76 research outputs found

    Learning Productive Mathematical Talk Moves Through Mix-Reality Simulation: The Case of Pre-service Elementary Teachers in a Hispanic Serving Institution

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    Teacher preparation programs require pre-service teachers to engage in field experiences that include participation in classrooms (Freeman, 2010). Mix-Reality Simulation (MRS) is a technological tool that can be implemented to provide pre-service teachers opportunities to develop pedagogical techniques such as providing feedback, conducting discussions, integrating technology with instruction while at the same time exploring different environments (Hixon & So, 2009). This paper presents preliminary results of a first-stage research in the implementation of a MRSs’ into an elementary teacher education program at a large Hispanic-Serving Institution. The purpose of the study was to determine whether differences existed between the groups in eliciting student’s mathematical understanding through the use of productive mathematical talk-moves (Chapin, O’Connor, & Anderson, 2009). Preliminary analysis show that the pre-service teachers exposed to MRS felt more confident in conducting formative assessment of students through questioning and clinical interviews, than their peers not exposed to the Intervention

    Emotion Based Prediction in the Context of Optimized Trajectory Planning for Immersive Learning

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    In the virtual elements of immersive learning, the use of Google Expedition and touch-screen-based emotion are examined. The objective is to investigate possible ways to combine these technologies to enhance virtual learning environments and learners emotional engagement. Pedagogical application, affordances, and cognitive load are the corresponding measures that are involved. Students will gain insight into the reason behind their significantly higher post-assessment Prediction Systems scores compared to preassessment scores through this work that leverages technology. This suggests that it is effective to include emotional elements in immersive learning scenarios. The results of this study may help develop new strategies by leveraging the features of immersive learning technology in educational technologies to improve virtual reality and augmented reality experiences. Furthermore, the effectiveness of immersive learning environments can be raised by utilizing magnetic, optical, or hybrid trackers that considerably improve object tracking.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    An Embodied Cognition Approach To Collaborative Engineering Design Activities

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    Higher educational institutions have broadly adopted Collaborative Engineering Design (CED) activities to prepare students for complex problem-solving in multidisciplinary settings. These activities are non-linear and mediated by various social practices and tools. Therefore educators might struggle in facilitating the achievement of specific learning goals. Embodied cognition is an approach that explains non-linear behaviour through orgamism-environment interactions and might therefore provide educators with insights on how to prompt students towards desired actions in CED activities. According to embodied cognition, we learn through actions that emerge as a response to a problem (task) and environmental constraints. Educators can guide students’ behaviour by proposing tasks and adapting the environmental constraints of a learning situation, thus creating a field of promoted action. In this paper, we outline the progress of a design-based research in which insights from embodied cognition are implemented to promote desired student behaviour in CED activities. We report on the results of our problem-exploration phase. A systematic literature review and focus groups with students revealed that students are often hesitant to adopt new practices and tools that could potentially improve their collaborative design process. Next, we propose three theory-based design principles in which the task and environmental constraints are leveraged to foster the adoption of practices and tools and apply them to CED activities. Finally, we will share preliminary observations of the learning processes triggered by the designed activities and outline the directions for future research


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    The authors propose an innovative Mixed Reality solution representing an immersive intuitive and interoperable environment to support service in industrial plants. These methodologies are related to concepts of Industry 4.0. Solutions based on a mix of VR and AR (Virtual and Augmented Reality ) with special attention to the maintenance of industrial machines; indeed the authors propose an overview of this approach and other synergistic techniques. Moreover, alternative instruments are presented and their specific advantages and disadvantages are described. Particularly, the approach is based on the SPIDER, an advanced interoperable interactive CAVE developed by the authors which supports cooperative work of several users involved in training, troubleshooting and supervision are proposed. Last but not least, an overview of projects using same techniques in other fields, such as construction, risk assessment, Virtual Prototyping and Simulation Based Design is presented

    Designing a Mobile Game Based on Augmented Reality Application for Learning Media

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    Designing games for educational purposes needs to consider various aspects that help lead to the making of a good game. This study aims to describe users’ responses towards the potential of the game for blended learning, the design stages and the trial which encompass pre-design input taking, design stages, trial, and evaluation. The inputs from the pre-design stage have been the basis for the media design; the trial stage inputs from the prospective users and two experts provide feedback for the validity of media both in content and construct aspects. The research subjects involved 100 Junior high school students, 5 English language teachers, and 1 game design expert. The tools of data collection are questionnaire and semi-structured interview which were developed by the researchers. The intended subject for which this game is designed is reading comprehension and the study is planned to be conducted in approximately eight months. Both types of feedback were used to evaluate the readiness of the media for the real use for blended learning model. The results showed that the validity in content and construct aspects were both very good. The trial result also suggests that the game is considered a decent product, attractive and easy to use for independent learning. Thus, the final evaluation suggests that the media is readily usable for the real context of blended learning

    Virtual Reality: Authentic and Immersive Learning in the Science Classroom

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    The diversity of learners within education is neither linear nor constant. Educators are challenged to be responsive and understanding when encouraging learners to construct meaning while adhering to stringent standards. The objective of this study is to integrate science standards into authentic learning experiences, created in both a traditional teaching method and virtual reality (VR) platform, for 8th grade middle school students in Lafayette, Louisiana. The authentic experiences were based on oral histories of the residents of Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, who have lost 98% of their ancestral homeland since 1955. These experiences were then tied to the National Science Standards (8-MS-ESS1-4, 8-MS-ESS2-2, and 8-MS-ESS3-1). The students were split into two groups and given either a PowerPoint or VR experience, both having the same content. The researchers tracked engagement, focus, interest, and how important the students thought the content was. Using an experimental approach, the researchers also gave a pre- and posttest to determine if the VR experience resulted in better academic learning than a regular, PowerPoint-based lecture. The students were also asked to comment on their experience of the PowerPoint versus the VR and describe what their experience

    Desain Ruang Belajar Roundtable (Meja Bundar) Dalam Peningkatan Keterampilan Sosial Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Social skills are a type of skill that must be possessed by students at the elementary school level. Because it is very necessary for their future in social life. Through the design of the Roundtable study room, students are expected to have good social skills. This study aims to describe what types of study room designs can create social skills in elementary school students. Qualitative analysis of Elementary School Students in Wringinrejo IV using the Roundtable study room learning design that has been implemented. The findings reveal that the design of the Roundtable study room can create social skills for elementary school students, through activities that facilitate the exchange of information between students, provide feedback and discuss material between students and teachers. However, there were several elementary school students who felt exposed and uncomfortable, so they tended not to participate. It can be concluded that the Roundtable study room design can create social skills, and moreover it is supported by the use of educational technology. Recommendations and suggestions are very open for future research.Keterampilan sosial merupakan salah satu jenis keterampilan yang harus dimiliki Siswa dijenjang Sekolah Dasar. Karena hal tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk kelak mereka dalam hidup bermasyrakat. Melalui desain ruang belajar Roundtable diharapkan siswa dapat memiliki keterampilan sosial yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis desain ruang belajar seperti apa yang dapat menciptakan keterampilan sosial Siswa di Sekolah Dasar. Analisis secara kualitatif dari Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Wringinrejo IV dengan menggunakan desain pembelajaran ruang belajar Roundtable yang telah dilaksanakan. Hasil temuan mengungkapkan bahwa desain ruang belajar Roundtable dapat menciptakan keterampilan sosial Siswa Sekolah Dasar, melalui kegiatan memberikan fasilitas pertukaran informasi antar Siswa, memberikan umpan balik dan pembahasan materi antara dan Guru. Namun, terdapat beberapa Siswa Sekolah Dasar yang merasa terekspos dan tidak nyaman sehingga cenderung tidak berpartisipasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa desain ruang belajar Roundtable dapat menciptakan keterampilan sosial, dan terlebih lagi didukung dengan penggunaan teknologi pendidikan. Rekomendasi dan saran sangat terbuka untuk penelitian yang akan datan

    Conceptual Model Elements for Mobile Augmented Reality for Engaging Hearing-Impaired Museum Visitors

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    Nowadays, designers are more concern with the issue of engagement and informal learning at museum and gallery sites. This has made studies to focus more on the use of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) at museum and gallery sites. However, most of the MAR applications for museum visitors are largely tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired (HI) visitors are not supported. Thus, this study explored design elements of mobile augmented reality for engaging hearing-impaired visitors at museum site, develop the conceptual model of MAR for HI museum visitors’ engagement based on the identified elements and to evaluate the contribution of the MAR for HI on museum visitors’ engagement. The findings of this study that is the proposed the conceptual model for engagement MAR needed for the design of an efficient museum MAR app for hearing impaired visitors’ depending on six elements are critical. These six elements include Aesthetics, Usability, Interaction, Motivation, Satisfaction and Enjoyment. This study argues that for an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community most especially hearing-impaired visitors to museum sites. This finding will help Mobile Augmented Reality designers and developers on how to design an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community at large and museum hearing-impaired visitors’ specifically
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