1,998 research outputs found

    Sustainability in Shipbuilding – Observations from Project-Oriented Supply Network in Cruise Ship Construction

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    Sustainability is one key future driver regarding which kind of changes cruise and tourism industries will face and how related ecosystem can anticipate such drivers. Sustainability-oriented innovations might emerge as a differentiation factor for suppliers as a new competitive advantage. To understand more about emerging opportunities on these topics within Finnish maritime industry, Sustainability and Transparency in Shipbuilding Networks (SUSTIS) research and development project was launched in 2015 to develop a holistic approach for sustainability in shipbuilding. As part of the project’s second phase an explorative interview study in 17 organizations was carried out among cruise ship interior related suppliers which main findings are presented in this report. The goal of the study is to summarize previous research on shipbuilding’s construction phase sustainability impacts, point out practices with linkages on sustainability. Also, perceptions of cruise industry’s future and related drivers are discussed. The findings of the study support previous results related to project-based industries that sustainability-oriented innovations are complex to implement into the industry’s decision-making. The tendency of the industry’s actors to focus on business-driven on-going customer projects leaves usually room for incremental initiatives. Therefore results encourage long-term development across projects and introduction of new ideas must happen in early phase. Existing quality and supply chain management information capabilities are examined and considered useful for sustainability requirements. Safety is found as a priority in social sustainability but additional diversification is possible. Results are reflected against supplier-driven agenda construction for sustainability transition

    Leadership Strategies for Retaining Mariners Aboard State Maritime Academy Training Ships

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    The shortage of qualified merchant marines in the United States requires State Maritime Academy (SMA) leaders to develop competitive retention strategies to retain merchant mariners aboard training vessels. The purpose of this single case study was to identify retention strategies that U.S. SMA leaders used to retain mariners aboard training ships. The conceptual framework of this study was Vroom\u27s expectancy theory. The study participants consisted of 5 SMA leaders overseeing the mariners aboard a training vessel. Semistructured interviews and review of SMA documents pertaining to employment strategies provided the study data. The data analysis included collecting and coding data, and using the constant comparative method to identify the themes. Four themes related to successful retention strategies emerged from the data analysis: (a) the monetary value of employment and benefits must be comparable to what is available in the maritime industry, (b) professional development is necessary to maintain maritime industry credentials and improve employee performance within the organization, (c) recognition and understanding of the uniqueness of being a mariner as a profession is important to mariners, and (d) transparency and trust increase communication and improve retention. The findings of this study contribute to positive social change by providing best practices for SMA leaders to integrate retention strategies to improve employment satisfaction, enhance the training of mariners on U.S. waterways, and increase longevity of qualified mariners, which could create a healthy and positive work environment

    Maritime confidence building measures in the South China Sea conference

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    ASPI hosted a conference on Maritime Confidence Building Measures (MCBMs) in the South China Sea, 12-13 August 2013 in  Sydney. The objective of the conference was to develop proposals for prospective MCBMs for the South China Sea.  This report includes speeches by Senator Bob Carr, then Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Professor Dr Hasjim Djalal, Senior Advisor to the Indonesian Minister for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Indonesian Naval Chief of Staff and VADM Ray Griggs, Australia’s Chief of Navy. Papers by Dr Sam Bateman, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security, University of Wollongong, Captain Justin Jones, Sea Power Centre – Australia and Mr Kwa Chong Guan, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore further inform on the topic. The report contains a summary record of the conference and the Chairman’s final statement from the conference

    Stakeholder Management in Maritime Logistics Ecosystems: How tackling the main challenges of the industry

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    This PhD thesis deals with stakeholder management theoretical constructs and empirical practices within maritime logistics ecosystems. The rationale of the study grounds on the recent shift of the academic literature\u2019s focus on maritime logistics from the single organisation to the whole business ecosystem. In this perspective, formal and informal relationships with business partners and related parties have been demonstrated to become fundamental for the survival and success of firms and organisations belonging to maritime logistics ecosystems. The constant dialogue and coordination of strategic and operational activities between the heterogeneous actors constitute the preconditions to build wider and more resilient networks as well as to generate benefits for all parties and stakeholders involved. In this context, stakeholder management theoretical constructs can provide maritime logistics firms and organisations with useful managerial practices and best practices for identifying and exploiting unprecedented opportunities to handle relationships and interactions with both business parties and different categories of stakeholders. The variety of actors belonging to maritime logistics ecosystems as well as the array of related stakeholders, that unveils heterogeneous needs and interests, urge further empirical research to disentangle multiple practices of stakeholder management that have not all been investigated yet. In this vein, collaborative and responsible behaviours from maritime logistics firms and other involved organizations may support key actors with facing the new environmental, social, and technological challenges shaping the industry. In this perspective, this PhD thesis examines the main theoretical constructs of stakeholder management by performing an extensive literature review to comprehend the foundations and managerial benefits of stakeholder relationship management and corporate social responsibility. Then, it provides four empirical research to disentangle both strategies and behaviours of different maritime logistics actors, stressing the business benefits and managerial opportunities emerging from the adoption of well-defined and planned stakeholder management practices. Each empirical research addresses multiple challenges (i.e., environmental, social, and technological challenges) and assumes the perspective of one of the key actors of the maritime logistics ecosystem (i.e., once port managing bodies, once shipping companies, and twice terminal operators). The thesis investigates specific dimensions related to the strategic objectives, behaviours, and managerial options of these actors for effectively managing the relationships with their salient stakeholders. The outcomes of empirical research provide four valuable exploratory and qualitative studies grounding on stakeholder management literature. Managerial implications for private, public and hybrid actors of maritime logistics are extensively debated to pave the way for future studies on stakeholder management within this business ecosystem. In this perspective, this PhD thesis would take a step forward in the research on new managerial practices to effectively manage stakeholder relationships in the maritime logistics ecosystem

    Consulting report - SIMA PERU

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    The current report is a consulting project that has been elaborated for Servicios Industriales de la Marina S.A (SIMA). The motivation behind the study is to analyze the current issues within the company in order to assess and recommend a list of possible solutions for the client. At present, the main problem plaguing SIMA is its low levels of competitiveness within the metalworking sector. The report therefore conducted a thorough analysis to remedy the issue through the recommendation of both short and long term solutions. The report also took into consideration the immediate opportunity available to SIMA through the Reconstruction Plan in the wake of the El Niño Southern Oscillation System this past summer. It is therefore pertinent that SIMA act on the recommendations given in this report so that they may enhance the competitiveness of their metalworking sector and become an industry leader. The report highlighted four root causes that have hindered the success of the metalworking line, and has therefore created four strategic implementation plans that will help SIMA to build up their heavy metal industry from 2017 until 2020. In the short-term, SIMA will focus on building up its marketing abilities through CSR initiatives, whilst simultaneously creating strategic alliances with civil practices and large-scale clients. The former refers to the utilization of the Obras por Impuestos framework, which will allow SIMA to build alliances with companies with large amounts of taxes in exchange for work, thusly being mutually beneficial to both parties. Furthermore, strategic alliances will help SIMA to create a more well-rounded portfolio when bidding for projects, that will increase their probability of winning contracts. In the long-term, SIMA must look to focus on technological modernization and strategic human resource management. The former can be broken down into three separate areas of focus, where the client must update its obsolete metalworking equipment, create the capacity for modular bridge construction, and develop an engineering division specific to new engineering software programming. The latter is composed of strategies related to employee recruitment and employee retention, and are utilized to help reduce the issue of staff turnover within SIMA. When integrated into one master plan, both the short and long term strategies will aid in improving the competitiveness of SIMA’s metalworking sector, and will help it to achieve leadership status within the Peruvian market. Both group of strategies, the short term and long term plans, compose what it is named the Industry Leadership Plan. The total cost related is estimated in US3,363,553anddisbursedinatime−lapseoffouryears,whichmakestheplanfeasibleintheactualfinancialconditionsofSIMA.TheplansuggestedwouldbenefitSIMAenhancingtheirPublicImageandBrandawarenesswithanaffordableinvestmentthatrepresentspositiveNetPresentValues(NPV).Moreover,TheIndustryLeadershipPlanwouldallowSIMAtoincreasetheirMarketshareintheiractualtargetedmarketand,evenmore,suggestthemtotacklethenicheofprojectsunderthecontractmodalityofObrasporImpuestos.Finally,theplanisasharedvalueproposalbecauseitrepresentsawin−winsituationthatbenefitsthecompany,theState,theSuppliersand,theCommunity;bydevelopingthecapabilitiestogenerateverynecessaryprojectsfocusedontheNationalReconstructionoftheCountryduetotheeffectsofthelastElNin~oElpresentereporteesunProyectodeconsultorıˊaelaboradoparaServiciosIndustrialesdelaMarinaS.A.(SIMA).Lamotivacioˊndetraˊsdelestudiofueelanalizarlosproblemasactualesdentrodelacompan~ıˊaparaasıˊevaluarlosyrecomendarunalistadeposiblessoluciones.EnelPresente,elprincipalproblemaqueaquejaaSIMAsonlosbajosnivelesdecompetitividaddentrodelsectordeconstruccioˊnmetalmecaˊnico.Estereportedesarrollaunanaˊlisiscompletopararemediarelproblemaatraveˊsderecomendacionesdecortoylargoalcance.EstereportetambieˊntomaenconsideracioˊnlainmediataoportunidaddisponibleparaSIMAenelmarcodelPlanNacionaldeReconstruccioˊnaconsecuenciadelFenoˊmenodelNin~osucedidoelveranopasado.PortantoespertinentequeSIMAtomelasrecomendacionesbrindadasparaasıˊpodermejorarlacompetitividaddesulıˊneadenegociosenMetalmecaˊnicayconvertirseenellıˊderdelaindustria.Elreporteresaltacuatrocausasraıˊcesquehandificultadoeleˊxitodelalıˊneadeconstruccionesmetalmecaˊnicasy,deestemodo,sehacreadocuatroplanesestrateˊgicosdeimplementacioˊnqueayudaranaqueSIMAmejoreestalıˊneadenegociosdesdeel2017al2020.Enelcortoplazo,SIMAseenfocaraenmejorarsuscapacidadesdemarketingatraveˊsdeiniciativasdeResponsabilidadsocialalmismotiempoquecreaalianzasestrateˊgicasconempresasdeconstruccioˊncivilyclientesdegranenvergadura.LoanteriorserefierealautilizacioˊndelmarcolegaldeObrasporImpuestos,quepermitiraˊaSIMAelconstruiralianzasconcompan~ıˊascongrandessumasdeimpuestosqueintercambiaracambiodeproyectos,demodoqueseamutuamentebeneficiosoparaambaspartes.Maˊsaun,lasalianzasestrateˊgicasayudaranaSIMAacrearunelaboradoportafolioparacuandoliciteparaproyectosincrementandosuposibilidadparaobtenercontratos.Enellargoplazo,SIMAdeberaˊenfocarseenlamodernizacioˊntecnoloˊgicaylagerenciaestrateˊgicaderecursoshumanos.Loprimeropuedeserdivididoentresaˊreasdeenfoque,enlasqueelclientedeberaˊmejorarsuequipamientoobsoletodeconstruccionesmetalmecaˊnicas,crearlacapacidadparalaconstruccioˊndepuentesmodularesyfinalmentedesarrollarunadivisioˊndeingenierıˊaespecificaaldisen~oatraveˊsdesoftwaredeingenierıˊa.Losegundosecomponedeestrategiasrelacionadasalreclutamientodeempleadosyasuretencioˊn.EstasestrategiassonutilizadasparareducirelproblemaderetirosvoluntariosentrelosempleadosdeSIMA.Integradosenunplanmaestro,ambas,lasestrategiasdecortoylargoalcanceayudaranamejorarlacompetitividaddelalıˊneadenegociosdeconstruccionesmetalmecaˊnicasdeSIMAyayudaraˊnaalcanzarunstatusdeliderazgoenelmercadoperuano.Ambosgruposdeestrategias,lasdecortoylargoplazo,componeneldenominadoPlandeLiderazgodelaIndustria.ElcostototalrelacionadoesestimadoenUS 3,363,553 and disbursed in a time-lapse of four years, which makes the plan feasible in the actual financial conditions of SIMA. The plan suggested would benefit SIMA enhancing their Public Image and Brand awareness with an affordable investment that represents positive Net Present Values (NPV). Moreover, The Industry Leadership Plan would allow SIMA to increase their Market share in their actual targeted market and, even more, suggest them to tackle the niche of projects under the contract modality of Obras por Impuestos. Finally, the plan is a sharedvalue proposal because it represents a win-win situation that benefits the company, the State, the Suppliers and, the Community; by developing the capabilities to generate very necessary projects focused on the National Reconstruction of the Country due to the effects of the last El NiñoEl presente reporte es un Proyecto de consultoría elaborado para Servicios Industriales de la Marina S.A. (SIMA). La motivación detrás del estudio fue el analizar los problemas actuales dentro de la compañía para así evaluarlos y recomendar una lista de posibles soluciones. En el Presente, el principal problema que aqueja a SIMA son los bajos niveles de competitividad dentro del sector de construcción metal mecánico. Este reporte desarrolla un análisis completo para remediar el problema a través de recomendaciones de corto y largo alcance. Este reporte también toma en consideración la inmediata oportunidad disponible para SIMA en el marco del Plan Nacional de Reconstrucción a consecuencia del Fenómeno del Niño sucedido el verano pasado. Por tanto es pertinente que SIMA tome las recomendaciones brindadas para así poder mejorar la competitividad de su línea de negocios en Metal mecánica y convertirse en el líder de la industria. El reporte resalta cuatro causas raíces que han dificultado el éxito de la línea de construcciones metal mecánicas y, de este modo, se ha creado cuatro planes estratégicos de implementación que ayudaran a que SIMA mejore esta línea de negocios desde el 2017 al 2020. En el corto plazo, SIMA se enfocara en mejorar sus capacidades de marketing a través de iniciativas de Responsabilidad social al mismo tiempo que crea alianzas estratégicas con empresas de construcción civil y clientes de gran envergadura. Lo anterior se refiere a la utilización del marco legal de Obras por Impuestos, que permitirá a SIMA el construir alianzas con compañías con grandes sumas de impuestos que intercambiar a cambio de proyectos, de modo que sea mutuamente beneficioso para ambas partes. Más aun, las alianzas estratégicas ayudaran a SIMA a crear un elaborado portafolio para cuando licite para proyectos incrementando su posibilidad para obtener contratos. En el largo plazo, SIMA deberá enfocarse en la modernización tecnológica y la gerencia estratégica de recursos humanos. Lo primero puede ser dividido en tres áreas de enfoque, en las que el cliente deberá mejorar su equipamiento obsoleto de construcciones metalmecánicas, crear la capacidad para la construcción de puentes modulares y finalmente desarrollar una división de ingeniería especifica al diseño a través de software de ingeniería. Lo segundo se compone de estrategias relacionadas al reclutamiento de empleados y a su retención. Estas estrategias son utilizadas para reducir el problema de retiros voluntarios entre los empleados de SIMA. Integrados en un plan maestro, ambas, las estrategias de corto y largo alcance ayudaran a mejorar la competitividad de la línea de negocios de construcciones metalmecánicas de SIMA y ayudarán a alcanzar un status de liderazgo en el mercado peruano. Ambos grupos de estrategias, las de corto y largo plazo, componen el denominado Plan de Liderazgo de la Industria. El costo total relacionado es estimado en US 3,363,553 y desembolsado en un lapso de tiempo de cuatro años, volviendo el plan factible en las actuales condiciones financieras de SIMA. El plan sugerido beneficiaria a SIMA mejorando su imagen pública y reconocimiento de la marca, a través de una inversión viable que representa positivos Valores Actuales Netos (VAN). Más aún, el Plan de Liderazgo de la Industria permitiría a SIMA incrementar su participación de mercado en el mercado actualmente enfocado y, además, sugiere el enfocarse en el nicho de proyectos bajo la modalidad contractual de Obras por Impuestos. Finalmente, el plan es una propuesta de valor compartido dado que representa una idea beneficiosa para todas las partes involucradas tales como la compañía, el estado, los proveedores y la comunidad; al desarrollar las capacidades de generar muy necesarios proyectos enfocados en la Reconstrucción Nacional del País a consecuencia de los efectos del último fenómeno del niñoTesi

    Capacity-building project to progress the implementation of international instruments to combat IUU fishing (CAPFISH) : Workshop 3, 18-21 October 2022

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    Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a complex and multifaceted problem, with dire consequences for aquatic ecosystems, coastal communities, fishers and fish workers, and economic and national security. It particularly affects developing countries, and is estimated to cost the global economy USD 20 billion each year. This represents foregone taxes, license fees, and revenue from resources that could have been legally exploited. Future opportunities are also lost as fish stocks dwindle and collapse, with knock-on socioeconomic effects. As those involved in IUU fishing seek to cut costs wherever possible, and are often involved in other illegal activities, IUU fishing is also associated with human rights violations and poor working conditions, unsafe vessels, and maritime crimes such as drugs smuggling, arms smuggling, and human trafficking. The CAPFISH Project offers training on IUU fishing and tools to address it to those in key positions in developing countries, and fosters networks at regional and international level. This report provides an overview of the third CAPFISH workshop on IUU fishing, and contains abstracts from the presentations, biographies of the speakers and details of the attendees.https://commons.wmu.se/lib_reports/1087/thumbnail.jp

    Digitalization in ship management and operations: use of digital twin technology to monitor marine fouling

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    New England Journal of Entrepreneurship, Spring 2011

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    The Asia-Europe Meeting: Contributing to a New Global Governance Architecture

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    The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process was designed in 1996 to bring Asia and Europe closer together. This important collection brings together the discussions from the eighth ASEM Summit held in October 2010 in Brussels. It presents a multifaceted perspective of Asia-Europe convergences and disparities, shedding new light on the interregional political dialogue. Renowned academics and seasoned observers of Asia-Europe relations provide essential insights into the advantages and limitations of ASEM affairs, their most pertinent issues, and the role of ASEM as a constituent of the developing global governance architecture. In addition, the book offers a unique insider’s perspective of the preparations and negotiations of the Brussels events. In addition, the annex of the book includes ASEM-related primary sources not available in any publicly accessible records to date

    Summer/Fall 2014

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