6 research outputs found

    Facial recognition using new LBP representations

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    In this paper, we propose a facial recognition based on the LBP operator. We divide the face into non-overlapped regions. After that, we classify a training set using each region at a time under different configurations of the LBP operator. Regarding to the best recognition rate, we consider a weight and specific LBP configuration to the regions. To represent the face image, we extract LBP histograms with the specific configuration (radius and neighbors) and concatenate them into feature histogram. We propose a multi-resolution approach, to gather local and global information and improve the recognition rate. To evaluate our proposed approach, we considered the FERET data set, which includes different facial expressions, lighting, and aging of the subjects. In addition, weighted Chi-2 is considered as a dissimilarity measure. The experimental results show a considerable improvement against the original idea

    Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation

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    This paper evaluates the performance of face and speaker verification techniques in the context of a mobile environment. The mobile environment was chosen as it provides a realistic and challenging test-bed for biometric person verification techniques to operate. For instance the audio environment is quite noisy and there is limited control over the illumination conditions and the pose of the subject for the video. To conduct this evaluation, a part of a database captured during the ``Mobile Biometry'' (MOBIO) European Project was used. In total there were nine participants to the evaluation who submitted a face verification system and five participants who submitted speaker verification systems. The nine face verification systems all varied significantly in terms of both verification algorithms and face detection algorithms. Several systems used the OpenCV face detector while the better systems used proprietary software for the task of face detection. This ended up making the evaluation of verification algorithms challenging. The five speaker verification systems were based on one of two paradigms: a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) or Support Vector Machine (SVM) paradigm. In general the systems based on the SVM paradigm performed better than those based on the GMM paradigm

    Face recognition using multiple features in different color spaces

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    Face recognition as a particular problem of pattern recognition has been attracting substantial attention from researchers in computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning. The recent Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) program reveals that uncontrolled illumination conditions pose grand challenges to face recognition performance. Most of the existing face recognition methods use gray-scale face images, which have been shown insufficient to tackle these challenges. To overcome this challenging problem in face recognition, this dissertation applies multiple features derived from the color images instead of the intensity images only. First, this dissertation presents two face recognition methods, which operate in different color spaces, using frequency features by means of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and spatial features by means of Local Binary Patterns (LBP), respectively. The DFT frequency domain consists of the real part, the imaginary part, the magnitude, and the phase components, which provide the different interpretations of the input face images. The advantage of LBP in face recognition is attributed to its robustness in terms of intensity-level monotonic transformation, as well as its operation in the various scale image spaces. By fusing the frequency components or the multi-resolution LBP histograms, the complementary feature sets can be generated to enhance the capability of facial texture description. This dissertation thus uses the fused DFT and LBP features in two hybrid color spaces, the RIQ and the VIQ color spaces, respectively, for improving face recognition performance. Second, a method that extracts multiple features in the CID color space is presented for face recognition. As different color component images in the CID color space display different characteristics, three different image encoding methods, namely, the patch-based Gabor image representation, the multi-resolution LBP feature fusion, and the DCT-based multiple face encodings, are presented to effectively extract features from the component images for enhancing pattern recognition performance. To further improve classification performance, the similarity scores due to the three color component images are fused for the final decision making. Finally, a novel image representation is also discussed in this dissertation. Unlike a traditional intensity image that is directly derived from a linear combination of the R, G, and B color components, the novel image representation adapted to class separability is generated through a PCA plus FLD learning framework from the hybrid color space instead of the RGB color space. Based upon the novel image representation, a multiple feature fusion method is proposed to address the problem of face recognition under the severe illumination conditions. The aforementioned methods have been evaluated using two large-scale databases, namely, the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (FRGC) version 2 database and the FERET face database. Experimental results have shown that the proposed methods improve face recognition performance upon the traditional methods using the intensity images by large margins and outperform some state-of-the-art methods