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    In the early days of computing, technology simply automated manual processes with greater efficiency. The new organizational context provides input into the data architecture and is the primary tool for the management and sharing of enterprise data. It enables architects, data modelers, and stakeholders to identify, classify, and analyze information requirements across the enterprise, allowing the right priorities for data sharing initiatives. Data architecture states how data are persisted, managed, and utilized within an organization. Data architecture is made up of the structure of all corporate data and its relationships to itself and external systems. In far too many situations, the business community has to enlist the assistance of IT to retrieve information due to the community's inconsistency, lack of intuitiveness, or other factors. The goal of any architecture should illustrate how the components of the architecture will fit together and how the system will adapt and evolve over time.data architecture, enterprise architecture, business process planning,databases, business objects.

    Planning strategically, designing architecturally : a framework for digital library services

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    In an era of unprecedented technological innovation and evolving user expectations and information seeking behaviour, we are arguably now an online society, with digital services increasingly common and increasingly preferred. As a trusted information provider, libraries are in an advantageous position to respond, but this requires integrated strategic and enterprise architecture planning, for information technology (IT) has evolved from a support role to a strategic role, providing the core management systems, communication networks, and delivery channels of the modern library. Further, IT components do not function in isolation from one another, but are interdependent elements of distributed and multidimensional systems encompassing people, processes, and technologies, which must consider social, economic, legal, organisational, and ergonomic requirements and relationships, as well as being logically sound from a technical perspective. Strategic planning provides direction, while enterprise architecture strategically aligns and holistically integrates business and information system architectures. While challenging, such integrated planning should be regarded as an opportunity for the library to evolve as an enterprise in the digital age, or at minimum, to simply keep pace with societal change and alternative service providers. Without strategy, a library risks being directed by outside forces with independent motivations and inadequate understanding of its broader societal role. Without enterprise architecture, it risks technological disparity, redundancy, and obsolescence. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this conceptual paper provides an integrated framework for strategic and architectural planning of digital library services. The concept of the library as an enterprise is also introduced

    An Integrated Enterprise Architecture Framework for Business-IT Alignment

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    When different businesses want to integrate part of their processes and IT, they need to relate their enterprise architecture frameworks. An enterprise architecture framework (EAF) is a conceptual framework for describing the architecture of a business and its information technology (IT), and their alignment. In this paper we provide an integration among some well-known EAFs (Zachman, Four-domain, TOGAF and RM-ODP) and produce an integrated EAF (IEAF) that can be used as common framework to communicate about EAFs of differrent businesses and relate them to each other


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    Business processes in the business world require companies to be able to manage information properly and the information needs of each interested party can be met quickly and accurately. The development of EA (Enterprise Architecture) in the company is a complex and challenging job. PT Mitra Telematika Utama has problems with accounting activities and bookkeeping activities. Planning the organizational information system architecture is a complex process, so the planning process must be managed with clear guidelines that aim to align the organization's business technology and public strategy to create maximum results for the organization. Designing an enterprise architecture model requires a framework to manage complex systems and align business with information technology that will be developed within the organization. TOGAF is a framework developed by The Open Group from 1995 to the present. TOGAF provides methods and tools used in planning, creating, designing, and managing the development and implementation of enterprise architecture. TOGAF provides a detailed method on how to build and manage and implement enterprise architecture and information systems called ADM (Architecture Development Method). TOGAF provides methods and tools used in planning, creating, designing, and managing the development and implementation of enterprise architecture. TOGAF provides a detailed method on how to build and manage and implement enterprise architecture and information systems called ADM (Architecture Development Method). TOGAF provides methods and tools used in planning, creating, designing, and managing the development and implementation of enterprise architecture. TOGAF provides a detailed method on how to build and manage and implement enterprise architecture and information systems called ADM (Architecture Development Method). So in planning the enterprise architecture, TOGAF ADM produces application architecture blueprints, business architectures, technology architectures, data architectures, and implementation roadmaps where these blueprints are useful as a reference when developing an enterprise architecture in this case at PT. Mitra Telematika Utama.         

    Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit Kabupaten (Studi Kasus RSUD Majalengka)

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    The application of the enterprise architecture aims to create an alignment between business and technology of information to the needs of the organization, implementation of the enterprise architecture influences of how an organization plans and designs the enterprise architecture. A wide variety of frame works and methods can be used in designing the enterprise architecture, including the Zachman Framework, TOGAF Framework, and other enterprise architectures. In this case, will be discussed about how to use TOGAF frame work in making a planning of the enterprise architecture, so the clarity of the original concepts of the enterprise architecture planning can all be described to get a good enterprise architecture and capable of being used by organizations and to achieve the strategic goals owned. TOGAF has four main components: business architecture, data architecture, technology architecture, and application architecture. Information system in the hospital is one of media services owned by the hospital. Objects that are involved in the planning of the development of this architecture,in which the role of the system play a huge role in services and made it the main business of the information system in the hospital. the big role services are inpatient, outpatient, logistics, medical records and emergency unit. It can be concluded that hospital system of information plays very active role when there is changes of the architecture of information system, such as in RSUD Majalengka. The result of this research is blueprint of the technology of information based on TOGAF roadmap that have been create so that produce an enterprise architecture that includes the applications of inpatient, outpatient, logistics, medical records, and emergency unit

    EDOC: meeting the challenges of enterprise computing

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    An increasing demand for interoperable applications exists, sparking the real-time exchange of data across borders, applications, and IT platforms. To perform these tasks, enterprise computing now encompasses a new class of groundbreaking technologies such as Web services and service-oriented architecture (SOA); business process integration and management; and middleware support, like that for utility, grid, peer-to-peer, and autonomic computing. Enterprise computing also influences the processes for business modeling, consulting, and service delivery; it affects the design, development, and deployment of software architecture, as well as the monitoring and management of such architecture. As enterprises demand increasing levels of networked information and services to carry out business processes, IT professionals need conferences like EDOC to discuss emerging technologies and issues in enterprise computing. For these reasons, what started out as the Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) conference has come to encompass much more than just distributed objects. So this event now used the name International EDOC Enterprise Computing Conference, to recognize this broader scope yet also retain the initial conference's name recognition

    Enterprise architecture evaluation using architecture framework and UML stereotypes

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    There is an increasing need for enterprise architecture in numerous organizations with complicated systems with various processes. Support for information technology, organizational units whose elements maintain complex relationships increases. Enterprise architecture is so effective that its non-use in organizations is regarded as their institutional inability in efficient information technology management. The enterprise architecture process generally consists of three phases including strategic programing of information technology, enterprise architecture programing and enterprise architecture implementation. Each phase must be implemented sequentially and one single flaw in each phase may result in a flaw in the whole architecture and, consequently, in extra costs and time. If a model is mapped for the issue and then it is evaluated before enterprise architecture implementation in the second phase, the possible flaws in implementation process are prevented. In this study, the processes of enterprise architecture are illustrated through UML diagrams, and the architecture is evaluated in programming phase through transforming the UML diagrams to Petri nets. The results indicate that the high costs of the implementation phase will be reduced

    Pemanfaatan Enterprise Architecture Planningpada Akper Harum Jakarta

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    Information system development aims to achieve the mission of information system in order to provide qulity of data/information for the sake of business. The first step of achieving the mission of this information system is to plan the information system to identify information needs and possible innovations in the use of technology to improve enterprise performance. Planning can use Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) methodology which result blueprint of the architecture data, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation plan for the enterprise. In this cases, a study case for planning of integrated information system development using EAP with applying value chain model and analisys approaches and tools is performed on AKPER Harum Jakarta. The result in this cases study is the enterprise model, information resource catalog documentation, data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation plans. Result also provide a foundation for overcoming separate of legacy system, of data integration, and lack of support from information system for the business functions
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