88,771 research outputs found

    Submodular memetic approximation for multiobjective parallel test paper generation

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    Parallel test paper generation is a biobjective distributed resource optimization problem, which aims to generate multiple similarly optimal test papers automatically according to multiple user-specified assessment criteria. Generating high-quality parallel test papers is challenging due to its NP-hardness in both of the collective objective functions. In this paper, we propose a submodular memetic approximation algorithm for solving this problem. The proposed algorithm is an adaptive memetic algorithm (MA), which exploits the submodular property of the collective objective functions to design greedy-based approximation algorithms for enhancing steps of the multiobjective MA. Synergizing the intensification of submodular local search mechanism with the diversification of the population-based submodular crossover operator, our algorithm can jointly optimize the total quality maximization objective and the fairness quality maximization objective. Our MA can achieve provable near-optimal solutions in a huge search space of large datasets in efficient polynomial runtime. Performance results on various datasets have shown that our algorithm has drastically outperformed the current techniques in terms of paper quality and runtime efficiency

    The relevance of outsourcing and leagile strategies in performance optimization of an integrated process planning and scheduling

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    Over the past few years growing global competition has forced the manufacturing industries to upgrade their old production strategies with the modern day approaches. As a result, recent interest has been developed towards finding an appropriate policy that could enable them to compete with others, and facilitate them to emerge as a market winner. Keeping in mind the abovementioned facts, in this paper the authors have proposed an integrated process planning and scheduling model inheriting the salient features of outsourcing, and leagile principles to compete in the existing market scenario. The paper also proposes a model based on leagile principles, where the integrated planning management has been practiced. In the present work a scheduling problem has been considered and overall minimization of makespan has been aimed. The paper shows the relevance of both the strategies in performance enhancement of the industries, in terms of their reduced makespan. The authors have also proposed a new hybrid Enhanced Swift Converging Simulated Annealing (ESCSA) algorithm, to solve the complex real-time scheduling problems. The proposed algorithm inherits the prominent features of the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA), and the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). The ESCSA algorithm reduces the makespan significantly in less computational time and number of iterations. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been shown by comparing the results with GA, SA, Tabu, and hybrid Tabu-SA optimization methods

    Performance optimization of a leagility inspired supply chain model: a CFGTSA algorithm based approach

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    Lean and agile principles have attracted considerable interest in the past few decades. Industrial sectors throughout the world are upgrading to these principles to enhance their performance, since they have been proven to be efficient in handling supply chains. However, the present market trend demands a more robust strategy incorporating the salient features of both lean and agile principles. Inspired by these, the leagility principle has emerged, encapsulating both lean and agile features. The present work proposes a leagile supply chain based model for manufacturing industries. The paper emphasizes the various aspects of leagile supply chain modeling and implementation and proposes a new Hybrid Chaos-based Fast Genetic Tabu Simulated Annealing (CFGTSA) algorithm to solve the complex scheduling problem prevailing in the leagile environment. The proposed CFGTSA algorithm is compared with the GA, SA, TS and Hybrid Tabu SA algorithms to demonstrate its efficacy in handling complex scheduling problems

    On controllability of neuronal networks with constraints on the average of control gains

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    Control gains play an important role in the control of a natural or a technical system since they reflect how much resource is required to optimize a certain control objective. This paper is concerned with the controllability of neuronal networks with constraints on the average value of the control gains injected in driver nodes, which are in accordance with engineering and biological backgrounds. In order to deal with the constraints on control gains, the controllability problem is transformed into a constrained optimization problem (COP). The introduction of the constraints on the control gains unavoidably leads to substantial difficulty in finding feasible as well as refining solutions. As such, a modified dynamic hybrid framework (MDyHF) is developed to solve this COP, based on an adaptive differential evolution and the concept of Pareto dominance. By comparing with statistical methods and several recently reported constrained optimization evolutionary algorithms (COEAs), we show that our proposed MDyHF is competitive and promising in studying the controllability of neuronal networks. Based on the MDyHF, we proceed to show the controlling regions under different levels of constraints. It is revealed that we should allocate the control gains economically when strong constraints are considered. In addition, it is found that as the constraints become more restrictive, the driver nodes are more likely to be selected from the nodes with a large degree. The results and methods presented in this paper will provide useful insights into developing new techniques to control a realistic complex network efficiently

    Performance evaluation on optimisation of 200 dimensional numerical tests - results and issues

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    Abstract: Many tasks in science and technology require optimisation. Resolving such tasks could bring great benefits to community. Multidimensional problems where optimisation parameters are hundreds and more face unusual computational limitations. Algorithms, which perform well on low number of dimensions, when are applied to high dimensional space suffers insuperable difficulties. This article presents an investigation on 200 dimensional scalable, heterogeneous, real-value, numerical tests. For some of these tests optimal values are dependent on dimensions’ number and virtually unknown for variety of dimensions. Dependence on initialisation for successful identification of optimal values is analysed by comparison between experiments with start from random initial locations and start from one location. The aim is to: (1) assess dependence on initialisation in optimisation of 200 dimensional tests; (2) evaluate tests complexity and required for their resolving periods of time; (3) analyse adaptation to tasks with unknown solutions; (4) identify specific peculiarities which could support the performance on high dimensions (5) identify computational limitations which numerical methods could face on high dimensions. Presented and analysed experimental results can be used for further comparison and evaluation of real value methods

    Performance evaluation on optimisation of 200 dimensional numerical tests - results and issues

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    Abstract: Many tasks in science and technology require optimisation. Resolving such tasks could bring great benefits to community. Multidimensional problems where optimisation parameters are hundreds and more face unusual computational limitations. Algorithms, which perform well on low number of dimensions, when are applied to high dimensional space suffers insuperable difficulties. This article presents an investigation on 200 dimensional scalable, heterogeneous, real-value, numerical tests. For some of these tests optimal values are dependent on dimensions’ number and virtually unknown for variety of dimensions. Dependence on initialisation for successful identification of optimal values is analysed by comparison between experiments with start from random initial locations and start from one location. The aim is to: (1) assess dependence on initialisation in optimisation of 200 dimensional tests; (2) evaluate tests complexity and required for their resolving periods of time; (3) analyse adaptation to tasks with unknown solutions; (4) identify specific peculiarities which could support the performance on high dimensions (5) identify computational limitations which numerical methods could face on high dimensions. Presented and analysed experimental results can be used for further comparison and evaluation of real value methods

    Optimized Solar Photovoltaic Generation in a Real Local Distribution Network

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    Remarkable penetration of renewable energy in electric networks, despite its valuable opportunities, such as power loss reduction and loadability improvements, has raised concerns for system operators. Such huge penetration can lead to a violation of the grid requirements, such as voltage and current limits and reverse power flow. Optimal placement and sizing of Distributed Generation (DG) are one of the best ways to strengthen the efficiency of the power systems. This paper builds a simulation model for the local distribution network based on obtained load profiles, GIS information, solar insolation, feeder and voltage settings, and define the optimization problem of solar PVDG installation to determine the optimal siting and sizing for different penetration levels with different objective functions. The objective functions include voltage profile improvement and energy loss minimization and the considered constraints include the physical distribution network constraints (AC power flow), the PV capacity constraint, and the voltage and reverse power flow constraints.Comment: To be published (Accepted) in: Proceedings of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Washington D.C., USA, 201
