5 research outputs found

    Fuzzy and smote resampling technique for imbalanced data sets

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    There are many factors that could affect the performance of a classifier.One of these factors is having imbalanced datasets which could lead to problem in classification accuracy.In binary classification, classifier often ignores instances in minority class.Resampling technique, specifically, undersampling and oversampling are the techniques that are commonly used to overcome the problem related to imbalanced data sets. In this study, an integration of undersampling and oversampling techniques is proposed to improve classification accuracy.The proposed technique is an integration between Fuzzy Distance-based Undersampling and SMOTE.The findings from the study indicate that the proposed combination technique is able to produce more balanced datasets to improve the classification accuracy

    A conceptual model of enhanced undersampling technique

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    Imbalanced datasets often lead to decrement of classifiers’ performance.Undersampling technique is one of the approaches that is used when dealing with imbalanced datasets problem.This paper discusses on the advantages and disadvantages of several undersampling techniques.An enhanced Distancebased undersampling technique is proposed to balance the imbalanced data that will be used for classification. The fuzzy logic has been integrated in the distance-based undersampling technique to resolve the ambiguity and bias issues

    An enhanced resampling technique for imbalanced data sets

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    A data set is considered imbalanced if the distribution of instances in one class (majority class) outnumbers the other class (minority class). The main problem related to binary imbalanced data sets is classifiers tend to ignore the minority class. Numerous resampling techniques such as undersampling, oversampling, and a combination of both techniques have been widely used. However, the undersampling and oversampling techniques suffer from elimination and addition of relevant data which may lead to poor classification results. Hence, this study aims to increase classification metrics by enhancing the undersampling technique and combining it with an existing oversampling technique. To achieve this objective, a Fuzzy Distancebased Undersampling (FDUS) is proposed. Entropy estimation is used to produce fuzzy thresholds to categorise the instances in majority and minority class into membership functions. FDUS is then combined with the Synthetic Minority Oversampling TEchnique (SMOTE) known as FDUS+SMOTE, which is executed in sequence until a balanced data set is achieved. FDUS and FDUS+SMOTE are compared with four techniques based on classification accuracy, F-measure and Gmean. From the results, FDUS achieved better classification accuracy, F-measure and G-mean, compared to the other techniques with an average of 80.57%, 0.85 and 0.78, respectively. This showed that fuzzy logic when incorporated with Distance-based Undersampling technique was able to reduce the elimination of relevant data. Further, the findings showed that FDUS+SMOTE performed better than combination of SMOTE and Tomek Links, and SMOTE and Edited Nearest Neighbour on benchmark data sets. FDUS+SMOTE has minimised the removal of relevant data from the majority class and avoid overfitting. On average, FDUS and FDUS+SMOTE were able to balance categorical, integer and real data sets and enhanced the performance of binary classification. Furthermore, the techniques performed well on small record size data sets that have of instances in the range of approximately 100 to 800

    A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Banking News Extraction by Multiclass Classification With Imbalanced Datasets of Financial News: Challenges and Solutions

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    Online portals provide an enormous amount of news articles every day. Over the years, numerous studies have concluded that news events have a significant impact on forecasting and interpreting the movement of stock prices. The creation of a framework for storing news-articles and collecting information for specific domains is an important and untested problem for the Indian stock market. When online news portals produce financial news articles about many subjects simultaneously, finding news articles that are important to the specific domain is nontrivial. A critical component of the aforementioned system should, therefore, include one module for extracting and storing news articles, and another module for classifying these text documents into a specific domain(s). In the current study, we have performed extensive experiments to classify the financial news articles into the predefined four classes Banking, Non-Banking, Governmental, and Global. The idea of multi-class classification was to extract the Banking news and its most correlated news articles from the pool of financial news articles scraped from various web news portals. The news articles divided into the mentioned classes were imbalanced. Imbalance data is a big difficulty with most classifier learning algorithms. However, as recent works suggest, class imbalances are not in themselves a problem, and degradation in performance is often correlated with certain variables relevant to data distribution, such as the existence in noisy and ambiguous instances in the adjacent class boundaries. A variety of solutions to addressing data imbalances have been proposed recently, over-sampling, down-sampling, and ensemble approach. We have presented the various challenges that occur with data imbalances in multiclass classification and solutions in dealing with these challenges. The paper has also shown a comparison of the performances of various machine learning models with imbalanced data and data balances using sampling and ensemble techniques. From the result, it’s clear that the performance of Random Forest classifier with data balances using the over-sampling technique SMOTE is best in terms of precision, recall, F-1, and accuracy. From the ensemble classifiers, the Balanced Bagging classifier has shown similar results as of the Random Forest classifier with SMOTE. Random forest classifier's accuracy, however, was 100% and it was 99% with the Balanced Bagging classifier

    An intelligent framework for pre-processing ancient Thai manuscripts on palm leaves

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    In Thailand’s early history, prior to the availability of paper and printing technologies, palm leaves were used to record information written by hand. These ancient documents contain invaluable knowledge. By digitising the manuscripts, the content can be preserved and made widely available to the interested community via electronic media. However, the content is difficult to access or retrieve. In order to extract relevant information from the document images efficiently, each step of the process requires reduction of irrelevant data such as noise or interference on the images. The pre-processing techniques serve the purpose of extracting regions of interest, reducing noise from the image and degrading the irrelevant background. The image can then be directly and efficiently processed for feature selection and extraction prior to the subsequent phase of character recognition. It is therefore the main objective of this study to develop an efficient and intelligent image preprocessing system that could be used to extract components from ancient manuscripts for information extraction and retrieval purposes. The main contributions of this thesis are the provision and enhancement of the region of interest by using an intelligent approach for the pre-processing of ancient Thai manuscripts on palm leaves and a detailed examination of the preprocessing techniques for palm leaf manuscripts. As noise reduction and binarisation are involved in the first step of pre-processing to eliminate noise and background from image documents, it is necessary for this step to provide a good quality output; otherwise, the accuracy of the subsequent stages will be affected. In this work, an intelligent approach to eliminate background was proposed and carried out by a selection of appropriate binarisation techniques using SVM. As there could be multiple binarisation techniques of choice, another approach was proposed to eliminate the background in this study in order to generate an optimal binarised image. The proposal is an ensemble architecture based on the majority vote scheme utilising local neighbouring information around a pixel of interest. To extract text from that binarised image, line segmentation was then applied based on the partial projection method as this method provides good results with slant texts and connected components. To improve the quality of the partial projection method, an Adaptive Partial Projection (APP) method was proposed. This technique adjusts the size of a character strip automatically by adapting the width of the strip to separate the connected component of consecutive lines through divide and conquer, and analysing the upper vowels and lower vowels of the text line. Finally, character segmentation was proposed using a hierarchical segmentation technique based on a contour-tracing algorithm. Touching components identified from the previous step were then separated by a trace of the background skeletons, and a combined method of segmentation. The key datasets used in this study are images provided by the Project for Palm Leaf Preservation, Northeastern Thailand Division, and benchmark datasets from the Document Image Binarisation Contest (DIBCO) series are used to compare the results of this work against other binarisation techniques. The experimental results have shown that the proposed methods in this study provide superior performance and will be used to support subsequent processing of the Thai ancient palm leaf documents. It is expected that the contributions from this study will also benefit research work on ancient manuscripts in other languages