1,084 research outputs found

    Working Paper No. 84, Designing the Future: The Influence of Lloyd J. Reynolds on American Product Innovation

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    This research inquiry shall explore how critical advances in American design products and consumerism can be traced back to the late Lloyd J. Reynolds and the silent yet powerful influence he has had on a generation of students, such as the innovative pioneer, Steve Jobs. Lloyd J. Reynolds was a renowned calligrapher and teacher at Reed College. The inquiry is structured chronologically, leading to Apple\u27s 2022 valuation of about two trillion dollars. Four significant areas shall be examined to trace this trajectory. Firstly, the paper examines the effects of calligraphy/typography on Lloyd J. Reynolds. Secondly, it delves into Steve Jobs’ inspirational time at Reed College, his travels to India, and how Zen Buddhism sparked his interest and later shaped his work at Apple. Thirdly, the paper covers the development of typography into the digital realm and how it changed the technology sector, specifically Apple. Lastly, the research paper highlights the importance of user experience design and innovation and their implications on consumerism and economics. Apple\u27s ascent to its leading position in the technology industry is analyzed in this area. The study shall use a qualitative research approach. Data shall be examined on previous interviews with experts in the design field, and analysis of primary and secondary sources, including Reynolds\u27 writings, interviews with him, and historical accounts of his teachings and inspiration

    Kalaia: branding through emerging technologies

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    Companies have existed for thousands of years all over the world, however, brands are the personality of a company, and as people, a broad range of personalities can be found, just like brands. The choice and use of the appropriate brand language according to the business’s vision, mission and value create the correct perception to its targeted customers. The name, the logo, the colours, the imagery chosen is the face of the brand. This thesis presents how and why to choose appropriate brand language, bringing to it added value, such as understanding why purple is more than mixing red and blue, or why choosing a particular shaped letter is more than a angled line. Just as brands change, times change as well; it is important to take into consideration the era we live in and the eras your brand will live in, this being longer than its founders. With this is mind, it was important to understand what the technological trends of the decade are, and what to expect as the billboards of tomorrow. Augmented reality was a trend which caught my attention and decided to investigate and implement while projecting creation of the brand. Considering the objective of creating a fashion brand in a technological era, it was important to conduct case studies of fashion brands, understand brand language and how augmented reality is implemented in their advertisement. Kalaia, a swimwear brand, I created with the development of this thesis is the ensemble of both theoretical and projection components form this course. Kalaia, selling products made in Portugal, intends to sell more than swimsuits but a lifestyle, for daring, irreverent and adventurous women.Empresas existem há centenas de anos, no entanto, as marcas são a personalidade de uma empresa e, como pessoas, uma grande variedade de personalidades pode ser encontrada em diferentes marcas. A escolha e o uso da linguagem visual apropriada, de acordo com a visão, missão e valores da empresa criam a perceção correta paro o público-alvo pretendido. O nome, o logotipo, as cores, as imagens escolhidas são a personalidade que encontramos nas marcas. Esta tese apresenta escolher a linguagem apropriada da marca para lhe acrescentar valor, tal como perceber que o roxo é mais do que a mistura de vermelho e azul ou que uma letra é mais que linhas angulares. Assim como as marcas mudam, os tempos também e é importante levar em consideração a época em que vivemos e as épocas em que uma marca ir permanecer. Com isso em mente, era importante entender quais são as tendências tecnológicas da década e o que esperar da publicidade de amanhã. A realidade aumentada foi uma tendência que me chamou à atenção e decidi investigar e implementar para a projeção e criação da marca. Considerando o objetivo de criar uma marca de moda durante uma era tecnológica, era importante realizar estudos de caso de marcas de moda, e compreender a linguagem visual utilizadas assim como a realidade aumentada implementada nas suas publicidades. Kalaia, uma marca de moda de praia que criei com o desenvolvimento desta tese, é o conjunto de componentes teóricos e práticos deste curso. A Kalaia, que vende produtos fabricados em Portugal, pretende vender mais do que fatos de banho, mas um estilo de vida para mulheres ousadas, e irreverentes

    City Tells:

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    City Tells. Guidelines to an Emotional Wayfinding System were developed to provide wayfinding information to visitors walking through historic environments and to ensure that unknown urban places become more welcoming, easier to navigate and more enjoyable for both visitors and tourists

    Investigating User Experiences Through Animation-based Sketching

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    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 1: Change, Voices, Open

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 1 includes papers from Change, Voices and Open tracks of the conference

    A Metaphysical and linguistic approach to type design and typography

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    Significant changes have taken place in the type design as a result of what has often been termed the desktop revolution. With the popularization and increased availability to the average person of typographic tools formerly available only to professionals type is slowly moving into the realm of personal communication. This move has sparked significant controversy among the various schools of typographic thought, but little consensus exists. As well, technological developments are contributing to a widening of the definition of what constitutes a typeface. This study, then, will examine the current views of type design as an art form and the reaches of the technological developments in progress in light of linguistics and metaphysical thought

    Understanding the relationship between signage and mobile map for indoor wayfinding

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    Wayfinding, a fundamental task in daily life, becomes more complicated and difficult with greater development of a society. People can become lost and frustrated by being disoriented in complex built environments. This study investigates the effect of combining a physical wayfinding system with a digital device on users\u27 wayfinding performance in a building with architectural complexity. Through exploring the combined use of signage and the Google Indoor Map, the study provides information on their interactivity, effectiveness and reliability for use in a wayfinding system that may increase understanding the design of well-functioning wayfinding systems. Twenty participants ranging widely in age were divided into four groups, which performed under different combination of four variables: existing signage, newly-designed prototype signage, and combination of the Google Indoor Map with the two signage systems. The task was to find three given destinations: Bookends Café, Tier 5 and CELT. When video recordings of the participants\u27 wayfinding behavior during the three tasks were reviewed and the post-survey after the task was analyzed, the limitations of using the Google Indoor Map as an interactive wayfinding aid were revealed and the significant role of physical sign system was reinforced. The study discussed these findings and suggested future directions for the combined use of physical signage systems with digital aids to improve the quality of the wayfinding experience for users

    Crossover Logics

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    As more and more of modern life is measured and calculated by computational machines, our realities are flattened into streams of data, bits, and binary. As a graphic designer operating under societal and technological systems that unrelentingly speed up, simplify, and reduce the individual into a digital form legible to machines, my response to these conditions is to search for moments of imagination, poetry, and play within these structures. In my practice, I pair machined forms with human gestures to bridge the duality between computer and human logics, the rational and the emotional, and the measurable and unmeasurable aspects of human experience. Crossover Logics documents my explorations at the edges of the schematic, the linguistic, and the coded, using and subverting these rational, conventional systems of communication to give form to personal experience and thought. Rather than reject the technological, I leverage technology to make work that is generative, with a multiplicity of meanings. Crossing between these seemingly opposite tendencies, I create patterns and structures that combine into alternative maps, diagrams, and systems that generate a poetic friction between the hard instrumentality of data logic and the intimacy of internal logic

    Towards a typology of typographic signification

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    The frame work for kinetic text messages on mobile phones

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    Text messaging on the mobile phone has become a hugely popular feature of youth oriented technology. Young people often use emoticons or small animated icons to convey expressive details such the speaker\u27s tone of voice or intensity of emotion. These icons, however, are quite limited in their expressive potential. Kinetic typography has the potential to go far beyond the emoticon. Using kinetic text messages, therefore, should produce more enjoyable communication experiences for young users. This study explores both the appeal of kinetic text messaging, and the small screen as a design format. The results of two surveys were used to develop a prototype and evaluate users\u27 impressions of kinetic messages. The results indicate that---the appeal of kinetic text messaging and level of acceptance among users appears to be high and suggests that kinetic text messaging should be developed as a future feature for mobile phones