6 research outputs found

    Quality of service optimization in IoT driven intelligent transportation system

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    High mobility in ITS, especially V2V communication networks, allows increasing coverage and quick assistance to users and neighboring networks, but also degrades the performance of the entire system due to fluctuation in the wireless channel. How to obtain better QoS during multimedia transmission in V2V over future generation networks (i.e., edge computing platforms) is very challenging due to the high mobility of vehicles and heterogeneity of future IoT-based edge computing networks. In this context, this article contributes in three distinct ways: to develop a QoS-aware, green, sustainable, reliable, and available (QGSRA) algorithm to support multimedia transmission in V2V over future IoT-driven edge computing networks; to implement a novel QoS optimization strategy in V2V during multimedia transmission over IoT-based edge computing platforms; to propose QoS metrics such as greenness (i.e., energy efficiency), sustainability (i.e., less battery charge consumption), reliability (i.e., less packet loss ratio), and availability (i.e., more coverage) to analyze the performance of V2V networks. Finally, the proposed QGSRA algorithm has been validated through extensive real-time datasets of vehicles to demonstrate how it outperforms conventional techniques, making it a potential candidate for multimedia transmission in V2V over self-adaptive edge computing platforms

    Antennas Performance Comparison of Multi-Bands for Optimal Outdoor and Indoor Environments Wireless Coverage

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    This paper aims to implement a wireless Wi-Fi network (Indoor and Outdoor) in order to cover the environment of the Oxford Institute (to learn languages and computer skills) in the best methods and lowest cost in order to provide Wi-Fi service for faculty members and all members of the administrative board and students. The realistic three-floor indoor and outdoor environments of the Institute were designed with Wireless InSite Package (WIP). In addition, emphasis was focus on the use of two types of transmitting devices (Directional and Omni-Directional). The aim of using these two devices is to determine which device is better to cover the Institute's environment well. In this work, a different frequency bands scenario was used to determine which band is suitable for coverage and stability of the wireless network. These bands are S-Band (2.4GHz), C-Band (5GHz), C-Band (10GHz), Ku-Band (15GHz), Ka-Band (28GHz), and MmWave (39GHz). Moreover, the focus has been on the most important basic parameters to determine the performance level of the two devices (Directional and Omni-Directional) as well as to determine the performance level of the wireless network. The most important of these parameters are Path Losses (LPath), Path Gain (GPath), Received Signal Strength (RSS), Strongest Received Power, Coverage Ratio (CR), and Received Signal Quality Ratio (RSQR). According to the results that emerged, it was observed that Omni-Directional antennas are much better than Directional antennas, especially in NLOS (None-Line-of-Sight) regions. It was also noted that CR, LPath, and RSS at S-Band (2.4GHz) are much better than the rest of the bands, so that the CR and the RSQR at this band reach 83.2184% and 95.7383%, respectively. While at the MmWave-Band (39GHz), it reaches 31.0345% and 70.7937% respectively

    IOT based-system for telecom tower fire detection and aviation obstruction light monitoring

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    A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyTelecommunication towers are radio masts, typically tall structures designed to support antennas for telecommunications and broadcasting. Many telecommunication towers in Habari Node are installed in remote locations, on top of tall buildings, and sometimes on hilltop areas that are not easily accessible. These make them prone to natural hazards, equipment, fuel and battery theft, and electricity faults. In some cases, these issues can cause the malfunction of the aviation obstruction light and fire outbreaks. This challenge affects prompt mitigations during breakdown and the challenges of aviation obstruction light and fire outbreaks. However, technological inputs have been developed to tackle these challenges. However, many of these technologies are associated with low performance due to lack of real-time interventions and auto-report to the systems' concerns, awareness, and inadequate information. Hence, the study used qualitative methods of data collection which led to develop a cost-effective, versatile system that can detect, extinguish, and send early alerts about fire, aviation obstruction light, and electricity power issues. The proposed system was developed to monitor and control the telecommunication tower using ESP32 WROOM-32D as a microcontroller, fire sensor, buzzer, BH1750 ambient light, LDR darkness sensor, relays, Pzem-004t, ThingSpeak cloud, and the global service message module (GSM) to alert all tower’s technicians and firefighters. The results revealed the prompt performance of the system in detecting and extinguishing fire. Also, the it can monitor aviation light for tower safety and turn on the automatic voltage and current regulator (AVCR) during overcurrent or overvoltage. Furthermore, the designed system has the capacity to initiate and send short message service (SMS) and call as an alert to check through mobile and web-based applicatio

    Enhancing vehicular communication using 5g-enabled smart collaborative networking

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    5G is increasingly becoming a prominent technology promoting the development of mobile networks. Meanwhile, the ever increasing demands for vehicular networks are driven by a variety of vehicular services and application scenarios. Therefore, a new architectural design, which can harness the benefits of 5G for vehicular networks, can take a solid step toward increasing bandwidth and improving reliability for vehicular communications. In this article, we focus on the innovations of a novel and practical 5G-enabled smart collaborative vehicular network (SCVN) architecture, based on our long-Term research and practice in this field. SCVN not only considers the various technical features of a 5G network, but also includes different mobile scenarios of vehicular networks. We have performed extensive experiments in various scenarios, including high-density vehicles moving at low or high speed across dense cells, to evaluate the performance of the proposed architecture. The real-world experimental results demonstrate that SCVN achieves better performance in throughput, reliability, and handover latency compared to its counterparts

    Enhancing vehicular communication using 5G-enabled smart collaborative networking

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    Δίκτυα Συνδεδεμένων Οχημάτων : Τρέχουσα Κατάσταση και Ανοιχτές Προκλήσεις

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    Η ολοένα αυξανόμενη παραγωγή οχημάτων σε όλο τον κόσμο και ταυτόχρονα η μεγαλύτερη ανάγκη για ασφάλεια αλλά και μείωση των εκπομπών άνθρακα που ορίζει μια σύγχρονη κοινωνία, έχουν οδηγήσει τη αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία σε νέες προκλήσεις για την δημιουργία ασφαλέστερων και φιλικότερων προς το περιβάλλον προτύπων για το σύστημα των οδικών μεταφορών. Αυτές οι προκλήσεις με την βοήθεια των ραγδαίως αναπτυσσόμενων νέων τεχνολογιών έχουν φέρει στην επιφάνεια τα λεγόμενα ασύρματα δίκτυα συνδεμένων οχημάτων και καινοτόμες υπηρεσίες όπως το Vehicle to Everything. Αυτές οι υπηρεσίες έχουν πολύ ψηλές απαιτήσεις και θέτουν αυστηρές προκλήσεις στο δίκτυο όπως η αξιοπιστία των υπηρεσιών, το latency και το mobility management καθώς μιλάμε για πολύ δυναμικά περιβάλλοντα. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία εξηγεί τα ασύρματα δίκτυα συνδεδεμένων οχημάτων και αναλύει ξεχωριστά τις επικοινωνίες (ασύρματες και κυψελωτές) που χρησιμοποιούνται σε αυτά τα δίκτυα. Ακόμα εξετάζει υβριδικές μεθόδους ασύρματων και κυψελωτών τεχνολογιών για την αντιμετώπιση αρκετών ζητημάτων όπως το handover, ενώ το 5G υπόσχεται να δώσει λύσεις σε αρκετές προκλήσεις. Ακόμα γίνεται αναφορά στα δίκτυα οχημάτων αυτοματοποιημένης οδήγησης, τα αυτόνομα διασυνδεδεμένα οχήματα καθώς και στο fog computing για δίκτυα οχημάτων. Τέλος γίνεται μια εκτενής ανάλυση των απαιτήσεων - προκλήσεων ασφαλείας καθώς και πιθανών κακόβουλων επιθέσεων σε δίκτυα οχημάτων, ενώ παρουσιάζονται και τεχνικές για την διατήρηση της ιδιωτικότητας και της εμπιστευτικότητας για την διασφάλιση των επικοινωνιών.The increasing production of vehicles around the world and at the same time the greater need for safety but also the reduction of carbon emissions defined by a modern society, has led the automotive industry to new challenges in order to create safer and more environmentally friendly standards for the road transport system. These challenges, with the help of rapidly evolving new technologies, have brought to the surface so-called wireless interconnected vehicle networks and innovative services such as Vehicle to Everything. These services have very high requirements and pose severe challenges to the network such as service reliability, latency and mobility management as we are talking about very dynamic environments. This dissertation explains the wireless networks of connected vehicles and analyzes separately the communications (wireless and cellular) used in these networks. It is also considering hybrid methods of wireless and cellular technologies to address several issues such as handover, while 5G promises to provide solutions to several challenges. Reference is also made to automated driving vehicle networks, autonomous interconnected vehicles as well as fog computing for vehicle networks. Finally, an extensive analysis is made of the requirements - security challenges as well as possible malicious attacks on vehicle networks. Techniques for maintaining privacy and confidentiality to secure communications are also presented