163,544 research outputs found

    Towards an E-Government Enterprise Architecture Framework for Developing Economies

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    The growth and uptake of e-government in developing economies are still affected by the interoperability challenge, which can be perceived as an orchestration of several issues that imply the existence of gaps in methods used for e-government planning and implementation. To a great extent, various counterparts in developed economies have succeeded in addressing the method-related gaps by developing e-government enterprise architectures, as blueprints for guiding e-government initiatives in a holistic and manageable way. However, existing e-government enterprise architectures are country-specific to appropriately serve their intended purpose, while enterprise architecture frameworks or methods are generic to accommodate several enterprise contexts. The latter do not directly accommodate the unique peculiarities of e-government efforts. Thus, a detailed method is lacking that can be adapted by developing economies to develop e-government enterprise architectures that fit their contexts. To address the gap, this article presents research that adopted a Design Science approach to develop an e-Government Enterprise Architecture Framework (EGEAF), as an explicit method for guiding the design of e-government enterprise architectures in a developing economy. EGEAF was designed by extending the Architecture Development Method of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF ADM) to address requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in a developing economy. EGEAF was evaluated using two scenarios in the Ugandan context, and findings indicate that it is feasible; its design is understandable to enable its adoption and extension to accommodate requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in other developing economies

    Towards an e-government enterprise architecture framework for developing economies

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    The growth and uptake of e-government in developing economies is still affected by the interoperability challenge, which can be perceived as an orchestration of several issues that imply the existence of gaps in methods used for e-government planning and implementation. To a great extent, various counterparts in developed economies have succeeded in addressing the method-related gaps by developing e-government enterprise architectures, as blueprints for guiding e-government initiatives in a holistic and manageable way. However, existing e-government enterprise architectures are country-specific to appropriately serve their intended purpose, while enterprise architecture frameworks or methods are generic to accommodate several enterprise contexts. The latter do not directly accommodate the unique peculiarities of e-government efforts. Thus, a detailed method is lacking that can be adapted by developing economies to develop e-government enterprise architectures that fit their contexts. To address the gap, this article presents research that adopted a Design Science approach to develop an e-Government Enterprise Architecture Framework (EGEAF), as an explicit method for guiding the design of e-government enterprise architectures in a developing economy. EGEAF was designed by extending the Architecture Development Method of The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF ADM) to address requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in a developing economy. EGEAF was evaluated using two scenarios in the Ugandan context, and findings indicate that it is feasible; its design is understandable to enable its adoption and extension to accommodate requirements for developing interoperable e-government solutions in other developing economies

    E-Government Interoperability and Integration Architecture Modeling Using TOGAF Framework Based on Service Oriented Architecture

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    . Development of e-Government in Indonesia continues to roll and run in every government agency, both in central government and local government. Implementation of e-Government means that there are government's efforts to build and improve the quality of public services and internal operations in each regional apparatus organization effectively and efficiently. These activities inline with one of the bureaucracy reform mission, that is the modernization of government bureaucracy through the using of information and communication technology optimization to support bureaucracy reform vision and the creation of good governance. The development and implementation of e-Government currently mostly implemented by each regional apparatus organization. This condition makes it difficult to exchange data and information related to multisectoral activities due to data and information spread across various databases from different applications, platform, environment and architecture without good documentation. In preparation for arranging the e-Government architecture, we will use The Open Group Architecture Framework - Architecture Development Method as an enterprise architecture framework. The purpose of this research is to study and conceptualize e-Government interoperability and integration solutions of all existing applications and providing some model documents such as e-Government Architecture Vision, Integrated Business Model References Architecture, and Integrated Data Model References Architecture

    Towards effectiveness of integration and interoperability of one-stop e-government portal

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    An effective one-stop e-government portal requires a system with good integration and interoperability. However, most e-government portals lack in integration and interoperability. This work aims to find an effective approach for e-government integration and interoperability for one-stop e-government portal. This paper presents a hybrid e-government architecture based on architectural principles, enterprise operational interoperability architecture and service component architecture (SCA). The experiment shows the proposed architecture is able to satisfy interoperation in terms of potentiality, compatibility, and performance tests for integration and interoperability e-government applications and services. The architecture is suitable for the development of one-stop e-government portal

    Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Electronic Health Management System (EHMS) Berbasis Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) Studi Kasus : Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia

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    ABSTRAKSI: E-Government merupakan upaya pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang mudah diakses, efektif, dan bertanggung jawab [1]. Penerapan e-government di Indonesia khususnya oleh Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia sesungguhnya telah banyak dilakukan. Namun, tingginya tingkat kegagalan proyek e-government di berbagai kota telah menjadi permasalahan yang perlu dicari solusinya.Dalam hal ini, Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia mencoba untuk menerapkan suatu Sistem Informasi (SI) yang nantinya akan digunakan untuk mengelola rencana-rencana strategis demi kemajuan pelayanan publiknya yaitu dengan menerapkan Electronic Health Management System (EHMS). EHMS ini akan mengolah data-data mentah berupa Electronic Health Record (EHR) yang nantinya akan menghasilkan sebuah informasi penting yang akan membantu Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dalam mengambil langkah strategis. Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) dalam studi Tugas Akhir ini akan digunakan sebagai metode utama untuk memetakkan kebutuhan bisnis organisasi terhadap kebutuhan fungsionalitas SI. EAP merupakan proses yang bertujuan mendefinisikan arsitektur enterprise untuk perencanaan SI, serta menyusun rencana pengimplementasian dari arsitektur tersebut [2]. Studi EAP diawali dengan melakukan analisis terhadap kondisi organisasi saat ini. Keberadaaan sistem legacy perlu diprediksi dengan baik untuk menyusun strategi migrasi yang tepat, sehingga sistem legacy dapat terintegrasi dengan baik didalam rancangan SI yang baru. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan mendefinisikan kondisi yang ideal untuk organisasi, yaitu melalui pendefinisian arsitektur enterprise perencanaan SI. Dengan menganalisis gap yang ada, disusun strategi perpindahan dari kondisi sekarang menuju kondisi ideal, yaitu melalui rencana implementasi/migrasi SI.Kata Kunci : EHMS, EHR, Enterprise Architecture Planning, Zachman FrameworkABSTRACT: E-Government is an effort to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to actualize a government that is easily accessible, effective, and responsible [1]. Implementation of e-government in Indonesia in particular on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia actually has a lot to do. However, the high failure rate of e-government projects in cities has become a problem that needs to be resolved. In this case, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is trying to implement an Information Systems (IS) that will be used to manage the strategic plans for the advancement of public services by implementing Electronic Health Management System (This EHMS). This EHMS will process the raw data in the form of Electronic Health Record (EHR) which will result in an important information that will help the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in taking strategic steps.Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) in the final study will be used as the primary method to reposition the business needs of the organization to the needs of SI functionality. EAP is a process aimed at defining the enterprise architecture for SI planning and plan implementation of the architecture [2]. EAP study begins with an analysis of the current state of the organization. Legacy systems exist need to predict for proper migration strategy, so that legacy system can be integrated well in the design of the new SI. Then proceed to define the ideal conditions for the organization, through the definition of enterprise architecture planning SI. By analyzing the existing gap, organized migration strategy from the present towards the ideal conditions, namely through the plan implementation / migration SI.Keyword: EHMS, EHR, Enterprise Architecture Planning, Zachman framewor
