204,237 research outputs found

    Pathways to Accountability II

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    This report summarises the results of the 2009-2010 review process on the One World Trust Global Accountability Framework and the piloting of the draft framework during 2011, and presents the full One World Trust Pathways to Accountability II indicator framework. Our work in this field work is motivated by a concern about the persisting weakness and insufficient effectiveness of global organisations from all sectors in responding to the challenge of delivering global public goods to citizens and communities, the very people whom they claim to serve and benefit, and who are most often dependent on them

    Corporate governance: The OECD principles, the scope for a “model of the successful company”, and a new challenge for the company law agenda and the broader regulatory agenda

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    The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance, and the Methodology for assessing their implementation, seem to support those academic contributions which overcome the classic distinction between the shareholders primacy and the stakeholders’ models of companies; they also appear to require a re-conceptualisation of the interests involved and not simply a model of company, but a model of the successful company. This paper proposes such a model, and asserts its validity from a property rights perspective and from a human rights perspective. It subsequently argues that shaping of a corporate governance framework based on this model would raise a key challenge for company law legislators and for the broader regulatory agenda, and that satisfactory responses to this challenge – for which some first hypothesis are proposed - would be fully compatible with the increasingly global corporate social responsibility concern, while opening new themes for academic research and for decision-makers choices

    Our Constitution, Our Vision, Our SDGs

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    Uganda's development planning is guided by the long term vision-Vision 2040, by which the country aspires to see a transformed Society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years. Formulation of the vision involved nation-wide consultation of various stakeholders (government, parliament, civil society organisations, business, labour, professionals, academia, opinion leaders, etc), which coincided with the first round of global Post2015 consultations. Among many indicators, the country envisages per capita income of USD 9,500, real GDP growth rate of more than 8 percent. This will be achieved through strategic policy reforms and shifts, such as review and restructuring of the service delivery system, front-loading investments in infrastructures, and exploring innovative financing mechanisms, in partnership with development partners. The holistic nature of this vision and the wide consultative process along with it provided a key milestone and back bone for localization of agenda 2030

    Still Time to Raise the Bar: The Real Corporate Social Responsibility Report for the Hershey Company

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    ILRF_HersheyReport2011_0.pdf: 3278 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Will the draft Northern Ireland programme for government deliver on children’s rights and best interests? : an analysis

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    Staying on Track from Paris: Advancing the Key Elements of the Paris Agreement

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    The Paris Agreement adopted in December 2015 provides essential building blocks for universal action to address climate change. Now, much work is needed to breathe life into the provisions and commitments of the Agreement in order to realize the globally agreed vision to limit temperature rise, build the ability to adapt to climate impacts, and align financial flows toward zerocarbon and climate-resilient development. The Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) must continue to cooperate effectively to unpack and clarify the key tasks and activities outlined in the Agreement in order to provide a well-defined pathway to implementation. This paper takes an in-depth look at the Paris Agreement, highlighting important outcomes and the tasks and activities that now need to be undertaken to elaborate and develop the critical rules and processes under the Agreement. Ensuring that these rules and processes are strong and effective will be essential to promoting ambitious climate action and accelerating it in the coming years
