548 research outputs found

    Pseudo-haptics survey: Human-computer interaction in extended reality & teleoperation

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    Pseudo-haptic techniques are becoming increasingly popular in human-computer interaction. They replicate haptic sensations by leveraging primarily visual feedback rather than mechanical actuators. These techniques bridge the gap between the real and virtual worlds by exploring the brain’s ability to integrate visual and haptic information. One of the many advantages of pseudo-haptic techniques is that they are cost-effective, portable, and flexible. They eliminate the need for direct attachment of haptic devices to the body, which can be heavy and large and require a lot of power and maintenance. Recent research has focused on applying these techniques to extended reality and mid-air interactions. To better understand the potential of pseudo-haptic techniques, the authors developed a novel taxonomy encompassing tactile feedback, kinesthetic feedback, and combined categories in multimodal approaches, ground not covered by previous surveys. This survey highlights multimodal strategies and potential avenues for future studies, particularly regarding integrating these techniques into extended reality and collaborative virtual environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Leveraging Tendon Vibration to Enhance Pseudo-Haptic Perceptions in VR

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    Pseudo-haptic techniques are used to modify haptic perception by appropriately changing visual feedback to body movements. Based on the knowledge that tendon vibration can affect our somatosensory perception, this paper proposes a method for leveraging tendon vibration to enhance pseudo-haptics during free arm motion. Three experiments were performed to examine the impact of tendon vibration on the range and resolution of pseudo-haptics. The first experiment investigated the effect of tendon vibration on the detection threshold of the discrepancy between visual and physical motion. The results indicated that vibrations applied to the inner tendons of the wrist and elbow increased the threshold, suggesting that tendon vibration can augment the applicable visual motion gain by approximately 13\% without users detecting the visual/physical discrepancy. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that tendon vibration acts as noise on haptic motion cues. The second experiment assessed the impact of tendon vibration on the resolution of pseudo-haptics by determining the just noticeable difference in pseudo-weight perception. The results suggested that the tendon vibration does not largely compromise the resolution of pseudo-haptics. The third experiment evaluated the equivalence between the weight perception triggered by tendon vibration and that by visual motion gain, that is, the point of subjective equality. The results revealed that vibration amplifies the weight perception and its effect was equivalent to that obtained using a gain of 0.64 without vibration, implying that the tendon vibration also functions as an additional haptic cue. Our results provide design guidelines and future work for enhancing pseudo-haptics with tendon vibration.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE TVC

    Move or Push? Studying Pseudo-Haptic Perceptions Obtained with Motion or Force Input

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    Pseudo-haptics techniques are interesting alternatives for generating haptic perceptions, which entails the manipulation of haptic perception through the appropriate alteration of primarily visual feedback in response to body movements. However, the use of pseudo-haptics techniques with a motion-input system can sometimes be limited. This paper investigates a novel approach for extending the potential of pseudo-haptics techniques in virtual reality (VR). The proposed approach utilizes a reaction force from force-input as a substitution of haptic cue for the pseudo-haptic perception. The paper introduced a manipulation method in which the vertical acceleration of the virtual hand is controlled by the extent of push-in of a force sensor. Such a force-input manipulation of a virtual body can not only present pseudo-haptics with less physical spaces and be used by more various users including physically handicapped people, but also can present the reaction force proportional to the user's input to the user. We hypothesized that such a haptic force cue would contribute to the pseudo-haptic perception. Therefore, the paper endeavors to investigate the force-input pseudo-haptic perception in a comparison with the motion-input pseudo-haptics. The paper compared force-input and motion-input manipulation in a point of achievable range and resolution of pseudo-haptic weight. The experimental results suggest that the force-input manipulation successfully extends the range of perceptible pseudo-weight by 80\% in comparison to the motion-input manipulation. On the other hand, it is revealed that the motion-input manipulation has 1 step larger number of distinguishable weight levels and is easier to operate than the force-input manipulation.Comment: This paper is now under review for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Physically Interacting With Four Dimensions

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2009People have long been fascinated with understanding the fourth dimension. While making pictures of 4D objects by projecting them to 3D can help reveal basic geometric features, 3D graphics images by themselves are of limited value. For example, just as 2D shadows of 3D curves may have lines crossing one another in the shadow, 3D graphics projections of smooth 4D topological surfaces can be interrupted where one surface intersects another. The research presented here creates physically realistic models for simple interactions with objects and materials in a virtual 4D world. We provide methods for the construction, multimodal exploration, and interactive manipulation of a wide variety of 4D objects. One basic achievement of this research is to exploit the free motion of a computer-based haptic probe to support a continuous motion that follows the \emph{local continuity\/} of a 4D surface, allowing collision-free exploration in the 3D projection. In 3D, this interactive probe follows the full local continuity of the surface as though we were in fact \emph{physically touching\/} the actual static 4D object. Our next contribution is to support dynamic 4D objects that can move, deform, and collide with other objects as well as with themselves. By combining graphics, haptics, and collision-sensing physical modeling, we can thus enhance our 4D visualization experience. Since we cannot actually place interaction devices in 4D, we develop fluid methods for interacting with a 4D object in its 3D shadow image using adapted reduced-dimension 3D tools for manipulating objects embedded in 4D. By physically modeling the correct properties of 4D surfaces, their bending forces, and their collisions in the 3D interactive or haptic controller interface, we can support full-featured physical exploration of 4D mathematical objects in a manner that is otherwise far beyond the real-world experience accessible to human beings

    Haptic and Audio-visual Stimuli: Enhancing Experiences and Interaction

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    Musical Haptics

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    Haptic Musical Instruments; Haptic Psychophysics; Interface Design and Evaluation; User Experience; Musical Performanc

    Advancing proxy-based haptic feedback in virtual reality

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    This thesis advances haptic feedback for Virtual Reality (VR). Our work is guided by Sutherland's 1965 vision of the ultimate display, which calls for VR systems to control the existence of matter. To push towards this vision, we build upon proxy-based haptic feedback, a technique characterized by the use of passive tangible props. The goal of this thesis is to tackle the central drawback of this approach, namely, its inflexibility, which yet hinders it to fulfill the vision of the ultimate display. Guided by four research questions, we first showcase the applicability of proxy-based VR haptics by employing the technique for data exploration. We then extend the VR system's control over users' haptic impressions in three steps. First, we contribute the class of Dynamic Passive Haptic Feedback (DPHF) alongside two novel concepts for conveying kinesthetic properties, like virtual weight and shape, through weight-shifting and drag-changing proxies. Conceptually orthogonal to this, we study how visual-haptic illusions can be leveraged to unnoticeably redirect the user's hand when reaching towards props. Here, we contribute a novel perception-inspired algorithm for Body Warping-based Hand Redirection (HR), an open-source framework for HR, and psychophysical insights. The thesis concludes by proving that the combination of DPHF and HR can outperform the individual techniques in terms of the achievable flexibility of the proxy-based haptic feedback.Diese Arbeit widmet sich haptischem Feedback für Virtual Reality (VR) und ist inspiriert von Sutherlands Vision des ultimativen Displays, welche VR-Systemen die Fähigkeit zuschreibt, Materie kontrollieren zu können. Um dieser Vision näher zu kommen, baut die Arbeit auf dem Konzept proxy-basierter Haptik auf, bei der haptische Eindrücke durch anfassbare Requisiten vermittelt werden. Ziel ist es, diesem Ansatz die für die Realisierung eines ultimativen Displays nötige Flexibilität zu verleihen. Dazu bearbeiten wir vier Forschungsfragen und zeigen zunächst die Anwendbarkeit proxy-basierter Haptik durch den Einsatz der Technik zur Datenexploration. Anschließend untersuchen wir in drei Schritten, wie VR-Systeme mehr Kontrolle über haptische Eindrücke von Nutzern erhalten können. Hierzu stellen wir Dynamic Passive Haptic Feedback (DPHF) vor, sowie zwei Verfahren, die kinästhetische Eindrücke wie virtuelles Gewicht und Form durch Gewichtsverlagerung und Veränderung des Luftwiderstandes von Requisiten vermitteln. Zusätzlich untersuchen wir, wie visuell-haptische Illusionen die Hand des Nutzers beim Greifen nach Requisiten unbemerkt umlenken können. Dabei stellen wir einen neuen Algorithmus zur Body Warping-based Hand Redirection (HR), ein Open-Source-Framework, sowie psychophysische Erkenntnisse vor. Abschließend zeigen wir, dass die Kombination von DPHF und HR proxy-basierte Haptik noch flexibler machen kann, als es die einzelnen Techniken alleine können

    Musical Haptics

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    Haptic Musical Instruments; Haptic Psychophysics; Interface Design and Evaluation; User Experience; Musical Performanc