4 research outputs found

    Pattern masking for dictionary matching

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    Data masking is a common technique for sanitizing sensitive data maintained in database systems, and it is also becoming increasingly important in various application areas, such as in record linkage of personal data. This work formalizes the Pattern Masking for Dictionary Matching (PMDM) problem. In PMDM, we are given a dictionary of d strings, each of length , a query string q of length , and a positive integer z, and we are asked to compute a smallest set K ⊆ {1,…,}, so that if q[i] is replaced by a wildcard for all i ∈ K, then q matches at least z strings from . Solving PMDM allows providing data utility guarantees as opposed to existing approaches. We first show, through a reduction from the well-known k-Clique problem, that a decision version of the PMDM problem is NP-complete, even for strings over a binary alphabet. We thus approach the problem from a more practical perspective. We show a combinatorial ((d)^{|K|/3}+d)-time and (d)-space algorithm for PMDM for |K| = (1). In fact, we show that we cannot hope for a faster combinatorial algorithm, unless the combinatorial k-Clique hypothesis fails [Abboud et al., SIAM J. Comput. 2018; Lincoln et al., SODA 2018]. We also generalize this algorithm for the problem of masking multiple query strings simultaneously so that every string has at least z matches in . Note that PMDM can be viewed as a generalization of the decision version of the dictionary matching with mismatches problem: by querying a PMDM data structure with string q and z = 1, one obtains the minimal number of mismatches of q with any string from . The query time or space of all known data structures for the more restricted problem of dictionary matching with at most k mismatches incurs some exponential factor with respect to k. A simple exact algorithm for PMDM runs in time (2^ d). We present a data structure for PMDM that answers queries over in time (2^{/2}(2^{/2}+τ)) and requires space (2^ d²/τ²+2^{/2}d), for any parameter τ ∈ [1,d]. We complement our results by showing a two-way polynomial-time reduction between PMDM and the Minimum Union problem [Chlamtáč et al., SODA 2017]. This gives a polynomial-time (d^{1/4+ε})-approximation algorithm for PMDM, which is tight under a plausible complexity conjecture. </p

    Effective Record Linkage Techniques for Complex Population Data

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    Real-world data sets are generally of limited value when analysed on their own, whereas the true potential of data can be exploited only when two or more data sets are linked to analyse patterns across records. A classic example is the need for merging medical records with travel data for effective surveillance and management of pandemics such as COVID-19 by tracing points of contacts of infected individuals. Therefore, Record Linkage (RL), which is the process of identifying records that refer to the same entity, is an area of data science that is of paramount importance in the quest for making informed decisions based on the plethora of information available in the modern world. Two of the primary concerns of RL are obtaining linkage results of high quality, and maximising efficiency. Furthermore, the lack of ground-truth data in the form of known matches and non-matches, and the privacy concerns involved in linking sensitive data have hindered the application of RL in real-world projects. In traditional RL, methods such as blocking and indexing are generally applied to improve efficiency by reducing the number of record pairs that need to be compared. Once the record pairs retained from blocking are compared, certain classification methods are employed to separate matches from non-matches. Thus, the general RL process comprises of blocking, comparison, classification, and finally evaluation to assess how well a linkage program has performed. In this thesis we initially provide a holistic understanding of the background of RL, and then conduct an extensive literature review of the state-of-the-art techniques applied in RL to identify current research gaps. Next, we present our initial contribution of incorporating data characteristics, such as temporal and geographic information with unsupervised clustering, which achieves significant improvements in precision (more than 16%), at the cost of minor reduction in recall (less than 2.5%) when they are applied on real-world data sets compared to using regular unsupervised clustering. We then present a novel active learning-based method to filter record pairs subsequent to the record pair comparison step to improve the efficiency of the RL process. Furthermore, we develop a novel active learning-based classification technique for RL which allows to obtain high quality linkage results with limited ground-truth data. Even though semi-supervised learning techniques such as active learning methods have already been proposed in the context of RL, this is a relatively novel paradigm which is worthy of further exploration. We experimentally show more than 35% improvement in clustering efficiency with the application of our proposed filtering approach; and linkage quality on par with or exceeding existing active learning-based classification methods, compared to our active learning-based classification technique. Existing RL evaluation measures such as precision and recall evaluate the classification outcome of record pairs, which can cause ambiguity when applied in the group RL context. We therefore propose a more robust RL evaluation measure which evaluates linkage quality based on how individual records have been assigned to clusters rather than considering record pairs. Next, we propose a novel graph anonymisation technique that extends the literature by introducing methods of anonymising data to be linked in a human interpretable manner, without compromising structure and interpretability of the data as with existing state-of-the-art anonymisation approaches. We experimentally show how the similarity distributions are maintained in anonymised and original sensitive data sets when our anonymisation technique is applied, which attests to its ability to maintain the structure of the original data. We finally conduct an empirical evaluation of our proposed techniques and show how they outperform existing RL methods

    Reducing the labeling effort for entity resolution using distant supervision and active learning

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    Entity resolution is the task of identifying records in one or more data sources which refer to the same real-world object. It is often treated as a supervised binary classification task in which a labeled set of matching and non-matching record pairs is used for training a machine learning model. Acquiring labeled data for training machine learning models is expensive and time-consuming, as it typically involves one or more human annotators who need to manually inspect and label the data. It is thus considered a major limitation of supervised entity resolution methods. In this thesis, we research two approaches, relying on distant supervision and active learning, for reducing the labeling effort involved in constructing training sets for entity resolution tasks with different profiling characteristics. Our first approach investigates the utility of semantic annotations found in HTML pages as a source of distant supervision. We profile the adoption growth of semantic annotations over multiple years and focus on product-related schema.org annotations. We develop a pipeline for cleansing and grouping semantically annotated offers describing the same products, thus creating the WDC Product Corpus, the largest publicly available training set for entity resolution. The high predictive performance of entity resolution models trained on offer pairs from the WDC Product Corpus clearly demonstrates the usefulness of semantic annotations as distant supervision for product-related entity resolution tasks. Our second approach focuses on active learning techniques, which have been widely used for reducing the labeling effort for entity resolution in related work. Yet, we identify two research gaps: the inefficient initialization of active learning and the lack of active learning methods tailored to multi-source entity resolution. We address the first research gap by developing an unsupervised method for initializing and further assisting the complete active learning workflow. Compared to active learning baselines that use random sampling or transfer learning for initialization, our method guarantees high anytime performance within a limited labeling budget for tasks with different profiling characteristics. We address the second research gap by developing ALMSER, the first active learning method which uses signals inherent to multi-source entity resolution tasks for query selection and model training. Our evaluation results indicate that exploiting such signals for query selection alone has a varying effect on model performance across different multi-source entity resolution tasks. We further investigate this finding by analyzing the impact of the profiling characteristics of multi-source entity resolution tasks on the performance of active learning methods which use different signals for query selection