8 research outputs found

    Manifold Constrained Low-Rank Decomposition

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    Low-rank decomposition (LRD) is a state-of-the-art method for visual data reconstruction and modelling. However, it is a very challenging problem when the image data contains significant occlusion, noise, illumination variation, and misalignment from rotation or viewpoint changes. We leverage the specific structure of data in order to improve the performance of LRD when the data are not ideal. To this end, we propose a new framework that embeds manifold priors into LRD. To implement the framework, we design an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method which efficiently integrates the manifold constraints during the optimization process. The proposed approach is successfully used to calculate low-rank models from face images, hand-written digits and planar surface images. The results show a consistent increase of performance when compared to the state-of-the-art over a wide range of realistic image misalignments and corruptions

    A Support Vector Data Description Committee for Face Detection

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    Face detection is a crucial prestage for face recognition and is often treated as a binary (face and nonface) classification problem. While this strategy is simple to implement, face detection accuracy would drop when nonface training patterns are undersampled. To avoid these problems, we propose in this paper a one-class learning-based face detector called support vector data description (SVDD) committee, which consists of several SVDD members, each of which is trained on a subset of face patterns. Nonfaces are not required in the training of the SVDD committee. Therefore, the face detection accuracy of SVDD committee is independent of the nonface training patterns. Moreover, the proposed SVDD committee is also able to improve generalization ability of the original SVDD when the face data set has a multicluster distribution. Experiments carried out on the extended MIT face data set show that the proposed SVDD committee can achieve better face detection accuracy than the widely used SVM face detector and performs better than other one-class classifiers, including the original SVDD and the kernel principal component analysis (Kernel PCA)

    Scale And Pose Invariant Real-time Face Detection And Tracking

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Bu çalışmada görüntü tabanlı en gözde ve en yeni yöntemlerden biri olan ve Adaboost algoritması, “Integral Görüntü” tekniği ve kaskat sınıflandırıcılara dayalı yöntem kullanılarak insan yüzünün bulunması ve izlenmesi gerçeklendi. Beş değişik poza (sol, sol+45°, ön yüz, sağ+45° ve sağ) ait insan yüzü bu yöntemle eğitildi. Ayrıca, kolay uygulanabilirliğinden ve gerçek zamanlı uygulamalardaki hızından dolayı, yüzün izlenmesi için CAMSHIFT algoritması kullanıldı. Görüntü işlemenin gerçek zamanlı uygulamalara kötü yöndeki etkisinden kaçınmak için paralel programlama gerçeklendi. Bunu sağlamak için iki iplikçik (ana ve çocuk) oluşturuldu. Çocuk iplikçik alınan görüntü çerçeveleri üzerinde yüzleri bulmaya çalışırken, ana iplikçik de gelen tüm görüntüleri çoçuk iplikçikten aldığı veriye göre işler ve bunu kullanıcı penceresine basar. Sonuç olarak, insan yüzlerini bulma ve izleme sistemi başarılı bi gerçeklendi ve üç farklı test kümesi ile bir video kümesindeki test sonuçlarına göre yüksek başarım oranı sağladığı görüldü.In this study, one of the most popular and recent appearance based face detection method used which is a combination of Adaboost algorithm, Integral Image and cascading classifiers. Faces are trained for five different poses (left, left+45°, front, right+45° and right). Also, CAMSHIFT algorithm is used for face tracking because of its speed and easy implementation for face. To avoid impact of image analysis’s computations on Real-time application, parallel processing methods were used. Two processes (main and child) were created for this purpose. Child process detects faces periodically on the given frame while the main one process all frames and displays the results of child process to the user screen. In conclusion, our face detection and tracking system has been implemented successfully and it has demonstrated significantly high detection/tracking rates based on the tests on three different image databases and one video database.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Enhancing human face detection by resampling examples through manifolds

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    As a large-scale database of hundreds of thousands of face images collected from the Internet and digital cameras becomes available, how to utilize it to train a well-performed face detector is a quite challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a method to resample a representative training set from a collected large-scale database to train a robust human face detector. First, in a high-dimensional space, we estimate geodesic distances between pairs of face samples/examples inside the collected face set by isometric feature mapping (Isomap) and then subsample the face set. After that, we embed the face set to a low-dimensional manifold space and obtain the low-dimensional embedding. Subsequently, in the embedding, we interweave the face set based on the weights computed by locally linear embedding (LLE). Furthermore, we resample nonfaces by Isomap and LLE likewise. Using the resulting face and nonface samples, we train an AdaBoost-based face detector and run it on a large database to collect false alarms. We then use the false detections to train a one-class support vector machine (SVM). Combining the AdaBoost and one-class SVM-based face detector, we obtain a stronger detector. The experimental results on the MIT + CMU frontal face test set demonstrated that the proposed method significantly outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods

    3D object reconstruction using computer vision : reconstruction and characterization applications for external human anatomical structures

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201