24,368 research outputs found

    Business Intelligence Approaches

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    Business Intelligence (BI) is unanimous considered the art of gaining business advantage from data; therefore BI systems and infrastructures must integrate disparate data sources into a single coherent framework for real-time reporting and detailed analysis within the extended enterprise. Also the solution to a business problem is a process that includes business intelligence, BI, by itself, is rarely the complete solution to the problem. Therefore, BI tools must understand the process and how to be part of it. Subordinated to performance management, Business Intelligence approaches help firms to optimize business performance. Looking inside the business and at the environment in which they operate, managers are able to fundament the most productive and profitable decisions. The new trend of social BI in business analysis comes with an innovative approach in consolidating performance management. A data warehouse schema for social BI will be a good start for future debates

    Implementation of business intelligence tools using open source approach

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    Discovering business intelligence is the modern organization’s way of gaining competitive advantage in their market, supported by Decisions Support Systems or Business Intelligence Systems. The first step in any decision support system is to create the repository of data for the system to collect and display any information requested. This repository is the source of all business intelligence and implementing it requires the right software tools, essential for the data warehouse. Therefore, when choosing the software tool, the project size, budget constraints and risks should be kept in mind. Overall the right choice depends on the organization’s needs and ambitions. The essential work to be done here is to demonstrate that open source software can be an accurate and reliable tool to implement data warehouse projects. The two ETL solutions used were: • Pentaho Kettle Data Integration Community Editions (Open Source Software) • SQL Server 2005 Integrations Services (SSIS) Enterprise Edition (Proprietary Software) The proprietary, commercial software in question (as well as others) is widely used. However, an open source solution has key features recognized by organizations worldwide and this work will show the different functionalities and benefits of this open source approach.Nas organizações a descoberta de conhecimento do negócio é o processo para alcançar vantagem competitiva sobre os seus concorrentes, e esta é apoiada por Sistemas de Suporte á decisão ou por Business Intelligence termo atualmente em voga.A primeira coisa a fazer em qualquer tipo de sistema de apoio à decisão é criar o repositório de dados de informação onde o sistema vai recolher e mostrar todas as informações solicitadas. Este repositório é a fonte de todo o conhecimento do negócio, e a sua construção exige as ferramentas de software corretas para o desenvolvimento do data warehouse. Deve-se por isso ao escolher a ferramenta de software pensar nos requisitos para a seleção do software do mercado, a escolha do software envolve o tamanho do projecto, orçamento, ou riscos a tomar em mente. Globalmente, a escolha certa depende das necessidades de organização e suas ambições. O trabalho essencial a ser feito aqui é demonstrar que o software open source pode ser uma ferramenta fiavél e eficaz para implementar projetos de data warehouse. As duas soluções ETL utilizadas foram: • Pentaho Data Integration Chaleira Editions Comunidade (Open Source Software) • SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) Enterprise Edition (Software Proprietário) O software proprietario, comercial em questão (assim como outros) é amplamente utilizado. No entanto, uma solução de open source tem características fundamentais que são reconhecidas por organizações em todo o mundo e este trabalho irá mostrar as diferentes funcionalidades e benefícios desta abordagem de software open source

    Lupapiste verkkopalvelun tietovarasto- ja raportointiratkaisu

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kehittää toimeksiantajayritys Solita Oy:n sisäiseen käyttöön tulevaa raportointia. Lupapiste on asiointipalvelu, jossa kansalaiset, viranomaiset ja yritykset voivat hoitaa sähköisesti rakentamiseen liittyvät lupa-asiansa. Tarkoitus oli toteuttaa Solita Oy:n sisäiseen käyttöön tuleva tietovarasto- ja raportointiratkaisu Lupapisteen tarpeisiin. Opinnäytetyössä käytettiin konstruktiivista ja toiminnallista tutkimusotetta. Tässä opinnäytetyössä Business intelligence -arkkitehtuuri koostuu lähdejärjestelmistä, ETL-prosessista, tietovarastosta ja raportoinnista. ETL-prosessissa poimittiin ensin raportoinnissa tarvittavat tiedot Lupapisteen lähdejärjestelmästä, jonka jälkeen tiedot yhtenäistettiin ja lopuksi ladattiin tietovarastoon. Raportointiratkaisu toteutettiin vakio- ja parametriraportointina, jossa loppukäyttäjä voi rajata hakuehdoin raportin palauttamaa tietosisältöä. Solita Oy käyttää vakioraporttien tietosisältöä asiakkaiden laskutusperusteena, mikä oli yksi projektin tavoitteista. Projektin lopputuloksena käyttöönotettiin keskitetty tietovarasto- ja raportointiratkaisu, joka täytti projektille asetetut tavoitteet. Tietovaraston tiedoista muodostettiin kolme vakioraporttia. Toteutus vastasi alussa asetettuihin raportointitarpeisiin ja se toteutettiin sovitussa aikataulussa. Raportointia on mahdollisuus kehittää ja laajentaa tulevaisuudessa kuntien viranomaisorganisaatioiden ja ympäristöministeriön käyttöön. Uusia raportteja voidaan jatkossa muodostaa mittaamalla hakemusten käsittelyaikojen pituuksia ja seuraamalla käsittelyaikojen kehityssuuntia. Myöhemmin Lupapisteen tietovarastosta voitaisiin tuottaa julkista tietoa, josta julkisen sektorin organisaatiot voisivat olla kiinnostuneita.The objective of this thesis was to develop an internal business intelligence solution to the client, Solita Oy. Lupapiste is a web service where citizens and companies can apply for a construction permit. The purpose of this thesis was to implement customized data warehouse and business intelligence solution for Lupapiste. The thesis was completed using constructive and practice-based research methods. In this project, the components of business intelligence architecture used are source systems, ETL process, data warehouse and reporting. First in ETL process, the data was extracted from source systems to staging area. Secondly the data was standardized and finally loaded from the staging area to the enterprise data warehouse. Reporting solution consist of constant and parameterized reports where end users can define the outcome of the reports. Solita Oy invoices its customers based on reports data content. The outcome of the project was an implemented data warehouse and a reporting system. Three constant reports were created based on data from the data warehouse. The project was successful and implemented on time. In the future, there is a possibility to develop and expand reporting to the needs of the Ministry of Environment. Later on the data warehouse of Lupapiste could produce open data to the organizations of public sector

    Integration of business intelligence based on three-level ontology services

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    Usually, integration of business intelligence (BI) from realistic telecom enterprise is by packing data warehouse (DW), OLAP, data mining and reporting from different vendors together. As a result, BI system users are transferred to a reporting system with reports, data models, dimensions and measures predefined by system designers. As a result of survey, 85% of DW projects failed to meet their intended objectives. In this paper, we investigate how to integrate BI packages into an adaptive and flexible knowledge portal by constructing an internal link and communication channel from top-level business concepts to underlying enterprise information systems (EIS). An approach of three-level ontology services is developed, which implements unified naming, directory and transport of ontology services, and ontology mapping and query parsing among conceptual view, analytical view and physical view from user interfaces through DW to EIS. Experiments on top of real telecom EIS shows that our solution for integrating BI presents much stronger power to support operational decision making more user-friendly and adoptively compared with those simply combining BI products presently available together. © 2004 IEEE

    Business Intelligence Approach In A Business Performance Context

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    Subordinated to performance management, Business Intelligence approaches help firms to optimize business performance. Key performance indicators will be added to the multidimensional model grounding the performance perspectives. With respect to the Business Intelligence value chain, a theoretical approach was introduced and a practice example, based on Microsoft SQL Server specific services, for the customer perspective was implemented.business intelligence, performance management, key performance indicators


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    On the basis of the decision making stands information, as one of the main elements that determine the evolution of our-days society. As a consequence, data analysis tends to become a priority in the activity of an organization for decision making. The diBusiness Intelligence, Data Warehouse, decision making, SQL Server


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    Fierce competition in a market increasingly crowded and frequent changes in consumer requirements are the main forces that will cause companies to change their current organization and management. One solution is to move to open architectures and virtual type, which requires addressing business methods and technologies using distributed multi-agent systems. Intelligent agents are one of the most important areas of artificial intelligence that deals with the development of hardware and software systems able to reason, learn to recognize natural language, speak, make decisions, to recognize objects in the working environment etc. Thus in this paper, we presented some aspects of smart business, intelligent agents, intelligent systems, intelligent systems models, and I especially emphasized their role in managing business processes, which have become highly complex systems that are in a permanent change to meet the requirements of timely decision making. The purpose of this paper is to prove that there is no business without using the integration Business Process Management, Web Services and intelligent agents.business intelligence, intelligent agents, intelligent systems, management, enterprise, web services

    SOA, SoBI & EDA - Paradigms for Integration Capabilities of BI Platform

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    A Business Intelligence (BI) provider may offer a basic solution, a packed application or a comprising BI platform which integrates components from individual technologies in a synergic system. The providers’ tendency is to standardize the instruments offered on a single server platform. The article analyzes the integration capabilities and problems of BI platforms, emphasizes the differences between emergent technologies and suggests integration solutions. The analysis is useful both to the providers of BI solutions - in order to develop some agile platforms, as well as to their users - representing an important factor in selecting the solution. In addition, the conclusions to be drawn will emphasize the tendencies from the BI market and will represent the support in creating some agile platforms.Business Intelligence, agile platform, integration, metadata management, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA)