal U}) on the set P0(X){\mathcal P}_0(X) of the nonempty subsets of XX is bicomplete. Indeed we present an explicit method to construct the bicompletion of the T0T_0-quotient of the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity of a quasi-uniform space. It is used to find a characterization of those quasi-uniform T0T_0-spaces (X,U)(X,{\mathcal U}) for which the Hausdorff quasi-uniformity U~H\widetilde{{\mathcal U}}_H of their bicompletion (X~,U~)(\widetilde{X},{\widetilde{\mathcal U}}) on P0(X~){\mathcal P}_0(\widetilde{X}) is bicomplete

    Pattern-Equivariant Homology of Finite Local Complexity Patterns

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    This thesis establishes a generalised setting with which to unify the study of finite local complexity (FLC) patterns. The abstract notion of a "pattern" is introduced, which may be seen as an analogue of the space group of isometries preserving a tiling but where, instead, one considers partial isometries preserving portions of it. These inverse semigroups of partial transformations are the suitable analogue of the space group for patterns with FLC but few global symmetries. In a similar vein we introduce the notion of a \emph{collage}, a system of equivalence relations on the ambient space of a pattern, which we show is capable of generalising many constructions applicable to the study of FLC tilings and Delone sets, such as the expression of the tiling space as an inverse limit of approximants. An invariant is constructed for our abstract patterns, the so called pattern-equivariant (PE) homology. These homology groups are defined using infinite singular chains on the ambient space of the pattern, although we show that one may define cellular versions which are isomorphic under suitable conditions. For FLC tilings these cellular PE chains are analogous to the PE cellular cochains \cite{Sadun1}. The PE homology and cohomology groups are shown to be related through Poincar\'{e} duality. An efficient and highly geometric method for the computation of the PE homology groups for hierarchical tilings is presented. The rotationally invariant PE homology groups are shown not to be a topological invariant for the associated tiling space and seem to retain extra information about global symmetries of tilings in the tiling space. We show how the PE homology groups may be incorporated into a spectral sequence converging to the \v{C}ech cohomology of the rigid hull of a tiling. These methods allow for a simple computation of the \v{C}ech cohomology of the rigid hull of the Penrose tilings.Comment: 159 pages, 8 figures, PhD thesi

    Uniform sheaves and differential equations

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    Real blow-ups and more refined "zooms" play a key role in the analysis of singularities of complex-analytic differential modules. They do not change the underlying topology, but the uniform structure. This suggests to revisit the cohomology theory of differential modules with help of a suitable new notion of uniform sheaves based on the uniformity rather than the topology. We also investigate the pp-adic situation (in particular, an analog of real blow-ups) from this uniform viewpoint

    Dagger and Dilation in the Category of Von Neumann algebras

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    This doctoral thesis is a mathematical study of quantum computing, concentrating on two related, but independent topics. First up are dilations, covered in chapter 2. In chapter 3 "diamond, andthen, dagger" we turn to the second topic: effectus theory. Both chapters, or rather parts, can be read separately and feature a comprehensive introduction of their own

    Functional transitive quasi-uniformities and their bicompletions

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    Bibliography: pages 111-117