275,800 research outputs found

    Research on Customer Relationship, Market Level and Enterprise Innovation Relationship

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    Enterprise innovation is an important content of enterprise management and a key element to determine the direction, scale and speed of the development of the company. Enterprise innovation has always been the focus of academic attention. Customer relationship is the contractual relationship established between the enterprise and the customer when purchasing and selling transactions. The research found that customer relationship can affect the innovation investment of enterprises to some extent. Based on a sample of listed companies in China's A stock manufacturing industry from 2008 to 2018, this paper empirically examines the impact of concentration of customer relationship on innovation output and its mechanism. The research found that the higher the concentration of customer relationship, the lower the innovation investment. Further research found that the level of marketization can alleviate this inhibition, with the promotion of market-oriented level, the excessive concentration of customer relations on enterprise innovation inhibition can be weakened. This research explores the factors that affect enterprise innovation from different angles, enriches the research on enterprise innovation, and provides a reference for enterprises to improve their innovation level

    Development management of company’s innovative-encouraging environment on the basis of innovative culture formation

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    Article focuses on formalized approach elaboration to the management of formation process and innovative culture development of an enterprise. It also specifies content of management procedures. The approach to the selection of management actions depending on the state of components of subsystems and elements of innovation culture is developed and tested. The economic-mathematical model for tools and methods structure optimization of the enterprise innovative culture formation and development is proposed and tested

    Theoretical and Methodological Approach to Restructuring the System of Management of the Process of Innovation Development of Industrial Enterprise

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    Метою статті є розробка теоретико-методичного підходу до проведення реструктуризації системи управління процесом інноваційного розвитку промислового підприємства. Розкрито сутність реструктуризації та наголошено на необхідності її використання стосовно системи управління процесом інноваційного розвитку промислового підприємства. Розглянуто основні етапи реструктуризації, комплекс інструментів її реалізації та доведено, що основним інструментом реструктуризації системи управління процесом інноваційного розвитку промислового підприємства доцільно обрати реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів. Також розкрито сутність та основні етапи реінжинірингу системи управління процесом інноваційного розвитку підприємства та наведено перелік управлінських технологій, використання яких під час реалізації реінжинірингу дасть змогу підвищити ефективність процесу інноваційного розвитку підприємства.The article is aimed to develop a theoretical and methodological approach to the restructuring of system of management for innovation development of industrial enterprise. The essence of restructuring is disclosed and the need to use restructuring in the context of system of management of innovation development of industrial enterprise is underlined. The basic stages of restructuring as well as complex of tools for its implementation are considered, it is proved that as the main tool for restructuring the system of management for innovation development of industrial enterprise the reengineering of business processes should be chosen. Also the content and main stages of reengineering the system of management for innovation development of enterprise are disclosed and a list of managerial technologies is introduced, use of which during implementation of reengineering will provide an opportunity to improve the efficiency of process of the innovative development of enterprise

    Research and study innovative ways to improve enterprise printing industry (by the example of "Jura")

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    Магістерська робота передбачає вирішення завдання з обґрунтування інноваційних шляхів удосконалення діяльності підприємства ТОВ «Джура» шляхом упровадження заходів інноваційного розвитку. Проаналізовано економічні та стратегічні аспекти управління інноваційними процесами, зміст інноваційних проектів, підходи до розробки інноваційної політики підприємства, а також інноваційний розвиток видавничо-поліграфічного комплексу України, розглянуто загальну характеристика ТОВ «Джура», дано оцінку системи управління підприємством, проаналізовано стратегію управління, виробничо-господарську діяльність підприємства, його сильні та слабкі сторони, а також можливості та загрози. Запропоновано альтернативну стратегію інноваційного розвитку підприємства, обґрунтовано доцільність розширення випуску нової продукції як шлях до інноваційного зростання підприємства, а також можливості застосування закордонного досвіду для удосконалення стратегії управління підприємствомMaster's thesis provides a solution to the problem of the justification of innovative ways to improve the enterprise of "Jura" by implementing measures innovation. Analyzed the economic and strategic aspects of innovation processes, content innovation, developing innovative approaches to enterprise policy and innovation development of publishing and printing industry in Ukraine, considered the general characteristics of "Jura", assessed enterprise management system, analyzed the strategy management, production and economic activities of the company and its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. An alternative strategy of innovative development companies expediency expansion of new products as a way to innovative growth of the company, as well as the possibility of international experience to improve business management strategie

    Entrepreneurship Education: Embedding Practitioner Experience

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    In a report recently produced by the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE), the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and the Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) concluded that ‘Entrepreneurship education is currently taught primarily through modules in business school courses and extra-curricular activities. HEIs need to enhance the perception and relevance of entrepreneurship education, so students and staff recognise the value of its combination of innovation, creativity, collaboration and risk-taking skills to a wide range of disciplines’. This paper focuses on a ground breaking programme specifically designed to address these criticisms of the way in which enterprise and entrepreneurship is taught in universities. There are a huge number of programmes on offer across within European Higher Education with the words ‘enterprise’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ in the title, but what makes the BA (Hons) Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management unique is the close involvement of entrepreneurs right from the outset, including course design, module content and delivery. This is achieved through an ‘entrepreneur in residence’ network, with Walter Herriot, Managing Director of St John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge, one of the world’s leading incubation centres, as Director. This enables leading entrepreneurs to be embedded in fabric of the programme through playing a very active role in the continued development of the curriculum, content, and delivery of the pathway. Additionally, each student is allocated an entrepreneur as mentor for the duration of the three year programme. This paper will firstly explore the key issues raised by the policy community and others calling into question the appropriateness of the way in which enterprise and entrepreneurship is taught. It will then look at the way in which UK universities are responding to these comments. The paper concludes with a case study of an academic programme developed and delivered jointly by academics and practitioners.entrepreneurship; education; enterprise education.

    Entrepreneurship Education: Embedding Practitioner Experience

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    The QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (England) in General Business and Management states that ‘Preparation for business should be taken to mean the development of a range of specific business knowledge and skills, together with the improved self-awareness and personal development appropriate to graduate careers in business with the potential for management positions and to employability in general. This includes the encouragement of positive and critical attitudes towards change and enterprise, so as to reflect the dynamism and vibrancy of the business environment’ In a report recently produced by the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE), the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and the Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE) concluded that ‘Entrepreneurship education is currently taught primarily through modules in business school courses and extra-curricular activities. HEIs need to enhance the perception and relevance of entrepreneurship education, so students and staff recognise the value of its combination of innovation, creativity, collaboration and risktaking skills to a wide range of disciplines’. This paper focuses on a ground breaking programme specifically designed to address these criticisms of the way in which enterprise and entrepreneurship is taught in universities. There are a huge number of programmes on offer across within European Higher Education with the words ‘enterprise’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ in the title, but what makes the BA (Hons) Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management unique is the close involvement of entrepreneurs right from the outset, including course design, module content and delivery. This is achieved through an ‘entrepreneur in residence’ network, with Walter Herriot, Managing Director of St John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge, one of the world’s leading incubation centres, as Director. This enables leading entrepreneurs to be embedded in fabric of the programme through playing a very active role in the continued development of the curriculum, content, and delivery of the pathway. Additionally, each student is allocated an entrepreneur as mentor for the duration of the three year programme. This paper will firstly explore the key issues raised by the policy community and others calling into question the appropriateness of the way in which enterprise and entrepreneurship is taught. It will then look at the way in which UK universities are responding to these comments. The paper concludes with a case study of an academic programme developed and delivered jointly by academics and practitioners.education, entrepreneurship.

    The embedment of risk management in enterprise management system

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    Purpose. The purpose of this text is to diagnose the degree to which risk management is embedded in enterprise management system, and in particular to identify risk prevention activities taken in different management domains by enterprises listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, representing the following three sectors: financial services, construction, and IT. Design/methodology/approach. The research was carried out using a triangulation of research methods. The following research methods were used: analysis of the content of source documentation generated by the analyzed enterprises, one-stage logical classification, exemplification, and comparative analysis. The research involved 107 enterprises listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and representing the sectors of financial services, construction, and IT. Findings. The main conclusion resulting from the research is that risk management is firmly rooted in enterprise management systems, which manifests itself in the presence of measures taken against risk in various management domains, such as strategic, operational, financial, quality, human resources, project, investment, and innovation management. According to the obtained results, the enterprises under analysis the most often apply risk management measures in the areas of strategic management, operational management, and financial management. Originality/value. The main added value of the results of the conducted research is the presentation of the management domains in which risk prevention activities are located and the identification of the analyzed enterprises’ specific preventive measures that fall within different management domains and allow the perception of risk management as an integrator of all processes carried out in the enterprise


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    Abstract The paper deals with innovation and it looks at innovation in enterprise from the perspective of a manager of a working group. It comes out from the fact that any innovation cannot originate and to be used in practise without a human factor. The human factor can be represented as an individual or as a working group. The relevant question of the content and forms of management of a working group in innovation remains in the centre of this paper

    A Methodical Approach to the Management of the Innovative Potential of Enterprise

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    The article presents a methodical approach to the management of the innovative potential of enterprise, this approach consists of principles and provisions, tasks, stages, methods and parameters for identification, analysis, assessment of sectoral, competitive, market conditions of activity of domestic enterprises, their problems, threats, and opportunities for development. The shortage of capital, technology, staffing for the development of domestic enterprises under martial law indicates the need to solve problems, develop and use new approaches, management tools, methodological provision for the formation and implementation of their innovative potential. Taking into account the results of the analysis of economic conditions, which are characterized by signs of circularity, combine various regularities and hybrid forms of scientific and technological development, the article determines regularities of innovative processes, features and signs of their growing digital transformation, the use of innovative tools of production, organization and management in terms of support and development of business. It is substantiated that the directions of formation of methodological provision in order to implement and support the innovation potential and innovation activity of enterprise are fully determined by the sequence and content of the processes of development and implementation of its innovation strategy. In general, the process of developing a strategy for innovative development of an enterprise is a certain set of tasks to determine the strategic priorities of innovative development, to develop an effective business model, organize and invoke the innovation activity, form an innovative strategic portfolio of enterprise

    Strategy of innovative development in the enterprise management system

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    У статті розкрито зміст та концептуальні основи стратегування інноваційного розвитку в системі управління підприємства в сучасних умовах посилення конкурентної боротьби на внутрішніх і зовнішніх ринках. Особливу увагу приділено етапам розробки та реалізації інноваційної стратегії, що дозволяє структурувати формування інноваційної стратегії та виділити необхідні складові цього процесу у відповідності до новітніх тенденцій розвитку менеджменту. Проаналізовано недоліки в управління інноваційними процесами на підприємстві. Запропоновано удосконалення управління на підприємстві відповідно до сучасної концепції інклюзивної інноваційної діяльності. Виявлено, що стратегування інноваційного розвитку в системі управління підприємства сприяє формуванню відносин соціального партнерства між соціумом, владою та бізнесом, що стимулює та активізує їх економічну активність, мотивує до ефективного та раціонального використання наявного потенціалу або прийняття управлінських рішень з пошуку додаткових можливостей підвищення рівня конкурентоспроможності.В статье раскрыто содержание и концептуальные основы cтpaтегирования инновационного развития в системе управления предприятия в современных условиях ужесточения конкурентной борьбы на внутренних и внешних рынках. Особенное внимание уделено этапам разработки и реализации инновационной стратегии, что позволяет структурировать формирование инновационной стратегии и выделить необходимые составляющие этого процесса в соответствии с новейшими тенденциями развития менеджмента. Проанализированы недостатки в управление инновационными процессами на предприятии. Предложено совершенствования управления на предприятии в соответствии с современной концепцией инклюзивного инновационной деятельности. Обнаружено, что стpaтегирование инновационного развития в системе управления предприятия способствует формированию отношений социального партнерства между социумом, властью и бизнесом, что стимулирует и активизирует их экономическую активность, мотивирует к эффективному и рациональному использованию имеющегося потенциала или принятию управленческих решений в процессе поиска дополнительных возможностей повышения уровня конкурентоспособности.The article reveals the content and conceptual foundations of strategic innovation development in the enterprise management system in modern conditions of toughening competition in domestic and foreign markets. Particular attention is paid to the stages of development and implementation of an innovative strategy, which allows you to structure the formation of an innovative strategy and highlight the necessary components of this process in accordance with the latest management development trends. The shortcomings in the management of innovation processes in the enterprise are analyzed. It is proposed to improve the management of the enterprise in accordance with the modern concept of inclusive innovation. It was found that stratification of innovative development in the enterprise’s management system contributes to the formation of social partnership relations between society, government and business, which stimulates and activates their economic activity, motivates the efficient and rational use of existing potential or the adoption of managerial decisions in the search for additional opportunities to increase competitiveness.The authors received no direct funding for this research