88,210 research outputs found

    Ensemble Data Mining Methods

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    Ensemble Data Mining Methods, also known as Committee Methods or Model Combiners, are machine learning methods that leverage the power of multiple models to achieve better prediction accuracy than any of the individual models could on their own. The basic goal when designing an ensemble is the same as when establishing a committee of people: each member of the committee should be as competent as possible, but the members should be complementary to one another. If the members are not complementary, Le., if they always agree, then the committee is unnecessary---any one member is sufficient. If the members are complementary, then when one or a few members make an error, the probability is high that the remaining members can correct this error. Research in ensemble methods has largely revolved around designing ensembles consisting of competent yet complementary models

    Ensemble Methods in Environmental Data Mining

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    Environmental data mining is the nontrivial process of identifying valid, novel, and potentially useful patterns in data from environmental sciences. This chapter proposes ensemble methods in environmental data mining that combines the outputs from multiple classification models to obtain better results than the outputs that could be obtained by an individual model. The study presented in this chapter focuses on several ensemble strategies in addition to the standard single classifiers such as decision tree, naive Bayes, support vector machine, and k-nearest neighbor (KNN), popularly used in literature. This is the first study that compares four ensemble strategies for environmental data mining: (i) bagging, (ii) bagging combined with random feature subset selection (the random forest algorithm), (iii) boosting (the AdaBoost algorithm), and (iv) voting of different algorithms. In the experimental studies, ensemble methods are tested on different real-world environmental datasets in various subjects such as air, ecology, rainfall, and soil

    Dynamic ensemble selection methods for heterogeneous data mining

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    Big data is often collected from multiple sources with possibly different features, representations and granularity and hence is defined as heterogeneous data. Such multiple datasets need to be fused together in some ways for further analysis. Data fusion at feature level requires domain knowledge and can be time-consuming and ineffective, but it could be avoided if decision-level fusion is applied properly. Ensemble methods appear to be an appropriate paradigm to do just that as each subset of heterogeneous data sources can be separately used to induce models independently and their decisions are then aggregated by a decision fusion function in an ensemble. This study investigates how heterogeneous data can be used to generate more diverse classifiers to build more accurate ensembles. A Dynamic Ensemble Selection Optimisation (DESO) framework is proposed, using the local feature space of heterogeneous data to increase diversity among classifiers and Simulated Annealing for optimisation. An implementation example of DESO — BaggingDES is provided with Bagging as a base platform of DESO, to test its performance and also explore the relationship between diversity and accuracy. Experiments are carried out with some heterogeneous datasets derived from real-world benchmark datasets. The statistical analyses of the results show that BaggingDES performed significantly better than the baseline method — decision tree, and reasonably better than the classic Bagging.and accuracy. Experiments were carried out with some heterogeneous datasets derived from real-world benchmark datasets. The statistical analyses of the results show that BaggingDES performed significantly better than the baseline method - decision tree, and reasonably better than the classic Bagging

    Ensemble Learning Methods for Educational Data Mining Applications

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    Student success efficacy studies are aimed at assessing instructional practices and learning environments by evaluating the success of and characterizing student subgroups that may benefit from such modalities. We develop an ensemble learning approach to perform these analytics tasks with specific focus on estimating individualized treatment effects (ITE). ITE are a measure from the personalized medicine literature that can, for each student, quantify the impact of the intervention strategy on student performance, even though the given student either did or did not experience this intervention (i.e., is either in the treatment group or in the control group). We illustrate our learning analytics methods in the study of a supplemental instruction component for a large enrollment introductory statistics course recognized as a curriculum bottleneck at San Diego State University. As part of this application, we show how the ensemble estimate of the ITE may be used to assess the pedagogical reform (supplemental instruction), advise students into supplemental instruction at the beginning of the course, and quantify the impact of the supplemental instruction component on at-risk subgroups. Higher Education researchers and Institutional Research practitioners struggle with the analysis of observational study data and estimation of treatment effects. Propensity score matching has widely been accepted to counteract inherent selection bias in these studies. We present an ensemble learner for propensity score estimation, and consider the use of inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW), variance stabilization weighting, and weight truncation to improve treatment effect estimation over propensity score matching. We run a simulation study to validate the treatment effect and propensity score estimation performance of the ensemble learner compared to logistic regression and random forest within the matching and weighting techniques. The results show that the use of the ensemble learner and variance stabilization with truncation result in the lowest mean squared error for treatment effect estimation. We contribute a new package in the statistical software environment R, matchED, that will provide educational researchers with a tool to help analyze student success study data and present actionable results. A tutorial guides the user through the use of each function and it\u27s parameters. A student success intervention is evaluated using the matchED package, and we are able to show that the intervention does help reduce an inherent equity gap between students in the intervention and their peers

    Weighted Heuristic Ensemble of Filters

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    Feature selection has become increasingly important in data mining in recent years due to the rapid increase in the dimensionality of big data. However, the reliability and consistency of feature selection methods (filters) vary considerably on different data and no single filter performs consistently well under various conditions. Therefore, feature selection ensemble has been investigated recently to provide more reliable and effective results than any individual one but all the existing feature selection ensemble treat the feature selection methods equally regardless of their performance. In this paper, we present a novel framework which applies weighted feature selection ensemble through proposing a systemic way of adding different weights to the feature selection methods-filters. Also, we investigate how to determine the appropriate weight for each filter in an ensemble. Experiments based on ten benchmark datasets show that theoretically and intuitively adding more weight to ‘good filters’ should lead to better results but in reality it is very uncertain. This assumption was found to be correct for some examples in our experiment. However, for other situations, filters which had been assumed to perform well showed bad performance leading to even worse results. Therefore adding weight to filters might not achieve much in accuracy terms, in addition to increasing complexity, time consumption and clearly decreasing the stability

    Application of bagging, boosting and stacking to intrusion detection

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    This paper investigates the possibility of using ensemble algorithms to improve the performance of network intrusion detection systems. We use an ensemble of three different methods, bagging, boosting and stacking, in order to improve the accuracy and reduce the false positive rate. We use four different data mining algorithms, naïve bayes, J48 (decision tree), JRip (rule induction) and iBK( nearest neighbour), as base classifiers for those ensemble methods. Our experiment shows that the prototype which implements four base classifiers and three ensemble algorithms achieves an accuracy of more than 99% in detecting known intrusions, but failed to detect novel intrusions with the accuracy rates of around just 60%. The use of bagging, boosting and stacking is unable to significantly improve the accuracy. Stacking is the only method that was able to reduce the false positive rate by a significantly high amount (46.84%); unfortunately, this method has the longest execution time and so is insufficient to implement in the intrusion detection fiel

    Improved customer choice predictions using ensemble methods

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    In this paper various ensemble learning methods from machinelearning and statistics are considered and applied to the customerchoice modeling problem. The application of ensemble learningusually improves the prediction quality of flexible models likedecision trees and thus leads to improved predictions. We giveexperimental results for two real-life marketing datasets usingdecision trees, ensemble versions of decision trees and thelogistic regression model, which is a standard approach for thisproblem. The ensemble models are found to improve upon individualdecision trees and outperform logistic regression.Next, an additive decomposition of the prediction error of amodel, the bias/variance decomposition, is considered. A modelwith a high bias lacks the flexibility to fit the data well. Ahigh variance indicates that a model is instable with respect todifferent datasets. Decision trees have a high variance componentand a low bias component in the prediction error, whereas logisticregression has a high bias component and a low variance component.It is shown that ensemble methods aim at minimizing the variancecomponent in the prediction error while leaving the bias componentunaltered. Bias/variance decompositions for all models for bothcustomer choice datasets are given to illustrate these concepts.brand choice;data mining;boosting;choice models;Bias/Variance decomposition;Bagging;CART;ensembles
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