7 research outputs found

    Extending the data dictionary for data/knowledge management

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    Current relational database technology provides the means for efficiently storing and retrieving large amounts of data. By combining techniques learned from the field of artificial intelligence with this technology, it is possible to expand the capabilities of such systems. This paper suggests using the expanded domain concept, an object-oriented organization, and the storing of knowledge rules within the relational database as a solution to the unique problems associated with CAD/CAM and engineering data

    Analyzing a frame-based information system using the relational and entity-relationship data models

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    Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications

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    Proceedings of a conference held in Huntsville, Alabama, on November 15-16, 1988. The Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications brings together diverse technical and scientific work in order to help those who employ AI methods in space applications to identify common goals and to address issues of general interest in the AI community. Topics include the following: space applications of expert systems in fault diagnostics, in telemetry monitoring and data collection, in design and systems integration; and in planning and scheduling; knowledge representation, capture, verification, and management; robotics and vision; adaptive learning; and automatic programming

    A comprehensive part model and graphical schema representation for object-oriented databases

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    Part-whole modeling plays an important role in the development of database schemata in data-intensive application domains such as manufacturing, design, computer graphics. text document processing, and so on. Object-oriented databases (OODBs) have been targeted for use in such areas. Thus, it is essential that OODBs incorporate a part relationship as one of their modeling primitives. In this dissertation, we present a comprehensive OODB part model which expands the boundaries of OODB part-whole modeling along three fronts. First, it identifies and codifies new semantics for the OODB part relationship. Second, it provides two novel realizations for part relationships and their associated modeling constructs in the context of OODB data models. Third. it, provides an extensive graphical notation for the development of OODB schemata. The heart of the part model is a part relationship that imposes part-whole interaction on the instances of an OODB. The part relationship is divided into four characteristic dimensions: (1) exclusive/shared. (2) cardinality/ordinality, (3) dependency. and (A) value propagation. The latter forms the basis for the definition of derived attributes in a part hierarchy. To demonstrate the viability of our part model, we present two novel realizations for it in the context of existing OODBs. The first realizes the part relationship as an object class and utilizes only a basic set of OODB constructs. The second realization, an implementation of which is described in this dissertation, uses the unique metaclass mechanism of the VODAK Model Language (VML). This implementation shows that our part model can be incorporated into an existing OODB without having to rewrite a substantial subsystem of the OODB, and it also shows that the VML metaclass facility can indeed support extensions in terms of new semantic relationships. To facilitate the creation of part-whole schemata, we introduce an extensive graphical notation for the part relationship and its associated constructs. This notation complements our more general OODB graphical schema representation which includes symbols for classes, attributes. methods. and a variety of relationships. OO-dini, a graphical schema editor that employs our notation and supports conversion of the graphical schema into textual formats, is also discussed

    A knowledge-based system approach to helping engineers understand codes of practice

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    Civil engineers are increasingly called upon to design according to codes of practice which are foreign, or otherwise unfamiliar to the engineer. Some form of 'tool' to aid such engineers in the safe and effective use of unfamiliar codes, is therefore highly desirable. The argument presented in this thesis, is that a specialised 'knowledge-based system' (KBS) can be successfully constructed in order to provide various sons of insights into the design methods used in certain codes of practice. Three key ideas were used in the implementation produced during the research: the development of a novel set of complementary 'facilities' for examining the design methods used in codes; the support of comparison between the examination of two different codes; and ensuring the system's representation of codes and their examination, could be made readily comprehensible to engineers by using familiar human language phrases. Seven different facilities were developed in the research, including: the ability to view the codes installed in the system in a form close to a human language (such as English or French); the ability to perform parts of a code-based design procedure to various levels of detail; and the ability to inspect the interdependences of design parameters within codes. Use of these symbolic and numerical methods could provide the engineer with the information required to understand how and why an unfamiliar code would specify surprising, or otherwise unusual design parameters in some particular situation. They could also be used in a more exploratory fashion, with t1ie same broad aim of greater understanding of an unfamiliar code. A KBS is a sophisticated computer program that uses the idea of processiilg knowledge information. A characteristic feature of KBSs is that one of their primary components is a 'knowledge base' - a store of human expertise. The KBS built in this research, 'COPES' used an existing abbreviated form of the reinforced concrete (RC) beam design codes as its knowledge base. In particular, it contained 'procedural knowledge'. COPES was implemented using conventional computer systems and progranuning languages (pascal and FORTRAN on a Sun workstation). This is in contrast to most contemporary KBSs, which are often built using a 'shell', or an unconventional declarative programming language such as Prolog. One reason for this choice was that COPES used parts of previous computing work done with RC beam design codes, that had also used conventional computing techniques. However, our research did cover an investigation into the prospects for an alternative approach using a modem expert system shell. (It was confirmed that such an approach was generally less suitable in this particular application.) The COPES system proved to be a useful prototype 'toolbox' of various procedural knowledge extraction operations, which could help an engineer's understanding of an unfamiliar code of practice. To provide a practical system, the various explanatory methods developed could potentially be incorporated into an overall CAD (Computer-Aided Design) environment, or alternatively, wrapped up in a more sophisticated interactive program

    Systems autonomy technology: Executive summary and program plan

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    The National Space Strategy approved by the President and Congress in 1984 sets for NASA a major goal of conducting effective and productive space applications and technology programs which contribute materially toward United States leadership and security. To contribute to this goal, OAST supports the Nation's civil and defense space programs and overall economic growth. OAST objectives are to ensure timely provision of new concepts and advanced technologies, to support both the development of NASA missions in space and the space activities of industry and other organizations, to utilize the strengths of universities in conducting the NASA space research and technology program, and to maintain the NASA centers in positions of strength in critical space technology areas. In line with these objectives, NASA has established a new program in space automation and robotics that will result in the development and transfer and automation technology to increase the capabilities, productivity, and safety of NASA space programs including the Space Station, automated space platforms, lunar bases, Mars missions, and other deep space ventures. The NASA/OAST Automation and Robotics program is divided into two parts. Ames Research Center has the lead role in developing and demonstrating System Autonomy capabilities for space systems that need to make their own decisions and do their own planning. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has the lead role for Telerobotics (that portion of the program that has a strong human operator component in the control loop and some remote handling requirement in space). This program is intended to be a working document for NASA Headquarters, Program Offices, and implementing Project Management