4 research outputs found

    Generating Groups of Products Using Graph Mining Techniques

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    AbstractRetail industry has evolved. Nowadays, companies around the world need a better and deeper understanding of their customers. In order to enhance store layout, generate customers groups, offers and personalized recommendations, among others. To accomplish these objectives, it is very important to know which products are related to each other.Classical approaches for clustering products, such as K-means or SOFM, do not work when exist scattered and large amounts of data. Even association rules give results that are difficult to interpret. These facts motivate us to use a novel approach that generates communities of products. One of the main advantages of these communities is that are meaningful and easily interpretable by retail analysts. This approach allows the processing of billions of transaction records within a reasonable time, according to the needs of companies

    De la investigación social a la técnica profesional : una crónica histórica del ARS en Chile (1995-2014)

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una crónica sobre la historia del Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) en Chile en los últimos 20 años, partiendo de un estudio bibliográfico de su desarrollo, sobre todo de la producción académica y científica, que, como se verá, evidencia ciertos patrones. El punto de partida del ARS en Chile se encuentra en el interés por llevar a cabo análisis de realidades sociales y comunitarias particulares; pasando posteriormente a la expansión en diferentes ámbitos (político, urbano, informático, etc.) y, en la etapa más reciente, la consolidación de diferentes líneas de investigación; pero sobre todo, el desarrollo de un importante proceso de profesionalización. Lo anterior, se evidencia en el cambio de foco o de interés del ARS en Chile, ya que evoluciona desde el análisis comunitario y social en sectores marginados hasta, preferentemente, el análisis de redes y comunidades virtuales. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se proyectan posibles líneas futuras de desarrollo del ARS en Chile a partir de su potencialidad, tanto en el ámbito profesional como en el académico.The main purpose of this paper is to present a chronicle on the history of Social Network Analysis (SNA) in Chile over the last 20 years, starting with a bibliographic study on its development, mainly on academic and scientific production, which, as it will be explained, shows certain patterns. We see the beginning of this evolution on the initial interest to carry out analysis on certain social and communitarian realities; then it expanded into another areas (politics, urban issues, computing, etc); and nowadays new lines of research have consolidated, mainly regarding professionalization. This shows a shift in the focus of SNA in Chile from communitarian and social issues on marginalized people, to virtual networks and communities. Given all this, we suggest several future lines of development for SNA in Chile, and we examine its potentiality for professional field, as well as for academic field

    Detecting Covert Networks in Multilingual Groups: Evidence within a Virtual World

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    This paper introduces an approach for the examination and organization of unstructured text to identify relationships between networks of individuals. This approach uses discourse analysis to identify information providers and recipients and determines the structure of covert organizations irrespective of the language that facilitate conversations between members. Then, this method applies social network analytics to determine the arrangement of a covert organization without any a priori knowledge of the network structure. This approach is tested and validated using communication data collected in a virtual world setting. Our analysis indicates that the proposed framework successfully detected the covert structure of three information networks, and their cliques, within an online gaming community during a simulation of a large-scale event