6,177 research outputs found

    China is on the track tackling Enteromorpha spp forming green tide

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    Green tide management is supposed to be a long term fight rather than an episode during the 29th Olympic Games for China, since it has been gaining in scale and frequency during the past 3 decades in both marine and estuary environment all over the world. A number of rapid-responding studies including oceanographic comprehensive surveys along the coastline have been conducted during the bloom and post-bloom periods in 2008 by Chinese marine scientists. The preliminary results are as below: (1) phylogenetic analysis indicates that the bloom forming alga forms a clade with representatives of the green seaweed Enteromorpha linza, though, the alga has been identified as E. proliera by means of morphological; (2) the present data suggest that the bloom was originated from south of Yellow Sea, but not the severely affected area near Qingdao City; (3) pathways of reproduction for E. prolifera have approved to be multifarious, including sexual, asexual and vegetative propagation; (4) somatic cells may act as a propagule bank, which is supposed to be a very dangerous transmitting way for its marked movability, adaptability and viability; (5) pyrolysis of the alga showed that three stages appeared during the process, which are dehydration (18–20^o^C), main devolatilization (200–450^o^C) and residual decomposition (450–750^o^C), and activation energy of the alga was determined at 237.23 KJ•mol^-1^. Although the scarce knowlegde on E. prolifera not yet allow a fully understanding of the green tide, some of the results suggests possible directions in further green tide research and management

    Bulletin No. 18: Seaweeds of the Connecticut Shore: A Wader\u27s Guide

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    Illustrated guide to 60 different algae with keys to their identification. 36 pp. 1972

    Primer registro de algunos ciliados peritricos de la laguna de San Miguel del Monte (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

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    Peritrichs attached to submerged macrophytes, filamentous chlorophytes and debries have been found in San Miguel del Monte pond (Buenos Aires province, Argentina) during the period March 1998- March 1999. Specimens were identified, illustrated and measured alive. Fourteen species of Subclass Peritrichia new for the country are described, illustrated and commented: Epistylis hentscheli, E. tubificis, E. vestita, Opercularia elongata, Cothurnia annulata, Cothurniopsis valvata, Pyxicola limbata, Thuricola innixa, Th. kellicotiana, Vaginicola attenuata, Vorticella picta, V. pulchella, V. rotunda, and Zoothamnium ramosissimum.Peritricos adheridos a macrĂłfitas acuĂĄticas, clorofitas filamentosas y partĂ­culas fueron hallados en la laguna de San Miguel del Monte (provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina) durante el perĂ­odo marzo 1998 - marzo 1999. Los especĂ­menes fueron identificados, dibujados y medidos in vivo. Se brinda una breve descripciĂłn, ilustraciĂłn y algunos comentarios de catorce especies de la subclase Peritrichia, nuevas para el paĂ­s: Epistylis hentscheli, E. tubificis, E. vestita, Opercularia elongata, Cothurnia annulata, Cothurniopsis valvata, Pyxicola limbata, Thuricola innixa, Th. kellicotiana, Vaginicola attenuata, Vorticella picta, V. pulchella, V. rotunda y Zoothamnium ramosissimum.Fil: Zaleski, M.. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de LimnologĂ­a "dr.r.a.ringuelet"; ArgentinaFil: Claps, Maria Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de LimnologĂ­a "dr.r.a.ringuelet"; Argentin

    Preliminary Canopy Removal Experiments in Algal Dominated Communities Low on the Shore and in the Shallow Subtidal on the Isle of Man

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    The algal dominated communities immediately above and below the low-water spring level on a moderately exposed Manx shore were investigated by canopy removal experiments. Fucus serratus, Laminaria digitata and L. hyperborea were removed. Competition was shown to be important in determining the zonation of L. digitata and the distribution along the wave exposure gradient of other species such as Alaria esculenta, Desmarestia aculeata and D. viridis, and L. saccharina. Many species of algal epiphytes were early colonizers of canopy removal areas suggesting that competition from canopy algae usually restricts them to an epiphytic habit. The results indicate that interactions between macrophytes are much more important than grazing in structuring these communities

    Photosynthesis of phytoplankton of the Klyaz'minsk reservoir. [Translation from: Trudy VI Soveshchaniya po Problemem Biologii Vnutrennikh Vod. Moscow, Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR. pp. 273-287, 1955]

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    The processes of synthesis and destruction of organic matter play an important role in the ”self-cleaning” of reservoirs. The basic problem of this investigation consists of the role of phytoplankton in enriched waters of the Klyaz'minsk water reservoir through the solution of oxygen and its part in the ”self-cleaning” of the water reservoir. Observations on the interesting process of photosynthesis and the breakdown of organic matter was conducted by us on the eastern stretch of water in the Klyaz'minsk Reservoir during the growing periods of 1945 to 1948, by the widely applied bottle method (Vinberg 1934). This study reports mainly on the he vertical distribution of photosynthesis and respiration in plankton of the reservoir

    Spatiotemporal bioaccumulation of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper metals in lettuce sea Ulva lactuca harvest in two Algerian West Coasts

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    This work brings an evaluation of the quality of littoral zone of Algerian in two neighbouring port coasts, namely, Honaine and Beni Saf, chosen as significant discharge sites. This was followed by a comparison of the state of these coasts with those of the Mediterranean coastal areas. The study was conducted in all seasons in the year 2011-2012 by measuring the hydrological physicochemical parameters (pH, temperature, turbidity and salinity) and using sea lettuce Ulva lactuca as significant 'biomarker of the quantity of metal contaminants (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn)'. Harvesting of Ulva and the seawater samples were performed in each season in three stations, characterised by discharges of waste and industrial water and saline discharges from the recent installation of desalination in Honaine. The metal concentrations in seawater showed significant variations between stations and the harvest season, resulting in the appearance of pollution of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn. Also this result was manifested in Ulva in the station S1 (Beni Saf) and S2 (Honaine-beach) with the exception of copper. These results have exceeded tolerable international standards.Universidad de Tlemcen, ArgeliaUniversidad de Sevill

    Ethnobotany Study of Seaweed Diversity and Its Utilization in Warambadi, Panguhalodo Areas of East Sumba District

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    This paper reports the ethnobotany study of seaweed diversity in Warambadi –Panguhalodo areas of East Sumba District, the island of Sumba. The study recorded19 genera of 54 species of seaweed, which were utilized as food or edible seaweed.The group consisted of 17 species of green algae, 17 species of red algae, and 20species of brown algae. The study also reported that 18 genera of 38 species weretraditionally utilized for medicinal purposes as herbal medicine. The herbal speciesconsisted of 7 species of green algae, 13 species of red algae, and 18 species ofbrown algae.Seaweed is traditionally consumed as food in various forms: raw as salad and vegetable,as pickle with sauce of allspice or with vinegar, as relish or sweetened jellies and alsocooked for vegetable soup. As herbal medicine seaweed is usually used for traditionalcosmetics, as antipyretic and antiseptic, as vermifuges, and treatments for cough andasthma, hemorrhoid, nosebleed and boils, goiter and scrofula, stomach ailments andurinary diseases.Indigenous knowledge on seaweed still exist and are continually employed bypeople living in particular areas such as the Sumba and Sabu ethnic groups. Yet,the knowledge is gradually decreasing due to localities, socio-economic change andcultural development

    Impact of Enteromorpha Blooms on Aquaculture Research Off Qianliyan Island, Yellow Sea, China

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    Between 2008 and 2016, there were mass summer blooms of Enteromorpha in the Yellow Sea, China. They covered an area of thousands of square kilometers annually, lasting an average of 90 days. Remote sensing data, model predictions, and marine environment ecological data measured by ships before, during, and after the Enteromorpha blooms were used in this study of the Qianliyan Island area. Underwater robots survey trepang, wrinkles abalone, and submarine ecological status. We found that the time taken by Enteromorpha to cover the Qianliyan Island area was relevant, as were changes in sea surface temperature (SST). The Enteromorpha made a rise in inorganic nitrogen, reactive phosphate, and heavy metals content in upper, middle, and bottom layers of sea water, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were reduced; and there were changes in the dominant animal and plant population. Enteromorpha sedimentation during outbreaks was measured by benthos sampling. Considerable growth in starfish number was obtained by underwater robot observation. All of this directly influenced the regional ecological environment. Numbers of trepang and wrinkles abalone were declined over the years. Global warming and SST anomalies are the two main reasons for frequent marine disasters that take place. National aquatic germ plasm resources of Qianliyan should be protected from the blooms
